Jesus and Me by Olawale Aina - HTML preview

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Luke's account of the gospel recorded three distinct parables in chapter 15; the lost sheep, lost coin, and the prodigal son. In the lost sheep, Christ said:

'What man of you having a hundred sheep, if he lose

one of them does not leave the ninety and nine in the

wilderness and go after that which is lost until he finds

it?' Luke 15:4 [KJV]

The first question that came across my heart was 'did the shepherd think before doing that?' Of course he did. The shepherd is well aware of the hunger that would pay visit to his flock if he searched for the lost for too long. He was aware of the danger posed on his flock, aware of the wild beast that would come to feed on his flock if he leaves them without a shepherd. He know that theives may pay visit to the flock, and that his enemies may come by and venture their anger on his shepherdless flock in his absence; but like as if he never thought, he left the flock ALONE in the wilderness.

Have you ever been in a situation when you feel like help is coming from no where? Have you ever felt like the world is about to come to an end? You must have been in a situation before where you ask-'where is God? Don't I have faith? Why are things just not working the way I wanted it?

Let me remind you, among the promises of the master is the tribulation and challenges. Even among the prayer He taught us, tribulation and the evil one appeared there, even the sermon on the mount which were to Be-attitudes in our daily endeavours says 'Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness sake'. Have you ever come across any of Christ statement which says 'you shall not behold tribulation or suffering'? Then of use would the virtues of endurance and longsuffering be if He says so?

'No star without a scar', 'no glory without a bitter story'.

Our lives are designed with good and bad, that is what makes the journey interesting.

Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, humanity has not had an easy life. Thorns grow beside the rose, weeds spring up in the garden, dark clouds hide the bright sunshine, and challenges became our daily bread. Remember that such is life. It makes us fit for the kingdom.

Gold must pass through fire, crude oil must pass through cracking in heat before it becomes useful as petroleum. All you just have to do is realise that every problem and challenge have an end.

You can't reap until you weep and sow (Psalm 126:5). You grow after some groanings. It is training under rigorous challenges that reshape you for the narrow path.

Remember that the mansion/home is all furnished in gold, that only means that only finished and refined materials goes into that place, and implies that you must be refined just as gold is refined.

A perfect relationship got diluted and became imperfect. A life of difference and discovery became drudgery; ashes replaced eternal ages; serenity was washed away by sweat; thorns and weeds displaced flowers as sin placed its mark upon man.

But let's not forget that God is there even in those trying times. Remember, the tree of life never left its position even when the test of choice on its friend Adam and Eve in the garden. We just have to be able to withstand the test of time.

Do we ever say the sun is no longer there when it becomes hidden by the clouds? Do we say the moon has gone into extinction when it disappears into the sky? No! They still remain there even if we can't clearly see them. So is God

He is ever perfect [Immanuel] just that the situation, condition and all we are passing through tends to cloud our sight that we became confused and know not what is next. We at that time feel like a blind and at the same time deaf man (imagine how such would live fine). We aren't seeing Him neither can we hear Him those moments. Confusion rolls into our daily thoughts, but blessed is that person who knows how to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks of stones.

Once you make the decision to follow like a sheep led to the slaughter, you must remember that wolves won't stop coming, theives wouldn't rest, and hunger wouldn't stay afar off, but remember that they all have a short life span. It is like joining the army; once you join, you sign in for whatever the consequences may be. Remember, we are members of God's army of the end time. You can't be a winner until you have known what it means to lose. You just have to keep up the hope and love for he loved you first.

Until you have learned that in better situation and also in the worst to keep still and keep on the candle of hope, you will keep drifting and slipping of the slippery narrow path, and remember, the difficulty of the challenge is not so much in finding an answer but being willing to pay the price for solving them.

Remember, the solution is just getting the light and shine it into the darkness, in pouring the living water into the wilderness and replacing the leavened bread with the living bread;and remember that may take little time, you just have to endure.

To walk out of the wilderness, you must have a direction, and never give up on your mission, nor give in to temptation but rather key into salvation until you have completed the task and be able to conveniently and confidently say 'Mission accomplished!' before GOD the father.

During the World War II, Jews were being persecuted by the Nazi Germany, Corrie and Betsie Boom were sent to prison for trying to help the Jewish Christian escape from Europe. Following their arrest, they were transferred to Ravensbruck, a terrible Germany prison camp where prisoners were subjected to hardship and cruelty.

When they entered the barracks, they found out that it was extremely overcrowded and flea-infested. On their first morning there, they read from 1Thess.5:16-18: "Be joyful always; Pray continually; Give thanks in all circumstance, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus". Betsie told Corrie to stop and thank God for every detail of there new living quarters. Corrie at first flatly refused to give thanks for the fleas but Betsie persisted. She finally succumbed. During the month spent at that camp, they were suprised to find how openly they could hold bible study and prayer meetings without guard interference. It was several months latter when they learned that the guards could not enter the barracks because of the fleas.

Tony Campolo, a popular preacher and college professor from the United states tell about the time his mother called and said, "Tony, Mrs. Kilpatrick died and you need to go to her funeral". Mrs. Kilpatrick lived just down the street from him when he was a little boy, growing up in the city of Philadelphia. He arrived a few minute late for the funeral, and so he rushed through the door and quickly sat down. But when he looked around the room, he noticed that he and one little woman in front of him were the only one there. Then he looked at the coffin and suddenly realized that the man laid to rest there was not Mrs. Kilpatrick! He had gone to the wrong funeral chapel. He thought it would be best to quietly get up and leave, but just as he was about to stand, the woman turned around and asked, 'did you know him?' He knew it would not be right to leave the woman there to grieve alone and so he decided to stay for the funeral service. Then, when the service was over, he went to the grave-side service as well. After the service was over and they were riding back to the funeral chapel together, he turned to the woman and confessed, 'I did not really know your husband, Mrs. King, but I will like to be your friend'. She replied, 'that doesn't matter. You will never know what your being here as meant to me'.

The presence of a friend in a time of a need is a great source of comfort and strength. Jesus is such a friend. He is available in the time of plenty and time of want. He is able to encourage and refresh us when we are weary or troubled. He will remain with us when we walk through dark valleys, and encounter difficult problems. His goodness and mercy are always available just that our patience, obedience, and willing determination are not always readily available. Yet, He will never leave us or give up on us, except we come against Him. 'What a friend we have in Jesus!'

You can be certain of this that God works in a strange and mysterious way to bless those whom He loves, but only those who trust God and enjoy close relationship with Him will take a high level of confidence in His strange and mysterious ways. I'm sure that your last prayers has been answered, just look out for the testimony.

You would see the shepherd come back joyfully and reward you patient waiting. He loves you even before you know Him.