HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The Jerk & The Pig


The night was dark with the moon consistently being obstructed by lazy clouds in the sky.  The only light being cast from the torches hanging over the local tavern.  The tavern was noisy as usual with some patrons singing loudly.  Other patrons were pondering life in a mug of wine.  However all this noise was almost mute to Jercules.  He sat at the bar staring at the shelves of mugs and pitchers all waiting to be filled. 

A hand clapped Jercules on the back, “ease up my friend!  So you had a bad harvest.  It's bad for everyone out there!  Look at me, I'm not used to this farm life either.”  “I'm used to battle Pygolaus!  I'm used to being on the road fighting for glory.”  “And, I'm not Jercules?  But we're home now, home with our wives.  We have to accept that now.  The wars are over!”  Jercules gazed at his best friend.  Brown hair tied back in a pony tail with a blue and black patterned patched vest.  Still youthful in his looks, soldiering and battle had not taken it from his friend.  “By Zeus will they shut up already,” Jercules snarled downing his wine.  “They're just singing about...”  “About my brother...big Hercules, I'm Zeus's son too!  You think I would get the same attention.”  Turning to his best friend, “I have slayed hundreds of men.”  “WE have slayed hundred of men,” Pygolaus corrected him.  Jercules smiled, “you're right my friend!  Where are the stories about us?  We don't have statues or songs sung about us.  Or drinks raised to us...we are just as feared in battle.”

Pygolaus nodded, “yeah you would think a warrior like me would be pulling all kinds of tail.  I mean look at the tits on that one over there!”  A woman laughing hysterically as she sat on a man's lap.  “You are married Pygolaus!”  “And what I'm dead, my wife isn't around all the time.  A man has needs you should know that!  Your need for glory and battle...and my need for...”  He glances at the woman sloshing her wine down her dress, “for love.”  “Pygolaus you are too much!”  Jercules smiled turning to lean on the bar.  “I guess we’ll just have to get used to the lifestyle.”  Raising their mugs, “here's to farming.”  Jercules raised his glass and weakly said, “to farming.”  Their mugs clunked together, “half man...half god, tear the titans down, all for the good of...”  A drunken man collided with the woman spilling the rest of her wine over her occupant’s face.  The mustached man rose throwing the woman off of him like she had caught fire.  The drunken man's eyes widened, “I'm sorry Asop.  I didn't mean to...”  “You drunken FOOL,” reaching back the mountain of a man smashed his fist into his face.  The drunken man toppled backwards crashing into a table.

The riot was almost instantaneous as if the whole tavern had been waiting for something to set it off.  Chairs flew across the bar as Jercules turned back to the bar.  The bartender’s chubby face contorted in a panicked, “Jercules...Jercules, please stop this!  They are going to ruin my tavern!”  Jercules downed the last of his drink shrugging “Well, you shouldn't serve customers that can cause trouble.  Or at least not serve them past their limit.  You asked for this to happen.”  Grabbing the clay pitcher, he poured another glass for him and his best friend.  “Jercules, PLEASE you can't just sit there and allow this...”  “I can and will!  It's NOT my problem!  This is not my tavern.  These are not my things.  I am just a paying customer.  If you were worried about your establishment you should have hired somebody to handle situations like this.”  Jercules chuckled as he slapped Pygolaus on the shoulder.  “Am I wrong here buddy?”  Pygolaus shook his head, “no you're right!  We came for a drink and some rest.  It's not our problem.  He is the owner, and he should be better prepared.”  “Exactly,” Jercules took a sip from his mug as the bartender stared at him.  “Hercules would help,” “I'M NOT HERCULES AM I?  Do I look like Hercules?”  “He is your brother,” reaching across the bar he snatched bartender’s shirt, “HALF-BROTHER!  Just because we have the same damn father doesn't mean we’re family.”

