Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 Doing hard Time

Now John and I went up together to the temple at the hour of  prayer, which was late in the evening. This day was another like  the several of past, the sun was in the west sky, an orange ball,  larger than normal and centered between hefty clouds of pure  white. The blue of the background was livelier, thus brighter than  one would customarily see, not a breeze could be felt, and the air  was comfortably warm. A pair of doves pecked relentlessly on the  ground, as some passer-by had evidently dropped crumbs of  something not determined, and three unattached goats were  grazing on the grasses of a near-by abandoned house. Glancing up  and seeing a certain man lame from his mother’s womb and being  carried; whom they laid daily in the gate of the temple, which is  called Beautiful, to ask for money from those who entered the  temple; who seeing us about to go into the porch of the  aforementioned, asked us also for money. When both John and I  turned, we asked for him to look us in the eye, and he responded,    thinking we were to give money also. God’s power continued to  be upon us, and without looking, nor speaking to one another,  John and myself were in agreement, and I spoke; “silver and gold I  do not have, but what I do have, I give to you in the name of Jesus  of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” John taking one hand and I the  other, we reached to stand him up, and strength entered into his  legs and ankles. The man stood, took a step and leaped off the  ground with a shrill of excitement, and then followed us into the  temple. After walking in, all the people of that area knew this man  and him lame. And when many had seen him clinging to John and  me and him walking, ran to the three of us as we commenced  through the porch of Solomon, with an amazement of this, what  they thought a peculiar happening, and wanting to find out if this  was true.

 It was not that many days past that I too doubted, and was filled  with despair, and had this happened then, I too would have joined  them looking for hope in a not-so-hopeful world. But since the  time that we were baptized in the Holy Ghost, and completely  filled with God’s presence, this and all other situations seemed  normal and as if it had always been this way, and why would any  situation be different? The power and authority felt as if all of my  life I had possessed it, a normal part of living. The events of within  seemed to have been stored, waiting to be released, so that, which  I seemed not to have, was there all along, waiting to be awakened  by that same Christ from within. The healing from within me was  being unconstrained, therefore was now able to be extended to  other, or so it seemed.

  A rather large group had gathered, as many knew him from his  daily routine of being in the same place for many years now, came  towards us as we entered the toward the temple. I then turned,  looking over the crowd, then spoke; “men of Israel, why do you  marvel at this? Or look so intently at us, as though by our own  power or godliness we had made this man walk? You have denied  the Holy One, murdering Him, thus killing the Prince of Life, whom  God raised from the dead. And His name, through faith in His  name, has made this man strong. Now I know you did this in  ignorance, as also the rulers’.” I then spoke to all from the  scriptures of Joel, Moses and the words of father Abraham the  things prophesied, concerning the Lord; “and now we are to  change the way of our thinking, turning to Him, and relying no  more on the strength of man.”

 As we were responding to the gathered people, the priests, the  captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came up to put hands  on us; we were arrested. The next day taken before their rulers,  scribes, elders, as well as Annas the high priest for something that  was supposed to be a trail. After several words from both sides,  and threats being made from them, we were released and they  threatening us not to speak in the name of Jesus again, for at that  time, to place us in prison could not happen, for they feared those  standing by that did believe. But we could not but speak of the  things of God, and His son crucified. Many, in those days, were  added to the Church, men and women, the ones called out from  amongst them, and we also continued as vessels that God served  through. Many signs and wonders were wrought to the people, for  many believed, the increase of those seeking to follow God were    great, as multitudes were healed and could also see God’s mighty  hand.   Once again, for their indignation, the rulers and scribes were  greatly against us, and again arrested us apostles and were to put  all eleven apostles in prison, for what they had contrived in their  religion, and it was not to be messed with. But in that very same  night, all of us, bound, were led to the prison behind the locked  gates, and placed where nothing else could happen that would  upset their forms of godliness. But that very same night an angel  came and opened the prison door and let us out, and told us to go  back to the temple and preach the Words of Life.

