History of the World 2025-2200 by Eric Boglio - HTML preview

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The timing was right, it was not too soon, it was not too early, but there was no time to waste either. It seemed the Davos Boys were almost in full panic mode. They had brought forward their usual January meeting by two weeks, and were to gather first thing in 2026. They knew something was amiss, and they needed to sort it out quickly.

For the leaders of the SSB cell at the UN, it was a crucial period, a tipping point that would possibly decide their fate and the capacity of the world to either sink into a chaos of murderous destruction or rise to the occasion and rebuild fairer societies from the lifeboats of the sinking economic ship.

Ann had convened an extraordinary General Assembly and a meeting of the Security Council in Geneva with all representatives from the United Nations for the 15th of December 2025, to discuss the implementation of the Gaia Roadmap. An invitation had been extended to all the former countries of the American continents which had been shunted for a year, to come strictly as observers. In a rare magnanimous move, Sire Dump had authorized representatives from the now annexed former countries to attend. The Americanization programs were just starting to roll out and he wanted to show some good will to assist in what was proving to be a difficult task. Joe Rattlehead, the former US representative at the UN, was happy to be back on board and was hoping to kick some ass again after his less than glorious exit from the UN a few months back. The opening speech from the Secretary General was to be broadcast live to the National TV networks of all member countries. No satisfactory deal could be reached with Great America for product endorsement by the Secretary General, so Networks there had baulked at the opportunity. In the annexed territories, most free to air channels would however relay the speech live.

The topic on every one’s lips was of course the plummeting world economy in this stupidly crazy year of change, and all delegates were relishing the opportunity to just get away from their domestic woes. A few delegates knew what the meeting was really about, most were without a clue and without a care as they sat down unprepared to hear Secretary General Clearly deliver her second historic speech in a year, transcripted below.

“Delegates of the United Nations of the Earth, members of the Security Council, invited guests from Great America, Ladies and Gentlemen, People of the World, I welcome you in these tumultuous economic times. I want to welcome you and I want to let you in on a little secret that has been on my chest for some time. I am not here in front of you today, in front of the world on live television, to talk about the Gaia Roadmap or the woes the economic world is currently going through. Not yet anyway. I would like to start by showing you a little video that was recorded almost two years ago now, well before the Gaia Roadmap and the current sad state of affairs of the world economy. I discovered this video just as the United Nations Science Branch had been created and we were tasked with analyzing current issues associated with our thermo-industrial civilization and proposing solutions to fix those issues. Our  proposed solutions came in the form of the Gaia Roadmap with which we are now all familiar, which was ratified, and which has been implemented on a scale and with an urgency I have never experienced in my time as Secretary General of the United Nations. But let us start with the video, I trust that you will find it… Interesting. Anyway, without further ado, video please!”

Five minutes later, the video projector fell silent, ending the screened Davos Boys meeting in the Trigger HQ in London, and the light returned to the stage. The assembly was silent. A few delegates were nodding discreetly and concealing a smile; a few were shifting in their seats nervously and consulting their mobile phones, most were attempting to eat flies, their jaws open as wide as their eyes. Ann Clearly rose and took to the stage again.

“I can see that most of you look like me when I first saw this video. I could not speak either for quite some time, so it may take time to sink in. I actually had to visualize it a second time to make sure my ears and my eyes were not playing tricks on me. Maybe you would like to see it again, just to be sure you were not dreaming?” A significant number of faces with wide open mouths nodded. Some of the nervous delegates became even more nervous, one or two appeared to want to interject but promptly looked down and decided to nod as well.

After the second screening, the gaping jaws had mostly closed and faces were showing mostly deep frowns. Ann took to the stage again:

“Yes, I agree, it’s a lot to take in. Actually no, it’s not that much to take in, the whole plot is not really that farfetched. I am sure most of you have at some stage wondered if your work here was really useful, if it was really making a difference in the world. Yes, things are at times difficult, and progress always seems so slow, everything is such a fight. We at the UN, the observers, now the scientists, make recommendations to you, the nations. Collectively we move forward, supposedly united in a common goal of living prosperous and peaceful lives on this one and only planet that we have. You of course fight back somewhat as per the instructions from your leaders, you defend the interests of your country, you defend your interests and we come to an arrangement, a compromise. That’s the way it works, isn’t it? Of course, this year has so far seemed very different, light years from what we have come to expect. Our observations and requests seem to suddenly and inexplicably match your countries’ needs as conveyed to you by your leaders. The long standing request to abolish veto rights on the Security Council was suddenly granted. Yet the world is now entering into chaos, a deep recession is gripping every corner of the globe, which seems to have started just as the Gaia Roadmap was not just implemented, but pushed along by the thrust of a thousand rockets. Did that not seem odd to you? Could that little video provide some explanation for the sudden change in dynamic? I think it does. And I think it goes much further, it shows how truly rigged the game is. The sudden economic downturn we are experiencing had nothing to do with implementing the Gaia Roadmap. If anything the Gaia Roadmap has so far softened the economic blow. The dismantling of the armies has freed significant capital within each or your countries, not yet offset by the increased power and size we have acquired as your representatives. The big drop in GDP due to a drop in population can only happen when population drops. We are only now reaching the point where a change in birth rates could possibly be seen, a minimum of 9 months after any measure was implemented.

Yet the blame was to soon fall on the UNS scientists, and the United Nations as a whole, your representatives for a unified word where we can tackle global challenges as one. Most likely next month, the blame was to fall on those who had finally been allowed to ring the alarm bell unhindered and truly reveal the extent of humanity’s predicament, and who have now proposed a hard but fair pathway out of the mess and into a truly sustainable future.

