Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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New Friends, and old Ways

 I’d been traveling now for more than a few months, getting  close to sixty years old; my legs may hurt once in a while, but feel  almost as strong as I did twenty years ago. This is my first week in  Antioch of Phrygia, having spent most of the days making new  friends and meeting a somewhat different kind of culture, but allin- all, glad to be here.

 Over the past months, especially the last few weeks, I began  missing my wife. On occasion, I have sent messages to her, and  twice, I’ve received back dispatches from her stating the  happenings of her doings, and each was a refreshment to hear. In  these travels, I have met some very special people, and most were  entwined in their families, and to watch their interconnection was  one of the pleasures of the trip. But on this particular night, I was  missing my wife more than usual. In the past twenty something  years, I have spent little, and occasionally no time at all, with my     family; with the exception of Andrew, and on this night was  exceptionally home sick.

 I know that what I’m doing is right, and, I think predetermined  by the Will of God, and I have no regrets; the sacrifice is well worth  the journey to adulthood, and seeing the Ways of God preformed  before my eyes. In this still and somewhat cool night, I began to  consider my old life; not that I’d go back to those ways of living,  but evaluating if indeed I’d made the right decision. I love my wife,  and she me, and we made this choice together, and was still  hoping that her verdict about this was remaining the same as  before. And from the relays, I‘m confident it is.

 As I laid on the flat of my back, looking through the flap of the  tent, watching the small curls of clouds float by; thought about this  life that was placed on her, and knowing it was to be  unpredictable, and just what she thought, this many years later. I  sure couldn’t have picked a more precious woman, and in my  foolish way of thinking, wondered if she thought the same about  me. We had talked extensively about our choice of my travels, and  all that we could ascertain from that thought process, and didn’t  know where they would lead, but did we still think the same way  about it now that these many years had passed? The last word  relayed to me from her was in Derby, and it was from a man that  was told by a group in Tarsus to pass it to me when and if they  found me; the message was a great word of support, and all is well  down south. I too have sent many messages to her through other  travelers, and I’m confident that most of them made to her.

   I continued lying there, with all these and other thoughts  running thru my mind, some carnal, and most on the things of the  Spirit. I knew God had a purpose for me being in Antioch, and for  the most part never knew what lied ahead, for who knows the  thoughts of God, or His ways, but one thing I’d learned through the  years, was not to fear Him with regret. Looking for Him in one  direction, He’d always reveal Himself from another; getting ‘socalled  smart’, and watching the backwards door, thinking, that’s  the way He’ll show Himself, again, the revelation would yet come  from a place not expected. All I can say about the matter is; who  knows His thoughts or His ways? God is always God, and I am  pleased to have met Him thru His Son Jesus.

 I really didn’t get much sleep that night, and when the sun had  roused me, I realized that this was the first time in many years that  I didn’t see the new days’ arrival, but for an odd reason, I felt  rested. I must have slept at some point, but didn’t realize it, and it  was a pleasant night of thought, as I woke to the sun fully out.

 Getting up, I could see in the distance, the swarm of folks doing  their daily business, and walked in that direction. Andrew had  been keeping an eye out for me as I entered the main part of the  city. Filling me in on the goings-on of what he could observe. He’d  found out where Paul was, for earlier Titus had spoken about his  work in Grace throughout the area, and was as yet preparing a  larger group on the other side of town, ministering to them the  mercies and love of God. Andrew wanted to go in a certain  direction, but my mind was set to go in another, so we split up  early that day.

   Walking along a row of houses that looked as if they were made  of hewn stone, like those we walked by coming up the mountains,  neatly made with great care, and I could tell they were built  centuries ago, but still solid as the mountain they were made from.  Indeed this was where the older families of the city lived, as it  didn’t take long to meet several people that were willing to tell the  story of their history; where their ancestors came from, and how  many generations had lived in the same house. These were not  uneducated folks by any means, but men and women that knew  the country, and why this city began ages ago, and how several of  the families, still living here, had grown rich in this cross-road  capital of trading. Through tradition, they had their own beliefs,  but the man standing in front of me now, a Gentile named  Heziriah, knew the transparency of their religion, and it was now  growing old with its’ worthlessness, for the elders would speak of  spiritual prosperity, but nothing was happening to their followers  except they were dying off. He wasn’t old, but still living in the  same house with his parents that were old, that looked to him now  to run their affairs.

 He had told me of this rather small group in town that brought  into it a new message of hope, and wanted to know if I was privy to  the situation.

 “Sir, have you heard of the Messiah from Bethlehem that  brought Truth to those that searched?” I said, but not waiting on  his response. “And He that was sent by God, in fact from God,  knows the end from the beginning, for He Himself is the Alpha and  Omega. One that has brought proof that the living God reins. For     no other name shall be called upon for salvation, but the name of  Jesus, the Christ of God. For that which man had tried to do, but  could in no way do, this same Jesus conquered by the Grace of  God, redeeming man back to the Father of Creation, by Love.”

 This same man that was leaning upon the lintel post, now stood  straight with interest gleaming from every part of his face, for the  words spoken had hit an inner place in his being that began to burn  with interest. And then spoke; “I have heard tales spoken about  this man Paul, and of his encounter with this one you call Jesus, but  have only heard through others; and from his mouth, I have heard  nothing. Are you in association with Paul?”

