Jody 'plus' Toby by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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Gosh it seems like Canada is a popular destination in the doorways. A minority however, lead to other destinations; some quite off the wall and some identifiable from my Earth days.

I’m from Montreal, Canada. I was hoping for a return visit before that mania policewoman began to fire her weapon at me and the other ‘innocent cat’.

Thankfully, I know how to return to Montreal. I just have to leave the fog. Each time I leave the fog the destiny of my beloved Earth, including my hometown of Montreal changes, usually slightly but with a possibility of a mindboggling change.

Before entering Shadowville, I took a deep breath. Then, I scanned the town with my incredible feline sense of vision. The town appeared to be something out of the Wild West. That is, the Canadian Wild West.

In fact, it reminded me of the ghost towns of the American Southwest, especially Arizona.
Therein are gunfighters, saloons, saloon girls, whiskey and beer, sheriffs, deputies, U.S. Marshalls, posies, outlaws, blacksmiths, showdowns, cheap hotels, horses (both rightfully owned and stolen), bank robberies and bank robbers, town drunks, dust, the telegraph, stagecoaches, wanted posters, and a few cats and dogs.
Mind you, I kept my eyes and ears on the alert for gunfighters who had a thing against cats. I knew very well that even the fastest cat in the whole world could never outrun or outmanoeuvre a speeding bullet.
Back in the Wild West days dogs and cats, especially us cats, were easy pickings. Hardly a man or a woman would shed a tear for a murdered tom cat, especially a stray one like me.
I continued my trek through Shadowville glancing left, right, and up every so often.
It didn’t take me long to feel an unease about Shadowville. I inherently knew that there was something quite unusual and wrong about the place but I just couldn’t pinpoint it.
I’d have to wait until later to find out what it was. Until then, I continued walking on Main Street.
I could smell the remnants of blood, death, manure, urine, whiskey, and fear. The fear is what caught my attention more than anything else. It’s hard to explain to a human but many species of animals can sense fear.
But, at the same time I sensed that someone was watching me. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly where this person or being was but I did feel the presence my bones. Whether he/she was benevolent or malevolent was a toss-up. I’d have to meet with him/her first then make my determination.
I continued to walk through Shadowville taking notice of the town saloon’s familiar facade. It looked just like in the old westerns.
I stopped cold and then headed straight for the saloon. Although it gave me the creeps my feline curiosity got the best of me.
I slowly approached the saloon then entered from underneath the two doors. As soon as I took notice of the interior I got the shock of my life! The interior was a perfect replica of what I imagined it would look like; chairs around separate tables, a large counter, mirror, and countless bottles of booze behind the counter. But let’s not forget the beer.
I wasn’t interested in the booze I was craving something to drink. Thankfully, in Shadowville there was no rust. There were no living creatures therein either.
I leaped onto the counter then onto the floor behind the counter. After searching the area for something to drink I saw what appeared to be an ice box.
I opened the ice box and found a large bowl of Neapolitan flavoured (chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry) flavoured ice cream.
As expected I fixed myself a large bowl of ice cream topped with chocolate syrup.
I carefully carried my large bowl of ice cream to the nearest table. I braced myself and then leaped onto the table. Thankfully, I didn’t lose a single bit of ice cream or chocolate syrup.
I licked my ice cream to my heart’s delight. Upon finishing my ice cream I felt an incredible high. With all of that sugar and chocolate in my system, how else was I supposed to feel?
I went upstairs and then walked through a short hallway in search of a sleeping room. Thankfully, I entered room number four. This room contained a king size bed with a good view over Main Street.
Before hitting the sack I walked over to my window, leaped onto the window pane scanned the area, and then leaped onto ‘my bed’.
I crashed out like a baby, waking up the very next day. It was sunny and mild outside but that didn’t take away the feeling of being watched.
I exited my room with a deep curiosity about the history of Shadowville. How could anyone give a spooky name to a nice town?
I descended to the ground floor then left the saloon with a slight hunger and thirst.
I continued my walk through Shadowville, but in today’s walk I really felt that something was wrong. I had to get to the bottom of this!
I decided to enter the Sheriff’s Office. Perhaps there would be a clue as to what happened to the residents of this ‘dead city’.
Before entering the Sheriff’s Office I paused, turned around and then scanned the area. I just couldn’t help it. I desperately wanted to know what was wrong with this city. The sky, sun, ground, buildings, and everything else were in their proper respective places. I was also aware that there were no living beings in the entire city, but that wasn’t what was pestering my gut feeling.
After a brief delay I entered the Sheriff’s Office. Mind you, I was in fight or flight mode. I inherently knew that the answer to my nagging question would be therein. In what form, I didn’t know.
The first thing that I noticed was the large WANTED POSTER. It wasn’t a wanted poster for a fugitive but for a supergunfighter. It read:

