Few Moments of Letting Go by Kavita - HTML preview

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A few hours before I finished my book I was tired myself. I kept everything aside and without knowing a reason I shed couple of tears. As I sat feeling drained I asked my maid to fix me a cup of hot coffee. I noticed the picture frame that hung on my walls. My daughter smiled at me through the brown canvass frame. Giving in to an urge I took out an old album from the closet. Looking at old pictures was like watching a rainbow disappear. In one of the pictures my father was playing with me in snow clad mountains. My mother held me and my sister in her younger times. I realised they were old and tired now. Yet when they met me I found them full of life.

Suddenly I knew why I felt tired. We all are travelling through this life. Our souls constantly carrying the weights of our physical bodies. A constant journey and various encounters. Imagine the stories that the entire universe would have had a compilation of, given that each soul has its own individual tale to offer. Our pleasure, our pain, the heart breaks, the adventures, the disappointments so much and so more. Our hearts made of glass with unique glass paintings carved on them. Any journey gets us tired and so was my book. A journey I made with a woman who realised that life best lived is that of spontaneity. 'Few moments of letting go' is a collection of random life experiences of Maya Dewan who figures out that people end up carrying too much baggage with them in life.

It is easy to accept death because we close the chapter. It is more difficult to accept a simple betrayal because we carry it with ourselves. We don't give closures to the chapters in our life. Like dead bodies we drag them. We forgive but don't forget. Spontaneous life will also bring pain and heartbreaks but it also brings courage to accept mistakes. The maturity to stand up for our own decisions. The strength to start all over again. The integrity to be able to enjoy to the fullest. Above all the child like simplicity to live in the moment.

A journey is all about varied experiences. It is bound to get us tired. All we need to do is relax, sit back but not give up. I went back to my desk and just about as I thought of Maya Dewan, I knew exactly what we both learnt through this together. Getting sad and worn out is normal. We need few moments of letting go in our lives to shed off the layers of dirt. We need to give closures to old chapters and move on in now. There is no one else to lean on but ourselves. Maya Dewan's journey is any girl's journey through life. There's no end to it for there's no end to life. Its only message is to move on.