HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Pulled & Pushed

(10:00 am – 11:00 am)


The double doors burst open as he emerged onto the floor. Thankful to have some time with his thoughts.  The U-Boat rattled as the plastic totes shook noisily.  He tried to remember where he left off in his story.  He was at the end, right?  He needed an ending.  His thoughts soon overpowered him.  “Should the main character stab the Black Priest?  Maybe they should have a final fight?  Every character has to conquer something right?”  He gripped the U-Boat tighter, “What would he say?  The Black Priest has him cornered.  The fate of the entire Mayan…”  “Excuse me sir,” his thoughts were halted like a car smashing into a wall.  A wealthy looking man dressed in the darkest navy blue suit approached him.  His U-Boat rattled to a halt when the man said, “yea, I’m looking for an ink cartridge for my printer.”  The man handed Kyle a piece of paper.  He took it knowing the answer before he asked, “You don’t know the cartridge number?”  Instead of the typical, “No, I don’t” response.  The man straightened his suit, “if I knew that I wouldn’t be asking you now would I?”  Ignoring the man's rudeness he decided to give his typical response.  “Well sir, I’ll have to go up front and check the computers.  Is this is the printer an Officejet 6700?”  The man shrugged, “whatever my secretary wrote down there.” 

Letting a small sigh escape him, he moved towards the front of the store.  He shook his head in utter confusion.  Nobody besides somebody who worked retail would understand this problem.  How could you come to an office supply store and not know the ink cartridge you need?  It was utterly bewildering to him.  How can somebody drive all the way out here and not know what they were looking for?  However this situation was common when working here.  Making his way to the front he saw Katie dealing with a line of customers.  He moved to the computer and began searching for the correct ink cartridge for the increasingly rude customer. “How long is this going to take?”  The man gazed over Kyle’s shoulder and did not turn away until he finally found the number.  “Sir your printer takes a 564 they’re down this aisle here and all in numerical…” The man had cut him off interrupting with a “yea that’s great!  I’ll wait here while you go get that for me!”  He retreated from the man in a fast pace trying to keep himself calm.  He HATED the rich customers.  Grabbing the cartridge without looking he headed back up to the guy and handed it to him.  “Here you go sir if there is anything else I...” The customer took the ink with a rude, “you SURE this is the one?”  Kyle nodded, “that is what the computer says?”  “So this is the one then?  I don’t want to have to come back.”  Kyle shook his head, “I don’t think you will.  Is there anything else I can…”  “If I have to come back here because this is...”  “Sir, it’s the right cartridge is there anyth...” “Thank you,” turning from him before he had even finished his sentence. 

Shaking his head Kyle gave a confused,“alright?”  Deciding to head back when he noticed the sliding doors opening.  Ron had come through clearly from smoking a cigarette again.  Kyle had never seen a man smoke so much.  He knew Ron just enjoyed the break from his usual “doing nothing”.  Turning away Kyle had to make his way back to the warehouse, before Ron had a chance to stop him.  “Hey Killa,” he stopped dead in his tracks.  “God damn it,” he whispered hating that nickname.  What was that even supposed to mean?  What was he a killa of exactly?  Obviously not of the work he did, because Ron was always complaining about it.  “Yeah Ron,” he said turning towards him.  He pointed towards a display in the middle of the aisle.  “Hey you know that paper is 25 cents after rebate right?”  Trying not to smile at the pointlessness, “yes Ron.”  “Then we should fill it up, right?  Can you rebuild the stack that we had there?  Fill it up and make it nice too, will ya?  You know what...all the paper looks like it needs to be filled as well.”  Kyle turned back to the warehouse and then back to the paper.  Having nowhere else to go he gave a forced politeness of, “course.”  Ron gave an equally false, “that-a-boy!”  He entered the office as Kyle began to retrieve the multi-purpose paper, “I even tried to do it before he noticed.”  It was just another one of those tedious tasks that Ron reserved for only the lowest on his favorite list.  