$ *81),*+7(5 )$67(5 7+$1 05 7200< 0F&R\ 1(('(' $ ),9( 7+286$1' '2//$5 5(:$5' :,// %( *,9(1 72 $1< 3(5621 0$/( 25 )(0$/( :+2 &$1 287 '5$: 7+( $)25(0(17,21(' *81),*+7(5 ,1 &$6( <28 287'5$: 05 0&&2< $1' .,// +,0 12 &5,0,1$/ &+$5*(6 6+$// %( /$,' *8$5$17((' %< 0$<25 -$.( %$51(77

Now I was certain that at least many challengers had been killed fighting Tommy McCoy, otherwise the poster wouldn’t have been so gigantic. It must’ve been six feet high and six feet wide. McCoy was a rugged looking guy with a smirk of a smile. He was scruffy bearded and looked like the gunfighters in the old westerns.

Now, it was time to do a little more investigating. This was the first step, now I had to take the second.
I continued my search of the Sheriff’s Office for more clues to what had happened. Thankfully, my hard work paid off. Although I didn’t have a complete picture of the events I was yet another step closer.
Inside the Sheriff’s desk was a note written by Deputy Hank Stockland just before he died.

72 0< '($5 )5,(1' 6+(5,)) &26:(//
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I figured that McCoy had killed every human being in Shadowville. But that didn’t explain why there are no animals in this city. I felt that I’d find more answers in other parts of the town.

After leaving the Sheriff’s Office the feeling of being watched grew exponentially. I was now certain that there’d be contact soon. As a safety precaution I ran to the edge of town just behind the entrance. This way, if the being posed a danger to me I could leave town and never come back. Actually, leaving the dimension would be the only viable option. Shadowville was too darn scary for me.

After running to the edge of town I turned around then scanned the city’s perimeter. It was then that I noticed that there was a problem with daylight or light in general.

