Far Behind by Langdon Hues - HTML preview

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The Push

The world as we know it was done. Each perspective countrys capital dropped as easily as the Vatican.

In America over 500,000 gang and mafia members stormed Washington, DC., taking over the White house and killing much of Congress (everybody knows about Congress “secret subway”) The president did escape, but was for all purposes „banished to Camp David.

And even though the worlds most powerful men and historic buildings were relatively spared, the purpose of intent was malice.

How the Mafioso relished the thought of wallowing in to the most prestigious buildings without abandonment and order the heads of the nations to the same prisons they were once sent.

Sure, this had been measured by one man with the vision, but they all knew one man could not control world order for long and the power and greed that purveyed them this far would become an all out agenda for the world- Just give it time!

Once the dust settled and a few days past, I gave a live simulcast to his troops:


“New World Leaders: Congratulations!

With Americas troops spread too thin the dominoes have fell and all but a few nations have surrendered.”

“But now is not the time to celebrate. One of the biggest and most worrisome holdouts is Africa. Not only did we not have a presence there strong enough to take it, it seems Africa is now turning into a staging point for any rebellious cause.”

“But thats alright, because not only are we stable enough to send immediate troops to quickly suppress their will, once captured Africa will be two-fold by giving us the largest reserves of precious metals and jewels thus financing our cause even further.”

“Do not be hesitant, be assured, that our will shall be done! After I assess the percentages of troops to be sent I will give the orders to your heads. But for now bask in the glow of what shall be and prepare for every method to seize it!”

“Thats all for now, until next time, rest up.”

After the cameras died “Would you please call for Gabriel.” Give respect get respect I always say.

“You rang, master?”
“Does the real master put up with that shit” I conveyed with a smile. Out of all his servants, Gabriel was the one I could identify with the most.
“So I heard you took a little stroll through the Vaticans secret library, find what you were looking for?” Gabe entered unassumably.
“Yeah, even dragged „His Majesty along for the ride and tried letting him on some things. Striking conversation!”
“Im sure it was” Gabriel chuckled.
“But I dont think I could convince anyone of them, their probably discussing the many ways to kill me right now. I might need you to litigate their minds with a little evidence a little later, Im not quite up on my righteous history these days” I know he exactly what to do.
“Anyways, is everything in place?”
“So far so good” he replied “Everything as I see it is in order.”
“Excellent. Its funny, I feel like a street hustler pressing a mark into action before they can think things through thoroughly so they cant think twice.
“How appropriate. Like I said, once we were given these lousy emotions all bets are off, were human just like humans. Let her go, its for the best!”
“I know, I just cant believe I could be side tracked by a mortal when I felt so strong,” I envisioned the girl in my mind.
“It wasnt the girl, it was your desire, your lust. Just like it wasnt the booze or drugs, Itll always seems to come down to emotional selfishness and greed.”
“I love you man! And not in one of those homo Angelican gay ways either.”
“I know, and thats why Im not offended by such a idiotic remark” Gabriel knew I was just joking and trying to push his buttons a little.
“Well, Ive got a world to destroy, if you need anything you know where Ill be!”
“And dont forget to look as evil as you can, anything may be perceived asweak” Gabe left it as that and walked out the door.
Wry humor, that’s why I love him so!

“Why me? You know my history, I do have egotistical tendencies when things go my way.”

Yeah, I wonder what their excuse would be after they annihilate one another and destroy the Earth.
Samael (guardian of hell) Islam


The Devil will be your best friend until just the right moment when you least expect it, (probably while youre on your knees praying) hell slit your throat!

“ Yeah, whatever, next time youre on your knees Ill give you something more productive to do!”

(At the gate, female gang members dressed as nuns)
There was small group of about fifty behind the two nuns, about fifty scattered along the wall on each side of the (gate?) in position to storm St. Peters Square, and one thousand strong amongst the crowds ready to shoot in the air to clear people out and follow suit.

“Okay children, lets line up and enter the gatesin a holy manner!”

“There’s a shadow just behind me, Shrouding every step I take,
Making every promise empty, Pointing every finger at me!”

The gendarme/security corps(policeforce) 130 members, works in close collaboration w/

The Swiss guards- (1 reinforced company) 134 members every day 2/3 of the staff are mounting guard at the
entrances to the Apostolic Palace. The courtyard of St. Damaso, the Belvedere Courtyard, on the floors of the various “Loggias”, the Sala Regia, in front of the Secretary of State Offices ,and in front of the Popes private apartment.

External entrances: the Petrine Gate (formally the Holy office gate), the Arch of the Bells, the Bronze door, and the St. Anna Gate.

