Going LIVE In 3, 2, What? by Adam Stark - HTML preview

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Going Live in 3, 2, What?


1. Abridged Too Far

What do you see when you look around Jack's house? Well you will see TV's, a master’s degree in Marketing from college barely hanging on the wall, wooden floors, a huge operation area with computers and satellites, oh and let's not forget Jack himself! J.R.A.- Jack Racine Anchorage, whom has a tattoo on his arm that says "THE TRUTH HURTS" in all black ink, with the Twin Towers looking like the letter 'H' in the word 'TRUTH.' Using the alias on his underground radio podcast "The Shilling Truth Live" that is an alternative radio source started for fun, conspiracies, often laughing at everything throughout his first couple years of podcasting, and gained respect from his fanbase for always uncovering lies and inconsistencies in media reports. It wasn't until down the road, that his radio show was garnering the attention of some government shills, whom use fake names an aliases to call him out and to troll, lie and to defame his content and character, basically assassinate his character on radio as the views rose and climbed. He received many death threats throughout the shows history but it never once worried Jack. His alias & his emails would be the only means of contact from shills whom wanted him off the air, it also helped that he lived in a secluded location in Ohio. The best part about this was it's effect, it caused shills to mouth off against Jack online as well as some politicians to speak negatively about the show. This actually gave the show more credibility to fans and listeners. Not only that, but it brought up a common topic in Jack's show about how he feels that the freedom of speech is being censored more and more. But it was about to be a 'Red Letter Day!' Jack was always on his programs he illegally installed trying to find signals nearby, he hasn't tried it in some time now, but for once there was activity present! The hacking commenced and a signal was found inside of a CIA headquarters, he uncovered a dangerous truth and planned on exposing he plot of the militia government traitors to betray their democratic principles by unleashing a weapon, a dangerous material known as EMP. Jack was eager for a podcast, so he said in advance the night before that he planned a podcast blowing the lid wide open to get tons of views and grow his fanbase! But how in the world did he hack such an important classified transmission? Well the answer is, Dwight Simmons, whom retired the CIA by faking his death with a cadaver switch, which is killing someone with similar features and faking a funeral. Now, Dwight retired from the CIA this way to avoid any possibility of enemy forces searching for him to seek revenge. But one thing Dwight didn't count on... Was making a grand mistake that puts his actual life at stake! He spent so much time at the CIA headquarters that he knew every nook and cranny for decades, and took the time to create a space using small tools days at a time, in secret. A very tedious task, but none the less he created a small area inside of the building unknown to anyone and outside of the building's blueprints/floor plan. In this 2 by 2 foot spot, he placed a device that would keep recording conversations, and that plan to stay secretive had failed abysmally, because that device was hacked and intercepted by Jack at the worst time for the CIA, when they laid out there engineer plan for a betrayal against the government and the citizens to launch an EMP nuke that would wipe out technology in specific areas to send the economy back to the stone ages and cause anarchy! Well this interception did not go unnoticed for long, as it became clear there was a third party present. They did a reverse broadcast to find out that this was coming from the small home in the middle of nowhere in Ohio at Jack's.

