Encala : Book 3 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 - Trial


It'd been a month since they got back from the deserted island, and Emily waited patiently for them to try Kyle. The date was finally set and it was rumored that she would testify, even though she refused at first.

The Council gathered in their seats with a gloom, and the lights were dimmed. It was troubled times when they had to bring one of their highest ranking guards into a trial. The seats down below them were filled with heku from the guard staff and the town. There were three empty chairs sitting out in front of the rest, facing the Council.

“Derrick, bring in the accused,” Leonid said to the door guard.

The door opened and Kyle stepped in, still wearing his Captain's uniform. His hands were bound in front of him, and he walked over to the chairs and sat down on the left-hand seat.

“The guards present on the island will be represented by Mark, bring him in,” Leonid said, watching Kyle closely.

Mark walked in wearing his official uniform, with his head held high. He sat in the middle chair.

Leonid turned to Elder Chevalier, “Do you wish for Lady Emily to be present for this?”

Chevalier nodded.

Bring in Lady Emily,” Leonid said, and watched the guard open the door. Emily walked in and looked around. She didn't realize how many were going to be present for this. She didn't want this many heku to know what happened. She was wearing the blue slip dress Margaret had made for her, and it suddenly felt cold in the room.

“Please, take a seat,” the guard at the door whispered to her.

Emily looked one more time at the crowd, and then walked in to sit down by Mark. She crossed her ankles and laid her hands in her lap.

“We will proceed if there are no objections,” Maleth said, and looked at Emily when she raised her hand. “Yes, Emily?”

Emily stood up, blushing, and walked to Maleth. He leaned down and she whispered into his ear, softly enough that the rest of the heku couldn't make out her words.

He stood back up and waited until she sat down again, “This is now a closed trial. If you have no part of this, you will leave immediately.”

Emily watched her hands in her lap as the heku from the audience filed out of the council chambers. When the last of the audience was gone, Maleth stood up again.

“Are there any other requests?” he asked the three of them left.

“I call for a conflict of interest,” Kyle said to Maleth.

“On what grounds?”

On the grounds that Elder Chevalier's wife is involved. I ask that he not be present.”

Emily tensed and looked up nervously at Chevalier. He was glaring coldly at Kyle.

The council members nodded in succession and Chevalier got up angrily, slamming his chair against the back wall as he left the room.

Emily watched him go and then looked at the Council fearfully.

Maleth smiled at her reassuringly, “He won't be far, Dear.”

She nodded.

Shall we proceed?” Maleth asked again, and this time, no one said anything.

These proceedings will cover the two charges filed against Kyle. The first is attempted rape.” He hesitated as Emily winced, “The other is feeding without permission of the donor. How do you plead?”

Kyle stood, “Not guilty to the first charge and guilty to the second.”

Mark looked up at him, shocked.

Very well,” Maleth said. “Let's take the first offense. Lady Emily, please tell us in your own words what happened.”

Emily shook her head. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she stared at her hands.

Leonid grinned slightly. It wasn't often that someone told an Elder no.

Maleth frowned, “Emily, we need an account so we can decide.”

“Don't make her testify,” Kyle said angrily.

You will not speak until spoken to. Lady Emily, please approach the Council,” Maleth said, sitting down.

Emily stood up and walked toward the Council.

“Child, you are safe here,” he said to her, and she nodded.

“Are you afraid with Kyle in the room?” Leonid asked her softly, and she shook her head.

Are you embarrassed? We are all friends here,” one of the council members asked.

Emily shook her head.

Maleth thought for a moment and then gasped, “Are you ashamed?”

Emily nodded and fought back the tears in her eyes.

“Come up here, Child,” Leonid said, and then watched her as she walked up to the Elder's seat.

He took her hand as she knelt down beside him, “There is nothing to be ashamed of. We just need to know what happened so we can correctly judge him.”

A tear streamed down Emily's cheek.

“Tell me, Child, just me,” Leonid smiled at her.

She finally nodded and looked down at Kyle. He looked away from her gaze.

“I was sitting alone.”

“No guards around?”

“No, I needed to be alone,” she said, and looked back at Kyle.

“Go ahead.”

“Kyle came and he… he started to kiss me. He wouldn't stop.” Leonid could tell by her eyes that she was picturing it all in her mind, “He laid me down. He was so heavy, I couldn't get up and my hands… he had them trapped above my head.”

Leonid brushed a tear from her cheek with his soft finger. She looked into his eyes and saw that he truly cared. She could see that he wasn't judging her.

“He tore… my shirt off.” She slowly wrapped her arms around herself, “He was still kissing me… then he… he took off my bikini top, too. He was… just kissing my neck and then, I could feel his teeth.”

That's enough, Child. We know the rest,” he said, and touched her shoulder lightly. “Thank you.”

Emily stood up on shaky legs and walked back down to her chair and sat down. Leonid took a moment to regain his composure and stood up.

I have heard the testimony of the victim. Now you will have time to appeal your case,” he said, looking down at Kyle.

Kyle stood up, glanced at Emily, and then at the Council, “It's not how it sounds. I love her.”

Damon spoke up, “You love the Elder's wife?”

“Yes,” Kyle said, standing tall.

“For how long?”

“Since I met her on the ranch in Montana.”

Leonid held a hand up to stop Damon, “So love was it? Did she