Uniforms are solid blue w/simple brown belt, a flat white collar and black beret.

J.P. Sauer & Son P225 – 8 9mm rounds in cartridge.
SIG SG 550- assault riffle- 700 rounds per minute. 30 round cartridge.
Heckler & Koch MP5- 9mm sub machine gun. 900 rounds per minute. 30 round capacity

COUNTRY that is .6 miles long and .5 miles wide

Transportation: One heliport, one standard guage railway that is 932yds long (only 300 yds are in Vatican) used for freight. Connected at Romes St. Peters square station.

Names and locations of gates: Accessible to tourists: Basilica of St. Peter, Vatican museums.

Metro line A to Cipro for museums, or Ottaviano for St. Peters, or the tram for piazza del Risorgimento. The #64 bus goes to southern end of vatican

SECURITY MEASURES: airport style metal detectors on the way to events in St Peters Square or St. Peters Basilica.

The gendarme are not armed. The inspectorate for public safety (special branch of Italian police) for when he leaves Vatican city. Provide security in St. Peters Square and entrance to Vatican museums. (blue and white electric
Lamborghini minis (golf carts)

“Invisible security” Sharpshooters high in buildings and under covers in the crowds.

And at the gates of the Vatican, tens of thousands of people are lined up to see and hear the holiest figure of Catholicism give his speech on the necessity of preserving Gods green Earth.

There was small group of about fifty behind the two nuns, about fifty scattered along the wall on each side of the (gate?) in position to storm St. Peters Square, and one thousand strong amongst the crowds ready to shoot in the air to clear people out and follow suit.

(There will never be a period of sobriety on this world, war is both a competition and a thrill. And if you dont do yourselves in (which Im betting you will) youll be so wrapped up with the chaoss you create that youll be blind sided by the end because you wont be prepared!)

All the time, energy and money wasted on pointing your guns at each other you little fucking control addicts, when you could have worked together and procured your survival. Oh well, you often get what you deserve.

You people are fithd, thats “Fucked in the head” in case you didnt know (You see, I keep up on my lingo!) When will you children grow up? I dislike using this word, but my guess is never! Once a spoiled little brat that whines until you get what you want, always a little brat- until you push it too far and cross the line!

I want this, I believe that, my beliefs are right- all the way to the killing floor because you cant control your emotions, right „til the end! What magnificent losers we have become! I feel sorry for you, I really do!

I wish I had the answers for you and could show you the way! But even if I did, you wouldnt (and shouldnt) listen to me anyways. Welcome to the world of a recovering addict! Its my own fault, I know that! Here I am trying to help by waking you up to the inevitable knowing you still despise me, and can never trust me forever!

Im not trying to dispel religion, Its gotten mankind this far fairly smoothly. Or trying to create a one God state- diversity is a beautiful thing and a necessity for survival. All I can ask is for you to consider what Ive said as an “possibility”, only after Im gone. The choice will always be yours, youve just got to be well educated in how many choices there really are!

Sure, just about any country can blow this planet to smithereens at any given time- but which one of us can survive such a disaster? What, by building underground bunkers and live off the land? Itll be too late for that one. And what if the effects of the disaster were to get progressively, irreversibly worse? Which one of us are going to be able to leave this incubator we call Earth and survive in new found ways? Which one is going to survive?

“Survival -thats what I want! I want a colony working on the moon and on Mars so when that comet or meteor does hit, they can look over their shoulder and say“Oh well, lets pack it up-were out of here!”

Just remember, the devils going to be your best friend while patiently waiting for the exact time thats right to stab you in the backMy guess is Itll be when your on your knees praying!” Manuel didnt go any further, instead opting to lighten up a bit.

You know, surrendering on your knees begging for mercy like a coward isnt always going to work!

In past days being on your knees begging for mercy could get you killed quicker than if you were armed and ready! Oh yeah, you have the whole “God” and “Heaven” theory to sedate yourself with. Its amazing that every religion on Earth has some sort of afterlife involved in it, ever wonder why? That maybe the fear of death is still overwhelming to us!
“The Coup of the World”

Just as you tout Evolution as just a theory, so it can be said the same as your gods- it can neither be proved or
disproved. By unlike your ten thousand year old theoretical entities, evolution is being proven at an increasing rateits only been a little over two hundred years since the early 1800s when Darwin and Wallace began to break the strangle hold of
religion. Science is proving billions of years of evolution faster than you can prove god does exist within the last 10,000 years.

It may far be easier to tell a child “God created the Sun” than it is to explain about nuclear fission of the rudiment element “Hydrogen” into helium*(?)aa. And even in old age you may still be thinking in a childs manner yourself.

