Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


Monday, April 26th. 8:43 pm.


Time wasn’t half dragging along, and Alf was getting more and more nervous by the second.

A number of shopkeepers had come through their respective back gates and rear entrances, to dispose of their daily accumulation of rubbish. But he’d managed to keep out of sight.

His phone rang.


‘Where are you?’ she said. Her voice full of panic. ‘I’m just outside Tesco and the place is awash with Police cars. There are cops everywhere.’

As her eyes surveyed the locality, all she could see were police cars with their roof lights flashing away. Occasionally Nicole could hear more sirens heading in their direction.

‘You must be the most wanted man in England, looking at the number of policemen trying to find you.’ she continued. ‘So go on, where are you?’

‘Do you know the little island just outside the Tesco entrance?’


‘I’m just across the road, in the backs behind the first row of shops.’

‘Bloody hell.’ she whispered. ‘That’s a bit too close for comfort. But at least you’ve not been found - yet. I’m on my way.’

It took about fifteen minutes before she arrived. And the second Nicole pulled up at the end of the backs, Alf ran over and jumped in the back seat and lay down on the floor.’

‘What took you so fucking long?’ he growled, ‘I could easily have been discovered by either shopkeepers, passers by or even the Police.’

‘Shut up,’ she replied, ‘you’re lucky I’m here now.’


‘I’ve just been pulled up by the cops, and they’ve opened every door, as well as the boot to see if I’d got a wanted man hiding inside. They’re stopping everybody.’

‘Shit,’ said Alf, ‘do you think we’re going to be able to get away from here without getting pulled again?’

‘I don’t know. But we’re going to have to give it a go. The longer we’re in Borehamwood, the more chance there is of both of us ending up getting arrested.’

‘There’s a blanket on the back seat, cover yourself up, and we’ll give it a try. Fortunately it’s dark now which hopefully will give us a bit more cover.’

Alf did as instructed, and Nicole started to drive.

Slowly at first. Then gradually increased her speed to blend in with the general flow of traffic.

The second they’d got passed the Tesco Island, she did her best to get as much distance between them and Borehamwood.

Luckily they didn’t get pulled up for a second time, as they drove away.

The silence was deafening.

But until they were far enough away, quiet was the order of the day.


Monday, April 26th. 10:16 pm.


Nicole’s mobile sounded with her usual ‘do you think I’m sexy’ ring tone.



‘Where are you?’ he enquired. ‘You said you’d only be half an hour and it’s now twenty past ten.’

‘I got a bit waylaid.’ And, knowing it was going to take her at least another hour to sort Alf out, she had to improvise.

‘Look. You go to bed. I’m not sure how long it’ll take. I might be another hour or so.’

‘Why Nicole?’ he was starting to get annoyed. ‘What’s going on? What are you up to?’

‘Nothing for you to worry about. I’ll explain when I get home.’

She hung up before he could ask any more awkward questions.

‘Don’t ask.’ she said, before Alf could enquire what that was all about.

‘Where are we headed?’ asked Alf.

‘I’ve got the keys to one of our houses that we usually rent out. It’s empty at the moment, and because I’m the one who looks after that side of the business, Hartley won’t know a thing.’

‘How long will I be able to stay there?’ he replied sounding rather negative. ‘Because don’t forget, you’re more than likely still under suspicion, and if the cops start to dig deeper, they might start looking into your properties.’

‘Let me worry about that.’ she replied. ‘First let’s get you there, and then take things as they come.’


Monday, April 26th. 11:44 pm.


Having got Alf into the house, she left him to sort himself out, and rushed home, not really knowing what she was going to tell Hartley.

Nicole crept in through the front door.

Everywhere was quiet.

Obviously Hartley had done as she’d suggested, and got himself straight off to bed.

As quietly as she could, Nicole got undressed and slipped under the covers, hoping that her husband would be sound asleep, but was soon to be disappointed.

‘And where the hell have you been?’

Clearly he’d intended staying awake until she’d climbed into bed.

‘Beth had a few issues that she wanted my advice about,’ she claimed, ‘and I couldn’t let her down. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I was to leave her in the lurch now, would I.’

‘If it’s not Eve, it’s Beth.’ Hartley replied as he turned over. ‘Where do you find these so called friends of yours, the local drop out centre?’

Nicole didn’t think any reply would be appropriate, as it would only cause an argument, and with everything else that was going on, that was the last thing she wanted.