Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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An historically fictional novel about a young man that was  brought up with high moral standards, and not caught up in the  goings-on of this world, at least to the point that his life is  submerged in it.

I have tried to be as accurate as possible, using as many sources  and references as could be had; most of the greater details are  hidden in Scripture, and with an understanding of the region and  human nature could conclude many of the finer detail.

This young man, like most any of us, at least those of us that  seek a deeper relationship with our God, struggled through life  with a feeling of emptiness, although happy in every other aspect,  knew that something special was missing in his life.

Each step of the way brought him closer and closer to that  fulfillment, but still seemed to stumble with each step taken. This  man, born Simeon, and later surnamed Peter, was not unlike those  of us that search for a truer and far more developed life, as any  who have reached it, will confess; and can only be attained thru  the Christ of God. Can we see ourselves in these pages? I think we  can.

 This world, which is enmity to God, throws out a net to contain  and capture as many as would follow its empty rules. The façade  of the glamour it offers, with its so-called great morals, and the  pie-in-the-sky attitudes, reveals itself to all those that are seeking  God, and a relationship with Him, wanting more than this world  can proposition. The people of the world are generally good, but  few if any, are ever taught that there is a greater Life that lies  beyond the veneer this world pretends to possess, and this story  shows that for not only Peter, but any who want this new Life, not  dictated nor owned by this world, can have it.

This story brings an understanding of the men of old, with their  life that is very much like ours, to an empathetic awareness that  these were just common folks, people like you and me, empty  without Christ, and wanting more than just an acknowledgement  of Him, wanted Life abundantly. Struggles, we’ll always have, and  this story shows many, but it will also show that these same  struggles aren’t there to bring us down, but to take us to an  appreciation of a greater life than this world, and its circumstances,  are offering.

These ‘things that we call church’ are counted among those that  are letting us down. There should be a vast difference between  the world and these entities called ‘church’, but there is not.