2. Going Live in 3, 2, What?

The day comes, Jack has a visitor, by a man he couldn't identify. "Jack let me in! Your life is in danger sonny!" Jack gasps, "That's preposterous! What a load of malarkey get out of..." An arsenal of firearms gets exposed from the man's trench coat, he invites himself inside. Jack timidly acclaimed "Look look look, Sir I, ah, just...” Dwight briefly introduces himself at this point. Then he continues to expose the plot to assassinate him in a couple of minutes, scares the hell out of him and gives him guns. Weapons that Jack has never seen the likes of before, Dwight assures him there is no time, but to take cover and to follow his lead because he knows the rules of engagement. He tells Jack the wiring for the electricity in the house is going to get cut off anytime, and in the middle of explaining it - all the lights go out! Next he hands Jack a loaded assault rifle and begins to explain with half a breath between each word: "always hold this with both hands, use the Velcro strap so you don't hold all the weight, put your grip on the duct tape part of the barrel, and don't shoot a damn thing til’ I start the fireworks! OH and one more thing, Jack, do you have a remote for those big speakers there? Do they operate on backup battery power? They're only expecting you to be here so I have an idea" Jack whispers: "Yes, I have batteries in them but it only works for my music..." Dwight interrupts: "Perfect, now I'm setting my stopwatch for 5 minutes and 30 seconds, when this beeps you blast the loudest song you have on full volume, and put these earplugs in right before!!" Dwight stays still as a statue and vigilant behind a tan file cabinet, in a shadowy area. Jack sits on the floor by a sideways stepladder that sort of blends in with the wooden floors in the area, they are approximately 10 feet apart. Dwight looks at his stopwatch- 5:03, 5:02, 5:01. Jack hears footsteps, and there's a guy with a deep accent walking around his bedroom, making Jack more nervous than he has ever been in his life, he looks at Dwight, and displays some kind of hand signal suggesting 'Can you just shoot the guy?' Dwight silently declines, looks at his stopwatch again- 3:14, 3:13, 3:12. Jack has a series of horrifying thoughts in his head as he saw his pillows, blankets and mattress get tossed like laundry in his bedroom by 2 large armed men. It hits Jack, if Dwight wasn't here, he would have already been dead! Another man enters the house asking for something, they can't quite hear what it was though. Dwight looks down at his stopwatch again- 1:26, 1:25, 1:24, 1:23. Jack lays behind his cover, he continues to have very bad thoughts, sometimes irrational. At one point he starts crying slow tears and conceals his heavy breathing thinking to himself that his master’s degree could have been used for something better than a podcast show laughing at the media's agendas and government shills. He sinks into deep concentration about what his family and friends’ lives will be like with him dead. He starts to feel tremendous guilt for not making more attempts to socialize with them. As these thoughts remain in limbo he hears a faint *Beep Beep* and IMMEDIATELY stops his imagining, looks around and sees 10 or more armed men now wandering around and hits that remote! The music blasts at the highest decibel, louder than an airplane it feels like! But in the midst of doing this he fails to take the precaution that Dwight suggested and drops his ear plugs! While he tries to pick them up he looks over at Dwight who storms out of his cover, fully exposed! Dwight had no fear, he marches forward and begins firing, 2 shots per target at the most, it helps that the surprise plan is really paying off as the intruders were all weakened and stunned from the loud speakers! Jack went deaf and tears are sliding down his face as he finally puts the earplugs in! Jack peaks out of his cover as he watches Dwight run sideways into the left hallway firing. Jack's worst fear came to fruition as a man comes into view, Jack holds down the trigger but couldn't quite do it, the trigger feels like its stuck! Jack pulls harder, 3 shots hit the wall above the man and he turns to Jack, Jack keeps on the trigger and moves his aim downwards to get the man before he would've got him! Jack had never done such a thing before, he saw the man just fall to the floor like it was nothing. The blood barely splattered until he lied there, deceased. Jack drops the gun, unable to fathom what he had just accomplished. Dwight was chasing a shooter into the laundry room, the light bulb was shot out, Dwight saw the direction the bulb shattered and fires staccato shots in that side of the room! It payed off, and he sprints to the staircase, he fires once on the floor below him, runs into the bedroom, pulls a desk out towards the stairs, fires again, watches the next shooter move for cover by the sofa downstairs. Dwight pushes the desk down the stairs and it flies the last 4 steps on the stairs and shatters the backyard window outwards! The shooter peaks out to see what happened and Dwight holds his breath and takes the shot... hit! The throat was directly hit and torn up while the man laid on the floor bleeding out. The 2 new fellas found themselves in quite a predicament, they were having a normal day and then all of the sudden they are both wanted men for exposing a plot of mass destruction that could ruin the world. Jack had more thoughts on his mind, he had to ask Dwight something personal: "But Dwight, what about your family? Now that they know you’re alive... Even though they know that I'm not dead... Won't they go out to get them?" Dwight planned for a way to slow down the traitorous killers from hunting his family, he had to make Jack's body look like he was a corpse and send a picture using one of the dead CIA's laptops in their car. Dwight wanted nothing more than to warn Jack that they might go for his family too, but Jack never once even for a moment seemed concerned so Dwight never bothered... "Jack there are risks I HAVE to take, I don't want to but I look at the bigger picture, they know it was me because the device you hacked was mine and only mine. It was a prototype at the time of my fake death, I finished it some years later, but besides I have a plan to slow them down... AHH here it is! Lay down on your bedroom floor, I'm going to open up this chili and pour it on your hair in the back for a picture, and in going to scrunch up this gray eraser and put it on your head as well. I need to send them a picture to convince them as well as stall them from going after my family. Take your earplugs out first! Once they fail a few times to hear an operative's voice than the stalling will end...” The quickly assembled a fake death scene with blood splatter and awful brutality.

