Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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Father Andrew Crawford was sitting at Doctor Lerner’s desk, looking over some papers that had been left out when she arrived.  Judging by her facial expression, she was visibly upset as she approached her boss.

“Father Andy, you know very well I don’t appreciate it when you use your master key to gain access to my office.  And furthermore, I truly must take exception with you when you go through my private papers,” she said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

Father Andy looked up.  “All right…all right, let’s not have a scene,” he said vacating her chair. 

She placed her things on her desk, and as she eased her heavy bulk into her chair, Father Andy took up the chair across from her.

Doctor Lerner leaned forward and placed her palms flat on the cool surface of the desk top.  “So, Father, what brings you to my office?”

“What’s your diagnosis of Simon Teel?” he charged right in.

“From the few sessions we’ve had so far, my preliminary evaluation would be that he suffers from verbal and possibly physical abuse stemming from his childhood.  Simon shows signs of depression, accompanied by a high level of stress.  His low self-esteem is complicated by his insecurity and inadequacy as an adult, which stems from his adolescence.  A reoccurring nightmare causes sleep problems, which lead him to abuse alcohol and other drugs he uses to self-medicate.  Overall, I feel he is not a danger to himself or to others at this point in time.  My recommendation would be outpatient therapy once a week.”

“That’s your professional opinion?” Father Andy asked, standing up.

“Yes, it is, and if nothing else presents itself in our coming sessions, I’ll be discharging him soon,” she said, leaning back in her chair.

“I listened to your tape recorded sessions, and I read his diary.  You didn’t mention he hears voices in his head, and that he murdered an elderly lady.  It’s obvious to me he’s a danger to himself, and to others.  Just where did you get your degree, Doctor Lerner, from one of those home study courses?” he said, throwing his hands in the air.

Doctor Lerner pushed herself to a standing position, facing Father Andy.  “Please don’t speak to me in that condescending manner, and as far as Simon Teel is concerned, I’m not sure if he is a habitual liar or a pathological liar, but there is great doubt as to where the truth begins and the lies end.  So until further analysis, I’ll use my professional judgment to decide a course of action concerning his treatment.  And by the way, there have been numerous advances in psychiatry since you were in school, Doctor Crawford,” she hissed.

Father Andy glared at Doctor Lerner; a nerve was struck with her flippant remark about his education.  “It’s obvious; you don’t fully understand what’s taking place with this patient.  Pending further evaluation, Simon Teel will be confined here for a full 180-day review,” he stated heading for the door.

“Just a minute, you can’t be serious?  Simon is—“

Father Andy wheeled around in the doorway.  “I’m the director of this hospital and my orders stand!  And, I don’t want to hear any more about it!  Just see that he and his mother are informed of the committal!” he yelled as he slammed her office door behind him.

She sank back into her chair.  “What is wrong with that man?” she said softly to herself.

Regaining her composure, she inhaled deeply and picked up the phone.  Nora’s extension rang at her desk.  “Hello,” she answered in her sweet voice.

“This is Doctor Lerner, I’ve been asked to inform you concerning Simon’s stay here.  Father Andy has committed him for a full 180-day period, pending further evaluation.”

“How wonderful, I feel so much better knowing he’ll get the help he truly needs.” Her voice conveyed relief.

“Whether it’s in Simon’s best interest or not, will remain to be seen,” Doctor Lerner added with reservations.

“Well, thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it.” Nora said happily.

“Yes, well, I’ll say goodbye for now.”  She hung up the phone and pondered how the committal would affect Simon’s therapy.

Father Andy left the hospital shortly after Doctor Lerner had departed.  He had an appointment with the bishop concerning the hospital and church business.  Stopping at home briefly, he retrieved some financial papers which the bishop had requested.  Just as he was locking the back door, the phone started ringing.  Reopening the door, he grabbed the wall phone in his kitchen.


“This is James Butler.”

“Is there a problem, James?”

“Yes, Simon Teel has become combative.” His voice remained steady as the lies spewed forth.

“In what way is he acting out?” Father Andy inquired.

