Five Stories That Are Almost True, But Not Quite by George Loukas - HTML preview

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Next day I went to the club for a game of squash. After lunch, Anna called and

asked me to go up and talk to her for a while. I told her I felt sleepy but she insisted

and I went upstairs to their apartment.

“Don't make any noise. My mother's taking her siesta,” she said and ushered

me into her room. It was a tiny room near the entrance of the flat. It contained just the

bed, a large cupboard, some shelves on the wall and a toilet-table where she kept her

makeup accessories. There was nowhere to sit and we had to lie on her bed, which


was not even large enough. She had a dressing gown on and her slippers.

“What's the matter, Anna? What's the hurry?”

“Shhh, shush, let me shut the door. I don't want my mother to wake up and

start coming in and out.”

“I was just about to drop off to sleep.”

“So what? Is it too much to ask you to keep your auntie company?”

“I suspect it is more than company you want. You want some juicy details

about the girl I met in the States.”

She smiled.

“The juicier, the better.”

“Well, there's nothing juicy about it.”

“Don"t kid me!”

“Really. I met this girl Lisa who was a friend of a friend. For me it was love at

first sight but by the time she started to respond, I had to leave.”

“Oh dear. So you"re in love? Where does that leave you now?”

“Heaven knows. I invited her for a holiday and she promised to come. But the

more time goes by, the less likely it seems. And even if she does, what then? I forgot

to tell you, she is about seven years older than I am.”

“So if you ever marry, by the time you're fifty, she'll look more like a mother-


“I know you"re outspoken but now you're being awful.”

“Oh Mickey, don't get upset. Half the things I say are over the moon. You

know that. But shall we be serious for a moment?”

“Can you?”

“Sometimes,” she said smiling. “Mickey, the odds are stacked against you.

Better forget her, to be able to adapt to your new life.”

“But I love her.”

“I understand. But let me tell you, you"ll live a few months of hope and

memories and then disappointment will set in and gradually it will dawn on you that

the dream was just a dream. And Lisa a character in a romantic short story, as good as


“What about your Dani?”

“It's over.”

“How come?”

“Sometimes, one little absurdity suddenly changes your life without any real,

solid reason. One day, out of the blue, my mother decided that we had been going out

together long enough and it was time Dani, Jew or no Jew, made up his mind to marry

me. We were sitting outside in the hall chatting and suddenly she charges in and sits

next to us. Boy, I thought to myself, something's about to change in my life. She

looked him in the eye and said, „Listen to me my boy, I have just decided that you are

not at all a serious person and quite a bit selfish as well. You have been going out

with my daughter for over three years and probably have been sleeping with her too.

In our society, here in Egypt, this is not done. You are ruining her reputation and she

will be unable to marry when you decide to drop her. So it's one of two things. Either

you marry her or you leave her. Now!" The boy was flabbergasted. It was an

additional difficulty that I was sitting right there with them. „Yes, yes," he stammered,

„I love Anna and I want to marry her. I shall discuss the matter with my mother and

we shall come to ask for her hand." At that my mother said, „Very well, I shall be

expecting you tomorrow afternoon," and she got up and left.

“Dani looked at me and attempted to smile but could hardly manage it. A short


while later, he excused himself and left. He never came again, with or without his

mother. He tried to call me on the telephone but I never talked to him after that. The

funny thing is, I never thought of marriage. I did not particularly want to marry Dani,

or anyone else for that matter. Yes, I was in love with him. He was not the first man I

slept with but he was experienced and he taught me everything I know about

lovemaking. He had a beautiful, circumcised penis, which I loved to uh, hmm.”

She put her index finger in her mouth.

“I forget the scientific word. I only remember, suck.”

“Anna, you're terrible. The word is fellate.”

“I only talk this way with you and Moni. So don't worry. Fellate, fellatio, yes.

Anyway, what rubbed me the wrong way was that, faced with losing me, I believe he

was sincere in his intention to bring his mother the next day to propose. But he got the

veto from mum. Probably the reason is that Jews are just as racist as us Christians.

That, I couldn't stomach. Mum's veto, that is. You see, Daniel's, that's Dani"s name,

Daniel's father is dead and his mother is a tough old bitch who controls the purse

strings of the family and keeps her darling boy on a short leash. To start with, I would

never marry the prospect of such a mother-in-law. Secondly, he showed himself weak

and a woman cannot swallow that. Had he been strong and ignored his mother and

proposed on his own the next day, I would not have accepted his proposal, but at least

we would have stayed together despite even my mother's objections.”

“And don't you see him anymore?”

“No we are no longer together. I see him now and then accidentally but the

affair is over. When a woman decides that something is over, she rarely changes her


“And what about this Moni?”

“After I left Dani, a hundred people rushed to fill his place. Please don't think

me vain. Everybody wanted to take me out. Of course, you understand their way of

thinking. They figured I would be heartbroken, would fall for the first comer and

provide some easy sex. It was amusing the way they jockeyed and maneuvered

around me. Like vultures over carrion. Not that I didn't go out and even sleep with

one or two. Meanwhile, I was modeling for the clothing firm owned by Moni's mother

and I got to know him. He is the designer of the clothes she produces. The modéliste.

They say that domineering women tend to produce weak and sometimes abnormal

sons. Well, Moni's mother is another tough cookie and her son is homosexual. But he

is the sweetest, funniest friend I've ever had. Apart of you, that is. I started seeking

out his company and we got on so well together that we have become inseparable. In

fact, there's this stupid joke going around, that we share the men, which of course, is

absurd. And to tell you the truth, despite the fact that we have been seeing each other

for so many months now, I know very little about his sex life. I don't know if he has

any lovers or if at the moment he's going through a period of abstinence. I want you to

meet him and a further surprise is in store for you. Tomorrow evening he'll be here,

please come to meet him.”