  The next day after having heard of the prison being empty, it  was broadcast throughout the city of how furious the scribes,  elders, and all the rest of those involved in the temple, and that  sect of religion, especially the Sadducees, wanted us killed. But  God gave increase daily, for many were added to the Church, that  is to say, to the ones called out from among the world, and its’  religion.   Now in those days, many disciples were added in Jerusalem and  also many were to believe elsewhere, for the Word was being  spread throughout the region. Many were obedient to the Word  and even several of the priests believed.

 The glory of the Lord, and His word was expanded all over  Judea, for many believed, but many were distraught for what was    happening to their form of religion, that was invented and carried  out through man; a form, but no power; a unity, but no strength; a  way that seemed right, but were full of dead mans’ bones, for  there were no Life.

 Much of the time, the twelve of us would split up and go to  different regions, but mostly John and I were together, and  sometimes Andrew and James, for we were longtime friends, and  seemed to know what the other was thinking. We traveled well  together.

 We’d heard that a wonderful brother, one that became a  disciple, named Stephen, held firm in the love and Truth of God  and His Christ, was used to bring about many to this new way of  thinking, as God gave provisions, but was stoned to death by those  that would not allow their congregations to be torn apart by this  new way of Life. When we heard this bad news, we were cut to  heart and our teeth gnashed, for Stephen was full of the Holy  Spirit, even forgiving those that stoned him, just before dying.


For the weeks following, I would ponder on the events of my  life, and could then see an evolution taking place, with or without  my consent, I don’t know; but I like the works being done in me. I  still wake up each morning long before the sun rises, and on this  particular day, as I lay quiet on my bed thinking about nothing  particular, but still having many thoughts going to and fro within  my mind. Most of the thoughts have little meaning to me, as for a  surety, my whole attitude and demeanor has changed; like Lazarus,    when they were told to unwrap the binding of his grave cloth, the  things of this world no long keep me bound to it.

  It was mid-summer, so dark I couldn’t see my hand when held  between the window and my bed-roll, not a star was shining, so it  had to be completely cloudy, and still very warm, even for this time  of the morning. In a far off distance, I could hear a dog barking  over the top of a whip-o-wills’ song to a mate, there was a slight  breeze, and could faintly hear the waves as they gentle lapped the  shore of the sea not so far away. My wife, still sleeping, lying  beside me; I got to thinking of my life before, and my life now. The  thought started with a man not so long ago that tried buying his  way into our group, and the power that comes with the indwelling  of the Spirit. It had sort of made me mad for what he was asking,  and maybe a little indignation rose up in my soul. Anyway, this  was the thought that stuck that morning, and I began to inventory  the cloak of my soul.

 It was not that many years ago that complete emptiness  consumed me from the inside. Being married was wonderful, but  was not destined to fulfill that inner need. Andrew came back with  stories of the Baptist, and this excited me, so when Jesus showed  up and ask for me to follow, I knew the answer lay within me doing  just that, and it did. Even then, with my fast actions and quick  mouth, I absorbed very little, but knowing that this is where I  should be. And now the Spirit was given unto us, and then His  empowerment that washed over me in that upper room, I now    have a greater understanding of the works within. But I still have a  long ways to go.

 So the man that tried buying his way in the Holy Spirit, that  angered me to the core, was not so much different than the man I  was, not but a very short time ago. This man also was given to me  from the Lord to keep my arrogance in check, and even though my  evolution has been great and has taken me far, it is but a stepping  stone to the places God wants to take me. The man just didn’t  know. And how could he? Him being slightly younger than myself,  I mean in this walk of the Lord, had no great sin, at least not as big  as the errors in my life, and looking back, he might have been years  ahead me, that is before the Holy Spirit fell upon me in that wind,  he just wasn’t there. So I expected too much from him, and surely  could have used more patience than I did with this man that also  wanted more in life. But still the truth is; The Spirit of Christ  cannot be bought, for it is a true and free gift to all that seek His  Way, that leads to Truth, that makes us free from the World and  its’ religions, and can only bring Life to those that follow Him.