“He refused to take a shower, and then assaulted me physically.  He then threatened suicide,” James stated boldly.

“Oh my God!  Well, use whatever means you deem necessary to bring him under control.  Do you need me to come back to the unit to assist you?”

“No, I can handle it from here.”

“Well, okay then.”  Father Andy hung up, knowing James was trained to deal with this type of situation.

James headed down the hall and crept into my room, where I was still asleep.  Approaching the bed, he carried a small cup of water and a pink and blue capsule.  I felt something kick the bed, rising up, not sure what to expect. 

“Take this; it was ordered by Father Andy,” he stated while handing me the capsule and liquid.

“What is it?” I asked, a little hesitant.

“That’s not your concern, just put it in your mouth and swallow.” James commanded.

Not wanting to set James off, I complied and washed the pill down.

“Open your mouth,” he demanded.  I did as ordered.  “Raise your tongue,” he said, verifying the pill had been swallowed.  “All right, you know the drill; get your clothes off while I get your toiletries.”

I obeyed, reluctantly.  I didn’t have much to take off, as I was only wearing my shorts and socks.  After removing them, I felt dizzy.  I started for the shower, but the room started to spin; I fell back onto the bed.  Unable to sit up, I now wondered what James had given me.

Entering the room, James did not have my toiletries; instead he had a small bottle of hand lotion and a pair of padded wrist-cuffs.  I couldn’t form the words to ask what was happening.

James seized my naked body by my left arm and leg, flipping me over onto my stomach.  I was totally helpless to stop him.  I remained conscious, yet had lost all motor control of my body.

Disrobing, James spread my legs apart as he positioned himself behind me.  Pulling my arms back, he attached the padded cuffs to my wrists, securing them behind my back.  I could feel the cold lotion being poured onto my anus.  James spread my butt cheeks wide as he forced his hard erection deep into my ass.  The pain was immense and constant as he kept thrusting, pounding away with his full force in a deliberate motion.

“Do you remember what you did to him?!” James shrieked in my right ear.

Finally ejaculating, his orgasm gave him some unknown triumph over me.  The assault stopped as James withdrew his dick from my tender ass.

Leaning closer to my head, he said, “Now you know what it feels like, shithead!  Now you know what he felt!” he yelled.

James picked up his clothes and departed my room.  Unable to move from the drug’s effect, I lay naked, my wrists still bound together, wondering who he was referring to.  Had I really hurt someone as ruthlessly as James had just hurt me?

Closing my eyes, my mind raced, trying to think of who it could have been.  Failing to think of someone, I tried to sleep, yet the throbbing pain in my ass kept me awake.  Henry was correct; you reap what you sow in this life, I guess.

Paralyzed, I opened my blurry eyes, searching for answers.  Tears welled up, yet not from remorse, but from the impending fear I knew James would inflict upon me later.  How much torment must I endure at the hands of a psychotic?  Who was this mysterious individual James was seeking revenge for?

That afternoon, Doctor Lerner returned to the hospital.  She dreaded having to tell Simon of the committal.  Stopping by the nurses’ station, she found James reading a suspense novel.

“Good afternoon, everything been quiet around here?” she inquired, trying to make polite conversation.

“Did Father Andy call you about Simon?” he said, trying to sound concerned.

“No, I haven’t spoken with him.  Was there a problem?”

“Yes, I’m afraid Simon went berserk and attacked me in his room.  He threatened to cut his wrists with a shaving razor.” James said.

“My goodness, is he all right?”

“Yes, Father Andy ordered me to restrain and medicate him.  He’s resting in his room.”

“I’d better check on him.”  She said heading for his room.

“Wait!  He’s fine, I was just down there,” James said, standing up.

Stopping momentarily, she turned and looked at James, then proceeded on her way.  She knocked softly, waited a few seconds then entered.  At first, she couldn’t believe what she saw; Simon, face down, naked and restrained.

“Simon?  Simon, it’s Doctor Lerner, can you open your eyes for me?”  She covered his lower half with a sheet, as she undid his wrist-cuffs and let them drop to the floor.

Opening my eyes, my head was much clearer than before.  The drug had almost worn completely off.  She helped me turn over and into a sitting position.

