Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 What’s on the Next Hill

 The goings on of Antioch was no worse for wear because of my  arrival, for I’d made amends to all that I hurt with my shenanigans,  and now awaited the eastern sky to announce itself with new  beginnings, so I could once again head in the northwest direction.

 A few weeks ago, the time Paul confronted me, was once again  one of those experiences in life that can turn one’s life around and  be a true blessing of prosperity, and for a fact, it was for me.  Heziriah had become a very dear friend to me, and I to him, his  heart had been unchallenged with the pride of prejudice, and a  man slow to anger; therefore, forgave me before I could get the  whole apology out of my mouth. He was very instrumental in the  advance of my growth, and I think kind people, such as him, know  that as an end result, for patience will give a man much of what  he’d never receive without it. So between him, Paul, and several  others of this city, this Peter was a changed man, or at least  honestly changing, and the roads ahead, and that ones left behind,     are the building blocks of my new life; and I was excited. You  know, once in a while during our life, things happen in greatness,  or at least what we call greatness, and less than a handful of events  such as this, have happened to me. Meeting my wife was the first,  and certainly when meeting the Christ of God, but the reprimand  given to me by God thru Paul was one of those moments that has  internally changed my life forever, and ranks within the same  group of special highlights of my days.

 John had already left us journeying south and west, and now  Andrew had decided to go back towards Galilee. We’d discussed  this in detail for the last couple of days, and he wanted me to go  also, but I couldn’t; for God had plans for me, and in no way was I  going backwards. Writing letters, and giving him messages,  everything was set for him and me to depart as friends, as well as  brothers. Andrew was dear to me, and I knew that the rest of my  journey was for me alone, and I was glad that he carried letters to  the ones I’d left, and that, I could trust. We hugged, exchanged  exhortations, and as the sun lifted to full view, we both began in  our separate directions.

 Just writing the long letter to my wife made me feel close to her,  for love has no boundaries, nor can distance hinder it, but in the  letter, I could say things that only she could hear.

   I know not what awaits me as I travel to Philippi by way of  Troas, but I do know that God reigns more abundantly from within  me. My soul is now at rest, as I have given it to the Spirit that  dwells in me, and that marriage alone, the soul and spirit, can bring  nothing but peace.

 The genesis of this journey, now beginning, will take three  weeks, and that is if all goes well. I have been supplied, given  maps, and been well versed on the terrain; and from Troas, there is  still much farther to go; and with anticipation, and this new  revelation, I’m looking forward to it. Now knowing that God  punishes not, but loves his children, even with their faults, gives  me a zeal for the road ahead and the plans that God has stored for  me in this adventure. All self-pity has been put aside, for the flesh  of Peter continues dying, I was now walking on the south side of a  long mountain range that leads past the half-way point of this  journey, and I am excited.

 This path that I follow is wide enough for three men to walk  abreast, at least in most places, but not nearly as traveled as the  road that led from the south to Antioch. Since there was a far  distance between these two cities, not many purchased its’ path, I  was for the most part, traveling alone, which suited me just fine.  Many new thoughts and recollections traveled with me through my  mind, which began again to take the form of the mind of Christ,  and having this quiet time with just me, I also set an adventure  within my heart that was sorely needed. I prayed, sang, and  sometimes I’d dance, for with this new renaissance, I was  regenerating with every step.

   The first group of people I met was tired from their venture, for  they had weeks of fumbling foot steps behind them and were now  in a state of exhaustion, but very friendly. We sat and talked for an  hour or two, and for the most part, talked about the road behind  them, and its’ relentless miles of nothingness. I think they thought  me to be nuts, but said very little about it, and by the side-ways  smiles of their faces, I could tell they were somewhat amused of  my need to dance and rejoice, as I gave them the short version of  the resurrected Christ. They listened, but not profusely, but then  again, maybe a seed was planted.

 Miles lay ahead, and every one of them lay as a path within my  heart to study to show myself approved, for God has already  shown His approval. With each step I seemed to understand the  approval in which all, which already has in God thru Christ, that is,  in that event of that dreadful day of His crucifixion, has already  been paid for by Him, and has been given to all. Love, and I mean  the true and real kind of Love, conquers everything, every deed,  every ill of man, but all that the religious leaders want to use to  hold us to, and their misguided attempts to control man, are a far  cry from it; we are free, and free indeed.

 At an earlier point in my life, the confrontation from Paul would  have felt inexcusable, but as it was, God had prepared me inwardly  to receive it as a blessing, a true life changing event, a forum that I  can now stand upon, for in truth, I was guilty. The guilt too,  cannot, nor will not bring anything but growth, all things work  together for good to those who Love the Lord, and Love Him I do.

