Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 Meeting of the Hearts

A large group of apostles and believers had assembled in  Jerusalem, and it was good. This was a rare time that many of  those that were sent forth could gather and explicate and explore  what each were doing as each traveled the direction that God led  them in. It was a time to exhort one another, and learn the  different ways that the Lord was leading, it was certainly enjoyable  listening as one by one would detail the happenings of the Holy  Spirit, and another would then expound on what he saw.

 There must have been more than a hundred and twenty of us  meeting here; and the new ways, and the words of knowledge, and  the words of wisdom was being heard and spoke in every different  direction, but orderly, all by the hand of God. There was much  singing, praising and worship going on as with that many believers’,  how could it be different? And it was good that meetings like this  took place from time to time, as some journeyed to Mesopotamia,  some to Galatia, some even farther than that, and a few went east  out into the desert, and one small group went all the way south    into Egypt. The word of God was spreading throughout every  region.

 It was good to see Matthew, Thomas, Judas, and all the other  apostles, and several of the women had also met with us, along  with the many disciples, it was nice hearing about all the works and  wonders that were happening through the name of Jesus.

 We had been meeting for several weeks, people popping in,  some having to leave, the news of the Gospel traveling in and out  from every direction; it was good. Bother Paul, the one whose life  was changed on the road to Damascus, now called an apostle,  came and shared great news of the works of God; for of a truth, he  carried the message of Christ to many regions that were  inaccessible to many of us, and it was incredible to hear all his  goings on. He declared of the many miracles and wonders that  God had worked through them among the Gentiles. It was an  absolute pleasure meeting those who traveled with him, for they  too had a great zeal for the Lord.

 This was a time to exchange how the Holy Spirit was moving  among His own, and how we all had the privilege to witness it, all  hungered and thirsted for more as He moved within those seeking  Him in the many nations.

 Sometimes we’d get into a slight debate as of how the message  should be presented, and a few times it would turn into a  confrontation, but all-in-all, it went well. For the Spirit of Christ  dwelled among many, and unless one’s flesh came out, we  continued in one accord.

  Let me set back and reflect a minute as to the growth of each of  us, especially me. I was in my late forties at this time, and most of  the original disciples were. Although much growth had taken place  in each, we were by no-means fully mature, as for me; no more  than the rest, we all had a ways to go, but still learning daily. At  each meeting many topics would be discussed, many subjects  mulled over, and since we didn’t really know what or how to do  this, we were completely dependent on the presence of Christ being  with us, but I have to admit, sometimes we, especially me, would  get out in front of Him, and make what I now call a happy little  mistake. To put it bluntly, set sail before all the fishing tackle had  been boarded.

 Many would come to me asking questions of what they should  do, or how a certain things could happen. Things like, who could  come to Christ and His teachings, and what, if any restrictions were  to be placed on those of other backgrounds, should or should not  we baptize those of another sect, and does proof of His indwelling  need to be shown before any are accepted? The issue of  circumcision was brought up often, and the matters, at times,  would become overwhelming, it would, at stretches, be more than  this finite creature named Peter, could solve. Many moments, I  would be in over my head, but would take a stab at it anyway; my  mistake. At one time I appointed that certain restriction were to  apply, such as staying away from things strangled, and had even  given in on circumcising, knowing that man is not justified by his  works, or the flesh; but it happened anyway. I may have been what  one would call middle-aged, but apparently not very mature in  Christ at this time in my life.

   At each stage of my life where growth was apprehended, where  light of revelation was conceived, and even where knowledge was  being obtained greatly, I would truly grow, but evidently not to the  place that I’d thought I was. As a young man, I thought I had life by  the bridle, but learned just what was missing after meeting the  Christ. Then again before His crucifixion, when I thought I was top  leader of the disciples, to find out, after being rebuked, that I was  my own fool. Later, during the Pentecost experience, when great,  mighty, and wonderful things happened thru the Holy Spirit, I  thought that my life was set on top of the world, and in a way it  was, but not quite where I thought I was. I had grown, that is a  fact, but not to the end of the means, it was just another stepping- stone, but then again thought that where my life was now, placed  me as high as one could go, but this was not so, and that’s a fact.  And now that my hair and beard is turning gray, meaning, at this  meeting with the other apostles, Paul included, it seems that I  would have learned by now; but I once again, trying to play the big- shot, stuck all ten toes in my mouth.