This little video is proof of a conspiracy by the real leaders of this world, the Davos Boys, and their minions who are none other than your bosses. I am here today standing in front of you, denouncing you all as being part of a worldwide conspiracy. You may all be passive actors in these events; I suspect some of you already were aware of these manipulations. You nevertheless are all on the payroll of the nations which are part of a worldwide conspiracy.

You may, and rightly so, therefore ask the question: “If we are all part of this conspiracy, then we’re all in this together, then it’s not really a conspiracy, is it?”

You are right, if your leaders have all agreed to this, then there is no conspiracy, my team and I at the United Nations have simply been fools in this grand machiavellic orchestration of yours. I have no case indeed. Apart from the moral aspects of what is being revealed, one could say there is almost nothing reprehensible happening here. It may be somewhat unfair that my organization is about to become cannon fodder for what is after all almost a normal power play these days, scapegoating is nothing new. Granted, this demonstration of trickle down capitalism shows that the amount that is allowed to trickle down is very much in the hands of a very few people, but again, that is nothing new, it’s just revolting in the true sense of the word.

In all honesty, and despite the show of support and solidarity that most of you may demonstrate at your own peril, I don’t think there is anything I can do to stop that plot from happening.

It seems however that the little plan that was concocted by those Davos Boys has hit a few glitches. As the latest economic figures will soon reveal, we are now way beyond the 3% drop they had predicted, it seems that the world is heading more towards a 30% drop in the global economy before the end of the year. But I don’t want to spoil things, at this stage this is just hearsay, let’s not jump the gun.

Nevertheless this is the first point I want to make. By getting their manipulation wrong by such a seemingly large factor, the Davos Boys run the very real risk of bringing a swell of worldwide discontent. That means you may soon have a world of pain at home way beyond having to face any shame from not being entirely honest with how the world really works.

The second point I want to make is that the Gaia Roadmap is a real roadmap with real objectives and real limits. Despite all appearances, it was never the intention of the Roadmap to be just a repressive stick which would then be used to beat me, my team and the whole of science into a pulp. We knew about the plot for the Davos Revolution before we started to work on the Gaia Roadmap. We chose to not sugar coat the facts, even though we knew the Roadmap would one day become the stick used to beat us. This was the only opportunity the world would ever have to know the true extent of the trouble we’re in. The limits the Roadmap sets are not going away, they are coming closer to greet us by the minute. This is unfortunate, but as I said in my speech earlier this year, the tyranny of those numbers is a reality from which we cannot escape, unlike the tyranny of the system we have created for humanity, from which we really can free ourselves. The world may not seem like a tyranny for all of us who are currently assembled here today, but it is a tyranny for 95% of the world’s population, a tyranny nurtured by our system and its Davos bosses. It is a tyranny that  has been absent for most of humanity’s existence, and it is certainly a tyranny on humans and a genocide for the Natural World.

This brings me to the third and final point I want to make today. This speech has been broadcast live to an audience that is estimated to be 30% of the world population. It will be relayed extensively for as long as my organization is able to do it. In one week, unless we have been silenced before, I doubt anyone won’t be fully aware of this grand scheme, of this plan for the foreseeable economic future of humanity, a planned roller coaster which has seemingly gone wildly astray.

Ladies of Gentlemen, I would say Delegates of the United Nations if I could truly believe we had always been a united and transparent organization, you now have a choice to make. Actually I believe your leaders have a choice to make: do they side with the Davos Boys or do they side with your people. Will they pursue the lie of being democratically elected and defending the people’s interests whilst really serving the interest of a handful? Or will they truly face reality that the Gaia Roadmap has unveiled and work with their people to face the future in a mature fashion?

We, the Organization of the United Nations and all its affiliated bodies, are ready for the challenge and will fight for this roadmap or be dismantled trying. The International Court of Environmental Justice, the UN Peace Corps, the Biodiversity Protection Unit, the Science Branch of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the International Trade Organization, and all other UN affiliated bodies. Those are all the tools that the world needs to rebuild a fair and sustainable world, a world that will truly face and address the challenges that lie ahead, as exposed by the Gaia Roadmap. A now collapsing economy has been the work of a privileged few who have been lost in their hubris and have pushed their desire for economic domination so far that they have now destroyed their toy, quite possibly beyond repair.

We at the UN see this as a chance for a true reset no longer based on the traditional self destructive model of being ruled by an elite. This economic collapse is a chance to recreate a world where life and fairness is paramount to our very existence as a species on this earth. We will be meeting the grassroot movements of populations that have been silenced for too long in a misplaced struggle for the rich to remain in control. We will not give up on what we have achieved in the past year, admittedly with the tremendous help of a hidden and sinister agenda. We will fight for the Gaia Roadmap until humanity and the living world pulls out of its predicament. This means the measures we have created in the past year to protect the living world, to prepare for the approaching food production crises, to fully implement all recommendations of the Paris agreements and other international treaties, those measures are here to stay and under my watch we will defend them against any attack.

You are hearing me correctly, delegates of the United Nations, this is a Coup! It is not a “Coup d’Etat”, it is a “Coup du Monde”!

But my organization is not going to decide this, we have prepared the ground, we have setup the structures and laid out a plan based not on profit but on science. We are in the hands of the people. Leaders of the United Nations, you are now stuck between your people and ourselves. I would recommend that if you are not ready to work with your people in true democratic fashion, you should get out of the way and let others face the challenge.

For the first time in its history, the United Nations Organization has been given the means to achieve its five stated goals of  Maintaining Peace and Security, Protecting Human Ri