3. What DID it really mean?

"Jack, we need to head to my hideout, let's get in my car- OH before I forget help me replace the license plates on it." The men quickly assemble the new license plates on Dwight's car and go inside. They are heading to Dwight's hideout. "The first thing you have to know about me Jack, is that I am not supposed to be alive. And what I mean by that, is that I faked my own death to retire from the CIA with death benefits for my family. I found someone that looked like me, and I killed him, followed by the infamous cadaver switch, to fake a funeral." Dwight explained. Jack is very curious at this point, "So wait, who did you kill??" Dwight sighs and explains, "I know of a town, where nobody does any good. Pushers, prostitutes, sickening. The most retched ills of our great country. So I did some surveillancing of a man who was old with white hair like myself, I used the old profiling method. I don't know if you were old enough to remember the Zodiac Killer? Racial profiling was used there to capture him, while I told those busters that of your going to catch a serial killer, predict his next move! Ahh that got on my last nerve, but so... We got that son of a bitch and I made sure to let everyone know to not give me any credit for it, I didn't want to be a target for anybody, after all. SO as I was saying, following this man in the ghettos of Detroit whom looked like me, I used my own profiling to predict that he was a no good criminal. I've never been wrong before about my instincts, but I had to be sure, so I wouldn't feel bad killing him. I knew he wasn't a family man, he had no ring, no car, just a bicycle. After only a week of watching, I saw him hit a woman, knocked her cold out, and the cops were called. The woman awoke and was so scared of him, she actually told the police officers that he found her on the ground... I was taken back by this, poor woman I thought, but also very poor lack of judgement. So I felt no guilt about killing this man, putting my wedding ring on his finger and bringing the body to the right morgue where I had a chump working there who's owed me some favors. Got it done." Dwight explained the hack, and how they were going to kill Jack. However, the heinous actions don't stop there, they will also frame Dwight to say he committed insurance fraud and murder, since the device that Jack hacked, was his. The insurance on his life/retirement from the CIA would be seized and stopped from going to his family, and his fingerprints would be plastered all over the EMP weapon marking him as a terrorist, and would make them arrest his family for 'harboring a fugitive', which wouldn't be true of course but, what would stop them? Jack gasps, doesn't know what to say... Dwight makes light of the situation by comically blurting out: "Hah oh hell, the traitors in the CIA are as evil as they are predictable!" Jack laughs, but quickly recants his laughter and suddenly has a huge sense of doubt and asks: "But wait this all can't be true, how in the world could they possibly know that you’re alive now?? Nobody survived at my house back there so why would they assume you sent them the picture of my fake dead body? I don't get it??" Dwight looks at Jack square in the face with his eyebrows so horizontal he couldn't get any more stern: "JACK! Look mister I'm not trying to be rude but you have to trust me on this, alright?!" Dwight demanded, "If my device was discovered, which OH it most certainly was due to the fact that your house just got a new paint job, then they got inside my hardware and they know it could've only been me. I made that prototype and I was the only one who tried it before, and uh, by the way... When you cut off your hacked transmission, I heard them say my name and tell each other that my head needs to be in a garbage can in the Bronx, where nobody would ever find it. It is imperative that we stop the launch of this hellish weapon, there's 2 places we MUST go, I'll go into more detail later." Dwight mumbled his way through his speech.

4. Dwight's Hideout

Dwight Simmons's home has pictures of him, some small grainy, barely visible pictures of him from all sorts of high profiled events in history. Lots of ID cards on the wall, maps, credit cards, foreign money, etc. But a vast collection of things to do with him that shows he's always watching his back and paying attention, essentially, his training never left him. Jack realizes by observing the carefully organized papers that Dwight's full name is Dwight Howard Simmons. He tells Jack that he hates the criminal part of the CIA, but loves his fellow operatives like brothers and talks about how they will never get recognition for their acts of heroism.

Dwight's briefly includes Jack in-on more top secret information: "Jack, you to truly know me, there's only one question that you need to lay on me... Who was my father? Well my father was the head of the C.I.A. before he passed. Taught me many things, I don't think I could be half the man that he is. I'll tell you this though, he would be ashamed of the criminals in the C.I.A., even though it was a small minority of them back then, now it's a larger portion! It goes against everything my father stood for." Jack felt a need to indulge into the conversation, taking Dwight by surprise because in his mind, Jack couldn't possibly relate, could he? "Dwight," Jack murmured, "You know that's great and all but I never knew my parents, I was always fostered in and out of the system. You see, to me: I could care less if someone disagrees with me but blood doesn't define your family, loyalty does. Just because I'm from a sperm donor and a lame ass hitchhiker doesn't mean I consider THEM family! Not in the least bit, but my friends ACTUALLY helped me throughout my hardships and stuff... Anyways please continue I just, wanted to say that because I hate thinking that people assume they know everything about me."