   “Excuse me,” Kyle dropped a stack of paper reams as he turned to the woman.  “Yes, how can I help you?”  Pointing to the very paper that he was holding she asked, “So this paper is 25 cents?”  “No I’m sorry,” “then why does it say...”  “Yeah I know I apologize, but if look closely they break it down for you.”  Pointing at a small math problem, which read $6.99 - $6.74 = .25 cents.  “You see you pay 6.99 and they send back this amount.  So, it’s like paying 25 cents.”  The woman had a look of disappointment, “and how will I get the money back?”  “A check will be mailed to the address you provide.”  “Can I just get the money off now and avoid all that mail in stuff, Kyle?”  “You don’t have to mail it in.  You can actually send it through the internet.  It's a lot faster and...” “But I can’t get it right now, correct?”  Shaking his head, “I’m sorry, I wish you could.”  The woman frowned, “that’s stupid!” 

Turning she walked away just in time for Kyle to see a sight that he thought he would never see.  A middle aged woman walked right past him and towards the reams of paper displayed on the wall.  Taking a single ream she placed it tight across her chest as if they were long lost lovers and then turned to exit the store.  Perplexed he knew she was going to leave.  He saw the doorway framed in her eyes.  He ran to her before she could exit, “Excuse me is there something I can help you with?”  Looking stunned, “no, I just came to get my free ream of paper.” 

Trying not to look stunned himself he questioned, “free ream of paper?”   “Yes,” she said handing him a coupon she had printed out.  He read the coupon and saw that it did say, Free Ream of Paper.  However at the bottom in red print it read: After Clips Easy Rebate.  “I’m sorry, but it’s not free.  You have to pay for it now and get the money back in a rebate.  Look it says it right here.”  The woman squinted her eyes as she stared at the writing.  “Oh?” she said softly.  Handing back the ream of paper, “well in that case I don’t want it.  In the future you shouldn’t advertise something is free unless it really is free.”  “Well it will be free all you have to…” but that was all it took.  The woman headed out the doors without looking back.  “People,” he whispered in exasperation.  Returning the paper to the others along the wall, he noticed another unexpected surprise. 

The final manager walked through the sliding door.  Will was a short man but seemed to generally like Kyle.  That was until he was around Ron, which he suspected was the reason for his attitude on Sunday.  Kyle's dislike for him had grown since that meeting.  His attempt at impressing Ron had clearly burned the bridge between them.  It seemed Ron always made taking advantage of him the popular thing.  Ron was a bully, and Kyle was his victim.  The truth was that if they wanted to rag on him that was fine.  He knew that when his book was published they would be singing a very different tune.  Will was dressed in tattered blue jeans and a dark paint stained Jimmy Buffet shirt.  Kyle had just a moment to shake his head as Will gave a warm, “good morning Kyle!”  Kyle gave a polite, “morning Will.”  Will straightened his NASCAR hat and flattened his pepper mustache.  “Are you working today?”  Will zoomed past but gave a polite, “No they just need me for this meeting.  I don’t know what it’s about.  Before I go check this out, I thought you would appreciate this.”  Pulling out his phone he pushed some buttons before he revealed a cup.  “This is what I was drinking out of last night.”  The cup had a message on it that read: I’m outdoorsy in the sense I like getting drunk on other people’s porches.  Kyle genuinely laughed as Will smiled “I knew you’d think that was funny!”  He smiled punching in the code to the office door and disappeared behind it.  Leaving him alone with Katie, he felt her eyes on him. She scowled putting security tags on the large boxes of toner.  Will was the hippie that never grew up and had worked retail his entire life.  He was three times married, average drinker, and heavy smoker.  Most of the time going out of his way to become a favorite manager to customers.

The office door opened and out walked Carol now sporting an athletic wrist guard for her “sprained” wrist.  Her eyes widened, when she noticed him stacking the paper.  Thankfully he could feel Katie’s eyes moving away from him.  “Kyle,” Carol said as she moved towards him.  “Did Ron tell you to stack that?”  He nodded, “Well, it’s high enough!  I need you to go back and remove the key from the baler.  Gene is about to take his walk.”  Nodding again as she continued, “And what happened to the U-Boat Joel said you and Brandon were bringing up?”  Rolling his eyes, “yea Carol I was until I had to help a customer and then...”  He saw her face frown and knew that his explanation was pointless. “Ok let me finish this and then I will bring it up.”  “Just drop what you’re doing and take care of that…” “But Ron said,”  “FORGET RON, he doesn’t understand that we need to finish the truck off today and tomorrow.  They changed the schedule again for Back-to-School.  So we are getting another truck in two days.”  Dropping the paper he gave a happy “Course Carol!  I’ll take care of it.”  Happy to be leaving Ron high and dry, he began to make his way towards the back. 