Jercules released him scowling slightly as he turned.  “Let get out of her Pyg...”  A man crashed into him sending wine to spill over everything.  “Watch it,” he yelled pushing the man.  He twirled slightly on the spot before his arm swiped across the pitcher.  It skidded off the bar and smashed on the floor.  “THE WINE,” Jercules screamed angrily.  “You no good,” gripping the man by the shirt.  A fire blazed inside him as he flung the man several feet across the room.  He crashed into the wall causing a deep impression in it.  The man fell to the floor like a sack of flour before a swarm of men immediately pounced at Jercules.  One of the attackers missed by inches as he fought with almost poetic skill.  Blocking two at once he gripped their fists and flipped them over the bar.  Another man rushed forward and with a mighty kick sent the man through the front door.  Pygolaus was fighting with his own skill. Flipping over the table to dropkick a man through the wooden window shutters. 

Men started to scatter out the door as Jercules and Pygolaus seemed to fight everyone.  The last of the attackers charged at Jercules only to be uppercut with such force that he crashed through the ceiling.  He landed with a spiraling tumble outside.  “You want some,” Pygolaus yelled as men scrambled out the tavern.  Jercules growled at them like a lion defending his cubs.  “And don't ever come back unless you want more!  God damn Pygolaus they tore my shirt!”  Clapping his friend on the back, Pygolaus smiled up at his giant friend.  “Well, you needed new clothes anyway!  That was fun though...look at this place it's a mess.”  “Thank you Jercules, I knew that you couldn't be such an ass!  You're truly a good man.  Those people will never come back!”  The bartender gazed around the bar staring at his destroyed tavern.  “It's going to take me forever to clean this mess up though.”  Nearly every piece of furniture was broken.  Chairs in splinters, tables broken in half, and vases smashed to pieces over the straw covered floor. 

“Well, we better get back home,” Jercules gave a weak little smile and made his way out the door.  “Wait can you guys help me out.  I mean, it's going to cost me a fortune to replace this stuff and...”  Jercules shook his head, “it's not my problem.  I told you before this is not my business.”  The bartender watched Pygolaus and Jercules walk towards the door.  “You could just help to clean up.  I mean just the heavy stuff.”  They continued to walk away ignoring every plead from the bartender.  “You are a jerk...BOTH of you!”  The bartender’s words fell silent as they made their into the night.  “Jercules...wait...Jercules...”  Jercules turned to see a beautiful woman making her way towards him.  Draped in purple shawls and a brown dress she smiled at him.  “Thank you for clearing out the tavern.  You are...truly...a hero.”  “I helped,” Pygolaus added his eyes lighting up at the sight of her.  “One of the men tried sneaking into my room with a knife.  I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't thrown that man.  He ended up knocking them both through the wall.  You saved my life.”  “That was me actually,” “Pygolaus that...”  Pygolaus elbowed Jercules who groaned slightly.  “You’re mistaken Jercules because that was me!”  “OH,” he said and then gave an understanding, “of course Pygolaus...yes, that was you.”  She smiled, “either way you’re both heroes.  I am going to tell everyone what heroes you are!” 

Pygolaus gave a dashing smile, “thanks...it was nothing.  So, I heard that you had a hole in your wall right?”  She nodded, “You are going to need a place to stay then right?”  She sighed, “I guess!  I'm hoping that there will be another room.”  “Well if you want I have a bed in my barn.  You are welcome to it.  And well, if you need a guard for the night.  I would be happy to...”  She took a step back, “a barn...your barn?  Why would I stay in your barn?”  “Well, I can't let you sleep in my house.  What would I tell my wife and kid?  “Wife and kid,” she repeated.  “Yeah, I would be even happier to help get you cleaned up.  Maybe a nice hot bath, you must be traumatized from your ordeal and...”  SLAP...her hand raked across his face.  “You're a pig!  How can you be friends with the hero Jercules?”  She turned and stormed towards the tavern.  Jercules clapped him on the shoulder.  “Oooh,” he said rubbing Pygolaus’s shoulder.  “Bad luck my friend,” Pygolaus rubbed his stinging cheek, “I really thought I had something that time.  Maybe...maybe, I need to work on my charm...or my approach?”  Jercules laughed, “come on my friend let's get you home to your wife.” 