The theory of nuclear fusion was proven by science, as was the fact that we, nor the Earth are the center of the universe as it was written in the holy book. It took over 1600 years and many scientist tortured or outright killed before the church finally came to believe the truth. So I do understand why they feel threatened by and fear evolution since science is close to proving evolution as fact, just like nuclear physics, and the knowledge of space, and everything else really.

The theory of evolution has only been around for a couple hundred years and theyve come quite a ways with the evidence theyve recovered. Oh yes, evolution is only a theory, right! Well guess what, god is only a theory, for it cannot be proved or disprovedand theres only one way to find out for sure, so knock yourselves out trying! But why do you fear anything when your simplistic logic will ultimately state “God created

And the extraterrestrial aliens that come and visit us from outer space, he created them too! Did he create them in his image just like us? But what if they dont look anything like us? At least were in his image because were soo special, not the more intelligent species that made it all the way to our planet. How long has it been since we made it to the moon? And how far or long can we travel in space? I understand, its too easy and convenient at your parents house, why leave. And if that house is devastated, well worry about it then. But if the Earth is devastated, where are you going to run too? Space? It may be a little too late for that.
just like the lazy, ignorant boss that

takes the credit for the employees hard workits the easy way out. Except God isnt the lazy boss, religion is.aa

You fear evolution because in your beliefs you attain to an addicts “All or Nothing” way of thinking. Youre either 100 percent right or youre wrong. If one were to be proven right, then the others are wrong.

How easy it is to kill or die when sedated!


The invitation: Monday March 15th, 2009

Expose them, set them up to fight each other (send to Africa?), then under cut them with the worlds military. (Set them up from the beginning!)

Organized crime, the virus of the human race, the opportunistic infection of the world. Slowly organizing and gathering information while waiting for the just right time to strike.

Have all communications writteneach person writes what he says on his separate piece of paper and then
immediately destroys his paper after the communication is over. This way there is only half of a conversation should someone turn. Nothing spoken!

Youth of the world, have I got a job for you!

Warriors of the world, welcome, my name is Samaeli (ky). You are the Romans, the Vikings, and the Huns. But look at the wars you fight today. Not only are you at odds with each other, but you have the govt just waiting to take you out at any time! You are fighting two fronts when, if united, not only would you increase in strength, but would have only one battle to engage!
You are the dominant force today! Fearless, ruthless, and imposed. You know if your enemy fears you, youve already won. Prisoners are a liability no army can afford. If you kill them all then there is no seed left for them to sow. Why destroy each other when in numbers there is strength!
I can bring you world domination if you so choose- world wide Mafia leading world wide gangs. Im talking the power and freedom to do as you choose! Unified to control lucrative money. Stop spilling your own blood, you have nothing to lose yet everything to gain.
The choice is yours, Ive.
(Saturday April 22nd, 2017- Earth day! I will create a global celebration where the entire world can celebrate all at once.)

Here I give to you your generals, the leaders in organized crime! They will lead you into divisions if you so choose: The Latin Kings division, the Crypt division and so on. And this will be happening all across the world in a coordinated attack to seize absolute power! What will they get in return? Power control, conquest- send them to conquer drug countries to control entire drug distribution.

Young people of the world, look at where our elders have gotten us! They should be respected and revered for getting us this far, but times change, and so must we! Here they are, constantly pointing their weapons of mass destruction at one another, and today that argument is in the name of God. (Its “Thou shall not kill”, not “Thou shall not kill unless in the name of a supreme entity” Though thats whats been done time and time again.)

Religion is a beautiful philosophy, when you die its not for ever- and when the time comes God will reign back down and make everything right with the world after its total destruction.

And some things do need to knocked back down to the Earth so that we can rebuild- bigger, better and brighter, following the same basic blueprints that made the previous structure rise as high as it did before hand.

Take control of your own destiny, just because your leaders are telling you that you must die for them, kill for them, doesnt mean it has to happen. Its your world, you have the intelligence, the energy to make anything possible.

So I ask you to join me in an united “Unity Rally”, coordinated all over the globe to happen at the same time. On April 24th, 2013, I urge you to take control of your environment, your government, and your peace of mind- and join us at the worlds capitals- Together we must stand, because divided we will fail!

AAParental figure- time to leave our parents house, well still need them, adore them, revere thembut its time for us to go out and make them proud! It breaks parents hearts to see their children fighting, its time we start giving back and make their elder years happy and

In the beginning there were simple scientific questions: Where did we come from? Where did the world around us come from? And where do we go when we cease to exist? And in the beginning there was a simple answer: For every question there was a supreme entity. A larger than life “Parental” figure was the answer for every question. Who created the Sun- the Sun god. Who created the Earth, the sea, the sky? Who was in charge of love, of war, and of death? A god for every occasion, it was an amazing concept for the times. But eventually it became
cumbersome, for every god a temple had to be created. And every day, a different god was worshipped.