“Hey Carol would it be alright if I took my fifteen?”  Carol eyed him and slowly nodded her head.  “Thanks,” he whispered turning from her with a look of confusion.  What the hell was there to think about?  Why did she act like it was such a big deal?  Everyone else took breaks when they wanted to.  Many practically didn't even tell management they just left.  He saw Katie's eyes peer above her gold spectacles as he made his way out the sliding doors.  “What...the...hell,” he whispered to himself.  What was her issue?  She had already gone on two fifteen's already, and she was only working six hours.  Shaking his head he smiled as the sun hit his face.  It was slowly rising high in the sky.  The wind was light and the parking lot was already starting to fill up.  It would soon be the lunch rush and everything was sure to go to hell then. 

Making his way towards the car he heard a slam of a car door.  “Oh shit, Joel has the fucking keys!”  Gazing back at the store, he knew that he couldn't go back in.  By the time he found Joel and got the keys his break would be over.  “Kyle,” yelled a voice in the distance.  He turned to see his friend making his way towards them.  Somebody that he had not expected to see.  He was large with broad shoulders, a warm smile, and bald.  The only hair being on his face with a light black beard coming in.  “Eric, holy shit man what're you doing here?”  Walking over he shook hands with his best friend.  “Came by for that HP tablet, you said you could hook me up.”  “Huh,” he whispered trying to recall the information from deep within his memory bank.  “Yeah you said that HP was going out of business and they were giving away their tablets.”  Nodding he gave a soft, “Oh right man!  Sorry, it's been one of those days.”  “Ron giving you shit?”  Laughing slightly, “when is he not giving me shit!”  “Can you hook me up with your discount?”  He gazed back at the store and then back at his friend.  “Course, but I would wait a bit until Ashley shows up.”  “You could ring me out right?”  “I don't know?  I can't guarantee that I will be up front.  I can try, but I think Ashley will come in soon.  Although, I don’t know what time?  Yeah, I can ring you out!  You have to come in and get it quickly though.”

Eric nodded, “Do you have time for a quick smoke?”  Kyle smiled, “oh god yes!  You’re a life saver.”  Walking back to Eric's car, a gold 96’ Grand Marquis.  Reaching into his ash tray Eric pulled out a smoking pipe muttering, “freshly packed too!”  He handed it to Kyle, “How much is your discount?”  He took the pipe, “10 percent.”  “10 PERCENT,” he shrieked making Kyle cough violently.  “That sucks man,” gripping his heaving chest Kyle turned bright red, “I...know!” 

“So, how are things going?  Judging by your wound there not good huh?”  Brow furrowed Kyle gazed down at the bandaged cut on his arm, “Oh yeah, cut myself on the fucking metal shelves!  Thought I was going to need stitches.”  Eric lit the pip and inhaled deeply before asking “So, how are things with the wife?”  “She's not a wife yet, but I am going to propose.  I think in December sometime.”  “Good for you man,” they talked for a couple more minutes.  Until Kyle finally checked the clock, “Well I guess I better go back...wait!”  He glanced at the radio raising the volume slightly.

“What...JESUS Kyle don't do that you freaked the fuck outta me!”  “Listen,” he whispered as music began to fill the car.  Eric gave a perplexed look at him.  Kyle’s eyes seemed to cross slightly, “yeah it's Oasis.”  “It's Wonderwall Eric.  Don't you like this song?”  Eric shrugged as Kyle turned up the volume.  He leaned back in the passenger seat as if he had all the time in the world now.  Gazing out the window, he stared at the trees blowing in the breeze.  He seemed to be in a trance as he mouth mouthed along with the words.  It was out of nowhere that words seemed to escape him, “I'm going to quit today.”  “What,” Eric exclaimed. “Yeah, I...I have to quit.”  “But you still have school, bills, Amy...everything!”  “I know, but I just...I just can't take it anymore.”  “Kyle you need to think about what you're doing.”  “I have, and it needs to be done!  I've been sending out applications and everything.  It is only a matter of time, before I get another one.  I think I can survive until...damn!  I better go before Ron freaks out.”  “What about my tablet?”  Kyle covered himself with some of his  friend’s body spray.  “Come in the store in 10 minutes ok?  I gotta go get the baler key for their safety check.” 

