Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 Traveling High

Now in those days, that is, the early days of the called out ones  coming together, many great works and miracles were showing  multitudes the evidence of Christ and Him raised from among the  dead. Many times a group would meet, and for the most part, it  would be only two or three that had gathered. Disciples were  added daily, and sometimes there were a thousand or even much  more, that were added to those that came out from among the  world, and its’ way of thinking. These peoples’ lives weren’t being  changed because of our power, nor because we were great  speakers, but by the calling of the Holy Spirit that fell upon the  many in our travels, of those that now lived a changed life. When  there were meetings of large numbers, it was purely by the hand of  God, for no effort was afforded from our part. I might walk from  one city to another, meeting someone on the side of the road, and  testifying of what I’d witnessed, and would be asked if I would  come and lodge with them, for they too had family and friends that they would like for them too, to hear this great news. Living this  life was exciting, and in no way was any day predictable. Normally  it was but one or two others that listened as I traveled throughout.

 I would, on occasion, meet with one of the original disciples,  but for the most part we journeyed alone, and separate. Several  times my wife was to go with me, and many of the women’s lives  would be changed by her testimony, as she too could expound as  the Spirit gave her utterance. But, by-in-large, each set out alone,  as God would scatter us in every direction fulfilling His desire upon  His Rock that I now understand is the Revelation of Himself.

 One time, maybe five or six years after the resurrection, in a  small village called Nain, not far from, but in the mountains,  outside the city of Nazareth, I ventured. A quiet place, but many  believers dwelled there, as on several occasions a disciple passed  through and preached on the change that God was calling for from  within, that this same neighbor, the one called the Christ, not so  many years ago, lived and walked among them, and would  expound on the change of what was happening in the lives and the  heart of many. For many there also believed.

 The group had grown, for many, and several of the men and  women in that village were considering erecting a house where  each could commonly meet, an organized place of worship. I  listened as their excitement emanated from all around the room  that we had collected in, and the ideas that arose from that  excitement. Maybe they weren’t quiet together on every issue  that was being spoken about, but most had the same common    ground of wanting a building dedicated for the meeting of the  saints, a place of worship.

 In that room were many sincere folks, ones that received the  presence and indwelling of the Lord, but it seemed that the men of  the highest nobler status were the ones pushing the hardest for  the establishment of a house of God. The food was good, the  crowd was cheerful, but the atmosphere was lacking one essential  ingredient, the Spirit of Christ. Watching and listening as I  observed the hugs and handshakes, the chatter of what was to  happen and the prestige that it would give this small town to have  such a place, and what it would mean to so many.

 Standing up, clearing my throat, and in a loud voice said: “Men  and women of Nain, keep silent and listen to what this man that  walked in the days of Jesus’ ministry with Him, has to say  concerning this that you are about to do. Many of you mean well,  but there are those among you that are looking for an outward  construction, but lack the inward dwelling of Christ and His Spirit.  This that you are about to do, ought not to be so, it was not in the  beginning of this new life that he has built in us, nor will it be in  any of the days to come. Those that are called up into this life, will  go, we will not be asking those to come, to gather in a place built  by the hands of man, His true Church is built on the Rock of His  revelation, not upon a stone hued by mans’ ideas. He asked that  we should ‘go ye into all the world, not forsaking any’, but never  has His Spirit shown that we should institutionalize the Rock in  which He is building. I’d rather say that there are several amongst  you that are without, that is the indwelling of Christ, that make     pretense that they too have had this experience with Christ, and  have not. They are those that are still filled with dead mans’  bones, but want only to clean the outside of the vessel, and again,  this ought not to be so. This Gospel of the Kingdom will be spread  by folks like you and me, people sharing that which God has done,  and still doing, not by erecting a shine, as I too had learned this  from yesteryear. We show not ourselves in beauty, but in humility,  not in fluent speech, but in those Words that he has appointed to  us, not in zeal to worship that which our hands have made, but this  which His Spirit points to, the only God that is living, and He can  and will live in you.”

  The silence around the room was that of a secluded man  standing completely still on a snow covered mountain top, some  were smiling, but all were reflecting on the Words the Spirit had to  say. As I continued: “This, that God is putting together, let no man  put asunder, for this, my brothers and sisters, is built by the hand  of Christ, and not on the stature of man. The true Church is not a  gathering, but of those that are called out from among the world  and want to live this new Life, and share it with others along the  way that we are led to walk. To make something tangible from  that which is intangible is a mistake that I also, in times past, tried  to do, but was told to go back off the mountain. Christ is alive, and  I know that He lives in many of you, and it will be Him that gives  the increase, not the ideas of our mind. Wait on Him.”


