HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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6 - 2 - 1



Robby Richardson




Dedicated to the two wild turkeys I would see everyday coming home from work



6 little turkeys pecking at the green trying to find something to feed

Born all together from the same flock raised all together through many faces of the clock

Houses sprung up and farms spread out...terrain grew shorter and roads grew wider

Born first, played first, raised first, loved first, lived first...we were here first

Before this trail, this path, this dirt, this road, this fear was here


As the years grew long and simplicity turned to complexity

The road expanded and grew next to me...next to us...we couldn't stop the adventurous

Such a rush rush kind not having any time...not even to stop for this friend of mine

6 birds survived all season...sun battered down and winters grew cold

We huddled together when the rain poured but us four couldn't survive this world of yours

Now what are we to do when there's only two...do we stay here or a horizon pursue

Leave this place and try to comprehend this world forgotten and just pretend

Or leave our home and start over again


From 6 to 2...just me and you...survivors of this world we can't live through

Bound to our home, bound to the range, bound to this place that now feels strange

It's a foreign place, we're out of place, people watching like we're an offense...we don't make sense

How could our home not be home, how is that wrong?  We were here long before you came along

We watched you grow, become part of the land and me, thought we could live in harmony

When two was struck left on the side I never left her side

Side by side as life left my side, all alone in this world of mine

Acceptance is what we demand, but balance is something humans can't understand

This lonely flock gone from two to one because of you wild has gone to none


The End