Waving good bye, he headed towards the store.  Dodging around the cars, his body felt lighter. His mood had certainly improved.  He felt better and more confident.  The only real question that came to his mind was how to tell Ron he was quitting.  How would he take it?  Would he be upset that he was loosing his punching bag?  Would he be upset that he was loosing such a valuable employee?  He shook his head trying not to laugh at his own comment.  He knew deep down what his reaction would be, disappointment.  Yes, he was going to take away the fun of letting him go.  He walked through the double doors and knew deep down that he was right.   

Katie eyed him the entire time he walked by her.  Her lips seemed to curl as she was still placing security tags on the toner boxes.  Carol was at the counter with her talking excitedly about her two cats.  “Great two old hens clucking away at each other!”  He froze when he saw an older gentlemen approach him.  Looking like death was about to wave him to the afterlife, “Hello young man you work here right?  Do you guys have self-laminating sheets?  I saw the ones you had in aisle five already.”  “Yeah they stick them over here I don’t know why.”  Kyle lead the man to aisle two stopping when he saw the spot was empty.  “I’m sorry sir, it looks like we’re all out.”  The man pointed to mid-stock, “How about up there?  Do you have any more?” 

Hesitating several seconds, “I don’t think so.  I was up there just this morning.”  “Well could you look and see?”  Trying to think of way around this task he decided to try a different tactic. “You know sir, if you need something laminated Copy and Print can help you.”  The man shook his head, “I have a lot of stuff to laminate,” “well Copy and Print actually does laminating for only $1.99.”  “I want to do it myself,” he said. “I understand sir, but depending on how much you’re laminating.  Copy and Print might be a more affordable option...”  “Is there somebody else that can help me?”  Gritting his teeth Kyle finally conceded, “very well, let me check for you sir.”  He made his way down the aisles to grab the mobile ladder.  “I really hope we don’t have any,” shaking his head in frustration.  “Just a couple more hours,” he lied to himself.  Maybe he could fool his mind?  The clock was your enemy in any retail job.  Time seemed non-existent in this place.  It dragged when you didn’t gaze at it, and it moved even slower when you did. 

However the biggest problem of retail besides pay was the customers.  This problem could only be known by former retail employees.  When management assigns you certain tasks you better get those tasks finished.  Helping the customers was an added task, which should be handled efficiently and promptly.  This always made him laugh.  How do you handle every customer efficiently and promptly?  Every customer was different, and it seemed most were helpless upon entering the store.

Kyle found himself in front of the old man again.  “Sorry had to grab it,” climbing up the ladder he scanned mid-stock.  “I’m sorry sir, it looks like we don’t have anymore.”  The old man began to grumble, “I’m sorry sir, I really am.  If you want we can try to order them online for you?” Kyle smiled as he couldn’t have cared less.  The old man shook his head as Kyle came down the ladder.  “Well I appreciate it young man.  I guess I’ll go to another store.”  He watched the old man leave giving a grumbled, “thanks.” 

Now Kyle had to go remove the key from the baler.  As he was about to turn the corner he heard the rattling of a shopping cart.  It was Katie, “Hey Kyle!  I need you to put these ink toners up top for me.”  Wanting to laugh as he replied “well I need to get that key out the baler and straighten up before Gene makes his safety rounds.”  “Well, I can’t do it because of my ligament surgery!”  Deciding to be a dick, he replied,  “Oh it must be so difficult for you to climb stairs!”  Katie looked confused, “No, I can climb stairs fine.”  He then motioned to the ladder, “well then this should be just as easy.  You see it's built just like a staircas...”  “I CAN’T,” she said almost like a spoiled child, “can’t or won’t Katie?”  She turned and disappeared leaving Kyle alone with the cart of toner.  He knew that he should leave it.  Give the middle finger and just leave it for her knowing that it would never get done.  In truth, he always did it for her in the past.  However, he would have more respect for her if she would just admit that she didn't want to do it.