Einsteiner by VK Fourstone - HTML preview

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After two weeks, Isaac and Bikie, having collected an ocean of information and analyzed it forwards, backwards and sideways, were still stuck right where they had started. They still have not come up with any theory concerning Link’s whereabouts.

They discussed and argued, trying to persuade each other, but in fact did not make any progress.

Isaac looked at the data they had and summed things up. “So, our old boy didn’t take many holidays and he loved islands. He was quite fond of Thailand, Corsica and Sardinia, and he had been to China. He visited America too, but mostly on business, for holidays he usually chose the Mediterranean islands. Sometimes he went just for a weekend, sometimes staying longer and, interestingly, often called a Dutch escort service before setting off. Well yes, sitting in the lab for hours on end does make it pretty hard to find a female companion. The rest is general information: date of birth, education nothing that gives us any insight.”

“Isaac, why are we trying to find him in the first place? Putting in so much effort? Maybe we ought to try studying the actual technology?”

“Intuition, Bikie. If we find him, maybe we’ll find both our question and answer at the same time. In theory, the man who created it can destroy it too. Lots of people who’ve tried to produce the technology have got nowhere and we want to break it. What if we cause some disaster? It’s dangerous. Better let Link stop it when we find him.”

“If he can, and if he wants to…”

“We’ll make him. I’m sure he knows a couple of secrets how to persuade people from downloading.”

“What if he’s a big fan of his eyecandy?”

“Stop cooking Link before catching him. We’ll work it out. By the way, what about the woman he loves? If he’s alive, she’s probably somewhere close by. Analyze her data. Maybe it’s not so secret, and anyway women don’t worry as much about security, or rather, they’re not as careful as a paranoid scientist. If she’s not from scientific environment, she could easily have left tracks.”

“Well that would be a good idea, except that I haven’t really found any personal connections for Link.”

“And what about that escort service? Why don’t you think he could have called and dated the same woman all the time?”

This secret side of Link’s life could turn up some leads. Only they had to take into account that such a service probably didn’t have permanent sites or a permanent telephone number. But they didn’t have anything else, and Bikie started on the analysis.

A few hours later Isaac looked in on his friend, and from Bikie’s excited appearance, he realized they finally had some kind of lead! “I think I know where our pal weaves his nest from time to time.” Bikie was really excited, and Isaac realized he was about to deliver some kind of bombshell. “Every time after he called the agency from this number, there was another call, to a mobile or landline number. The mobile number’s been out of use for a long time, unfortunately, but I wouldn’t have spent much time on it anyway because I came across something more interesting. The landline number is in Amsterdam, it’s listed to an apartment at an address that came up once at the immigration office. So, according to the report on this address, two girls lived there. A certain Yoshi Kato and a certain Hiro Okamoto. So our man was not only fond of his laboratory flasks, he liked a touch of Japanese flavor.”


“After that I came across Yoshi Kato several times.”

“But Hiro not once, apparently,” Isaac guessed with a smile. “Bull’s-eye! Well done, kiddo, you catch on quick.”

“And I’d even venture a guess that you’ve already gathered the info on Yoshi.”

“Bull’s-eye again!” “And you’ve found…”

“So far shit-all,” Bikie replied vulgarly. “Apart from the fact that she has a residence permit in England! But hang on; I haven’t been digging for long.”

“Well now, Amsterdam is not Tokyo, we can make an on- site inspection. Link had a cozy set-up, a one-hour flight and no prying eyes. I think I’ll take a flight over there,” Isaac summed up.

Thank God prostitution in Holland was legal, so they had a fair chance of finding the Japanese girl or her friend. Even though Bikie was working away tirelessly and the search for information needed to be continued, it was impossible to stop him from taking a trip to Amsterdam.

“You know that we haven’t got any money to spare, don’t you? I’ll manage on my own,” Isaac assured him.

“I agree to a hotel with a half of a star, I even agree to sleep with you in the same bed, I will not eat or drink, but I’m definitely going to Amsterdam, that’s non-negotiable… Oh, and I’m taking back my vow not to drink.”

Realizing that resistance was futile, Isaac called Peter and warned him they would be going to Amsterdam. Peter laughed and asked on what dates they would be away.

From Monaco to Amsterdam is fifteen hundred kilometers. After a small argument with Bikie, who, having won himself a trip, promptly suggested going on his Harley, the alternative of going by plane won out. Neither a car nor a motorbike was convenient in Amsterdam.

Isaac bought the very cheapest tickets and found a budget apartment with two beds through a mobile phone app.

Bikie was so excited he wouldn’t let Isaac sleep until three in the morning. Alth