Dwight took all the information in like a flash drive and treaded carefully with his words: "Jack, I'm truly sorry to hear that, I hope you don't ever think that I don't care about you and your personal life, I just have a mind that is almost exclusively task-based. You know my father used to turn to poetry to keep his mind sharpened and focused on happier things in life than the violence and stress he encountered. One saying I remember that you could learn from him is: 'Not everyone is born and raised, but EVERYONE is born and lowered.' Which is deep, it's saying that everyone whom is born, will die, which of course is obvious. But then it's also saying that everyone may not be 'born and RAISED' because as we know you can't choose your parents, or legal guardians etc. So technically speaking, being born, AND raised, is optional, unfortunately. Raised and lowering are opposites, but my father explained that when you die your body gets lowered, so be sure that whether or not you were raised right, to live with purpose. A true juxtaposition of life and death, life is what you do with it, not everyone grows up with 'help' and by 'help' I mean parents." Jack looks at Dwight with a whole new attitude, he gained a lot of respect for him with that deep quote from Dwight's father. Jack was very curious about Dwight's father but he kept those thoughts locked up because he felt focused on the mission of figuring out how to stop this weapon. Jack wanted to get to know Dwight, and FAST. So he went straight for the throat with his next question: "So Dwight what exactly can you tell me about your personal experience with this EMP scare??" Dwight starts to pace around the room like a professor lecturing a class, "Jack I was a scientist before I ever considered combative careers... I had made my mark in history, but in disguise. I had experimented my weapon on cars, and although it was successful, the device was virtually immobile. Useless unless your target was straight ahead." Jack's eyes opened to new heights as he had become frightened, he prompted Dwight: "What... weapon..." Dwight jumps back in the conversation: "The EMP. This was mostly my hands on project and I had it down to all the blueprints, schematics, behaviors, risks and functions but I never had time to perfect it, but over my years of listening in, I've found out they took it to new lengths." Jack is scared by all of this information, he starts staring at the floor. Strange thoughts corrupt his mind, thoughts of the smell of blood, that first gunshot that hit his target and how his eyes never closed, his vision is permanently stained with this picture in his head. Jack gets asked by Dwight to talk about what's on his mind for it’s the only medicine to help his pain. "Well Dwight, ugh, you know I have so much respect for our veterans. I truly am patriotic to a T. I think they get treated horribly in this country, and what made me start my show against shills and lies in the mainstream media, was when I found out about the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution! It's a damn shame! How many great veterans had to eat lead and die in that was because of a LIE!" Dwight interjects: "You know I do agree, but it wouldn't be fair if I didn't reveal to you something, I was supposed to fight in that war but I dodged the draft... My father revealed to me his real job and told me that my weapon could come in handy and the CIA was 'hiring' if you will, so I took my old man up on his offer. However if you haven't already guessed, inventing wasn't enough as I became trained ruthlessly to kill, to hunt, to... interrogate." Jack replies, "Alright, alright. I follow. So I mean, how do you do it, though? I keep having flashes of that man I killed! I hate this and I mean I hope you don't take this wrong but you just killed a lot more men than me so like how..." Dwight puts on a crooked smile and says: "Jack, believe it or not it's not too difficult. I just write in my diary. I have so much disturbing memories in the contents of this diary but it doesn't bother me, it helps me. I will be dead when someone reads it, you know?" Dwight sets the scene, he puts on a disguise, gives Jack a disguise, and orders several sandwiches from a local restaurant. The road trip is about to commence!

