Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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The sun broke through the bedroom window; Donny was excited as he woke, for he would be returning to see his grandfather today.  Enjoying the story telling, and listening to the old rangers adventures gave him pleasure.   Rolling over onto his side, he faced his true love, Eric Bane.  Eric was two years older than Donny, and was in perfect condition.  Standing two inches taller, at first glance one would have thought them to be brothers.  Same dark hair, chiseled muscular body, and smooth skin tone.  Donny and Eric made the perfect couple.

Eric worked the brain injury unit at the Hot Springs medical center as a registered nurse.  It was a profession he cared deeply for, and he took his responsibilities very seriously when it came to helping the sick, and injured.  He had a strong spiritual side, believing Reiki-energy to be a part of the healing process, equal to, if not superior to western medicine. 

Donny gazed at Eric’s naked torso, half twisted in the satin sheets.  As he started to run his fingertips over his abdomen, stirring Eric to open his blue eyes slowly.  His yawning turned into smiling as his eyes came to rest upon his lovers face.  Grinning, Donny slowly moved from the center of Eric’s stomach, down to his navel, running his fingers around the rim, as if stirring a cup of coffee.

Eric knew all too well what that grin meant, and he was more than willing to comply with the subtle hint from his mate.  Donny slide his hand down further, feeling the outer edge of supple pubic hair as he leaned closer, both coming together in their first passionate embrace of the morning.

Softly, Eric parted Donny’s lips with his eager tongue, letting it dart in and out.  Donny now made no pretense of teasing his companion; he seized his penis, which was rapidly filling with blood…

BOOM!  BOOM!  BOOM!  Came the noise from the large fist as it struck the front door of the apartment.

“Police!  We know you queers are in their!  Come out with your dick’s up!”  Angel shouted, and then laughed hysterically.

Both men froze at first, stunned by the cry of ‘Police.’  Then Donny recognized the voice.

“Whooo…is that?” Eric stammered, breathing heavy.

“That damn, dyke, bitch, Chief Temme partnered me up with as a joke,” he said pulling on his sweat pants, and now heading for the front door.

“Donny, don’t do anything rash! Remember your temper!” he cried out, as he too started to dress.

Reaching the door, Donny jerked it open to find Angel still laughing.  “Who the hell do you think you are?  Yelling ‘queer’ outside my door, we have to live here you goddamn dyke!” he screamed into her face.

Holding her side with one hand, and wiping tears off her face with the other; she tried to stop laughing as she looked at her enraged partner.  “I’ve been waiting years to pull that on somebody; it was fantastic.  I almost pissed my panties,” she said calming down a bit.

Donny was beside himself in anger, and humiliation at what just occurred.  Breathing hard, and with a flushed face, he took in a deep breath. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought if we’d spend some time together…we could get to know each better.  What do you think?” Angel said sincerely.

“What do I think?  No fuckin’ way, and don’t you ever come to my apartment again!” he shouted as he slammed the door in her face.

Angel yelled through the door, “Come on sissy-boy, it was just a joke!”

Eric came into the room, and spied Donny still looking out the peephole. “So that’s the dyke from hell you were telling me about.  I can’t believe she did that.  Doesn’t she realize this is an upscale area?  Our neighbors won’t tolerate that kind of display.”

Angel returned to her faded, powder-blue, old Ford Ranger pickup, and drove off with a smirk on her face. 

“I told you she was crazy, and she needs to be under a doctor’s care,” Donny said facing his lover.

Eric walked up and hugged him tightly, softly whispering in his ear, “Everything is fine now, please relax.  I love you very much, and if you come back to bed, I’ll give you a baby oil massage…you know how much you love my massages.”

“I’m sorry I flipped out, but that woman gets me so mad…”

“Don’t think about her, just come with me,” Eric said, leading him by the hand to the bedroom.  The massage did the trick; Donny relaxed into his old self once again.  As the two lay cuddling, Eric surveyed their apartment as he took notice through the bedroom door.

Both loved the Queen Anne style jewelry cabinet sitting in the corner of their spacious bedroom.  It complimented the Colonial canopy-size bed they were laying on, made of fine cherry, with a walnut finish.  Their prize piece was the china cabinet done in solid oak, with a dark cherry stain from the Colonial period as well.  The rest of the apartment was furnished in the traditional style colonial features, from living room to the kitchen.  It was sheer luxuriousness, coupled with true sophistication.  A gay couple’s Shangri-la.

Eric loved being close to Donny, his smooth supple skin, the fragrant musk smell from his armpits, and groin.  He released his tight embrace of Donny, and slid his hand down his muscular abdomen until he reached his lovers erection.  He could feel by Donny’s throbbing member he ached to find release.  Eric guided his companion onto his back as he slowly caressed, and kissed his rock-hard nipples.  His hands trembled with excitement as he worked his way down to his engorged penis.  It was sheer perfection, he thought, as he licked, and then sucked it deep into his throat.

Glancing up, he saw the beads of perspiration glistening on Donny’s chest as he arched his back in heavenly bliss.  Continuing his assault on Donny’s purplish delight, he felt his partner fast approaching climax.  Eric slowed his advance on the mighty member in his mouth, and listened softly as Donny began to moan.  That was his signal to quicken the sucking strokes.

Donny’s body stiffened with anticipation, faster and faster, until he convulsed, spewing hot spurts of cum into Eric’s eager mouth.  Swallowing hard several times as Donny gave out his last, long moan; he held his penis in his mouth until it went soft.  Eric moved up to embrace him with a soft kiss on his wet lips.  Donny relaxed, and lay staring off into oblivion, as he was brought back by the sensual kiss.