Forget Me Not by Erica Pensini - HTML preview

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Chapter 22 –Cesare Mercurio

Alas, how can a woman so refined and precious, so witted and sensuous, how can my red beauty Iryssa find any interest in a worthless scoundrel like Ricco Ermete? Am I mistaken about her qualities, her intelligence and integrity, or am I mistaken about what I have seen today? This morning I took a walk in the park, in a vain attempt to clear my mind from the sorrow Iryssa’s detached behaviour had caused me. And yet life can be so ironically cruel, and wounded me with deeper cuts in that very place where I sought to find comfort.

I was close to the lake that had seen our first kiss – ah, how much I wish I could reverse the flow of the sand grains in the hourglass!- and there I caught sight of the red glow emanating from Iryssa. But she was not alone!

Every muscle in my body froze, while my mind raced to the darkest conclusions. Then for a moment I became rational and realized that I was a worthless man if my faith in my beloved was so frail it wavered at the first blow of wind.

And yet I needed to have an unconfutable proof to efface my doubts, so I stood behind a bush from where I could observe without being seen. Oh reader, I am well aware that this is not a honorable behaviour, but I exhort you to hold your to consider my anguished doubts before condemning my actions! At least I needed to see the man’s face!

Iryssa and the man stopped, speaking words I could not hear. Then they turned towards the lake for a moment and I feared they would see me, but they were too engrossed in each other’s company to notice anything else. I certainly saw the man’s face though! It was Ricco Ermete! Oh reader, why? How is this possible? They turned around and resumed their slow walk, striking each other’s hands ever so slightly, the way new lovers do.

The facts speak clearly, and yet there are times when reality differs from the tale told by seemingly objective observations. Is there anything such as an objective observation anyways? I will have to find Iryssa and talk to her, or rather send her a note asking her to join me when and if she pleases. My very last desire is to be intrusive, but I need to warn her again against the scoundrel and understand her relationship with this useless half-man with no courage and no creativity! This man who is now treacherously stealing my woman after attempting to steal my science!