[Home of Jercules]

“Melina, I already caught him hitting on the milk maid and the daughter of Aegan.  Sometimes I don't know what you’re going to do with Pygolaus.”  The fire crackled merrily as Nacissa patted her friend on the back.  “Nacissa you are wrong!  Pygolaus wouldn't cheat on me.  I appreciate you telling me this.  I appreciate you caring for me, but Jercules and Pygolaus are best friends.  Jercules wouldn't let Pygolaus cheat on me.  I know it!”  Nacissa removed her hand as she leaned back in the wooden chair.  The fire casting an orange glow over the darkening house.  “Pygolaus is your friend too.  Why are you saying this about...”  “YOU are my friend Melina!  I want YOU to be happy as I am with Jercules.”  “But he's a...a...jerk.”  Nacissa crossed her arms, “he just sees things different Melina that’s all.  Just because he is the half brother of Hercules and son of Zeus everyone thinks that he should be running off to save them.  Jercules is just a normal man that is gifted and people forget that!”  Melina shrugs, “I guess,” Nacissa smiles, “come on Melina don't frown like that...”  “I just feel like everyone is against my husband.  You just don't see what I see...”   “And you don't see what I see Melina!”  Melina repeated softly, “I guess.”  “Alright...that's enough Melina,” Nacissa stood up and walked to the wooden desk in the corner.  Candles burning lazily as she pushed away the shawls and jewelry.  She finally found what she was looking for. 

A hand held bronze mirror that belonged to her mother.  She gazed down noticing her reflection in it.  Her light blue dress fell over her thin shoulders.  Almost nymph like as she gazed into her matching blue eyes.  Admiring her fingers running down her smooth cheeks before tossing her blonde hair lightly over her shoulders.  Her mother used to say that when she was born Aphrodite bore a kiss to her forehead.  Sealing some of her beauty into her looks, the innocent look that drove men wild.  Shaking her head back to reality she made her way over to her best friend.  “Here,” she said thrusting the mirror into Melina's hand.  Melina gave an exasperated, “what now Nacissa?”  “I'm going to do exactly what my mother did to me when I was a child?”  Mouth gaping opening, “so now I am a child!”  “If you insist on acting this way then I will treat you like a child.  Now don't argue with me and look in the mirror...well, go on!” 

Melina sighed and gazed into the mirror, “Yes there is me...what am I supposed to...”  “If you would be quiet for a second Melina I will tell you!”  Melina sighed again as Nacissa continued, “I want you to tell me what you see...describe to me what you see?”  “I see brown curly hair that is still untidy no matter what I do it.  Almond shaped eyes...brown like the fertilizer we put down today.  An off centered nose that...”  “No, Melina...what do you see!”  “I am bloody well telling you what I see!  I see high cheek bones, and a face that looks like it was stretched out over a...”  “You know what I see Melina!”  Melina shook her head, “What is that Nacissa!”  “I see a beautiful woman.  A woman that is strong mentally too!  A woman that any man would be lucky to have.  However I see blindness.  I see stubbornness in your face.  A woman that believes herself weak and shields herself from reality.  She fears being alone in this world.”

Lowering the mirror, “you think that I am only staying with Pygolaus, because I'm afraid of being alone?”  “Yes Melina, I think you believe that you can't survive alone.  So, you stick with Pygolaus because you don't want to believe what he is...”  “Stop ok Nacissa...just stop ok?  I love Pygolaus and he loves me!  I wish you would love him too.”  Snatching the mirror from Melina, “well there’s about as much chance of that happening as you liking my husband.”  “He's a jerk Nacissa!” “And yours is a...a...a...PIG, Melina!”  “Well, I guess this is just another argument we’ll just have to put away until the day of I told you comes.”  “As long as WE’RE still friends Melina.  That is all that matters to me.”  “Me too Nacissa,” “oh I think I hear them coming!”

  KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK… “Nacissa it's me,” Jercules strolled into the house.  He smiled seeing his wife sitting at the table with Melina.  “Jercules, how many times do I have to tell you.  You don't need to knock to come into your house.”  “What if I was a stranger Nacissa?  You wouldn't want somebody to walk in when I'm not here would you?”  Nacissa grinned and kissed her husband on the cheek.  “No,” she blushed, “I guess not.  Pygolaus it's good to see you!”  Smiling skeptically Pygolaus gave an unconvinced, “I'm sure it is.  Melina, what are you doing here?”  Melina made her way to her husband embracing him in a hug of longing.  Her hands groped his back as she brought him in deep.  Holding him as if he had been gone for days desperate for protection.

