Idea and Stories From a Vodkaholic by Timothy McGee - HTML preview

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"I don't understand Dr. Singh, Luke just turned thirteen.  Diabetes is for older people isn't it?"

"I'm very sorry Mrs. Easton.  Three decades ago it could be said that the type of diabetes Luke may very well develop if changes are not made and adhered to was for older people. Very simply, there are two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Luke's obesity may cause Type II. Both types involve problems with insulin, a hormone produced by cells in the pancreas.

Insulin's purpose it to regulate the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood.  Type I diabetes is the much rarer type and the tests I ordered definitively indicate Luke's pre-Type II diabetes, the much more common type and now becoming more commonly diagnosed in adolescents Luke's age. I very much wish you would have heeded my advice given last year. I know that obesity can be a very sensitive and strenuous issue for any child to cope with. I do remember gently warning you that Luke's weight was reaching the point requiring close attention, and that he had gained too much weight between prior exams.  Again, I am very sorry. I have definitely concluded that Luke's diet and lack of exercise have caused his pre-diabetic condition."

"Dr. Singh. what are the possible consequences if Luke does develop diabetes?" asked Marge.

"Mr. and Mrs. Easton, the good news is that Luke is relatively young.  The bad news is, if the strict regimen the nutritionist will outline for you is not adhered to, complications that may arise, if Luke becomes diabetic, are kidney failure, blindness, heart disease, nerve damage, and early death.  Please, do not be alarmed, as I mentioned Luke is very young and by adopting a healthier life style all these very scary things can be easily avoided.  As you may be aware, obesity in this country has reached epidemic proportions; obesity coupled with a sedentary lifestyle is the major causes of Type II diabetes.  Experience has shown me that the best way Luke, a pre-puberty adolescent, may cope with the demanding changes is to make this a group effort regarding the lifestyle changes. I have you both here presently and remind you again that changes conducive to a healthier lifestyle will benefit all of you, and be especially supportive for Luke's sake."

Frank and Marge sat motionless; no accusatory stares were exchanged. For God's sake, they were highly educated, successful adults who didn't have the common sense to see something like this happening, how could this have happened? Marge did vaguely remember Dr. Singh's friendly advice. "How could I have done this? How could I have done this to my own child, my own flesh and blood?" the word tormenting Marge.   But Dr. Singh's suggestion to make these changes a family matter did console them, they now knew last week's talk was necessary and of urgency.

"Doctor, I, we don't know what to say.  Yes, I do know.  This was our faultWe didn't see this coming. Before you knew us we were in shape and intended to remain so. I got so wrapped up with my job and Marge discovered she was quite talented in the kitchen, the lack of time at times and stopping for burgers or fried chicken became normal, and as Marge told me the other night, the years just flew by and the fat crept in and decided to stay."

"I'm a doctor Mr. EastonFrank, I have been seeing more and more obese patients with every passing year now, yes, even here in physically fit Colorado.  Believe me, I am well aware how easy it is to resort to fast food with limited time, to stop at any convenient store for a quick snack.