 Looking back, I was in no way a failure, although that was  exactly how I felt, but at another place of learning, a place to fall,  but also a place to let God stand me back up again, and continue  with this journey He had set for me. Not knowing at the time that  this was my walk, one ordained by the Lord.

 But it was now time for this man to journey again north, but this  time farther north, probably around the horn inlet of the Great Sea,  but stopping at Capernaum to see my wife before going further.

  In this place of coming together, here in Jerusalem, was  wonderful for all, and just about everyone was there at one time or  another, for we’d met for several weeks now, and many great  things were being composed by the Lord’s hand being on each.  Without going into all the details, I can tell you that the might of  God’s hand is either growing in strength, or we believers are  receiving It with greater capacity, for the improvement of the  power of His Love is growing within us mightily as our walk with  Him continues.

 I left towards the north while some were still rejuvenating, but I  know that each received an energy that was somewhat like that of  the days of Pentecost. I was excited to go share that which God  was doing within me, with as many as would listen, and I was also  excited about seeing my wife, as it’s been many months since we’d  shared a day together.

 It took seven days to get back to Capernaum, because the six of  us stopped at Scythopolis where many were eager to hear more  about the Words that God was giving us, but after one night I left  again going to Gadara by myself, leaving the others’ behind. It was  there that a close friend of mine lived, name Lazariah, a true  brother in Christ and a man of great wealth, but humble in every  way. He too received the Holy Ghost at Pentecost with the rest of  us, and was on a level with Christ, that at long stretches at a time,  would hear from Him daily, a man that loved his relationship with  the Lord.

 It was late in the evening, the sun had already set, fog began to  blow in with the south breeze that would sometimes get captured    in these mountain valleys to form fog that was much too thick for  traveling, but I made it to his home sound and safe.

 “Good evening my brother, hope all is well, and maybe you  could spare some time for an old friend.” I said all this before he  even knew who it was in the dark, but recognized my voice.

 “Peter, my friend, I was expecting you some few days ago, but  never-the-less welcome, come in, sit with me.”   It was late fall, the air cool, but it couldn’t put a damper on our  warm friendship. Saying my ‘hellos’ to his family, we sat beside the  door and talked looking over the low lying fog at the many stars  that stood out on such a crisp night, we both had a lot to say, and  to listen too. For he too was an ambassador of Christ, and spends  many of his days expounding to many on the Word of God, for God  has wrought many wonderful works and miracles through his  hands. An authentic believer that puts his assets to the helping of  the saints, a man of true internal means, for he lived daily the life  that he professed. Lazariah told of the people healed and about  the several that were delivered from spirits that were unclean, but  mostly of the accepted response of those wanting to meet and  know this man Jesus; and many met Him from within. It was  pleasant seeing my good friend again, and most of the night was  spent exchanging the happenings of the last few years, catching up  on all that God was doing.

  It was early when I woke, laying still and silent as I meditated on  the new day, and if I was strong enough to get all the way to  Capernaum, and do it all in one day. I had told Lazariah that I was  to head out early, and it was now about two hours before sunrise,  and instead of lying here, might as well get up and leave, for I had  about thirty miles yet to travel. And seeing my precious wife again  was the motivation of the day, but then again, only God knows  what’s been stored for this day.

  The night breeze of the morning was cool with a crisp hint in the  air, a chill that would make one shiver if just sitting, but I was set  out to walk the whole distance in one day if possible, the perfect  temperature for my traveling. I was to walk along the west coast  of the Sea of Galilee where every few miles I would encounter  another town or city, my work getting there was already cut out  for me, and I was excited, and feeling strong for a man in his mid- forties.

 It was an uneventful trip thus far, starting to get light; and the  breeze off the sea was much warmer, but I had, at this time, just  came up to the town of Magdala and still had some eight miles yet  to go, and still excited. I think that God had prepared this day for  me to make it all the way home, for other than speaking a few  times to the people that I’d pass, nothing seemed to slow the pace  down.

