History of the World 2025-2200 by Eric Boglio - HTML preview

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APPENDIX A : The Great swing

Consumption Protection Laws, the Theory of the Oscillating Economy and the Davos Revolution of 2024

Every year for a few days in Davos, the real masters of the world would get together and after their morning filing off by specialized goldsmiths of the excess gold that had grown overnight on their scrotums, they would get together and discuss how to best approach the challenge of trying to vie for the top spot, the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, in other words how to become or remain the richest man on Earth.

There was of course a lot of bluff involved in the discussions, a dose of psychology, a pinch of double bluff, 3 teaspoons of reverse psychology, and every year new combinations, the latest on that year of 2022 had been reverse double bluff psychology. It might seem surprising that some of the participants could still feel a bit insecure about their wealth, but on the whole they had stopped giving a flying fuck about it all and were all there just for a bit of harmless banter between friends, interspersed with quick bites of beluga caviar on ancient grain crackers using spelt recovered from Tutankhamen’s tomb.

The group of testosterone friends represented the epitome of the thermo industrial civilization, the obvious peak outcome of a system based on the constant growth of a spinning top in overdrive which had gradually ejected just about everyone except those exactly aligned on the axis and who were presently sitting around a coffee table. They all enjoyed the Top theory of the world for the imagery it portrayed{5}, but it was now time for another theory altogether.

The group at Davos were the current rulers of the world, the rich boy club which would dictate the rules to the rulers. The political elites were their valets, their obedient puppets, hand picked for their hubris. Those supposed country leaders were little more than trained actors selected on their looks, their ability to project empathy and firm resolve, but fakes nonetheless.

That year of 2022 at Davos was a bit different. Things were starting to plateau a bit indeed. Everyone’s growth curve was flattening towards an upper limit, an asymptote as the rich boys liked to call it, enjoying the occasional use of big words as much as the next person.

But they were not any person. As Jizz would say, you have to approach business as if every day was day 1. You needed to stay hungry to keep on top of the game, you had to keep accelerating to fend off the hyenas closing in.

Behind the platitude of that imagery, there was actually sound mathematical modeling. The asymptotes represented different things to the different actors, but they had in common that they represented the limits to their extraction of wealth.

For a number of years now, finance had become a world of its own. Money created out of thin air was being used to create more money. That money had the same face value as the money you earned through the extraction of a resource. Parity was a recent phenomenon that had been slipped in almost unnoticed some time ago now, when the value of money was simply separated from the value of tangible resources such as gold. It seemed utterly illogical and bordering on the immoral that the two could have the same value, but that’s the way it had been for a while, and that grand larceny on a global scale had brought our group of friends that would regularly meet in Davos a lot of money indeed.

The volume of money that scheme broadly called “Finance” had generated was now many times the value of the original money obtained through actual work or extraction of resources. But to pull it off you couldn’t have a flat curve, you couldn’t have no growth in the small amount of wealth that was still being generated by traditional means. As resource reserves were dwindling, extraction rates were slowing down. As efficiencies increased in the globalised economy and salaries were being pulled down, money paid for real work was decreasing.

Simply put, a constant output in that small proportion of real money being created would virtually stop the creation of all the fake financial money. That you couldn’t print new money for fear of inflation and that money had to be scarce was just rubbish, some of the myths being promoted wholesale so that a few could keep the hegemony on the grandest heist the world had ever seen.

Financial money had been generated with zero work for years and was assimilated with real money. That statement alone should have sent alarm bells ringing a long time ago through every layer of society. It seemed however that only our little group of rich friends were now concerned, and only because the constantly dwindling capacity for real growth was upsetting their obscene counterfeiting machine.

This year of 2022, one morning, a group or the rich boys club was sitting by a coffee table sipping lattes made of lemur-shat roast coffee from the last stand of rainforest in Madagascar and wombat milk. Randy was having a good old fashioned pommy whinge with his friends.

“We really have to do something about our dwindling profits, I actually had to ask my accountant the other day to see if I could buy Greenland for my wife. You know her, she’s all about saving the planet, fur seals and all that shit. Anyway she had a bit of a project to save the Polar Bears and was going to put them all in Greenland you see. Apparently they’re losing a bit of weight you see, less seals for the bears to eat or something like that, poor things. Anyway, seemed like a great scheme, I’ll get a few of my ships to bring a few loads of Emperor Penguins from Antarctica to fatten them up, we’ll run a few cruises up there for the plebs to see them in the safety of the cruise ships, could make a bob or two out of it you know.”

Monk: “Yeah, could work, plenty of selfie ops, should sell”

Scud: “I reckon with that fucking virus that we just had, might be a while before it picks up though Randy mate! I’ve lost count of how much business I had to refund just because people couldn’t fly to have their holidays, couldn’t even hold on to their deposits!”

Mickey:”Spot on mate, those fucking consumption protection laws are a fucking pain in the arse eh!”

Randy:”I presume you meant the consumer protection laws Mickey?”

Mickey:”Yeah, that what I said you fucking Pompous Pommy Prick! Same diff eh!”

Randy: “A bit uncalled for there Mickey! And no they are not the same thing, if consumption laws existed they would be quite the opposite of consumer laws actually Mickey”

Mickey: “Yeh, yeh, whatever mate!” signaling he was not really interested in discussing the matter further with a bloody Pom, he sipped on his latte and looked outside. Randy thought about telling him to call him “Sir” in the future, but just took a sip of his tea instead.

The minute or so of silence was broken by Monk who had leant forward and had rested his chin against his clasped hands, seemingly deep in thoughts.

“Well, how about it guys? Consumption protection laws, how’s that for a concept?” he simply asked the now silent assembly Scud, eager to clear the air a bit, jumped in: “What do you mean, how about Consumption laws? Like Randy was saying, it’s Consumer laws, not Consumption laws?”

Monk:”Agreed, but don’t you see? Think about it! Consumption protection Laws! Who benefits from consumption guys? We do, we’re the manufacturers of the world, we create consumer goods, shouldn’t we deserve some protection for that important role that keeps so many people in a job?”

Scud was starting to see where that was leading just as he was replying.

“Well we benefit of course from the people