“Can you dress yourself, Simon?”

“I’ll try,” I said, steadying myself on one arm.

“I’ll give you some privacy so you can dress.  Please come to the therapy room when you’re able.”  Off she went down the corridor.

Dressing, I made my way to the group therapy room.  Moaning as I lowered myself onto the couch.  Doctor Lerner was already set up and ready to go.

“Are you in some kind of pain, Simon?”  The concern in her voice was reassuring.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Let me start my recorder and we…”

“No, I don’t want to be taped,” I spoke softly.

Doctor Lerner focused on me as she complied with my request.  “Okay, Simon, can we talk about your earlier behavior with James Butler?”

“He hates me,” I blurted out.

“Is that why you assaulted him?” she said looking deep into my eyes.

“I never attacked James, if he said I did, he’s lying.”

“James stated you also threatened suicide, is that also a lie?” she asked.

“What?  He gave me a pill and then raped me!” I bellowed.

“Simon, I want you to stay calm, can you do that for me?” she said while giving one of her reassuring knee pats.

Taking a deep breath.  “Look, I didn’t try to kill myself, and I didn’t try to hurt James.”

“Simon, you need to be completely honest with me.  I know you don’t like taking supervised showers and you’re not happy being here.  Are you positive you did not lose control and strike James?”

“I swear, I never touched him, he drugged me, then raped me.  I swear to god.”

“I want you to return to your room and rest, while I have a little chat with Mr. Butler.”  She placed the recorder in her briefcase and rose up from the couch.

“Please don’t make him mad at me, please?”  The fear was growing stronger inside me.

“Simon, you have nothing to fear from him, and you have my word there won’t be any more abuse.  Do you hear what I’m saying?”

“Yes, ma’am.”  I heard the words, but I was still afraid.  As she went to confront James, I returned to my room to try and rest as she suggested.

She found him still reading his novel, “James, I’d like a word with you,” she said entering the nurses’ station.

Placing his book down, he stood to meet her face to face.  “What’s the problem?” he asked indignantly.

“Simon’s version of what transpired between the two of you, greatly differs from what you claim occurred earlier,” she began, watching his body language and facial expression for signs of deception.

“It happened as I said it happened.  That little liar is denying it because he wants you to feel sorry, so you’ll let him out.  He’s a con artist, so don’t fall for his little-boy routine.”

“I will be speaking to Father Andy about this incident,” Doctor Lerner stated, unable to discern if he was lying or not.

“Whatever, Doc,” he said.  Sitting down, he resumed reading.

She made her way down to her office on the first floor, dialing Father Andy’s number.

“Hello,” the female voice said.

Recognizing her voice, Doctor Lerner asked, “Nora, can you connect me with Father Andy, please?”

“I’m sorry, he’s over at the bishop’s office, can I take a message?”

“No, this can’t wait; can you connect me with the bishop’s office?”

“I guess so, if it’s that important,” Nora said with some hesitation in her voice.

“It is indeed that important.”  Doctor Lerner responded sternly.

Nora placed her on hold, than made contact with the bishop’s office.  After contact was established with Father Andy, she transferred the call.


“Father Andy, this is Doctor Lerner.”

“Is there a problem at the hospital?” he asked.

“I’ll come straight to the point.  Did you give James Butler permission to medicate and restrain Simon Teel?”  Her voice was hurried and agitated.

“Doctor Lerner, I’m in the middle of a very important meeting with the bishop, so let me say this only once.  James has my full backing in this issue, patients like Simon lie for many reasons, and he’s lying now.  Good day.”  He hung up.

She slammed the phone down onto the receiver.  Old fart should retire, she thought to herself.  Pausing a moment, she considered what he said.  Simon could be lying; his past history shows he has a knack for it.

A frown appeared as she now remembered she had forgotten to tell Simon of his committal.  Yet, there was something sinister about that James Butler, she could feel it in her bones, he had a dark side to him.  As she contemplated her last thought, she recalled that just being in his presence evoked a feeling of unspeakable wickedness that seemed to hover over him.