Dune Saga by Rising Sun - HTML preview

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• Maker – See Shi’hulud

• Idaho, Duncan – Latest in an endless line

• Mehda'in, Xavier – Mentat of the Prince

of Gholas. Swordmaster, Commander in

Rammen Corrino.

Chief of the Atreides Military, husband

• Melange – The addictive spice that the

to Arista Atreides and father of the

Empire has become dependant on for a


myriad of functions.

• Irlan, Princess – Wife of Paul Atreides

• Mentat – Human analyzers. Trained to

• ISAF - Interplanetary Security

replace thinking machines.

Assistance Force

• Maud'Dib – See Atreides, Paul

• Ix – Planet Ix created forbidden

• Mick’N – Nabib of Mick’N Sietch,

technologies and was eventually

friend and advisor to the Atreides

shunned by the Landsraad.



• Mother Superior Sasha – Supreme