Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


Thursday, April 29th. 10:17 am.


As soon as Nicole arrived home, she booted up her laptop. Money had to be transferred from Grand Cayman to one of her Nat West personal accounts. However, not wanting to arouse too much suspicion with the bank, she decided to move half of the cash that they’d got out of Chan Lee, into one of the accounts that they occasionally used for purchasing gems for the shop. Not an account that Hartley would monitor regularly, but one that he would only use periodically, when he was keeping the accountant and taxman out of the loop. Then once it had been in there for a couple of hours, she’d move it into one of her other personal accounts.

The minute the transfer of the initial ten million pounds had gone through; Nicole switched off the laptop and put it in its case. She collected her coat, made her way to her car, and headed back to the shop. Thinking that, sometime during Victoria and Becky’s lunch break she’d have time, and hopefully enough privacy, to transfer the money into another account.


Still Thursday, April 29th. 10:17 am.


Benny’s mobile sounded. It was Clive Woodbridge.

‘Hello boss, want can I do for you?’

‘Where are you? The Royal Hotel have been on to me, asking what time you will be arriving to do their service.’

‘Sorry,’ Benny had to think quickly, ‘I wasn’t feeling too well, so I called at the chemist for some Paracetamol.’

‘It doesn’t take an hour to pick up a pack of tablets, so where…’

Benny interrupted.

‘Firstly the pharmacist was running late, and didn’t open up till nine thirty.’

‘He’s not the only one who’s running bloody late.’ Woodbridge’s raised voice echoed down the line.

‘And because the shop didn’t open on time,’ Benny ignored his boss’s little outburst and continued, ‘quite a queue had built up. That’s why I’m not there yet. But don’t worry I soon will be.’

‘Just get a move on. And don’t forget. I’m watching you very closely. You won’t get away with a single thing.’

‘I’m not trying to get away with anything,’ replied Benny, ‘I wasn’t feeling well, and…’

‘Just get going, and don’t let me hear any further complaints about you arriving late. That clear.’

The phone went dead.


Thursday, April 29th. 11:11 am.


Nicole pressed the door buzzer on the shop.

Becky did the honours and opened the door to let her in.

‘Hartley said he wasn’t sure whether or not you’d be in this morning,’ she remarked, ‘but I bet he’ll be pleased to see you.’

‘And why’s that?’ said an inquisitive Nicole.

‘I’m not sure. But he’s in quite a good mood, so I’d be aware. He’s bound to be up to something when he’s acting so pleased with himself.’ Becky grinned.

Nicole made her way to the office. Hartley was sitting behind his desk speaking to someone on the phone, and sure enough, just as Becky had indicated he was smiling.

‘That’s fine.’ Hartley continued speaking, and Nicole sat down on the visitors chair opposite him. ‘No rush; just let me know what you think once you’ve had a good look round.’

He listened to rest of the call, and then replied.

‘Yes, I’ll see you later.’

The call ended.

‘Who was that?’ Nicole enquired.

‘Simon from Proudlove’s.’ he replied.

‘So you’re serious about selling the domestic rentals then?’

‘Yes, but not straight away.’

A slight sense of relief cruised through Nicole’s body.

‘What do you mean, not straight away?’

‘I had Bob Jenkins on the phone earlier,’ Hartley was smiling more than Nicole had seen in ages, ‘and he wants to buy his shops premises and the flat above. Apparently, business is doing well, and he’s thinking about following in my footsteps. Bob said that he and his partner have already bought a pair of semis over Enfield way. And if they can get possession of their shop and the flat, it would be a good start to what they expect to be a growing portfolio.’

‘So what’s that got to do with Simon if you’ve already got the buyer?’

‘Yes, but he does a good job of valuing as well. And even though I’ve already got my outlay back, with interest, from renting it, I still want the best price I can get. There’s no sense in giving it away.’

‘No wonder he’s pleased with himself.’ thought Nicole. ‘That shop and flat are worth a small fortune, being just round the corner from Wembley Stadium.’

‘Are you staying for the next hour or so?’ Hartley enquired. ‘If you are we can let Victoria and Becky get their lunch breaks together. It’ll make my life much easier this afternoon.’

‘Perfect.’ she thought. ‘I’ll be able to get the cash transferred whilst they’re out.’

She glanced down at her watch. It was almost five to twelve.

‘Of course I’ll stop if it’ll help you out.’ Calm down. Don’t go overboard with helpful, or he’ll wonder what’s going on. ‘Should I let them go now? It’s not far off twelve anyway.’

‘Yes you might as well.’


Thursday, April 29th. 12:16 pm.


Benny had completed the Royal Hotel’s regular service, and was just about to leave, and make his way to Heathrow airport. He always enjoyed doing the inspection checks there. It was only the Boot’s chemist and Waterstone’s bookstore that he serviced. But he was regularly treated to coffee at Boot’s, and the bookstore manager would more often than not give him an even greater discount on novels, than were already on offer.

His mobile sounded.

Number not recognised.

‘Yes.’ he answered

‘You don’t know me,’ remarked the caller, ‘but I know you. And I’m fully aware of what you’re up to.’

‘Who is this? Is it you again?’

‘What do you mean, is it you again?’ the caller sounded flummoxed, ‘No, I’ve never been in touch with you before now, and this is not a crank call, if that’s what you’re thinking.’

Who the hell can it be if it’s not the same guy who’s demanding five million quid from them?

‘Didn’t you ring me the other day?’ asked Benny, trying not to give any more information than was necessary, realising that the two voices didn’t sound exactly the same.

‘No way. I’ve only just discovered what you and your friends have been getting yourselves involved in. And you’re up to your necks in trouble if you don’t give me what I want.’

‘Which is?’

‘All I want is one million pounds, and I’ll forget everything I know.’

He had to think.

‘Well I don’t know what you think that you’ve found out, but I’m afraid your information isn’t correct. I don’t know who you presume you’re speaking to, but you must have a wrong number.’

He hung up.

‘If it’s not the guy that rang yesterday, then who is it?’ thought Benny. ‘And how the hell could two different people have found out what they’ve managed to steal?’

‘This is getting crazy.’


Thursday, April 29th. 12:31 pm.


There weren’t any customers in the shop. Hartley was busy in his office. Victoria and Becky were still on their lunch break. So Nicole booted up her laptop.

She entered her details into the Grand Cayman account, and opened up another tab and keyed in her Nat West account numbers.

As she glanced at the seldom used business account, Nicole could see the ten million pounds she’d transferred from he private Grand Cayman account, plus the two thousand that was always left in there, just to keep it open. Then, after she’d keyed in the transfer request, she only had to wait about thirty seconds, and the cash was moved into the Nat West.

Done, and just in time.

Hartley came walking into the sales area, frowning.

‘Everything alright in here. It’s unusually quiet. Haven’t we had any customers since the girls went for lunch?’

‘Not a soul has come to the door, and I’ve been here waiting all the time.’

‘It’s just a bit strange. We’re normally a bit busier than this on a Thursday afternoon.’

He turned and headed straight back to the office.

‘Close call.’ thought Nicole.