 The coast gets a little steep as I approached Capernaum, and  could now see the flicker of light, at least now and then, and my  enthusiasm was running high as day gave way to night. I think my  wife knows I am coming, for Andrew was to stop and tell her, but    I’m not sure as I advanced toward our home and it was now in  sight. No one was waiting, nor watching as the sound of my heavy  foot-steps pounded on the hard ground of the entrance-way as I  entered. There she was, cooking a leg of something over an open  fire, looking as beautiful as the day we wed, I was glad to be home.

 When she turned around, seeing me, chirped like a song bird,  and ran and gave me the biggest hug. “Been waiting on you,  thought it would be a might earlier though, this goat has been  ready for three hours, I hope it’s not burnt pass the eating stage.”  She said as were still embracing.

 “My love, all I had on my mind these passing miles were you,  the food smells and sounds good, but let me hold you a few more  minutes first.” She smiled, we held each other’s hand, talked a  little bit, and then realized just how hungry I really was; it was good  to be home, to be next to her, to sit beside the woman that is the  greatest of all help-mates.

 As I’d said earlier, I had the complete support from my wife, and  she encouraged me in every way. She’d known in my youthful  years of the twisting in the soul, the knotting of my stomach, of the  missing peace of my life, and fortified every support toward the  ministry she could, it pleased her to please the longing held deep  within me. She knew who Jesus was, and knew of the personal  relationship I had with Him, and she had it too, and we both  continue with Him each day, just sometimes in different directions.  Our love for each other is real, and when I’m gone for so long, it  loses nothing, it sustains us both, we are both able to love each  other the same, whether we’re near or far apart.

  Earlier, while still in Jerusalem, Judas, the brother of Jesus, told  that he was going north, maybe all the way to Tarsus, for there was  a call out from them beckoning the apostles to come forth and  show and help Paul in the teachings of the revelations from God.  He was then to report back to those of us now staying in  Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida the news and happenings of  Galatia. It might be a week from now, it might even be much  longer than that before he makes it this far south again, but all  were waiting; and each knew of his soon arrival, as we talked with  one another every few days. We didn’t meet in a group, per-se,  but somebody would talk with someone else, and our messages  would be relayed, and by the end of every few days everyone knew  all the goings-on. Our fellowship with each kept us all going, and  the presence of Christ was our backbone.

 It was a pleasant evening when my wife and I returned from a  small fishing trip. Well it really wasn’t as much about fishing as it  was just being alone together. Our time together was a precious  commodity, and every day we made the best of it. The sun was  barely over the mountains to the west, when all was straightened  in the boat, that we sat on the beach to relax some more. A large  school of fish began to feed just off the shore bank, not more than  seventy-five feet from us, and we looked at each other, without  saying a word, and knew that this trip wasn’t about fishing, so we  just sat, not enticed at all that we didn’t catch any.

  She too heard many revelation from the Lord, and I was always  excited to hear what was being said through her, the might of God     was flowing throughout all the regions, and it was certainly nice to  learn of the wonders and works thru others, especially hers’. She  knows that what I’m doing is important, and knows that this  message of the Kingdom of God has to go forth, and she also  knows of the dangers that lie in wait, but, to her it’s worth the risk.  She is not a woman that’s ruled by fear, but her faith and belief  that what God started, He is faithful to see it thru to the end.

 It had now been dark for an hour or so, and we still lay on the  sand watching the incoming tide, the thousands of stars, and  hadn’t spoken a word in a while, when the sound of my brother’s  voice was heard from a distance, probably from our house, calling  for us, and he sounded a little excited. As soon as we stood, he  recognizes us and walked in our direction.

  After we said our ‘hellos’, spoke about the beauty of the night,  Andrew told that Judas had just returned from Galatia, and about  the people wanting to hear about this Gospel, and their hunger for  the Words were great. And particularly had asked for me to come,  which I knew was going to happen, for I too knew, weeks ago, saw  that this northern trip was the next road to travel, for Jesus had  put them on my heart.