Syncretism- the attempt to reconcile contradictory beliefs thus assert an
underlying unity allowing for an inclusive approach to all faiths (merging gods).

Instead of admitting when theyre wrong they cover it up and wait for time to hide their tracks. Can we now prove Jesus said the world was coming to an end, especially in a short time after his deathno. But they still hold on to fact he
predicted the temple of Jerusalem would be demolished to the ground after his death. No shit, Jerusalem had been
demolished so many times in the past (seventy years before Jesus was born) Its like me predicting “Israel will be hit by a rocket or explosive device sometime in the near future. It took the Catholic church 1500 years of fighting to finally succumb to the fact “God didnt create the Earth at the center of the universeman did” Makes you wonder how many scientist lost their lives or livelihood over that battle “In the name of God.”

After rereading Manuels thoughts on the virus, Erika researches whether virus could live in space!

positives (alcohol) turned into negatives (all the negative consequences, jackpots build up over time) Religion is doing the same (turning negative)

Pages in the book of
Christ…Religion is for those afraid to go to hell, spirituality is for those who have already been there!

Why does everyone blame the jailor for their crimes (sentence) No, the devil didnt make you do it, but keep up the good work and youll meet the master soon enough. Lets see, if I were the devil Hitler would be in Heaven! Washing and anointing every foot of every Jew by day and by night: Well, we need someone to hold the bucket everyone pisses in! Stop moving and maybe I wont get you wet you little freak! Theres some control for you.

Not god bashing, but human bashing! of course hell rise, someone needs to fill the vacuum created and deal with all
the pressures
religion- follow prescribed rules and
rituals to gain freedom (control) from the
fears of the unknown. Control to gain
Prison (same thing) control to gain
control. Some prisoners are lifers because
it a way of life for them.

Something triggered in her mind about the case from a couple of weeks ago when she found a common bacteria in a peculiar area of the brain. She remembered something about alien bacteria being mentioned in the deceased notes that were found in the hotel room. And something about bacteria that could actually take over an organism by finding the central command center, which in humans today would be the neocortex? With a new found excitement she quickened her pace to the office early.

“What the hell ar e you doing here so early” she called out when she saw the usually late Aaron hunched over a breakfast at the desk.

“The one night I dont drink and I cant get to sleep,” he just sat and stared at his food. The radio blared louder than it will be in a couple of minutes. The reporter announced:

Hi! This is Alicia Paige along with the organizer of this years Earth Day event, Christian Malaki (Mal-akie).”

“Hi, how you doing” the guest replied. “Now Christian, I hear this is going to be an all day event with every nation on the globe being able to simultaneously celebrate all at once at a certain time, just like New Years.”
“That is correct” Christian cut in “At eight am. in California to 11 pm. Tokyo time, and everything in between will be able to stop on this particular Sunday and join in. Even the Pope will join in when he gives the main speech at 5pm. Rome time.

Christian Gabriel


Sunday, April 22, 2012 Earth day

“In the biggest Earth day anni versary to date, all major countries are joining in the celebrations: from Russia to Tokyo. At eleven oclock eastern time the U.N Secretary General Colin Powell will be holding a live broadcast that will be simulcast all over the world at once. It will mark the beginning of Earth day in San Francisco at eight a.m., and signify the end in Tokyo since it will be twelve a.m. there. Even the pope will be addressing the throngs of adherents at St. Peters square a little bit after the Secretary General speaks, at approximately five-thirty (Rome time) on the importance of reversing the decades of the global abuse of the past.”

“Im here with this years organizer, Christian Samaeli (Mal-ahki),” she holds the mic. up to his face as he begins. “This has been forty years in the making, and still has a ways to go until the whole planet is united for one day to celebrate a dire, universal cause, Hopefully by the fiftieth anniversary in 2020 that will become a reality! ”

“Yeah, I know, „Shut this shit off Aaron saw that look in her eyes.


Sunday April 22nd, 2010 7:00 a.m. San Francisco


10:00 a.m. Washington, D.C.


4:00 p.m. Vatican City


6:00 p.m. Moscow


11:00 p.m. Tokyo

“Were here live at Washing ton, D.C. just before 11:00 a.m. where in just minutes Secretary General P. Colin will address the world from U.N. Headquarters in New York. Large screens are set up across the globe where in San Francisco they will begin the days celebration with Gen. Colins simulcast, where in Japan it will be midnight and their day of activities will be just winding down. All nations are holding events that include concerts of various music types along with rallies, all the while focusing on keeping their communities clean throughout the day.

