Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 34


Thursday, April 29th. 2:04 pm.


Benny and Nicole arrived at the house at the same time. Understandably, both were in a bit of a panic, wondering what the hell was going on.

‘So come on Benny,’ said Nicole apprehensively, ‘you say you’ve had another caller claiming to have information concerning the cash and the gem. So do you have even an inkling of who it is?’

‘I’ve no idea,’ Benny replied, ‘but just like the first guy; he seemed to know just about everything we’ve been up to.’

Alf chirped in.

‘Here’s the note that came through the letterbox.’

He handed it over, and as Nicole was reading it Benny was leaning over her shoulder to get a closer look for himself.

Benny glared over at Alf.

‘You’ve not been opening your big fat gob when you’ve been outside have you?’

‘Don’t even go there,’ Alf replied furiously, ‘how the hell could I open my mouth to anybody. I daren’t go out - remember. My mug shot is most likely in every Post Office window in the fuckin’ country, in case you’ve forgotten.’

The three of them sat there staring at each other, not knowing how these two callers could have got hold of so much information.

‘Pass me the envelope.’ requested Benny.

He only glanced at it, and then remarked.

‘How come whoever it is, has done the note on a computer or typewriter, but written your name by hand. Do either of you recognise the handwriting?’

Nicole and Alf took a closer look, and then said simultaneously.

‘No.’ as they shook their heads.

Nicole looked at her watch.

‘We’ve only got just over twenty four hours before the first bloke is going to get in touch, and he’s expecting us to hand over five million quid.’

‘Have you managed to do the transfer yet?’ queried Benny.

‘Yes. It’s all in hand.’

‘And can you get hold of six million,’ asked Alf, ‘because we’ve got two interested blackmailers, who are going to land us right in the shit, if they don’t have their demands met.’

‘Yes.’ replied Nicole saying the word slowly as though she was deep in thought.

‘I will get hold of the cash,’ she looked and sounded like she’d got a plan, ‘but they won’t get a penny. We will make the arrangements for an exchange, the cash for the information. But once we’ve got the information, I’ll blow their fucking heads off before they get out of the door with the money.’

‘That will depend on how they want the exchange done.’ remarked Alf.

‘No Alf,’ said Nicole categorically, ‘it depends on how we want the exchange done. Don’t forget it’s those two who want the cash. And we still don’t know for certain, what information they’re supposed to have acquired.’

‘Well we’ve only got twenty four hours before we’ll know for sure,’ commented Benny, ‘so I suggest that you go and get hold of the cash, and I’ll wait for the call.’

‘And me?’ queried Alf, ‘what do I do?’

‘The same as you’ve been doing,’ answered Nicole, ‘but this time keep your eyes on the outside, just in case this bloke drops of another note.’



Thursday, April 29th. 3:11 pm.


Nicole headed for the bank. Benny made his way to work, hoping that he hadn’t been missed. And Alf just sat there contemplating how the hell they were going to get out of this mess.

Nicole didn’t have any problem at the bank. They were used to dealing in large quantities of cash, when dealing with her and her husband. However, she only drew out five hundred thousand pounds out, not six million.

Two reasons.

One. There was no way she was parting with money like that on two blackmailers.

Two. There was no way that she could carry so much cash. Six million would need a pallet, or at least half a dozen suitcases. But she knew that she would be able to fit and carry half a million in a single suitcase.

Alf on the other hand was feeling rather jumpy. So much so, he was forever going over to the front window, peering out to see if there were any signs of unusual activity.

Benny pulled up in his usual parking spot behind the office. And as he was climbing out of his van, George was about to climb into his, clocked him, and called him over.

‘Where the hell have you been - again?’ he asked. His voice all but a whisper, as though he didn’t want anybody else overhearing what was being said.

‘Why?’ replied Benny not wanting to say too much. ‘Has Woodbridge been looking for me again?’

‘No. But if you continue to do your disappearing acts, he soon will be.’