Andrew thought that I might want to know this information, and  that was the excitement that we were hearing in his voice. So we  talked a while longer, walked back to the house, said our good- byes, and he left, leaving the rest of the night just for us, it was  nice, this reunion, so we stayed up most of the night just laughing,  talking and enjoying being with each other.

   You know, life is a lot more pleasant when a body has that  special someone that they can pour their heart out too, and the  last few days have been wonderful. We have total trust in each  other, and the time spent apart, we really aren’t apart, as for me,  and I think her also, we are never separated except in body, for our  hearts are always together. I know that I’ve given my life to the  forwarding of God’s Kingdom, and I think from deep within that I’d  probably testify of Christ and Him resurrected, even without her  support, but having the extraordinary wife that I do, helps  tremendously. Love conquers all things, and I’m not talking about  that worldly love, I’m speaking of the kind of Love that just Loves,  and has no conditions. I am positive, at this point, that a long time  before I met the Lord, or even heard of Him, that my life was being  arranged, I just couldn’t ask for a better woman, our hearts are  connected.

 The next morning I did what I always do, that is wake up early,  lay motionless, and listen to what God had planned for me, that is,  if He wants to let me in on any of the details. And most of the time  He doesn’t. But this time, my wife, well aware of my morning  habits, knew that I was awake and began talking about the harvest  of the north regions, that is; the hunger and thirst that these  people had for this new message of Grace. We spoke quietly, but  sincerely until this fresh day cracked with a small hint of light. She  then got up, fixed a large breakfast, bundled a large roll of flat  bread with dried fish, and put it in my traveling pouch. The sun  had been up for an hour or so before both said our good-byes, and     I headed out toward the sun to pick up Andrew and a couple of the  other folks that were to go with us. It certainly is a beautiful day, I  thought while walking along the shore-line; and God had stored so  many things for my life, that I was enthusiastic to see what was  stored for this trip.

 As approaching Andrews’ house, I could see that he and maybe  eight or ten more were waiting for my arrival. It was several of the  folks that we’d journey with before, and I was glad to have them  on this trip also. It was getting towards high sun before we took  off north, and it seemed everyone in the group had a positive  discernment about this trip and was also excited to see what God  was going to do next. This venture was going to take a while, for  we were on a three-hundred mile walking voyage, and at most,  could cover twenty miles a day, and that’s if nothing comes up,  which it always does. Anyway, I told my wife that I’d probably be  gone about six months, maybe longer. So when approaching, I ask  the guys if they’d did the same to their families, all of them had.

 The sun straight over head, not a cloud in the sky, temperature  was just right for walking, and a lot of walking was ahead of us as  the eleven of us set out towards Antioch in the region of Phrygia,  but were planning to stop at Tarsus for a week or so. The trip  would have been much easier if we’d taken a ship straight across,  but Andrew and I both heard from within that we should walk;  now here we are, walking, and enjoying every minute of it with this  great group of brothers, all handpicked by God.

 Three weeks later we were coming up to the town of Tarsus of  Syria, right next to the sea-port city of Seleucia, it was getting late    and we’d decided to camp some mile or two out of town, and were  walking toward a group of clustered tree that could be seen to our  left. And I’d got to thinking about the journey thus far, and was  reflecting back to the people that were met along the route, for it  was often that we’d pass by other travelers, and occasionally stop  and chat for a while. Many of them would know one or two of us,  and would want their families to hear from the ones that walked  with Jesus as he ministered. It was commonplace for someone to  be healed, delivered, or even filled with the Holy Spirit, and all we  were doing, was doing what we do best; testifying of the things we  saw, or the things that were heard; all the wonders were done by  the Lord, we were spectators, just like them. Legs were  straightened, a blind lady received her sight, a man with boils was  delivered, and once, God healed a families’ only donkey; times  were good and the anticipation of Jehovah’s movements was what  kept our legs strong to keep moving. It was just one of those days  that a body just reflects about the days, and what were in them,  that are gone by, and maybe glean a tid-bit or two out of ‘em; just  a day for thinking.

