Jesus and Me by Olawale Aina - HTML preview

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One day, Jesus was passing by and knocked on the door at the house of a typical family and asked to come in to greet them. Grand ma had just taken her bath and she didn't want Jesus to see her until she had put on a nice dress. Dad was watching an important match. His team was winning and he was annoyed that Jesus had chosen such an inconvenient time to come. The house needed to be cleaned and mom didn't want to let Jesus in until she had straightened up a bit. Their son was really upset. "Oh gosh," he said, "Jesus is here and I haven't even tasted beer yet, I haven't tasted sex... Ask him to come back when I'm a little but older and have had a chance to see what life is all about".

What excuse do you have of His coming now? Do you expect Him to come at a very much convenient time? Maybe not.

Many times, we try to separate our lives into different part: the everyday life and the spiritual. The everyday life takes most of our time and energy, then we remember that we need to pursue the spiritual as well, so we tend to carve out little space from the everyday life to pursue the spiritual. Unfortunately, we do not experience the in depth and fullness of His power. So far so poor (so to say), many have become contented with religion rather than digging deep to find the hidden gold and treasures in the soil of the word of God.

Don't be surprised if He comes tonight or if He does appear in the clouds even before you are married, or just when you ate in high school. Remember, He never specified what age, or level we would be at His coming, so watch out. This very minute you may be and the very next you are no more. It is unpredictable. It is sudden, breathtaking, and unforeseeable to all.

Remember the parable of the list coin, the woman lit a lamp, swept the floor, and found the coin. Same is the scenario in reality. The light had come, placed in a hill for all to see (Matt. 5:14-15) and everyone would see and behold Him. No searching or judging without the light. Every lost soul must see it - no room for excuses.

'Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time

of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together

first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them:

but gather the wheat into my barn.' Matt. 13:30 [KJV]

The time shall come that the cleansing would be done and all shall face judgement, and all who is unqualified shall be casted into the burning flame of fire and sulphur, so great would the pain be for such that would experience it. The qualified shall be allowed back home and awarded for good and successful ambassadorial mission and would be celebrated.

That time is unknown, so be ready for the son of man us coming when we expect not, let's be alert for we know not the day nor the very hour, not even the angels know that very hour of His return.

Nevertheless, I tell you, Christ is coming back to knock on your door again, as a matter of fact, He is knocking right away, if you open, He would come in and fellowship with you. He won't break the door in. One thing is sure, All nations will stand before Him, All in graves come forth, good go to the resurrection of life, evil to the resurrection of judgement, He shall gather all who believe till the end. With Him shall they reign forever.

Your repentance is solely welcome!!!

Have a deep thought now, go back to the beginning, have a rethink; are you in the way? It's high time you turn to Him, the only source we got. Never feel self pity, that won't do any good, rather employ godly sorrow which leads to repentance. You only need rethink and redressing. Even be that thinks he stand must watch out for his faults. You are never alone calling for repentance. Permit your heart to see your faults, permit yourself to yield to the master's call now. He loves you so dearly even before He formed you. Don't be a waste, rather acknowledge His love for you today, and He would gladly accept you home. He would as well put aside His glory and dignity and embrace you just like He did to the lost wandered away son. He love us even more!!!