(There will never be a period of sobriety on this world, war is both a competition and a thrill. And if you dont do yourselves in (which Im betting you will) youll be so wrapped up with the chaoss you create that youll be blind sided by the end because you wont be prepared!)

All the time, energy and money wasted on pointing your guns at each other you little fucking control addicts, when you could have worked together and procured your survival. Oh well, you often get what you deserve.

“Good evening! My name is Christian Samaeli

Not god bashing, but human
Besides, why does everyone try
to blame the jailor for their sins.
Blame every one but themselves.

“Good evening! My name is Christian Samaeli (Get it, “Christian”, “Gabriel”?) I crack myself up sometimes!

Im here at the Vatican with someone you may knowSay hello pontiff!” The camera points towards thou holiest man- allowed only to stand still, his head down in silent prayer.

“Raise your head bis hop, and let the world see who you are!” The frail looking servant of god does as he is told and looks up to the camera in much disbelief.

“Satan? The holiest man mustered before saying “What do you want?”
“Satans a rather general term, anyone who doesnt see things your way seems to fit that bill you master of control you!
“What do I want pontiff! World fuckin peace! Something your ideology can never produce unless you have total control, and you should be ashamed of the paths youve attempted to get there! Religion produces no baleful resultsHow about the Crusades, Galileo, and the billions of people that were singularly
prosecuted, tortured, and put to death because they either didnt believe in your god or didnt practice your rituals accordingly. No baleful results or do you just discredit all of religions negatives?
Thats like the addict proclaiming “Im not hurting anyone but myself! After sixteen hundred years you finally agreed the Earth is not the center of the Earth, and it took over four hundred years afterwards for you to admit you were wrong and apologize for all of the torture and death you used to try and dispel the truth.
With all the factual knowledge you suppressed because it didnt agree with your beliefs wed be living up in space by now instead of having “all of our eggs in one basket” down here on Earth! Wouldnt have to worry as much about the “End of the world” then…but then again, maybe the church already knows this! No baleful results, my ass!
Consider this an intervention! A sobering slap in the face you fucking addicts! You can take the book of revelations and shove it up your fucking ass you fear mongers! Makes me wonder if there was no fear, would there be a need for religion? Youre worse than the KGB!
“Miserable little Children (all of you!), look how you behave!
You have the older child in the Jews, and his “Favored” little brother “Christ” bickering with the Muslim step child over land and religious pretenses.
Little Bastards, I say if you cant play nice, take away the fucking toy! Either no one lives in that cursed land, leaving it as an uninhabited holy refuge for all- Or else blow the fucking
wasteland to smithereens! Nobody gets it! Let you all re-build your precious little shrines togetherWouldnt that be a kick!
Jews the chosen people, get over yourself! If I walked this Earth saying I was the “Chosen One”, what do you suppose people would think? Arrogant? Egotistically self-centered? Right back at ya! You know the saying, “Every Jewish mother wanted to bear the messiah since the beginning of time. Kind of wish that was never written because eventually it had to come true.
So you basically renamed a Zeus-like figure “Creator of All” so you didnt have to waste time running around to find out which deity of polytheism was in charge for that day! Remember “Polytheism”, the religion way before your god ever existed, and from which you stole!
Real fucking original! Even Jerusalem was derived from Salem, the ancient pagan deity of the time. Oh yeah, youre real fucking special alright!”

“Lets see, Sarah couldnt bear children for Abram so she gave him her maidservant to bear a child. That got awkward when Sarah did bear a child a child for Abraham at ninety (apparently humans were still trying to figure out how to keep relevant time), Hager and her son Ishmael were banished from the kingdom.

Between Abrams story and “Lot and his two daughters”- Reading this crap gets me more aroused than watching porn! Tell me something, up until this point adultery and incest were still part of mans original sins werent they? No wonder youre all fucked up!

“So, the Jews basically left Jerusalem to go to Egypt when the land was deemed too barren and apparently not quite sacred enough yet at that point. That worked for a couple of years until they became second rate citizens, and finally were enslaved by the Egyptians. Then Moses led them back to Jerusalem to where the Muslims had stayed and maintained their way of life.

If someone left a house I was living and then came back years later after centuries had gone by and said “God says this is my house” Id tell him to fuck off too, after asking“Why the hell did you leave in the first place?”

WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH THE TOUGH GET GOING, RIGHT OUT THE DOOR LIKE A RUNNING JEW! And then try and return when the shit really hits the fan!

Muslims prote

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