 We’d set up camp, fire going, sitting back relaxing, and some  were in deep discussions, but me, I sort of back away from the rest  of ‘em and continued in my thoughts. At this time I was thinking on  process of the growth and the different levels of development that  had been done thru the many stages of increase in my life. As a  young man, I was a hot-head, quick the speak my opinion about  anything, would act before my brain even knew what was    happening, I’d stick the ole foot in the mouth more times than a  person would like to admit to, at least out loud. I guess that this  sometimes comes with immaturity; I just seem to have carried it  too far. Even when Jesus had given us the Spirit right before His  crucifixion, and my eyes were opening, you’d think that stuff would  start falling into place. Maybe it did, but not to the point that the  maturity level was noticed.

 At that place in my life, after His death, all that could be seen  was that He was dead, gone, the man that gave me hope and a  vision, a purpose in life was gone, and I’d felt that life was right  back to where it started, empty. But there was more. When at  Pentecost and the force of that wind hitting me in the face, made  all the difference, I was then filled with His Presence, and at that  place could see that all the delusions of being again alone, were not  true. For then, Jesus was more alive within me than he ever was  when walking with Him daily. I prophesied words that had no need  to be run thru my brain first, for they weren’t mine, but His; all I  had to do was get out of the way. But then again, for the most  part, that was short lived. Thinking these great words made me  someone special occupied the inner thoughts to the point that I  started believing them, thinking I was special, but then again, I was  reminded by the attacks and prison that I too was just a common  man, a man without true means. I had the true means alright, and  that wasn’t my problem, but my flesh kept interfering, and at many  times, my brain would dismiss that works that were actually done  within me.

  After so many were added to the called-out-ones, and so many  were healed, and many looked to me for the next step, why  wouldn’t I think that I was special? My eyes were still focus on the  things outside, on the things that the brain gets involved in, and  didn’t realize, for any length of time, that it was the Christ within  that was doing the work, and not me. Boy-o-boy, growing up is  sometimes a hard process, but I persevered, not giving up, and  slowly I began to learn, but not without many more trials and  tribulations. At the time, I was thinking at each new level that I’d  reached the top, but not so, this was just a stepping stone to the  next level, but at the time; I didn’t know that to be true.

 Still pondering, I was watching the stars as they slowly rotated  across the sky. The other men had broken off into several groups  and had their own dialogues going, but all that was blanked out as  I continued in deep thought. A shooting star shot from the east and  traveled from one horizon to the next, and some people said it  would bring good luck, and even though I might not have grown  much in these past few years, I’d grown enough not to base my life  on old wives-tales. I was in one of those modes that while a person  is thinking, he doesn’t know he’s thinking, it just sort of takes its’  own course, it was the stars that I was looking at that my thoughts  were supposed to be at, but evidently, not so. Even though I’d seen  the star shoot across the black sky in its fiery blaze, only a fleeting  moment was given to it, for my thoughts were elsewhere.

 Jesus many times reminded us to embrace our enemies, to love  those that despitefully use us, and to not be anxious when someone  persecutes any of us, and that makes sense, and many times his    presence ran through me, but there were still circumstances that I  had to do it on my own, in other words; I was still stupid. And  thinking at each new and higher level, gave me a carnal knowledge  that maybe I was something special, until this night. And I  remembered. Jesus once told us that God was able to raise up  children to Abraham from these stones, and then on another  occasion He said that if these folks didn’t praise Him, that God was  able to raise up stones that would; and all this time, I still thought  that I was ‘The Leader’. In truth; I am special, not for my abilities,  but my availability, not for the way I could capture the attention of  a crowd, but for the quietness of hearing His voice and speaking it,  not for my strength for protecting Him, but the strength of  professing Him, not for gift of healing folks, but for the knowledge  of getting out of the way and letting the Healer heal. Yes, in a way,  I am special, but only because God chose me, a fisherman, that  reeked of the smell of fish, a common man at a place in his life that  he, (I), was ready for change, and I’m thankful.

Now I’m wondering how many trials still await me.

On this certain morning after eating a hand full of figs we all  headed into to the town of Seleucia for a short stop and then go to  Antioch, which was but a furlong farther, the two towns almost  touched.

