Dune Saga by Rising Sun - HTML preview

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• Terran Growth Inc. (TGI) – Cloning

Company set up to rival the production

• Rakis - Also see Arakkis.

of Gholas. Hired by House Corrino to

• Reverend Mother Dwanna – Commando

mass-produce Shadukar.

sent to investigate rumours of Worm

• ‘Thopter – Air-transport with the ability

Sign on Selusa Secundas.

to hover. Usual carrying capacity is for

• Reverend Mother Farrah – Mentat and

four persons.

the Sister in charge of the revised

• Thumper - Device used by desert

breeding program to produce a female

dwellers to call the worms. They are

Kwisatz Haderach.

drawn to the rhythmic sounds it makes.

• Reverend Mother Kardon – Resident

• Tleilaxu – A secret society. Not much is

Ambassador to the Planet Selusa

known except that they are religious

Secundas and the Family Corinno.

fanatic fundamentalists.

• Reverend Mother Mo’Hadin - Resident

• Truth Sayer – A person with the ability

Ambassador to the Royal Court of the

to tell the truth from a lie.

Empress Arista Atreides.

• Tyrant – See Atreides, Leto II

• Reverend Mother Shakira – Truth Sayer

and tester of Dax Atreides