   The road, at times, was rugged, the scenery beautiful, the  people met, well, let me say they were of a different breed but  entertaining. The temperature just right, for I enjoyed every  breath of air these lungs were filled with. And it had taken but  thirteen days to reach Troas, my first real stop for these legs that  just didn’t seem to get tired in any way, and I was refreshed with  energy as when the first day I’d left. I would meet people and  some would pause long enough to chat awhile, but most were in a  hurry for this road behind me was made for the determined and  the business folks, for to travel it, one would most likely have to  enjoy the solitude or be bored with the loneliness. For in that  three hundred mile stretch, only every day or two would one walk  by another traveler, and in most cases, it would be as one of those  I just described. But being in Troas was quite different, as this was  a seafaring town built right on the shore of the Great Sea, just  south of the Straights of a lesser sea before it entered into the  Black Sea, and in nowhere that these feet had taken me, had I seen  such large and lavish ships.

 I’d made it to this first city of maritime in two days less than was  told it would take, and had to take no immediate rest upon my  arrival.

 It was almost daily that some ship would enter port, or one  would leave, for from here one could reach the far ends of the  earth, or at least I believe, and had heard talk that ships sometimes  sailed to Caesarea, just north and west of Jerusalem. “What an  easy way to travel”, was my first thought; but then again, look at  what I would have missed.

   The people here were friendly; most, I had something in  common with, as far as being on boats, but the fish here were far  different than those of my home sea, and the sailors, maybe a little  tougher. But it took not an hour before meeting a man that looked  as if he’d been raised by the sea, as tough as a rock, and very  animated in his tales of the sea. We talked for hours, and some of  the stories told might have been true, but for the most part, I think  they were designed for entertainment, as this port served as his  refuge and his deposit of seafaring rubbish that wasn’t heard, or  couldn’t tell to the ones he sailed with. But I thought him a man of  interest with the way the arms were used to express, sometimes in  great detail, the whole of the story.

 To say the least about this city by the sea, I was amused,  sometimes saddened, but always anticipating something new  around each corner or across the street that would hold my  interest.

  I didn’t stay in Troas but less than a week, seemed there were so  many different kinds of gods that they couldn’t understand, much  less come together in and to separate one from the other, and had  but little time to hear of our true and our living God; so I left.

 Sailing on a ship that navigated northwest, a two day journey  that weekly ferried folks to and from Neapolis, a town just south of  Philippi, I was again feeling at home in my element. Now Philippi  was cradled next to the mountains that ran close to the sea, but  not in it, a far safer place for the folks of that area to plant  themselves, for the mountains provided most of their protection,  at least from storms. Things happened in that town, and some of     them were life changing. I had a story to tell and at times people  would gather to listen, and most of what I’d say had been heard  before, so I guess God sent me to follow up and water, that which  had already been planted. For the words of Jesus Christ was  readily accepted; and many were eager to hear more, as I would  sit, and sometimes walk among them preaching Him crucified, and  resurrected.

 For the next three years, what I did was; go where the Spirit led  me, sometimes teaching, sometimes learning, for the Holy Spirit  was continually working from within the marrow of my being.  About the time that I’d think it was my turn to teach or preach, in  reality, it would be my turn to learn, for God expressed Himself  through diverse means, sometimes from within, but many times  through statements made by the folks I thought were there to  learn. In truth, I was there to learn. I was challenged in every  corner of my life, for many times, again, I’d look for Him thru the  front door, but God would slip in thru the back, it was always  exciting to see what was next.

 Anyway, those three years were great. I traveled to just about  every city and seaport of that region, and several times to the far  away ones, once even going to Rome, but not for long stay. As God  would move me from one village or town to the next, even the  tent cities were not to be endured for long. I never did return back  home, and several times I could send messages, but only twice  received them. This was the reason I was born and tutored for, I’m  convinced, and with all the many defects in me that had to be     combed out, I now sense that I‘m prepared for these days and  those ahead.

 I met masses of folks during my trekking across more than a few  countries, many different ethnic groups, several languages,  countries of little people, and some villages of almost larger than  life people, and no matter where I went, all seem to have their  own particular ceremonies of another man-made god. These  obstacles were what all the years of grooming were for, in the  Spirit, nothing could detour me from that which I was sent for.

 Although most of the people were not affected by my Words of  hope, but then again; many were. God’s Spirit moved within and  among every step I took, either healing them, or purifying me.  What a great time and place to be alive.,