‘So. What the problem?’

‘Nothing, I was just wondering what you’ve been up to, that’s all.’

George closed his door, started the engine, and left. Leaving Benny wondering what the hell that was all about.

He went over to the office to see if Clive Woodbridge was knocking about. It was simply a precautionary measure to see if he was in line for a bollocking or not.

A couple of his other colleagues were busy in the workshop, and both nodded as he sauntered past. Benny didn’t want to look like he was flustered.

When he arrived the office was empty. No Woodbridge.

He gave a little sigh of relief, as he started to look at his rota that was pinned up on the notice board; he was attempting to look genuine.

As he was so called making a note of his calls, Harry walked in. ‘Clive was handing out our P60’s this morning, did you get yours?’

‘No, I’ve only just landed.’

‘I know he’s had to nip out to one of our suppliers, something about new batteries for the systems. But if you have a look round, you might be able to locate yours, probably somewhere on his desk.’

He left without another word.

Benny started to have a root round on Woodbridge’s desk. He couldn’t see anything resembling a P60.

As he was leaning on the desk, he heard a loud bang which made him jump. He glanced out of the window and saw Harry messing about with the service doors; he’d managed to jam one side of the door, and was using a crow bar to get it released. But as he jumped his hand disturbed some of the documents on the table, and some had fallen onto the floor.

‘Bugger.’ he said as he bent down to pick them up.

He’d collected about half a dozen invoices, but when he put his hand down to pick up the rest, something caught his eye.

It was a business card.

That in itself wasn’t unusual. A business card on Woodbridge’s desk would be the norm. But what seemed to jump out at him, was one of the telephone numbers. It rang a very disturbing bell.

Benny lifted his mobile out of his pocket to check his calls received list. And sure enough, the telephone number of the first caller, tallied with the one on the card.

It was the number of the first caller who was blackmailing them.

The business card was Clive Woodbridge’s, and the number was his home landline. Not a number that would be known or used by any of the workforce.

As Benny flipped the card over, a shiver went running down his spine.

There was some writing on the back. It had nothing to do with the blackmail attempt. It was another company’s phone number. But the name associated with that particular firm was Alan Kennings.

The name didn’t cause concern, but the letter A did.

It was written in the same box style that was on the envelope which Alf had received. Not a style that anybody that Benny knew, would use.

Clive Woodbridge was one of the blackmailers.

His first thought was, Nicole and Alf need to be informed. But more than anything, that Alf needed to be on his guard. Because Woodbridge, as Benny was well aware, was capable of doing almost anything, to get what he wants.

He needed to get out of the office and off the premises before Woodbridge came back. Otherwise if he was discovered anywhere near the desk and the business card, his boss would no doubt put two and two together and come up with the right answer.

Benny had only just made it back into the workshop, when he spotted Woodbridge’s car pull up. He watched as the boss climbed out of his car, and started to head towards the building.

‘I don’t want to be here.’ thought Benny. ‘I need to get out. We can’t afford any confrontation.’

Quickly he made his way to the washroom, and stood behind the door. Keeping it slightly ajar so he could see the entrance clearly.

Clive Woodbridge walked in. His eyes seemed to scan the whole room in a second. Benny even imagined that Woodbridge could even see through the door he was hiding behind.

After a few seconds, he started in the direction of his office. But just as Benny was about to leave the bathroom, Woodbridge stopped.

Benny froze.

‘Harry,’ Woodbridge shouted, ‘have you seen Benny?’

‘Err, yes,’ he replied, ‘he was here a minute ago. I think he’s gone up to the office to see you.’

Without reply Woodbridge turned and started to walk briskly towards his office.

The second he was out of sight, Benny came out of the washroom, and made for the exit.

‘Hey,’ shouted Harry, ‘the boss wants a word with you. He’s in the office.’

‘Sorry,’ replied Benny hurriedly, ‘I need to be somewhere. Tell him I’ll see him later.’