5. Road Trip

"Let me ask you something random Dwight, how did you know how to send the CIA the picture of me laying on the ground pretending to be dead?" Dwight tells Jack: "Well you see, I've been keeping tabs on the CIA and their actions for quite some time now. I got accustomed to all the new formats of reconnaissance by listening in on their processes and lectures. I take notes on each topic with different paper assortments for all of the aforementioned subjects and I studied it to keep sharp. I have the tactical assault techniques in my blue colored notes for example and my... Oh my god hahahaha!! You know I sound like I'm three sheets to the wind trying to explain my ways haha! Let's just say I kept listening with my device, sorry for getting carried away there, confusion to the tenth degree haha!" Dwight and Jack felt their spirits rise as well as their team morale stemmed from this conversation. A few minutes pass, Jack feels his curiosity about Dwight growing more and more every conversation. "So what do you have for a family?" Jack asked. "A wife and 3 kids, I had to do what I had to do to take care of them, and now they're all in danger..." Dwight tells Jack with a sense of despair. Jack had felt like he had possibly asked too many questions and got on Dwight's bad side. A few minutes of silence passes, Dwight decides that this is a good time to teach Jack another top secret lesson. "Jack, allow me to let you in on a top secret linguistics lesson. We've been decoding secret messages in text for decades, in a process we call 'L.I.D.' which stands for 'Language Infrastructure Decoding.' Look for an adverb in the title of the text that ends with the letters 'ly', that's how you know we had our hands involved in a secret message. Look at the first letter on the left side of the page, put them all together and the sequence is complete. I remember my father had used this method to capture John Dillinger, the infamous bank robber. He was public enemy number 1, and was great at making a mockery of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Anyways, my father had an article about him, which the title contained, 'Gently Dillinger Evades Police' and in the short paragraph the first letters at the left side of the page made a mention of his hideout at Cable, Wisconsin. I'm surprised you didn't know about stuff like this the way you combated government shills young fella!" *cough* *cough* Jack's words skyrocketed out of his mouth with excitement: "WOAH WOAH! You listened to my show, Dwight?..." Suddenly Jack's attitude completely turns shallow and he utters: "Oh wait, you just heard my show when your device was recording it." Jack places his left hand on his cheek in a sad display. Dwight chuckles childishly, "Haha you've got me all wrong, I actually listened to it once a week or so, and it was sort of ironic that I wasn't listening to it the week you made the big discovery that landed us here together. You know I especially liked the one show you did were you showed how devious the mainstream media was when they covered that one shooting and didn't give much insight into each side of the issue but rather pushed for some agendas. Yeah, you know I think you’re a hero I wish I could say your show could keep going I think you were well on your way to broadband to a much wider audience, but you know..." Jack thanks Dwight, then as they keep driving there is silence for a couple hours. Jack put it upon himself to get some sleep. (Several hours later... location: Lake Superior.)