In those days, some nine or ten years after the resurrection of  Christ, people were being added to the called out ones daily,      sometimes tens of them, sometimes hundreds, and on a couple of  occasions, a thousand or more. For as many believers that  traveled from city to city, I would receive word almost daily of the  progress of the forwarding of God’s Kingdom. Many a-men were  made disciples, had an encounter with the Lord and journeyed  spreading that good news throughout. Now Saul, that we’d heard  was surnamed Paul, was preaching throughout the land, and most  of his times were spent in other nations, up along the north coast  of the Great Sea, but preaching this same Jesus, the Son of God. I  was told by one in this company of folks that Paul, and his  companion Barnabas, both were again being searched out to be  put to death for his testimony in Christ.

 It was now about this time that I’d received the bad and sad  news that my long-time friend James, the brother of John, was  killed by King Herod, for at that time much expense was delegated  toward harassing those that believed. John and I were friends, and  much more than friends, we’d grown up together, spending not  only our youth, but most all of our walk in Christ together, this was  sad news. Each of us understood the consequences of our  appointment in sharing the Gospel, but James was still a young  man and had a great zeal for the Lord. He was sorely missed, and I  hurt for his brother and parents also, for we were so close. But  James’ life, or death, was by no means in vain, for God had  wrought great works through his hand, and by his willingness.

 Herod seeing that the death of James by his sword pleased the  Jews, he also sent out seeking me, for much the same. It was then,  during the feast of Unleavened Bread that Herod’s men seized me,   and placing me in prison, bound both hands and feet, and stripped  naked, it was no small company of soldiers that were placed to  guard me; in fact two were required on each side of me, even as I  slept. All of this was done, not because I’d done anything wrong,  and certainly not because I went against the Romans, but that  Herod made favor with the Jews these harassments, and that gave  him clout.   I was not at all alone, for many of the company of believers and  companions were constantly in prayer. There was no fear, for of a  truth, my life had changed, and still continues to change, as I  relinquish my control to the Father of all. There is no greater  freedom, than the freedom one receives after giving up his own. I  think we were all created to follow, and yes many are to lead, but  the greatest of leaders are those that can serve and follow. God  continued to move within my life and this also was a moment in  time that was needed to bring me closer to Him.

  My so-called trial would have been the next day, if not for the  Passover, but again Herod was going to make favor with the  scribes, Pharisees, elders, and priest of the Jews, the trial was to be  the day after. But the night of the Passover an angel stood over  me in the prison, a light so bright that it filled the jail, and said for  me to rise quickly, and as I did, the chains fell off. I was then told  to shod my feet, gird myself and follow him. As we passed through  the first guard, and then the second, I thought this was a vision,  not knowing that what was happening was real, but when the gate  had been reached, and the irons fell off before us, the gate opened  on its’ own accord, and the angel was gone. Moments later, when     I came to myself, I knew then that this was real and not a dream,  and had been delivered out of the hands of Herod, and the  expectations of the Jews.

 I, knowing where John and the others were, and at the house of  Mary his mother; and after walking up the street, the air chilly, the  night quiet, approaching the door, I knocked. A young girl  answered, but when she had seen me, jumped as if she seen a  ghost, slammed the door, and I could hear her running as if for her  life. I continued knocking. It was but three or four minutes, and  the door opened again, it was John, surprised but happy in a loud  way, and I motioned that they were to keep silent, as I entered and  shut again the door.

 That night there was much rejoicing as I explained all that had  happened, about the angel, and the things that the Lord was  showing me, we all had a good time ‘til daybreak, when much  stirring and rustling was heard from the Romans outside. Later I’d  heard that several of the guards were put to death because of  what happened, but as far as us, we enjoyed each other, and  caught up on all that God was doing through each.

 There were many in Judea that believed, and the Word spread  before us in every placed we were or had been. God’s kingdom  was growing daily as the news of this new Life was spreading.

 It was not long after leaving and going to Caesarea that I heard  the news that Herod, while giving orations to ‘his’ people was  struck by God and died, being eaten by worms, but the Word of     God grew and multiplied throughout all Judea and elsewhere.  Herod’s death being a sign that God was moving among all.   As I traveled in those days, many wonderful works and great  miracles happened on a daily basis, and many were also led to  follow in Christ as the Spirit gave them leave. Saul, whose surname  was Paul traveled to many of the cities and many other nations, as  from time-to-time I’d hear word of what God was doing through  his life. I will admit that at first when I heard of Paul and the  change he claimed to have in his life, I was a little skittish, and even  though he and I haven’t seen eye-to-eye in every detail, I believe  the work he’s doing in the name of Jesus is real. For he too has  been threatened, beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, arrested, and vows  to have him killed were often made, but he’s never wavered, not  an inch from the encounter he had with the Lord, yes, it was real, a  fellow-apostle.


