Einsteiner by VK Fourstone - HTML preview

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Hardly had the morning smile faded from the commissioner's face, when his mobile rang. The number was that of Monaco must be from the hospital, Pellegrini thought and picked up.

"Commissioner Pellegrini? Good afternoon! We didn't have the chance to speak a few days ago, sorry about that. This is the attending doctor of Victoria Frank, you asked me to get in touch with you.”

“Yes, thank you for calling back. The thing is that her brother, Isaac Leroy, is our suspect,” Pellegrini had already made his decision.

Probably because of different kinds of medical equipment, the doctor's phone wasn't working very well, issuing background noises, which made him miss the last word, so he continued:

“Yes, Isaac... why, her only relative, I know him well. A kind-hearted man. Selfless. He sold all, to pay for the treatment of his sister. I really empathize with him in this difficult situation. He has signed a contract for the operation, left a check, had to pay thus wanted money, the orange energy was supposed to help. But this terrible terrorist attack! He did succeed, and now his sister is in a coma. And now he's got another couple of months. He said he has found the means, so I hope they will be fine!”

“How did he find it? Where?” Pellegrini stiffened.

“It seems, sold his invention. Said, the money will be there soon.

“Are you sure? How long is his sister being treated?”

Nearly a year. And a sharp deterioration happened just then, before the attack. What would you like to ask?”

“Nothing. Thank you. I'll still call you.”

The Commissioner could not breathe. So the truth was that selling creativity for the sake of treatment of his sister. Isaac is not a felon, but a normal decent person. Pellegrini was terribly embarrassed that he so easily judged the good guy. The commissioner opened the Cabinet, poured some whiskey and drank. Such mistakes he had never allowed. Damn the Agency, brought up the fact that he, an experienced police officer, invented a criminal! Also scared the poor lad!

Calling back with apologies wasn't in the commissioner's manner, his job didn't really suggest things like that.

Something was dragging Isaac down, he tried to turn and failed thus waking up. With surprise, he found himself sitting on a chair, with bound hands behind his back. Next to him was also captivated Bikie sleeping right on the chair.

“Bikie, wake up! Isaac realized that they are in serious trouble.

“What? Where are we? Isaac, is that you?” woken up Bikie couldn't fully understand.

“We are restrained! Professor! Jerk!” Isaac tried to free his arms – nothing worked.

"Damn it!” echoed Bikie.

From behind their backs silently the red haired guy emerged and quietly left the room. Isaac tried to understand where they were, apparently on the same Villa, only now in the basement. The walls were dimly lit, along them were various boxes, some wine racks, and a large cigar humidor. There were no windows, it smelt of damp.

The Professor entered the room and turned on the light.

“Good morning, boys! I trust you slept well?” he asked as if nothing had happened.

“What is it, Professor?” angrily asked Bikie.

“Nothing. A small check. Precautions. Now I can't say anything. Let's wait it out," replied Link.

The red-bearded assistant brought some equipment, both related to connecting several sensors.

What are you going to do with us? Isaac cursed himself for his gullibility. “What is it?”

“We'll have a chat. This is a polygraph. More precisely, the lie detector of my own invention.”

“And what are we going to have to tell you?” “All. All that I decide to ask you.”

“And if not?”

“Then I will connect another equipment. I have been doing neural research for many years. A nudge here and there. At a small level, and I'll let you go.”

“Just let us go like that?”

Of course! Minimal artificial amnesia will not hurt you. Unfortunately, it won't follow a chronological order. Memory fade will be random, and while I don't see what you really forget about this place, or what I was looking for, I have to proceed further.

“So, we can forget not only you but also something else?”

“Unfortunately, yes. I'm really sorry. I didn't invite you here. You came.”

Isaac was terrified. The Professor could do what he said, he had no doubt about that. He could erase their memory! Childhood, youth, parents, Michelle, even Vicky! God, Isaac can choose to forget that Vicky needs an urgent operation!

What are you, fucking Professor! muttered Bikie. We come to you with a pure heart, and you!”

“Let's check that pure heart," replied Link. “Isaac, you can start your story. How did you find me and why. Everything, everything, in fine detail. It's in your best interest.”

Isaac told the professor his story since the attack. He didn't conceal either Yoshi nor their trip to England nor a cigar shop. Wanting to protect Peter, he explained that Wolanski did not know where they are exactly and that he doesn't know they found the Professor. Michelle wasn't aware of their business at all. After the story, Isaac answered some additional questions. He didn't know how to work around the polygraph, so he couldn't lie to the machine, but he didn't have bad thoughts either.

“I think you have something to add,” said the Professor and eyed Bikie.

Bikie moved uneasily, and looking askance replied firmly: No!”

“There is a simple choice. You either say or stay silent, if you are silent or lie, I erase the memory of you both.”

“No,” repeated Bikie. “Nothing.”

“Think, Professor sighed. “It's not just about you. Also, about Isaac, about his sister. Or are you satisfied with the role of Pascal-2? This time, it's in your hands, not his.”

Isaac did not understand what was happening, but judging by Bikie's grim face, his friend was stubbornly silent about something.

“Isaac's motivation is clear to me. But yours... How far were you going to go?”

“I was going to kill you,” suddenly calmly replied Bikie. Isaac caught an eloquent look from the Professor: "You see, Isaac, what's your buddy like. You didn't expect and it is the truth.”

There was a pause.

“But beyond that, Bikie, are you serious? You lied to me all this time?” Isaac felt betrayed.

“For his father,” calmly replied Link instead of Bikie.

“Yes. I was going to kill you. My dad was