Dwight wakes Jack up, and parks the car alongside a huge body of water at peak nighttime hours. Jack freaks out as he assumes Dwight was doing this in a sense of urgency. "What, what is it?" Jack hastily demands. "Ahh you must not be a night owl, well here's the deal," Dwight puts his diary and pen in the glovebox and continues: "We are a half hour away from one of the EMP launch sites, I'm glad you got to sleep but I need to rest for awhile before we pursue this so go look what's in the trunk, you'll know what to do." Jack gets out of the car, quietly, as he has been apprehensive since the shootout he feels paranoid that he will meet his maker by a gun anytime. He goes to the trunk, opens it up to see Dwight had some white paper targets with skinny male silhouettes, some wooden stakes and a small black pistol. He immediately knew what Dwight needed from him, some target practice, the question on Jack's mind however, is more complicated. "Why isn't he given me step by step lessons this time? Why not demonstrate? What the hell, what in the hell..." Jack pondered. Not too long later he thought, maybe the lesson to be learned is that people can only teach themselves how to shoot because everyone's different? Maybe everyone overcomes obstacles differently or at a different pace? Jack chalks it up to his instincts must have went on a manhunt and he should stop being so paranoid. He sets up the targets and noticed his pistol had a silencer on it, and a flashlight. Jack feels confident in his aim after actually going through the practice. The first target gets obliterated and only 2 missed shots. The next target is hit mainly in the chest region, which makes Jack happy. It didn't last long, as soon as the next target was set up Jack began to think that although his shots were accurate, it did take him awhile to aim each one. Dwight steps out of his car about 45 minutes later and asked Jack about his experience: "Well I'm good to go, and hopefully I don't mean die. It's just a joke Mister. Why didn't you wake me up sooner? Why didn't you shoot a squirrel for our breakfast? Okay okay I'm finished with my jokes... Anyways any questions?" Jack smiles but didn't quite laugh, "You know I think I've got it down, I mean I like it because it's much smaller than that long gun, I don't mind it. What else do you need to teach me?" Jack questioned. Dwight begins to put bullet proof vests on each of them, and starts acting out movement techniques for overcoming enemies. He also explains that it's only a mental game, if you make it that way, "Now it might take a few minutes to get used to that new vest, but try aiming your weapon straight ahead of you... perfect, now step side to side in one direction... good! That is a very valuable method used for flanking. Now, how well can you crouch, and barrel roll?" Dwight instructed. The lessons go on for awhile but it still remains dark outside and it has to be rushed, it was inevitable. Dwight grabs everything and puts them back in the trunk, puts on some special belts, and starts the car in a hurry. Although the mission at hand is stressful, neither of them want to talk about it. Dwight has a lot on his mind and has to get something off his chest as they drive to the first EMP launch site. "Jack I gotta tell you something before we get there," Dwight announces, "Jack, I lied to you a little bit, I'm not proud of myself for that but you should know more insight. I blemished the story about how I faked my death, the man I killed was exactly the way I described him... except he had kids. 2 sons, in elementary school." Jack has no negative reaction to this whatsoever, he wants to ensure Dwight that he is just fine: "Hey hey that's not even a, thing to be sorry for. You said he was a bad guy?! If he was bad enough to hit a woman, knock her cold out in public than imagine what he'd do to his kids. They probably got beat bad or neglected, Dwight please there's nothing about what you did that makes me think differently of you, you saved my life I've appreciated your lessons, it's all good!" Dwight is hesitant to respond but he tells Jack: "Look, I mean thanks. But nobody else would know what it feels like to separate kids from their father, even if he was bad, those kids are hound and they will grow up one day and remember they USED to have a dad. The biggest problem is, do you want to know why I didn't know he had kids? Because I screwed up... I killed him, and I did it being so impatient that I never took the time to find out about his family. I feel guilty for it every day, I was just thinking about myself and my family I never thought that he could have kids and that killing him would be one of the most haunting resolutions in my life..." Jack doesn't like this side of Dwight, he immediately responds: "Look I still stand on my view, it was probably fate. Maybe for some reason he was meant to be killed by you, or you would have let him live and his kids would've been abused for years." Jack is delightful that he can finally talk to someone that could hold a conversation with him, and not be filled with such rage. The guest callers on 'The Shilling Truth Live' were always angry and on the attack, so to speak. It meant a lot to Jack to have a good series of back and fourths with someone in his life. Dwight is happy on the outside, on the inside he is marred with fear of failure, writing in his diary and talking is his way of staying calm. See, Dwight too had no human contact in years with the exception of food deliveries, and even then he was wearing disguises. Dwight decides to think of a random question to ask despite his complete lack of caring for the subject: "So I like your tattoo, it really covers up your whole arm young man?" Jack responds: "Yeah, I wanted it big so that people would have to see it, I like the large black bulgy ink, that way people cannot miss it. I don't know man... I'm just not into artsy crap haha!" Dwight tilts his head upwards with a chuckle.

Out of the blue, Dwight pulls out a syringe and pokes himself under his vest, it shocks Jack so much that he pretends he never saw it happen. He had no intentions of bringing it up and asking about it. Dwight tells him: "Before I get involved in warfare, I strategize I don't fight a war fair! I take adrenaline shots to give me an edge in combat, and no I don't share I hope you didn't get any ideas..." Jack has no comment, he is glad to get an explanation though. He looks over at Dwight, and gives him a quick head nod. Dwight puts his hand on Jack's shoulder, pumps the breaks, and tells Jack: "We're here, remember your training."

6. First Come, First Serve, First AID

Dwight and Jack are armed to the teeth in vests and ammo belts, a baggy of spare ear plugs just in case, Jack with his pistol equipped with a silencer, and Dwight with some explosives and a submachine gun doctored with stability upgrades. They run to the door, get on each side of this small box-shaped gray building. Next step is placing small ear communicators in their ears, and Dwight gives a brief warning: "Make this clear, we cannot let an alarm go off, if it does the building will commence lockdown functions and I'm going to assume there will be many armed forces sent to this building to wipe us out, we need disguises, stay behind the very first place you can find cover! Put this fake beard on your face, it's a good disguise and it suppresses the sound of your loud breathing." Dwight begins using a synergistic compound that flows its way into the lock and molds a key, Dwight puts gloves on and slowly opens up the door. He runs while crouching up to a terrace by a trap door hid behind some scrap metal, Jack follows. Dwight sought for an opportunity to get inside that door...

Inside that

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