In my days of traveling the cities of Judea, and on occasion, to  Cyprus, and a few more of the distant places, I was always in  contact with many believers, and each day was fulfilled with the  excitement, mystery, and enjoyment of the Lord. And on this trip  John and I ventured to Judea to a town called Machaerus, four or  five miles east of the Salt Sea, and placed at the end of a ravine  between two hills maybe not big enough to be called mountains,  but rugged just the same. Both of us knew that this trip was  necessary, but why, we had no idea. We had previously been in  Medeba, which is northwest about fifteen miles and in the same  large valley that we now traveled. It was a summer day, hot,    humid, and the wind blowing out of the south, which it always  does this time of the year, and talking with each other as we  walked. John thought the people in Medeba, which we just left  yesterday, were not as open to the Gospel as most of those on the  other side of the Salt Sea, for the Word had not spread very much  in this region. But the time there was not wasted, nor could it be,  for when the Spirit moves one to go, the going is always peaceable,  harmonious with what seemed ordained, as there is always a  purpose.

 On this trip, the one we just left, a young girl about the age of  twelve, an only child and born in the late years of her parents, laid  sick from a fever, and had been crippled from birth. Having heard  that two of the Apostles were there, called on us to look upon their  child, with hopes of her being healed, as they too had heard the  news of Christ and His resurrection and how He still walked among  His disciples and continued working through them. And once we’d  laid hands on her, lifting her up by the hand, the fever was gone  and her legs were straightened, all in the name of Jesus. The  young girls’ folks were ecstatic, but the town people thought it to  be through sorcery, and tried mocking us with their trickery.

 Often when folks, and their religious ideas, feel threatened,  many would attack with their imitation, or their counterfeit of  what the Holy Spirit, and His power offers, with their less-than  adequate forms of trickery.

 So as it went, we did what was desired of us from the Spirit, and  the awakening of the town, was most likely to come later from the  Holy Spirit, so we left, not staying more than a few days. And now     on the brink of the village of Machaerus, not more than ten  furlongs, decided to stop and rest for the night, before entering the  next morning just after the rising of the sun.

 It was a pleasant evening, the sun still two hands above the  horizon, the wind was a calm breeze, but still hot, as we settled  between a huge boulder and a thicket of scrub brush. Laying back  against the rock, feet stretched out before us, eating flat bread and  a piece of dried fish, we relaxed watching the seagulls as they  would make a circle above our head before returning to the sea.  Once, two of the gulls were harassing a larger bird, attempting to  get the larger to give up its’ catch, which it did, and was caught in  mid-air by the two much smaller one, but the weight of it was  more than they could bear.

 A small fire was made, for the dead brush was in plenty, and we  rested and talked a little, but mostly watched as the sky was still  lively with the never disappointing fowl, and now the crawling  creatures that were coming out of every hole, whether under a  rock or from between the sage, we indulged in the best part of the  day, resting.

 Just as the sun was about to go completely down, only a sliver  winked to say its’ goodbyes, John began talking, or maybe asking  about the life we now had since the apparent death of Jesus, and  why it was that He seemed more alive today than he did while we  walked by His side. Many times I’d had the same thoughts, and  had studied this with great reasoning, so I said as John nestled in  what seemed like a tub scratched out of the sand into a bowl  shape. “Before the crucifixion, and especially until Pentecost, we    did not have His Spirit, for He said the Comforter would be sent,  and at that time and place none of us knew any of the meanings of  the parables, or the saying, or the purpose of the places we went  and the things we saw, until our eyes were opened. Our lives were  changed that day, after receiving His presence, and all before, as  we walked with Him, we had only the mind of man, and couldn’t  see beyond the natural, for our eyes kept us from seeing.”

 It was then that John crawled up out of his nest, excited, and  said; “You know, that also is what I thought it was, but needed a  confirmation, thanks.” He walked around awhile, talking to  himself, talking to the sky, at least talking upward, flinging his arms  in every direction, going in circles until the affirmation had settled  deep inside, and then said, “I could see before, but through a dark  glass, but now I understand; He’s alive in me, walking on earth in  me, carrying out His Life and Will in me, no more death, just Life. I  knew that the Spirit was given to us at Pentecost, but I guess I just  didn’t realize His complete presence on earth in me, and of course  you and the others’ also.”