“Can you fix us something to eat?”  Jercules asked gazing at his wife with a penetrating stare.  “Well, Melina and I just ate and...”  “Well could you make Pygolaus and I something to eat?”  She smiled, “Jercules it's very late.  You have to get up in a few hours and start on the field in the far val...”  Her voice faltered as Jercules stared stone faced at her.  Her lips trembled slightly, “but then again...I guess a late night snack is not unheard of.”  Jercules nodded his approval as he and Pygolaus made their way to the table.  “Melina, why don't you get the wine for me and your husband?  And maybe a pale of water to wash ourselves.”  Melina frowned at being asked to do a house hold chore.  “I would think with the way you two smell you would’ve had enough wine at the tavern?”  Jercules glowered at her trying to hide his annoyance.  “Well, we would have if we didn't have to deal with that fight now would we?”  He fell silent went Nacissa turned from kitchen.  “Melina...can you just go get a pale of water and the wine for me please?

Melina made her way outside to the well.  Grabbing the bucket by the door, she twirled it around her.  Her mocking voice echoed through the silent night,  “go get the water Melina...go get the water Melina!”  Her sandals kicking up dust as she scowled towards the stone well.  “By the gods, what a jerk,” she exclaimed grabbing the handle of the well’s crank.  “Zeus...and Nacissa smiling like she loves to cook this late!  ZEUS FORBID, the mighty Jercules makes himself dinner for once!  He wants food he should...damn!”  She pouted as she turned the wooden crank.  The rope was caught around the handle.  The bucket hanging on the end flopped over with a hollow clatter.  “Come on you...” She turned again making the bucket flop again.  It hit the stone wall, “damn it!  Come on you stupid thing and turn!”

In the house, Nacissa was cutting up olives to put in her homemade olive oil.  CLUNK...CLUNK… “Oh Jercules, the rope is stuck again!  I thought you said you fixed that!”  Rolling his eyes Jercules gave a soft, “she's just not doing it right...excuse me.”  Jercules made his way out the door to help Melina.  Pygolaus smiled as he watched his friend disappear into the dark.  He turned to Nacissa and gazed at her.  Her blue dress hanging over her innocently hugging every curve of her body.  The knife slicing through olives as she slightly danced in place.  The oncoming light of dawn was starting to pour through the spaces in the roof.  It seemed to lightened her up like she was wearing small diamonds.  “Why do I have a feeling like your eyes are always on me when he leaves?”  Pygolaus bit his lip slowly emerging from his seat, “because they are Nacissa.”  She shook slightly in frustration as Pygolaus’s footsteps approached slowly, “and...why would that be?” 

He approached her as if he was going to hog tie a cow.  His words were calm and even.  “Well, because you are incredible.”  Nacissa chuckled, “Incredible...you better not let Jercules here you say that...or your wife.”  “Jercules doesn't appreciate true beauty.  We both know that.  He can't see you're beauty.  He's well...a jerk.”  “He's YOUR best friend.”  “That doesn't mean he’s not a jerk Nacissa, nor that he can see true beauty when it is stands so close to him.”  She turns to him trying to hide her disgust, “and what about your wife...MY best friend.  What if I told her about what you were saying right now?  You think she would care huh?”  “I don't think she would Nacissa.  She doesn't love me.  In fact, I caught her yesterday flirting with Aegan.  You know the farmer across the valley from us...”  “YOU LIE Pygolaus!  She would never do something like that!  She loves you, and I know she does.  And you love her too.”  Shaking his head, “I couldn't love her as much as I love you...come on just give me a little kiss!  I see how your face light up when I come over...”  “Stop it Pygolaus...stop...get your hands off me!  You're lucky I don't tell Jerc...”  Pygolaus's hands ran down her hip gracefully.  SMACK! “I told you to stop!  Now don't touch me again or I'm going to tell Jerc...” 