A few seconds after pondering about the problem I collapsed onto my side and then closed my eyes.
When I awakened I saw the most terrifying thing yet to be seen by me. It was a human-sized shadow. What made it so unusual was that there were no humans around.
I instinctively went into defensive mode; I bared my teeth, extended my claws, arched my back, and hissed as loud as I possibly could.
The shadow took several steps back and then sat down in on the ground. He assumed a non-threatening posture. But still, I felt like I was owed an explanation of happenings in Shadowville. I came from another dimension. I wanted to know!
“Kitty, please don’t be afraid of me. I am both harmless and benevolent. I couldn’t harm you even if I wanted to. Please believe me.
I am the shadow of Doctor Mason, the only doctor in town. I’ll tell you what happened here if you promise me that you won’t run off or be antagonistic towards me. Do you agree?”
“Yes ... I mean ... how do I address you?”
“You can call me Doc Mason, but out of respect for my previous owner I will reject any other name.”
“Certainly, now Doc Mason, now please ... what happened?
Wait, I’m so sorry ... my name is Toby Matheson. I got all caught up with your story ... forgetting to formally introduce myself was a mistake. Please proceed with your story.”
“Toby, Shadowville became a ghost town in December of the year 1875. However, the process of ‘ghostization’ began in January of the aforesaid year.
Three gunfighters named Tommy, Andy, and Candy McCoy entered our beloved town. The McCoys had a terrible reputation of bringing trouble to towns across Alberta; even sleepy or peaceful towns.
The McCoys would enter a chosen town, go straight to the town saloon, drink up a storm and then start their wagering routine.
The McCoys would offer a five thousand dollar reward for anyone that could outdraw one of the McCoys. Naturally, this ‘reward’ drew much attention from the townsfolk.
But, it wasn’t really a reward; it was a wager ... a bet. You see if the person lost the gunfight the McCoys would take all of his property. Mind you, one of the McCoys, Candy was a young woman. She and Andy were lightning-fast, but Tommy, their older brother, was faster than the speed of light.
A legal contract would be drawn out before the gunfight between a McCoy and the challenger. The McCoys would have to pay five thousand dollars to the winner, if their gunfighter lost. However, if their gunfighter won the loser would have to forfeit all of his/her property without protest.
Toby, one challenger after another lost his and then later her life and property at the hands of the McCoys. However, two of the McCoy’s were gunned down in a gunfight. Tommy McCoy then challenged winner. Tommy never lost a gunfight in his whole life except the one against himself. I will explain to you what I mean later in my story.
After all of the men were gunned down, the women were forced to give it a try. They were desperate and many had children to feed.
As soon as every single woman had been gunned down the children took their place. At this time there was only one McCoy standing.
Tommy McCoy gunned down each and every single child in Shadowville. Mind you, by this time Tommy was mentally unstable. He became a killing machine. He was addicted to killing people.
After all of the humans were killed off Tommy began to kill off the dogs, cats, equines, birds, and whatever animals resided or travelled through Shadowville.
On December 1st of 1875, there were no more fleshy beings in Shadowville. But Tommy needed to continue killing. The towns in our area had already been emptied out. That was the work of the McCoy’s.
Sometime shortly after December 1st, Tommy McCoy became a bit psychotic. He began to challenge the shadows of his victims and the shadows of all objects in town.
Incredibly, the shadows came to life and accepted Tommy McCoy’s challenge. But soon the shadows were to have an identical fate to the fleshy beings of Shadowville.
After Tommy McCoy had killed his own shadow there was nobody else to kill ... but himself. So, he shoved his gun into his mouth and then pulled the trigger.
Toby, shortly after arriving in Shadowville you probably felt that something was missing ... that something was wrong but you couldn’t place your paw on it. Well, this is it! I am the only shadow cast on Shadowville.”
“But, I mean ... I’m glad that Tommy McCoy didn’t kill you, but why are you still alive?”
“Toby, I hid in a cave a mile west of town. Remember, I was the shadow of Doctor Mason, a man born and raised in Shadowville. I literally have all of his memories and knowledge. The cave was his favourite retreat as a child.
Toby, you are the first person to visit our town ever since Tommy McCoy killed himself.
I am stuck in this town forever, or close to it. I can’t go anywhere else. This is my natural residence. However, I’m delighted to meet you and you are welcome to stay in Shadowville as long as you please.
You’ve also probably noticed that none of the objects in town appear dusty or rusted out. Sure, we have dust blowing in our faces when it’s windy, but I’m referring about aging. It won’t happen in Shadowville.
The town of Shadowville, Alberta has literally frozen in time. I don’t think that I will ever die. Well, I’m not complaining.”
Doc Mason, I’m very thankful to have met a brilliant shadow like you. I don’t think that this will ever happen to me again. I am an inter-dimensional traveller. I have the luck and biochemistry to be able to do this. No doubt, others have tried to pass through other dimensions but have ended up dying or getting really sick.
I think that I shall stay in Shadowville for a month and then leave. I saw much good food and plenty of fresh water. And thankfully, it will never spoil or rot.”
I stayed in Shadowville for a whole month. Meeting Doc Mason was a joy! He and I took many walks together. Although I must admit, it was a bit difficult to see him at night or in the dark.
I kept a note in my mind that this dimension was attainable through doorway #101. Afterwards, Doc Mason and I said goodbye. I could’ve sworn that he was crying.
It was a slow and depressing walk back to doorway #101. The reentrance of the doorway is spotted by a room-sized cloud. However, if I exit the castle in a place other than the doorways I must re-enter through the fog. It’s not complicated it is good fortune. This way I can consciously choose which of the two alternatives I want. Mind you, exiting the castle and the fog will always lead me to Montreal. When in history and the ‘specifics of Montreal’ may be altered upon re-entry.
I continued walking back to the doorway until finally spotting the cloud. Out of habit I glanced back to see if there was any danger behind me. Thankfully, the coast was clear.
I entered the cloud and then re-entered the castle then glanced at the doorways to my left and to my right.
I was in the mood for one or two more doorways before taking a breather.
I decided to leave the castle through a higher numbered doorway. After walking for fifteen minutes I stopped in front of doorway #158. I decided to enter it.