 Times were good, a lot was happening, and we were all growing.  It’s so pleasant to see ones’ life change after an encounter with the  Lord, and it was happening everywhere we went; simply put, it was  rearranging our lives. I was just a glimpse of the man that I was  before the resurrection and the out-pouring of the Holy Ghost.  Thinking back, it’s now hard to relate to the person I was, all had  changed, and all that was required on my part was, to follow Him  when asked, no efforts were made by me nor for me, it was all  Christ’s doings in me. And to watch this young man have the  blinders removed, and understand the alive Christ within himself,  is an experience that will never lose its’ excitement.

 The next morning, before dawn, for the night sky was totally  dark, and only a hint of light appeared in the eastern sky, and one  had to study to see the small suggestion of haze that was  beginning to show, I lay awake, doing what I’ve always done;  ponder. I lie there silent thinking on the meanings of each event as  it happened, and on occasion, would see through it to the  implications that Christ intended in his hidden Ways. The first  sound of John stirring was that of a branch breaking as he tried to  build the fire from the spark of last nights’ ashes. It was a warm  morning, and no dew had fallen, the air dry and more stars shown  than usual, the beginning of another exciting day.

 “Good morning, how’d you sleep?” Looking at John as he blew  on the few remaining embers, I could see smoke, but no flame.

 Backing away from the handful of smoking twigs and brush, he  coughed, set it down and rubbing his eyes, said; “not a wink.” I  laughed watching him twist and turn, but not able at this point to  give up, he kept blowing until the magic was done; a flame.

  “The ‘something’ that happen in me last night, opened up a  whole new vision, so I stayed awake all night in excitement, to see  all that I could see. Jesus is at least as alive in us now as He was  when we walked with Him on earth.”

   I spoke back; “More so. Before, we needed not faith, because  we had Jesus next to us, now after He has revealed himself alive,  our faith is what brings a reality to the purpose of life, we are no  longer blinded. It has not been long since I too realized His  presence, but have also learned that the mustard seed, that we  are, is as yet, but a sapling, the real growth is yet to come.”

 “You mean it gets better?”

“I suspect so. I’m just learning this as you are. For the men we  were, no longer exist, we willingly have laid down our lives for a  better one, not a reformed life, but one that’s being transformed  by Him. A life that we no longer have to make decisions, we just  listen as He arranges everything for us, and continue following.  This is not for us alone, but to all that are willing, for there is  nothing special about who we are that matters, but what we are;  His.” John just smiled, the fire was built, and his face was brighter  than the flames.

 Author’s note: God will use us for ‘what’ we are in Him, regardless of  what we’ve done or not done, which is the ‘who’. The ‘who’ that we each  are, is not important, it’s earthly; the ‘what’ is that which each is; the child  of God, for he lives in each. Read 1 John chapter 3.

 Not long thereafter, bellies full, filled with amazement and  wonder, we both headed toward the town of Machaerus. You  could see the tell-tale signs of the wind in the mountains, as small  clouds of sand were swirling on the leeward side of each peak. We  walked in on the northeast side of town where small stone houses  had been erected, some from handmade brick. The streets were    sand, well-trodden, and the town of unexceptional size, and the  folks modest in every way, as we could see small groups gathered  as we approached the middle of the square. A man with a robe,  that looked as if it had not been cleaned in several weeks,  approached us and was the first to speak; introducing himself as an  elder, and knowing who we were, as he had had a vision from an  angel that we were to come on this appointed day, and was  waiting. He explained: “Our town and most all the folks in it have  been overwhelmed and preoccupied in, and with depression. This  is now to the point that more than a few have killed themselves,  and those remaining are of a very low esteem.”

 I could tell by his countenance that the man was worried and at  his wits-end. Looking around, I could now see, that was there was  no laughter or even smiles in the people we’ve encountered thus  far; he was more than concerned as he continued speaking.

 “We had heard through various people that there was a group  that is growing daily, and about a man called Simon, who surname  is Peter, and another man from Tarsus name Paul, and both and  the other’s carry the power of the Lord wherever they go. So  several weeks ago, myself and a friend began praying and fasting  about this, for we too are believers, and want Gods’ movement  upon our town and the people in it. And two nights ago during a  dream, an angel of the Lord woke me from sleep, and said that the  Lord God has heard our prayers, and moved with compassion, has  sent two men to expound on the news of Christ Jesus, Him  crucified and raised from the dead. You must be them.”

  John looked at me, and I him, for we knew now what this trip  was about, and were thankful that another group, maybe the  whole town, was open to hearing about the works of God, through  His son Jesus, who lives today in each that would receive Him. This  is the Good News that were both set out to tell and express  through the Power given to us, and we were to also give that same  Power to them.

