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A Father’s Reluctance

February 2018, Newtown, Kolkata

The day of Vikrant’s return to Kolkata was marked by eager anticipation. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I made my way to the airport to welcome him back into my life. The thought of being reunited with him filled me with joy, and I counted the minutes till he arrived.

When Vikrant stepped off the plane, it was as though time stood still. His presence was a beacon of happiness, and his smile warmed my heart. We embraced, and in that moment, all the days of separation melted away. We were together again, and it was a comforting feeling.

Initially, Vikrant had considered staying in a hotel during his visit. Still, I couldn’t bear the thought of having him at a distance, even for a moment longer. I insisted that he move in with me, and he agreed without hesitation. Our love had grown during our time apart, and I was determined to make every moment count while he was back.

222  In the Arms of a Soldier Two days later, a significant event took place when Vikrant’s parents, Supriya Shergil and Vikram Shergil, arrived in Kolkata.

Supriya had dedicated herself to being a loving housewife, while Vikram had served as a retired army commander. This reunion held great significance, for it marked the first time in a long while that they had the opportunity to embrace their beloved son.

It was heart-warming to witness their acceptance of me as their daughter-in-law, a moment filled with warmth and familial love.

My apartment was now graced with the presence of Vikrant’s parents, and it felt like a reunion of souls that had been apart for too long. The love we shared continued to grow, not only between Vikrant and me but within this extended family that had formed.

Together, we looked forward to creating poignant memories and treasuring the time we had together.

Following a period of cohabitation in Kolkata, we decided to embark on a journey to Mumbai, a city that held a special place in my heart. It was during this trip that I got to know Vikrant’s parents even better. They welcomed me with open arms and warmth, accepting me as their future daughter-in-law. Their kindness and acceptance meant the world to me, and it was a sign that our love and relationship were strong and supported by the people who mattered most to Vikrant.


Vikrant and I arrived in the dream metropolis of Mumbai. Vikrant’s parents departed to Rajasthan. My location of birth. Maharashtra’s capital and India’s commercial hub. When my father, Pranav, first set eyes on me and Vikrant in our home, he was taken aback.

The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. Vikrant’s parents had a proposal in mind, one that held the promise of bringing our lives together through marriage.

However, my father didn’t agree at first.

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The room was filled with a palpable tension as we all gathered together, fully aware of the gravity of the moment. It was a defining moment in our lives, a moment where the fate of Vikrant’s and my love would be decided. The atmosphere was charged with emotion and anticipation.

Vikrant, understanding the significance of this moment, decided to take the initiative. He turned his gaze to my father, Pranav, and spoke from the depths of his heart. ‘Sir,’ he began, ‘I promise to do everything within my power to make Pranali happy.

I will stand by her side through all the ups and downs, and together, we will build a beautiful life filled with love and happiness.’

I knew that I couldn’t remain silent. ‘Dad,’ I spoke up, ‘I love Vikrant with all my heart, and I truly believe that he is the one who can make me happy. I’m prepared to embark on this new chapter of my life with him by my side, sharing every moment, every joy, and every challenge.’

My mother, not one to stay on the side-lines, added her voice to our plea, emphasizing the depth of Vikrant’s love for me. ‘Pranav,’ she said, ‘Vikrant is a good man, and he genuinely loves our daughter. I’ve seen the bond between them, and I firmly believe that they deserve a chance at happiness together. Please consider the love they share.’

My father’s response was one of cautious contemplation. ‘I need time to think,’ he stated, not willing to make a hasty decision that could impact our lives so profoundly.

As the days grew closer, I found myself in a situation I had never anticipated. The person I had always believed to be my staunchest supporter and ally in life was now the very person opposing the most important decision I had ever made.

One evening, as the sun cast long shadows across our home, my father and I found ourselves in a tense discussion. The topic of our marriage had become a battleground, and the air was thick with unresolved tension. The room was dimly lit, and I could see the furrows of worry etched deep into my father’s face.

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‘Dad, I understand your concerns, but you have to see the depth of our love,’ I pleaded, my voice quivering with a mix of desperation and affection. ‘Vikrant is a wonderful man. He loves me deeply, and I love him with all my heart. We can build a meaningful life together.’

My father’s response was stern, his gaze unyielding. ‘Pranali, my dear, it’s not about doubting your feelings for each other. It’s about the reality of the life he leads. Vikrant is a soldier, and his duty takes him to the front lines, where danger and uncertainty loom at every corner. I can’t bear the thought of you living in constant worry and fear for his safety.’

I knew my father’s concerns were rooted in genuine love and protection, but I couldn’t let go of my love for Vikrant. I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, pleading for understanding.

‘I know the life of a soldier is challenging, but it’s also filled with honour and a sense of duty. Vikrant has dedicated his life to serving our country, and I want to be by his side, supporting him through every trial and triumph.’

The room was filled with a heavy silence, as if the weight of our opposing views hung between us. My mother, who had been a quiet observer of our conversation, finally spoke up. ‘Dad, Vikrant is a decent man, and he genuinely loves our daughter. I’ve seen the strength of their bond, and I believe they deserve a chance at happiness together.’

My father’s gaze shifted between the two women in his life.

He took a deep breath and spoke with a voice that revealed the conflict within his heart. ‘I need time to think, to truly understand the depth of your feelings and the gravity of this decision.’

Days turned into nights as our family remained enveloped in a web of uncertainty. My father’s deliberations were a torment, not just for me but for Vikrant as well. He had been relentless in his love and unwavering in his determination to make me his wife. He saw a future with me, a life filled with shared dreams and aspirations, and he wouldn’t let anything deter him.

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During this time of uncertainty, Vikrant was not a mere spectator. He respected my father’s concerns and went out of his way to demonstrate his love and commitment. He spent hours speaking to my mother, assuring her of his love and dedication to our family.

As the hours turned into days and my father wrestled with his inner conflict, Vikrant maintained his poise and hope. He believed in the strength of our love and the power of love to conquer all obstacles.

One evening, when the setting sun cast a warm glow over our home, my father finally called for a family meeting. The air was thick with anticipation as we all gathered around. His expression held a mix of weariness and resolution.

He looked at us and said, ‘I want what’s best for my daughter.

If you both are determined to be together and are willing to work towards a happy life, then I will not stand in your way. I agree to your marriage.’

My heart soared with gratitude and relief. My father had seen the sincerity of our love and the deep commitment we shared.

He had looked past his concerns and recognized the depth of our connection. Tears welled up in my eyes as I rushed to embrace him, my mother and family following suit.

Vikrant, too, couldn’t contain his joy and appreciation. His eyes glistened as he thanked my father, promising to be the husband I deserved and to cherish our love every day of our lives.

It was a moment of unity and celebration, a moment when love triumphed over doubt and uncertainty. We had the blessing we needed to embark on this new chapter of our lives, hand in hand. My father’s decision was not just a green light for our marriage; it was a testament to the strength of love and the power of determination in the face of adversity.

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