Kurt's Pretty Lady by Cliff Ashbridge - HTML preview

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Friday morning, September 21, 1984, at the headquarters of the NSA in Langley, Virginia-

Kurt Stillwell, Mary Anderson, and Vicky Tishinsky were in the conference room waiting for Bob Riddle. Mary had given Vicky the business suit she came to Washington in and had left behind when they went to Russia. She wanted Vicky to have something to wear to replace the flight suit the Air Force had given her when they were in England. Now she looked more feminine and was beginning to relax a bit. Mary was sitting next to Kurt wearing her chiffon dress and Vicky was on the other side of her.

Mary said, “Vicky, you look very attractive in my clothes. They seem to fit you pretty well even though you are making that blouse fill out to its limit. I’m glad the buttons haven’t popped!”

Vicky laughed at Mary’s humor about her much larger breasts. “Thank you, Mary, the clothes do help me feel better. The lady doctor was very kind and said I will be back to normal in a little while.” Just then, Riddle came though the door to the conference room.

“Sorry if I kept you waiting, I had to meet with the director this morning.” “Not a problem, Bob”, Stillwell replied. We’ve only been here a couple of minutes. Mrs. Casey brought us some pastry and coffee. Won’t you join us?” “I’ll have some coffee.”

While he was preparing his cup of coffee, Stillwell said, “Mrs. Casey said Brian had a great time with her husband and his classic car collection. Thanks for getting him out safely and please extend my thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Cantrell.”

“Will do, Kurt. Now, how did everything go? Were you successful in making the alterations, Mary?”

“Yes, Victor Panin made them while I told him where and what to do with the different resistors and diodes. It didn’t take long, but we almost got caught while we were inside the engineering building. Actually, I did get caught outside and was put in their jail. Kurt came in and rescued me and Vicky.”

“I know, Kurt sent a complete written report to us while you were in flight from England. I’m just glad you made it out okay and Miss Tishinsky, welcome to America and your new home.”

“Thank you, Mr. Riddle. Can you tell me if Victor will be coming to America also?”

“Actually, we are planning to bring him out tonight, even before we find out if our changes to the plans that were stolen from us will work. We figured that he has earned it. You should be able to meet him by Sunday night.”

“Thank you, I am kind of scared about that. You see, the last time we were together, I was trying to find out if he was a spy. I was a foolish young woman. Even though he was actually working for you, I have since learned that it was totally justified. I do not like to hear that my countrymen have been stealing most of our technology from the Americans. I had thought all along that it was the other way around.”

“Most of the Russian people have been told that, I’m afraid. That’s part of the propaganda that goes with the cold war that has been going on between our two nations.

I will make sure that I have a long talk with Victor before you get to meet with him. I am sure he will understand what has happened and will be willing to start a new life with you here in America. We will go to great lengths to change your identity and help you get a fresh start in your new country. I am sorry for what the Russian KGB and military did to you. I hope we will be able to make it up to you with this new start.”

“Oh yes, if Victor can forgive me, I will be very happy. I only hope he can find it in his heart to do so.”

Mary put her hand over Vicky’s, gently squeezed it and said, “Vicky, I know he will. You just be ready to meet him. I know he’ll be very happy to see you again.”

Riddle said, “Well, I think you will find our facility very comfortable while you wait. Mrs. Casey will be staying with you in case you need anything. She will also help you to become familiar with our country and she will take you shopping in Crystal City nearby for some new clothes. After this weekend, and if things go well with you and Victor Panin, you will start a new life out in the mid-western United States next week.”

Just then, Mrs. Casey came into the conference room as if on cue and said, “Vicky, won’t you join me for a tour? I want to get acquainted with you and my boss is willing to let me have all the time off I need to be company to you. I want to take you shopping. It will be fun for me watching a pretty girl like you pick out new clothes.”

Kurt said, “Mrs. Casey, I want to thank you for watching over my son while we were away.”

“Don’t mention it, Kurt; it was pure pleasure watching him and my husband with the car collection. It did Jonathan a lot of good. It was like watching him transform into an excited teenager. I think your son did more for us than we did for him.”

Mrs. Clancy left with Vicky and Riddle turned to Kurt and Mary. “Well, you two. It will only be a matter of time now. The week after next is the launch for the killer satellite War Club. We’ll have to wait and see what happens. I’d like the two of you to join us in Utah when we become operational. If the Soviets get their version launched, it would be nice to have you on hand to see what will happen when they try to zap War Club, which we know they will try to do.”

Kurt said, “Thanks for the invitation, Bob. I’ll look forward to it. For right now, though, Mary and I have made a promise to Brian that we want to keep. We want to rent a car and stop off in Orlando at Disney World for some fun. We can fly out to Utah week after next, after our little vacation, if that’s okay with you.”

“I don’t see why not. The folks at Dreamland have finished their work and Mary won’t be needed there for a while. By the way, Mary, Tom Crenshaw sends his regards. He said you can have all the time off you want.”

“Thanks Bob. I’m looking forward to the coming