“Tell me what,” the door opened to a surprised Jercules.  “That your food is ready,” Pygolaus smiled and grabbed a loaf of bread off the shelf.  Nacissa grabbed the olive oil.  “Here you guys go, hope you enjoy it.”  Pygolaus returned to his seat and began pouring glasses of wine.  “Everything ok,” he whispered to Pygolaus.  He nodded, “yep Nacissa always knows how to make me feel at home.”  Jercules smiled and placed his arm around his wife's mid-section, “thanks for dinner.”  Melina sat down next to Pygolaus with a look of deep affection on her face.  Pygolaus and Jercules tore into the bread and olive oil like they had returned from a day in the fields.  “Well, I think that you should be on your way when your done huh, Pygolaus?” 

Oil dripping down his chin, he wiped it with a noisy, “yeah sounds good...you still gunna need help with that field tomorrow?”  Jercules nodded, “yeah come around mid-day if you could.”  Dunking his last bit of bread into the oil, Pygolaus rose from his seat.  “After we do the field could you come over and help me lift those hay bales?  The cows knocked them all down last night.  If they fall over anymore they could crush the small shed I just made.”  Clapping Pygolaus's hand, “wish I could my friend, wish I could!  I have to clear my field tomorrow after we are done.”  “It's a small job!  It would take you only minutes to straighten them.  It would take me a couple hours.  I got to rig up a pulley system of sorts and...”  “Sorry my friend, but it's not my problem!  You also need to build that fence I told you about.”

“Fine,” Pygolaus snapped sounding a bit disappointed.  “Very well see you tomorrow Jercules,” extending his hand.  “Thanks,” Jercules said handing him the empty bowl of Nacissa’s olive oil.  “Yeah just put it near the bucket Nacissa will wash it tomorrow.”  Pygolaus took the bowl with a faint, “very well...see ya.”  Jercules smiled broadly, “I will see you tomorrow my friend.”  Melina hugged Nacissa as they both left the home.  Jercules stood and stretched his massive arms sleepily.  He yawned wide like a bear preparing for hibernation.  His arms wrapped around his wife as he gazed down at her lovingly, “I sometimes forget how tall you are!”  “78 inches my dear...and an additional nine inches were it counts,” Nacissa pushed him playfully.  “You’re almost as bad as Pygolaus is!  I swear between you two I never need to go to the theater.”  Chuckling he embraced his wife tighter tenderly running a finger through her hair.  “Well, maybe I can introduce you to a little passion of my own?”  Leaning in he begins to kiss on his wife's neck as she giggled, “oh Jercules...Jercules!”  Kissing on her neck she chuckled louder, “Jercules you’re too much...not tonight I'm too tired.  Jercules, please I'm not...”  “Oh come on Nacissa,” gripping his muscular arms she laughed even more.  His breath was starting to tickle her ear.  She tried to push him off, but he was too powerful.  His embrace was almost suffocating, “Jercules, please I can’t...”  She felt her feet starting to push backwards towards the bed.

“Jercules, please I said no!  Jercules...stop, I'm not in the mood!”  “Well I am, now take off your clothes.”  “Jercules I said that I'm not in the...”  Pulling back from her neck, “I said take off your clothes!”  His face hardened glaring at her.  Flames burned in his eyes as his hands gripped her shoulders.  “Now,” he said firmly.  His voice commanding as she stared up at him.  “Did you hear what I said?  I want to make love to you,” her mouth parted slightly as words seemed to fail her.  Reaching up slowly, she gripped her straps and slowly began to roll down her dress.  Jercules smiled, “There's my beautiful wife!”  He leans in and kisses her tenderly.  Caressing her cheek, he stared into her eyes.  “I love you sweetheart.”  She nodded giving a weak smile. He began to push her more towards their bed.  He seemed to be controlling every aspect of her.  However, his embrace was sweet and tender.  He kissed her with such passion and desire.  A passion as if they were lovers separated by oceans and meeting only once a lifetime.  His hands caressed her body as she succumbed to his love.  Her body becoming putty underneath him.  His fingertips touched and moved with almost poetic movements.  Their love always brought him such pleasure.  The way his face would contort in such ecstasy.  He knew what he wanted and how to get it.  He focused on his needs.  His ears fell deaf, when Nacissa wanted him to continue.  He fell silent when he finished before she had gotten going.  “I love you,” he whispered satisfied, “I love you too,” she whispered back disappointedly.