 “We are them, I am Peter and this is John, we both walked with  the Lord during the days of His ministry, and were witnesses of His  life and His resurrection. Can we go somewhere to talk?”

 The anticipations of our arrival must have been high; for several  of the concerned folks were gathered in a small room as the three  of us walked in, and were introduced. There were small smiles  upon the faces of those collected in that room, but it was easily  discerned that the smiles were covering worried feelings. For most  held their shoulders low, and slumped in a forward position,  indicating a low demeanor with heartache. We were introduced.

 “Men, brothers in Christ, we too knew it was urgent to get here,  for the Lord had placed you and this town on our heart, not but  three days ago. John and I both walked with the Lord during His  ministry on earth, were daily with Him, and did not understand  who we were with, until the days of Pentecost, when each  received Power by and of the Holy Spirit. Even I did not believe  that he was resurrected from the dead until he had revealed  Himself to us, and I could see with my eyes. But even then I could  not fully understand until a mighty rushing Wind had blown upon   us. To know Jesus externally, is not a bad thing, but to know Him  alive internally, is that of faith, and is the greatest of all matters.”

 Zecharius, the man we first met in the town square, seated  himself on the floor, his close friend beside him, and listened with  all intensity, as I continued explaining that the baptism by the  Spirit, and His indwelling in us, was the means of our life, and the  motivation of living. For in truth, there is no life without Him, He  alone is the covering of our lives, and always expresses Himself in  Love. I told them of the separation and condemnation that was  taught to all, by those that served the Temple, with all their rules  and regulations; and that Christ came to set us free from all of that,  and Free we are. And that freedom expresses itself in a Love that  cannot condemn, nor does it separate, nor can it be contained in  any one person, but thru the whole body of Christ. For we are His  lively stones, with Christ as the Chief corner stone, and fitly  arranged and joined together to make up the true body of Christ.   “We were bound to the many laws of the Jewish religion,”  Zecharius began speaking, “and I think to the ones that enforced  them, and were taught that we are not to associate with those of  other nations. Our people flourished in times past, but this spirit of  depression has a grip on us and has not let go, and our people are  dying. For the bondage of religion, and our acceptance of it, is  more than our people can bear.”

 John leaned over and said something in my ear, and we were  both in agreement as to the problem that had a hold on this city,  and the folks in it. Still standing, I walked to the stone table that    had evidently been used for eons to grind and roll out flour, and  leaning against it I began to speak as the Spirit gave utterance.

  “Men, brothers, I perceive that a spirit of selfishness has been  carried here from those of a sect that want you in bondage, and all  for themselves. There are those that teach that theirs’, and their  religion alone, are for those of the seed of Abraham, and I too  thought the same at one time in my life, but God spoke to me and  said ‘what He has cleaned, call not common.’ The Lord Himself  said that God so loves the world and all the world, all those in it,  because each were made in His similitude, each belong to Him,  that He gave His only begotten Son; and each and all can believe.  But you have been given a yoke that you cannot bear, a burden  that you cannot carry without these repercussions; therefore all  those of this city have attempted to walk in both worlds, but they  must not be combined. You have believed in Christ Jesus, and Him  crucified and Him raised from the grave, believe also that He who  can resurrect your Spirit can deliver you from this bondage that  was set upon you. For what God has put together, let not man put  asunder.” This I testified about while still leaning on the work  table, and all gave attention to the words as I hesitated to allow  the word to be digested. “Now as each have fallen into the  teachings of the scribes, Pharisees, and even the priest of the  temple, know ye that you have been set free, free from the  bondage of effort, free from the yoke of pleasing men, for Jesus  came to give Life, and give it abundantly to all that pursue Him.”

 As I spoke, a Light began shining from within the room, a Light  that came from everywhere, for the Light drove shadows from the  room, or could one yet pinpoint from where it came. Small  particles floated about the room, but were not falling, as many  traveled in an upward or sideways motion, it was like Manna  coming from Heaven and layering themselves upon all. And I  looked outside through the doorway; I could tell that the same was  happening throughout the whole city. People were standing,  looking up, arms wide open, and many fell to their knees as this  and the brightness of the Light shone upon all. In an instant the  entire town broke out in praise and worship, for their hearts were  filled with the joy and freedom from the Lord. A deliverance had  happened. And there were more than twelve hundred that day  brought into the intimate fellowship with the Lord God.

 John and I stayed there many days teaching and exhorting those  in the Lord, and many, if not all, were set free from the tyranny  that the elders had burdened those people with, and the  oppression lifted, along with the depression. We thus traveled  again to Jerusalem.