I entered the dimension expecting something new and exciting but at the same time alert to any unexpected dangers. Being an inter-dimensional traveller has its ups and downs. I, like most people, want the maximum ups and no downs. This is my personal ‘utilitarian philosophy’.

I had entered a tropical island with all the amenities, including but not limited to fruits, veggies, milk hanging from sacks, slabs of meat dangling from trees, a fresh water river, and the scent of other foods nearby. I was in a place that I thought was heaven. I would soon find out that I was dead wrong.

In addition to food the plant life was a wonder. Botanists would have a field day on this island. Numerous palm trees, grasses, flower species, and other ‘stuff’ that I’d never seen before engulfed that area.

I took what I could from the food within reach and ate like a king. It took me a half an hour to eat and drink to my heart’s content. As a bonus, the milk that I drank contained a stimulant, perhaps Theo bromine or caffeine. I wasn’t pondering about it while I was eating.

After feeling fully satiated I washed myself in the fresh water river. My dear, it was as clear as polished glass. Even the were friendly. They actually converged upon me. It was like they wanted me to scoop them out of the water and eat them. Lucky for them I was already satiated. As you probably know, most cats love fish; the kind without any scales.

After washing up I drank as much water as I could. You never know when the food and water supply will run out. There’s never a guarantee; or is there.

Underneath all of the good surrounding me I had a creepy feeling inside me. In addition to being too good to be true I heard a faint bubbling sound that emanated in a giant circle on what was probably the peripheral of the island. Naturally, I had to investigate, but first I wanted to see the interior of the island.

I walked into a large forested area carefully not making too much noise. Surprise encounters often cause predators (especially grizzly or black bears) to attack. But on this particular island I preferred to use the feline stealth method. Being a small-sized cat I had the ability to run, hide, sneak around, or scale a tree if need be. Not to mention my extraordinary senses.

As I continued my way through the forested area I soon came across a treaded path. It had been tread by humans. I did an about face, and then followed the path diligently.

Mind you, I scanned the area and looked upwards every so often just in case there were enemies nearby or above me. Attacks by predators upon prey are especially effective from above; the object is taken off guards.

A full twenty minutes of walking led me to an open area the size of a football field. Therein were three mud huts. Now I was certain that there were others on this island; good or bad I certainly didn’t know.

I used my incredible feline senses to help determine who exactly lived in those huts.

After taking a good ‘whiff’, I determined that there was only one male humanoid in the area. But there were many food types present too.

I stayed low and patient behind a gargantuan tree for several hours, until tall, extremely handsome, athletic man exited one of the huts.

The man looked very distraught at something. At what, I certainly couldn’t fathom. He had everything that he wanted on the island ... well ... except a good wife.

My eyes followed the man until he re-entered one of his huts. He exited the hut a short while later, carrying food in his hands. After placing the food on a makeshift table he reentered the same hut then returned carrying a large mug and a cup.

