Kurt's Pretty Lady by Cliff Ashbridge - HTML preview

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Tuesday, September 18, 1984 the apartment of Victoria Tishinsky in Moscow

Vicky unlocked the door to her modest one-bedroom apartment on the fourth floor and Boshnikoff followed her through the entrance. It was a small, but tidy apartment, definitely feminine in its appointments. Lace curtains on the windows and floral prints on the overstuffed sofa and chair in the small living room. “Inspector, please have a seat while I prepare something for you. I hope you don’t mind if I change first. I don’t want to get anything on my dress while cooking.”

“Not at all, my dear. I shall enjoy having a beautiful young woman prepare something for me. I rarely get the chance to enjoy homemade food, even breakfast. Traveling so much keeps me from having any kind of social life.”

“Then you are not married, Inspector? Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t’ mean to pry. How silly of me. I didn’t mean to sound rude.”

“Nonsense, Vicky. I don’t mind at all. No, I am not married. I never seem to have the time to enter into that type of a relationship. I am always so busy with my work.”

“Being a regional quality control inspector must be very demanding work. But a man as handsome as you must at least have a girlfriend, Inspector.”

“I’m afraid I don’t even have time for that, Vicky. I wish I did, but my patriotism comes first, just like with you.” He knew he was setting her up, but this was so easy it was almost fun for him.

Vicky went into the small kitchen and opened a bottle of wine she had saved for a special occasion she wanted to have with Victor and poured a drink for Boshnikoff. She took it to him and said, “I’ll just be a moment. I need to get out of this dress and get my apron on.”

“Take all the time you need, Vicky. This sofa is very comfortable and the wine will help me to relax. You are a very lovely hostess.” He had removed his coat and tie and laid them over the overstuffed chair.

Vicky disappeared into the small bedroom to change. While in the bedroom, she decided to give the inspector a real treat. She changed into a very sexy black lace bra and matching lace panties, grabbed her apron and went back to the living room.

Boshnikoff had settled back into the soft cushions of the sofa and closed his eyes, thinking through what he would do and say to get her to do what he wanted for him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Vicky standing in front of him wearing nothing but her bra and panties and holding the apron out to him. “Inspector, I’m sorry I didn’t have anything handy to change into. I just couldn’t make up my mind. Would you please tie the apron in the back for me?”

Boshnikoff couldn’t help but stare. She was a lovely picture indeed. “I have a better idea. Breakfast is no longer on my mind.” He stood and picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and took off his shirt. She sat up swung her legs over the side and helped him by unfastening his belt, opened his trousers and pulled them down. She then grasped his boxers and slid them down also.

He knelt down on the carpet in front of her and pulled off her panties. He spread her legs apart and pushed her onto the bed on her back. He started kissing her thighs and worked his way up to her vulva. He parted her labia with his tongue and started to lick her clitoris. She started to groan as she held his head against her and he intensified his stroking of her clitoris with his tongue. She came quickly and gasped at the pleasure he had just given her. He let her push herself back onto the bed and climbed up on the bed as she spread her legs apart. He entered her easily as she was wet from her orgasm. He moved in and out slowly at first and then increased his rhythm. He slowed down and then pulled out and laid down along side of her on his back so she could mount him. She came up from the bed and put her leg over him straddling him and put his erect penis inside her vagina. She then unhooked her bra and tossed it over the side of the bed. She started to move back and forth with her hands against his chest with her large breasts gently swinging back and forth. He grasped each one and held them as she moved faster and faster until he came inside her. Afterward, he lay on the bed with her pressed up against his side; breathing lightly with her head on his chest. She felt warm and relaxed and felt that she had gained his favor.

After a bit of silence, Boshnikoff said, “Vicky, I must ask you to do something for me. No, let me correct that and say that I am asking you to do something for your beloved homeland.”

“Anything. All you need to do is ask,” she purred.

“Vicky, we are suspicious of Victor Panin. He has been acting strange lately and we think he may be passing information to the American CIA agents. I have arranged for him to be recalled to the Institute to answer some questions of a technical nature. When he is finished there, he will go home for the night to await the next flight out tomorrow to the Cosmodrome. I need you to visit him at his home and see if you can extract information from him that would confirm our suspicions. I know you have been seeing him and we find nothing wrong with that. There is no way you could have known if he was a traitor or not. That is unless you are with him in this.”

That hit Vicky like a brick. Shocked, she sat up in the bed and said, “Oh no, I had no idea that Victor may be a spy at all! He never talked about his work. I am a loyal patriot, I assure you! I could never have been part of a traitorous act. I would die first. I will do as you say; I must prove to you that I am a loyal patriot. You will see. I will do as you say and get any information that I can.”

Boshnikoff got up and started to dress quickly. “Good, make love to him if need be. Just find out what he knows. If he is a traitor, we will deal with him accordingly. You will be rewarded for your efforts, I assure you.”

Vicky was frightened. This man who had just made love to her was now thinking that she could possibly have a part in helping someone be a traitor to her beloved homeland. She knew she had to