 So now, as I look with serenity at my evolving life, I see a man in  me that’s got masses to learn, and still many more places to go,  and with a few falls from obstacles, I now call obstacles blessings,  could grow to the vessel God has set for my life. And with His help,  I will.

 Still lying in bed; and the darkness of night was still about, and I  would guess about half hour more ‘til the slight break of day, my  wife rolls over and knows that I’m awake and probably knows that  I was thinking again. Putting her hand to my arm she asked if I was    worried about anything. “Heck no, for the first time in my life, I  quit trusting in myself, therefore concerns of life have vastly  vanished.”

 She said that she already knew that.

 We were close and could almost read each other’s mind, and  she knew that things were getting better with me, and I think just  wanted an update. She had always supported me, and since her  mother was healed by Jesus, she too knew how important my walk  with the Lord was, and this changed lifestyle was most significant  in our pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. She encouraged me at  every opportunity, and grew as I also grew in a deeper relationship  with Jesus,   Jesus was in my inner man, the depth of my heart, more real to  me, a greater friend, and closer to the touch, after the crucifixion,  and after being Spirit filled, than He was in our three year walk  together. I now know who He is, we talk constantly with each  other, I can see Him, hear Him, feel Him continuously, in more  intimacy than we ever had when He was walking on earth. Times  were good, and my wife was as thrilled as I was about this new  found Life.

  We talked to way up past the rising of the sun, enjoying each  other, we talked about our life together, and how it was enhanced  by the relationship that we both now have with Jesus.

 She asked many questions, and we spoke of the future, and our  future, and things about our friends and so-on, as the sun had now     eaten up the light fog and the few ripples of clouds that were  scattered in the eastern sky over the waters before us. As our  conversation paused for a few moments, I went to thinking about  my new life, and its’ changes, and how my relationship with my  wife, was also changing. In the mission of what lies ahead, and my  need for my wife’s support, it is very important that she be teamed  with me, and I believe that somehow I could pull it off without her,  which isn’t the case, but having her with me, always in my heart, is  an ideal situation, and I thank God for His work in this matter.

 She then asked how I felt when put in prison, and wanted to  know in earnest what I was thinking at the time. Was I scared?

 “A little, well not really; you see, when my life changed, it all  happened in a moment, in a twinkling of the eye, and I was healed  of twenty-something years of the peace that was missing in my life.  And the deliverance from, and of, that void is now more than I can  explain, but all came together at the right time. So being shackled  and locked up felt inside as the right direction for that moment,  and no fear was in me, for then I knew that I need not be in  control, because that was the Lords job. There was a peace within  me, and certainly more thankful than scared.”

 “What were you doing or thinking during all this?” She asked as  we faced each other holding hands.

 “Not really much of nothing. The small group of us began to  sing, we then prayed, and had discussed that no one was going to  eat until a sign from Jesus had been shown. You know, we weren’t  in there long before the angel came, set us free, and gave direction     of our next move. This was not a night of fear, but rejoicing, a  night when fear had escaped us, and a peace had a filling  throughout, it was really a good time for the hearts of all, except  maybe the Sadducees. All of us had gathered again at the temple,  and more were added to the group of believers.”

 We both spent the rest of the afternoon together, and I knew  Andrew was to drop by later, to begin again our continued mission,  so we talked and enjoyed our day together.

 Several hours later, my brother came by, my wife and I said our  good-byes, and me and Andrew headed south on the perpetual  journey of witnessing peoples’ lives changing. Both were excited,  for neither of us knew what God was going to do next, times were  brilliant with His presence.

 As we walked, I was telling Andrew of the remarkable support  and encouragement that was given to me from my wife and her  friends, and he said the same was coming from our parents also.