Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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Dinner consisted of a large pizza; with mushrooms, olives and extra tomato sauce.  A side order of bread sticks, with garlic dipping sauce, and a one liter bottle of Coke.  Angel, being the larger of the two girls, consumed the major portion.  Her companion, Melody Hoppel, ate only one slice, mainly due to her petite size.  Melody had long coal-black hair, which draped down over her narrow shoulders, stopping just short of her waist.  Barely weighing ninety-five pounds, and reaching only four feet nine inches, she appeared from a distance to be a small child.

Yet, peer into her ocean-blue eyes, and one could tell she had experienced life to its fullest, even for a girl of only twenty-two.  Her silky, pale-white skin gave the look of a captivating ghoul.  No make-up, just simple beauty and ruby-red lipstick graced her thin, moist lips.  Melody was wearing only a black thong, which matched her black nail polish decorating her fingers and toenails.

They were sitting Indian-style on the floor, facing each other…., separated only by the pizza box.  Several candles flickered and smoked as they slowly burned.  Unpacked boxes were stacked everywhere from their recent move, yet no furniture had been delivered; only an old queen-sized mattress lay on the bedroom floor.

Bare walls seemed to grow and shrink, like ocean tides, with the flickering movements of the candlelight.  As shadows moved across Melody’s alabaster skin, Angel finished the last slice of pizza, than washed it down with five big gulps of Coke, straight from the liter bottle.  The resulting belch almost extinguished one of the nearer candles, which evoked a giggle from her lover.  It was a shy, little girl kind of giggle.  Melody looked into her deep, penetrating eyes, the full view of her powerful, striking companion.

Angel was clad only in a red bra and her black-leather motorcycle boots.  Melody slid the pizza box over as she moved in to straddle Angel’s lap, trying to wrap her tiny legs around her waist.

Grabbing her young concubine, Angel exposed her breasts, as she pushed her large firm nipples against Melody’s small erect nipples.  Holding her under her arms, Angel easily manipulated her small frame.

Merging into one, Melody’s thin lips parted as her lover’s tongue invaded her inner being.  She moaned, and then whimpered like a frightened puppy as Angel slid her hand between her thighs, pushing her thong aside.  She advanced her long, thick middle finger into her moist vagina.  She began rocking back and forth in a slow rhythm, as Angel increased her thrusting.  Clasping her arms tightly around Angel’s neck, she trembled with anticipation, crying out as she climaxed.

Angel stopped thrusting, just a slight twitch of her thick finger would spark another wave of quivering orgasms.  Melody was completely spent and crumpled against Angel, breathing heavy as the tears of delight streaked down her flushed cheeks.  She pulled her weak head up and whispered in her lover’s ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” Angel whispered back, as she carried her into the bedroom and laid her down and cradled Melody in her loving embrace.  They drifted off to sleep, feeling a deep sense of love and total commitment only two women could share.

Less than an hour had passed when Melody opened her eyes.  She felt her mate’s fingertip brush across her lips.  Slightly turning her head, she smiled as their eyes met.  “You’re so beautiful,” she said rolling over to face Angel.  “I know what you need,” she said, as a grin formed on her glowing face.

“And what might that be?” Angel said, playing coy.

She got up, and returned with a large green, two-headed dildo, and a small jar of petroleum-jelly.  Kneeling down, she parted Angel’s legs.  “Just lie back and relax.”

Angel complied with her request willingly, for she knew what came next.  Unlike Melody, she liked it a bit hardcore and kinky.

Melody lowered her face between her legs and began her lover’s sexual journey with a little cunnilingus.  Angel’s back arched slightly as she fantasized about being subdued and ravaged by six nasty whores, their sweaty hands running all over her, penetrating her every orifice, and her helpless to fend them off.  As her fantasy played out in her mind, Melody applied some jelly to the dildo and inserted it deep into Angel’s eager anus. 

Angel cried out, “Fuck me hard, you bitch!”

Melody now greased up her tiny fist and drove it into her lover’s pussy, plunging deeper and deeper with each assault, until her small fist and forearm could forge no further.  She could feel her companion’s vaginal walls starting to constrict, which foretold of her impending explosion, as she continued her thrusting motion.

Reaching up with her free hand, she took hold of as much pubic hair as possible, and jerked it hard.  Angel’s knees slapped together, squirting her juices in pulsating bursts all over Melody’s firm, little breasts.  She could no longer move her arm due to the powerful waves of Angel’s orgasms.   

As Angel slowly released her death-hold on her lover’s arm, Melody began to withdraw her fist.  Once free she moved closer to be by her side.  Angel embraced her as sweat ran down between her breasts.

“Thanks, I needed that,” she sighed softly.

“You’re welcome my love,” Melody said through a tender smile.  The girls lay together, cuddling for a short time, both very content that they had found their true love.