 Our whole group was still excited, had a good nights’ rest, and  was alert with anticipation of what God had in store for us in the  days to come, as for me, last nights’ thoughts were the energy to    keep me going with hope. Hope of a life within and its’ evolution  to become the servant that God created me to be; it was a day of  expectations. Hope has always represented the expectations of  positive change, and change in that direction would be welcomed.

 As we entered Seleucia in the forenoon people were busy, for  they trekked in every direction, but seemed to have purpose. This  was a fishing village, and the boats were lined up all across the  shore, the waters were dotted with the many boats coming or  going, and some so far out they were but specks. Being a  fisherman in my youth, I continued to have a fascination with all  the goings-on of the industry and the many different ways that  folks used to catch their dinner. I’d always thought that people  living near the sea had an advantage over most, for their next meal  was only a short distance away, weather permitting. Two of the  men traveling with us were brothers, and it didn’t take them long  before spotting a couple of men that they had been acquainted  with. They talked a few moments and motioned for us to come in  that direction.

 After introductions, they began telling us of the needs and  wants of those in the next village, for many had been waiting on  this new message; for a man called Paul had been there a year or  so earlier and had pricked their hearts with the message of the  Grace of God, and they wanted more. Times were good for this  area of Syria, but all didn’t accept this Gospel, for the Jews still had  a strong influence here and wouldn’t let any be swayed, if it meant  that their livelihood was in jeopardy. But many openly professed    Jesus Christ, and Him crucified, and had a thirst for the Word being  taught.

 They were friendly, with smiles as big as the moon, and offered  to feed this whole bunch. We were hungry, for regular food was  not available on this trip thus far, and the offer was quickly  accepted.

  As the food was served, and swiftly eaten, they continued  talking of the desires of many for the Word of God, that came  through non-religious means. It impressed them greatly that the  Gospel was being preached without a cost in money, for now it  made sense to them that this Grace is special, and has to be real,  not at all like that of the religious leaders, with their rules and  regulations, for Paul would accept no money for his labor of Love.  Anyway, they were thrilled with us being there, and wanted to  follow us as we went to Antioch, where no small assembly  gathered every day to express their interpretations and views of  Paul’s message, but wanted more. The two towns were  connected, at least when it came to the believers’, and our newfound  friends were to collect the other supporters and walk with  us the short distance to Antioch, and were anxious to do so.

 As we entered the town, the people knew immediately who we  were, for so many from Seleucia wouldn’t announced our arrival  and be massed together, if not for a disciple being in their mist,  anyway, our small group was not so small. A man whose name  was Samuel, calling himself a disciple, first met us as we  approached the trade center of town. The sun was well up, the    wind blowing off the sea through this narrow valley, and it was still  cool as we began our exchange of small talk and introductions.

 “We folks here in Antioch are not religious in any fashion, and  the Jews have spent much time trying to proselytize us into their  belief, but we wanted no part of their labor, nor bondage to so  many of their strenuous rules and regulations. For when the  Apostle Paul spent time here and told us of the grace of God  through Jesus; we listened. Our town and the people in it, are just  common folks, we put ourselves off on no one, and haven’t, as of  yet, allowed outsiders to invade our privacy, but hearing him and  his genuine behavior, decided to accept this new lifestyle, but only  a few days before Paul had to leave. But now need the Word of  God to be expounded in greater detail. Many have been in wait for  an Apostle to venture this way and teach us more of this Grace, to  show us in truth, the Truth. So all are excited that you folks are  here, and we greet you with enthusiasm.” Samuel said in a matterof- fact tone, but with a giant smile on his face the whole time.

As us disciples and Apostles looked at each other, then smiled,  knowing that God had sent us here with reason; and this was it, at  least part of the reason. God always knows what He’s doing, it just  that most of the time, we don’t. Our enthusiasm grew. With  people like this, that is, folks that God has already prepared, all of  us agreed that the trip is, and is going to be, well worth our tired  legs.

 “Thank you sir, this time together is going to be all our  pleasure,” I said as the others were in complete agreement.

  It was then that we were taken to a small house, in the middle  of the part of town, where the food venders gathered daily to sell  their surplus. The smells, especially the bread, was an odor that  could make a man that had just eaten, hungry. We were placed in  the midst of