I decided to wait until the man’s body sugar level rose before making my formal introduction.
The man ate his food like a rich boy. Actually, like a rich Ivy Leaguer. That’s the kind of human that I like to meet!
As soon as the man finished his last morsel and gulp from his cup I slowly approached him until reaching twenty or so feet from the makeshift eating table.
Regardless of how the meeting took place I’ve always been apprehensive about telling just anyone how I entered the particular dimension. The last thing that I’d ever want is for a monster or an evil person/s to become an inter-dimensional traveller.
“Excuse me sir, my name is Toby Matheson and I seem to be lost and confused. Please don’t be afraid of me. I just need to talk to someone.”
“Oh, wow! Come here kitty! You are the first person that I’ve seen on the Isle of Hell in countless years! I’ve been dying to meet someone!”
I cautiously approached the man, stopping a few feet away from where he was sitting. I didn’t want my reaction or escape time compromised. Just in case the man was putting me on.
“Thanks, umm ... like, how did you get here ... and ... what’s your name?”
“My name is Jeff and I’ve been here for eons. Time on The Isle of Hell is frozen. There’s no aging, plenty of food, but no escape whatsoever!
Toby, when you first discovered that you were on this pathetic island you detected a faint burning scent and being a cat, you also heard a faint bubbling sound ... right?”
“Yes, Jeff ... you’re right! But how did you come across the name for this island?”
“Toby, in all the commotion and surprise you didn’t notice the gargantuan 4-sided sign reading:
81:(/&20( 3(50$1(17

,1+$%,7$17 72 7+( ,6/( 2) +(//

Toby, this island is round and the peripheral is a thick, 100 yards long blob of molten lava. You can’t get off this island! Not a helicopter ... not even an airplane could get you off this GOD-forsaken island. There are no runways, to many tall trees and volcanoes, and ‘seismic problems’. Instruments will malfunction on this horrible island.

Toby, this is an island penitentiary! Now I’ll tell you what happened to me.
Toby, I was an honour student and an incredible football player on the ‘Gramson University Football team.
Sure, I partied sometimes, but never harmed anyone. Look, there was a beautiful girl name Cynthia Corbett who had a big crush on me. I kind of liked her too.
The students at Gramson held many parties. You know what I mean, lots of booze and other ‘stuff’ that goes on in these parties. The guys, well ... being a tom cat, you know that some guys turn into lions when they drink. I can also become a lion when I’m wasted on booze.
One day we had a gargantuan at our Fraternity house. We had tons of booze, dope, food, soft drinks, and ‘lionesses’; if you know what I mean.
Anyway, Cynthia, like most of the other students at the party was wasted. She had her hands all over me ... and at least three of my friends.
Toby, we found ourselves going upstairs to have some fun. As soon as we entered ‘our room’ Cynthia leaped onto the bed, disrobed, and then told us to help ourselves. Being collegiate men ... we helped ourselves ... and that’s what we did.
Toby, a couple of months later, that little witch went to the Gramson Police Station and told the officers therein that I, along with several of my fraternity brothers had gang-raped her. She also claimed that we slipped her a ‘capitulation drug’ inside her drink.
Toby, Cynthia was being a total witch! I’m on The Isle of Hell because of her.
I was later charged with rape, sodomy, aggravated assault, mayhem, and animal cruelty.
Toby, two evil cats, one named Jody and the other named Corey assaulted me! They were acting under the command and on behalf of Cynthia Corbett!
I became a felon overnight! I had a golden opportunity for a good life. I wanted to be a VIP. What the heck is wrong with that?!
Anyway, after I was officially charged and put on trial and then sentenced twenty five years behind bars, the freaking Prime Minister of Canada got involved in my case. He wanted to set an example for people like me and would-be assailants. I had to serve my time way up in Northern Canada. I wasn’t told exactly where. It was supposed to be a surprise.
But I heard from the grapevine that I was going to be sent to Baffin Island or Northern Yukon, somewhere near Herschel.
I can still remember the day they took me out of my cell. I was bound and shackled like a common criminal. I wasn’t permitted to use the restroom until I arrived at my undisclosed site.
The RCMP put me on a military double-engine plane. Once I boarded the plane I became the property of the Canadian Military. I was virtually stripped of all my citizenship rights. For what, all I did was have a little fun with a young woman who wanted me and my friends.
A couple of hours into our flight we hit major turbulence. I looked out of my window only to see an incredible array of snow blowing against the plane.
Only a minute or so later, the plane began to violently shake. Afterwards, I heard the right wing detach from the airplane. That was the end of the plane!
All hell broke loose after that. Including the pilot and me there was a total of eight individuals on the plane.
I banged my head on the backrest in front of me and instantly lost consciousness.
The next thing I know I was in a barren dessert just a few hundred yards away from an oasis. Hunger and thirst hit me really fast.
Thankfully, none of the other passengers survived the accident. At first I thought some of them were just out cold. But a short while later I noticed each of the bodies began to disintegrate right before my eyes.
Now, I’m here, all alone, happy but wanting to see some real justice. All I want to do is leave The Isle of Hell and find my foes.
Toby, take a look at the calluses on my hands. I’ve been strengthening my grip for ‘strangling purposes’. When I leave this hell-hole I’m going to strangle the life out of each one of my three foes. However, for Cynthia, I have a big surprise. This time around, I’ll make love to her the right way. After she falls in love with me, I’ll strangle her with my powerful hands! I want to see that little wench die. The expression on her face will be an awesome sight, indeed. But while she’ll be suffocating to death, I’ll make sure to smile at her. And of course, I’ll also make certain she’s looking at me.
Toby, do you know how I can leave this island? I mean, like, you’re a special cat; an inter-dimensional traveller, right?”
I knew that there was no way I could help Jeff leave The Isle of Hell. He’d be too dangerous to the outside world. I had to keep him where he was at without drawing any suspicion. Otherwise, he’d turn against me.
“Jeff, I’m not sure how to help you. But, let me take a long walk alone. I can do some major brainstorming. I’ll take my walk now and hopefully I’ll be back in an hour with an answer to your question.”
We said our goodbyes and then I walked away with the intent to never return.
I walked to the edge of the oasis, took one last look at the beautiful trees and then entered the barren desert.
As I was walking to the cloud I glanced back every minute or so. I wanted to make sure that Jeff wasn’t eyeing or following me.
Thankfully, I had no problems arriving at my destination. As soon as I spotted the cloud I ran towards it and then leaped through it. Alas, I was away from that creep Jeff! I wished that I never saw him or anyone like him ever again.

