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Pranali, Para

Commando’s Girlfriend

March 2016, Newtown, Kolkata

Days turned into weeks as Vikrant wrestled with his emotions.

He really valued our friendship, and thinking about taking it to a romantic level excited and scared him at the same time. He spent a lot of time thinking about the moments we’d shared, the laughter, and how we’d always been there for each other.

I understood what was going on in Vikrant’s mind. Love isn’t something you rush into. It takes time, and sometimes, it’s a bit scary. I respected his need for time and space to figure things out.

During this waiting period, I focused on keeping our friendship strong, making sure it didn’t change.

One evening, we sat together in our favourite spot, at Victoria Garden. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and a touch of nervousness. The weather was gloomy, and it

104  In the Arms of a Soldier looked like heavy rain was on the way. Vikrant was already there when I arrived, wearing a stylish brown leather overcoat. Finally, he broke the silence that hung between us.

‘Pranali, these past weeks have given me a chance to truly understand my feelings,’ he began, his voice steady but tinged with vulnerability. ‘And I’ve realized that my heart longs for you too. The love I feel for you goes beyond friendship. It’s deep, intense, and undeniable.’ A rush of joy and relief washed over me as I listened to his words. A wide smile spread across my face, illuminating the room.

‘Vikrant, I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that. My heart has been waiting for this moment, hoping that our love would find its way.’

Vikrant took my hands in his. ‘Pranali, you are everything I’ve ever wanted and more. You’ve been my guiding light, my pillar of strength, and my source of inspiration. I can’t imagine my life without you.’

Suddenly, raindrops began to fall from the sky. Vikrant pointed to a nearby tree, signaling for us to take shelter. We dashed over and huddled beneath its branches just as the rain intensified, becoming a heavy downpour. The icy raindrops brushed against my skin, causing me to shiver uncontrollably.

Vikrant quickly took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders, trying to shield me from the biting cold. But I knew that his embrace was the warmest thing in the world. I hugged him tightly in return, feeling the strength of his arms around me. I could sense his warmth, and the scent of his neck filled my senses. In that moment, it felt like the world around us was fading away, and all that existed was the profound connection between Vikrant and me.

He had a warm scent. He had icy cheeks. My pulse began to beat very quickly and abnormally. It seemed as though it would simply emerge from my thoracic cage and I would pass away instantly. His eyes were closed, which caught my attention, and I immediately forgot myself in the fragrance. I kissed him. I kissed him because I was out of it.

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It was merely a kiss. Nothing, not even a smooch. It did, however, go on for at least 20 minutes.

I finally became PARA COMMANDO’s girlfriend. I began to daydream about the future. Future, filled with joy and contentment.

For me, it was just like a fairy tale.

I remember that serious moment when I decided to share the truth about my relationship with Vikrant with my parents. It was a decision driven by my desire for honesty and transparency, even if the outcome was uncertain. I picked up the phone, my heart pounding, and dialed their number.

As I began to speak, explaining the depth of my feelings for Vikrant, my mother listened intently, her voice a mix of understanding and concern. She wanted me to be happy, but she also worried about the challenges our relationship might face, given Vikrant’s military service.

My father, on the other hand, remained silent throughout the conversation. His lack of response was palpable, and I could sense the weight of his thoughts. It was as if he had chosen not to engage in the conversation, leaving me with an uneasy sense of uncertainty.

In the days that followed, our love story blossomed, touching the lives of those around us. Our bond became an example of how friendship could be the foundation for a love that transcended expectations. And as we stood hand in hand, facing the world together, Vikrant and I knew that our love, fortified by the strength of our friendship, would stand the test of time. With hearts full of gratitude and a future brimming with endless possibilities, we embraced the beauty of our love story, knowing that our journey had only just begun. Now the true story will begin. The love story. Story of suffering. A tale about commitment. And a tale of sacrifices.

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