Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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The rescue squad was stunned when they heard the gun shots from the forest.  The Sheriff ordered the medical team to follow at a distance until the all-clear was given.  Fearing the shots foretold of the black bear’s return, they proceeded quickly.

The heavily armed Sheriff and his deputies entered the woods following Virginia’s instructions, and the general direction of the gun-shots.  They moved swiftly, yet cautiously as their adrenalin began to take over.  The Sheriff, without warning, turned his ankle and fell while trying to navigate the dense underbrush.  The pain was too great to continue, so he ordered his deputies to go on ahead.  He’d wait for the medical team bringing up the rear.

Frank had become delirious, and when he caught the sound of the approaching officers, he thought the bear was returning to finish him and Jack off.  He attempted to fire his gun in the direction of the sound.  Getting off only one shot, which went wild and struck a nearby tree, he dropped the gun due to pain and exhaustion.

After hearing the close shot, the deputies honed in on his exact location.  Calling out to Frank, they received no response.  He was now slumped over on his stomach, semi-conscious, with Jack lying next to him.

As the deputies approached, and found them both in bad shape, they radioed for the others to come quick.  The deputies secured the area. 

It was an ordeal making Sheriff Sparks, Frank and Jack comfortable as possible for their trek out of the forest.  All were carried out on stretchers.  The vet was waiting with Virginia and the Carmichaels at the edge of the forest.  Frank and the Sheriff were placed in ambulances and hustled off to the hospital.  Virginia and Ann slid in next to Harry as he followed the ambulances to town.  The girls held each other and softly cried and prayed for Frank’s well being.  Jack was placed in the veterinarian’s van, and taken to his office in town.

Three hours after arriving at the hospital, the surgeon entered the waiting room.  A solemn expression on his face brought silence to those in the room.  Stopping just inside the arched doors, he wiped perspiration from his brow.  His light green surgical clothes were wet from heavy sweating.  Taking a deep breath as he approached Virginia be began, “The condition of Frank is grim.  His injuries are severe.  The surgery has helped, but because of the damage, we won’t really know something until tomorrow morning.  We discovered a heart problem, which made the surgery somewhat difficult.  He may recover from the animal injuries, but the stress of the attack on his heart is another story.  We’ll just have to wait and see.  We are giving him medications to stabilize his heart; it just depends on how well his body responds.  He’s being moved to the ICU.”

“Can I see him?” Virginia asked, her hands trembling.

“Give the nurses’ a few more minutes to get him settled in, and then you can see him.  I already told them you’d be staying the night.” The surgeon replied.

“Thank you so much, Doctor.”  Virginia said as she began to cry.

“Like I said, we’ll know more in the morning.” He excused himself, leaving Virginia with the Carmichaels.

Ann said as she held Virginia, “We’ll stay with you.  You and Frank are in our prayers.”

“You’ve always given me strength, and I need that strength now,” Virginia said as the tears streamed down her cheeks.