As soon as I entered the hallway I decided to rest up a bit. I walked to the nearest snack room, not kitchen located at the end of the hall and entered it slobbering like a hungry lioness.

But first, I sat down and pondered about my unusual life. Although I enjoyed being an inter-dimensional traveller the thought of settling down and finding a good wife entered my mind, mind you it was a brief thought. The lion in me wouldn’t allow me to feel weak or lovey-dovey. I’m an incredible cat that likes to hop from one dimension to another.

Until I meet the right kitty, I won’t settle down! But for the moment, I had the urgent matter of nutrition. I had to get something in my system really fast. Otherwise, I was going to choke on my own slobber.
As stated earlier, I was in a snack room and not in a kitchen. The castle has numerous snack rooms on each floor. Kitchens were less numerous. Snack rooms have no high-tech gadgets or gizmos. I’d have to cook or heat my food the conventional way, unless I opted for something cold.
I walked over to the fridge, opened the door and then removed a stack of cold cuts, pita bread, low-fat mayonnaise, milk, and a slice of vanilla coconut cake, caffeinated pop, fruit cocktail, and a bottle of water. Then, I got some ketchup mustard, and a 175 mg bag of barbecue chips. Mind you, I didn’t carry the entire load all at once. I made five trips to the fridge and two to the closet.
After preparing my meal and was about to eat I had to pull my head back away from the food. Apparently, I had a giant, dangling saliva which almost touched my sandwich.
I put down my cold cut sandwich, leaped onto the floor, and then ran to the nearest restroom. Once there, I quickly cleaned up and then dried.
My trip back to the snack room was a breeze. I had one thought on my mind; eat and eat and eat!
After I finished my delicious smorgasbord I washed up and then took one last look at the fridge. It was the most beautiful fridge that I’d ever seen in my whole life! Sadly, I had to get on the move.
I slowly walked back to the hallway then down the path of the doorways. I ended up in front of doorway #235. I was excited about the prospect of entering another dimension. I had no idea what I was going to see.
I too

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