 “Paul, also a brother, and an Apostle in Christ, and I have not  crossed paths until now that I have arrived in Antioch, and as of  yet, we have not met, except once in Jerusalem, but there is but  one Father, and one Son, and only one Spirit for all in Christ, and  we speak the same one language through the same Creator of all.  Those in Christ are united by the Love that God shared thru His  Son; therefore we are all of the same family.”

 Bending back, while looking me straight in the eyes, he smiled,  as if content in my rendering of the subject, said in a low keyed  tone of speech; “I know where this Paul is, if you’d like, will take  you there, for I too want to hear more of this Love that is spreading  throughout the country. For the words that I’m hearing that are  preached about, are not that of the religious leaders that we have  heard before, do you want me to take you there?”

   As we began walking thru town, I could see multitudes of people  about their daily chores, some would stop to speak, but most were  determined to conquer their daily goals. While walking, but not  more than a block or two, I saw Titus and Barnabas on the other  side of the street looking in our direction, and began thinking  through my flesh, that being with this man, a Gentile, might be  inappropriate. Feeling flushed, and a little embarrassed, I excused  myself for a few moments from him, and walked in their direction,  only to see their face turn from a smile to disappointment. At that  time I didn’t realize that they understood exactly what I’d done,  but then remembered the words that I spoke to Heziriah about the  same Spirit for all who are in Christ, for both brothers in the Lord  knew what I had done. At that point, I was unacceptable to myself.  Especially after the Lord had given to me, those decades ago, the  vision of the sheet with all manner of unclean beast in it, and I said  that nothing unclean had ever entered into me. But was told to kill  and eat, and call no man common, for all have been cleansed.

 “What was I to do? Did I hurt Heziriah’s feelings? How about  Titus and Barnabas? What’s God thinking about me now? My  thoughts were going every which way, and far too fast to process, I  just didn’t know what to do, so I ran back to where I’d left the  bewildered man standing in the street; but he was gone. Not  knowing exactly where he was taking me, I began to wander in the  same direction in hopes of finding him, or for that matter, the  Apostle Paul. When younger, I’d put my foot in my mouth with my  haste of words, later I’d act them out in some useless deed or  motion, but that was maybe thirty years ago, and you’d think,  Peter, that something would’ve been learned” I said to myself as I     walked aimlessly through the streets. My mind went places that it  shouldn’t ought to go; I was ashamed, not just of what I did, but  how it came so easily.

  As I continued wandering through the streets of Antioch, and  some couple of hours later, I found the place that Paul was  preaching, and sitting on the-out-skirts of the room, I listened. As I  heard the words spoken by this once met Apostle, I could see in  clearness, that for a fact, Paul had had a true encounter with the  same Jesus that I and the other eleven had walked with. The  words spoken by him were similar in kindness and empathy to  those of Christ, even in his tone, which made me glad inside, but  for obvious reasons, also deepen my embarrassment. At this  moment, I began to think to myself, and evaluate the real person  that lived inside of this skin I, called Simon Peter; then  remembered, that I too was an Apostle, which only added to the  down-hill slid I was already in, I was hurting inside. A hurt so deep,  knowing one thing, but doing another, that I thought my bones  would shatter. I knew I had a journey to travel, but this ache  within me hurt more than when Jesus, looking at me, said; “get  behind me satan.” I just sat there with my chin in the palms of my  hands, and my elbows on my knees, crying in self-pity for who I  was.

  It was probably hours that I sat there, I could hear and see what  was going on, but my mind wouldn’t let it register, before  Barnabas came to sit beside me. He had been walking among the  gathered crowd in exhortation and any other means of ministering,  but said not a word, at least for a while. I believe he knew I was     hurting for some reason, not known to him, sat quietly, therefore  giving me time and space to regroup before speaking.

 “What do you think thus far? Barnabas said with a pleasant look  that I didn’t expect.

 “Right now I don’t know what to think, but this I know; Paul has  an understanding of the things of God.” That was about all that I  could get out, at the time.

 “If you’d like, when all have gone back home, would you join the  three of us over by the stone table that we use as the centerpiece?

   My mind was racing much faster than the mouth could speak,  and I’d felt sort of backed in a corner. Looking back, I can now see  that it was me backing myself in the corner. All I could do at that  point was to say “yes”.

 Before all the gathered folks had left, pitch dark, still sitting in  the same spot, I heard a voice over my left shoulder, it was  Heziriah. “Peter, from the look on your face, I’d say you’re  troubled, and I hope it isn’t from our little ordeal earlier. Things  like that happen to us folks, Gentiles, all the time. I understand the  segregation and disposition that we sometimes place your people  in.”

 This only added to my sorrows. I knew that it was his kindness  that was coming out, a gentle man in every way, but to me, it was     a blunt reminder of who I was. In my youth, I had never struggled  with prejudice, nor was I tempted by my peers and the pressure  they put on me, I walked where I wanted to go, and did what I  wanted to do. But with this defect, that was working from within  my flesh, I couldn’t understand, people were always people, and  I’ve never really seen them as anything but equals. It didn’t matter  about the color of their skin, or their nationality, or for that matter,  what they believed, but now, even though my spirit is willing, my  flesh wants to segregate.

 Looking back up to meet my eyes with Heziriah’, all I could see  was a man more godly than I’d ever hoped to become. Genuine in  every way, standing there with a smile that was as big as the Orion,  a man with true compassion, or he wouldn’t be talking to me with  that soft tone of voice. I knew that if this man could forgive me,  then God would, and maybe, just maybe, I could also.

  All I could say way; “thank you, maybe, with your help, we could  become best of friends.”