Labyrinthine Beast by Tami Elder - HTML preview

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Chapter 10 ~ Like All Good Things


Sarah cried for two days after her siblings were given to a new Fae family. Jareth assured her that they would not remember anything of their former life or of her, but they would grow up to be happy and healthy youngsters. Lying in her bed, she stared at the flames in the fireplace day in and day out.

On the third day, Jareth knocked on her door.

"No thank you."

"Precious, you cannot stay in here forever."

"Like hell I can't!"

Am I King, or am I King? Opening the door, he stalked into the room and stood beside the bed. Seeing her lying so dejected on the bed, he fairly growled. Gripping her shoulder, he rolled her to face him and was stunned by the stricken look on her face. "My precious girl! You are depressed and foolish over something that neither of us has any control over!"

Her eyes flashed with sudden fire. "Foolish! Depressed!  You know nothing of how I feel or what I want Goblin King! Do not presume to judge me based on that which you don't know!"

Taken aback, he stared at her for a moment before collapsing on the bedside. "F…forgive me… you are right. I assumed that you were pouting over your siblings. I now realize that I am in error."

"Yes and no." She sighed and flopped back. "Am I sad they are gone? Yes." She turned her sorrow-filled gaze to his. "I truly regret not seeing my father one last time. He must've been so alone… so afraid…. I don't even know how he died." She started to cry again.

Reaching out he caught a crystalline tear on his gloved fingertip. "Sarah…" He looked at her earnestly. "I can give you your fondest wish… only if you wish it to be so…" He looked at her quietly.

She sat up and looked at him for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"If you wish to see your father one last time, I can make this happen." He held up a finger. "However, I cannot guarantee that he will be the man you remember, nor that you will want to remember this."

Frown lines creasing her delicate brow, Sarah worried her lip. Looking at her hands she whispered, "I wish to see my father before he died."

"Very well," was the sad reply, as he cupped her hands forming a large crystal between them. "Hold tight to me now, love… do not let go." He didn't look away from the crystal as he spoke. The world turned around them and wind rushed up to meet them. Gritting his teeth, he turned back the stars for her, so that she could see her father one last time.


Robert Williams muttered under his breath as he wandered through the lonely village streets, the snow clinging to his coat. "I have to find the entrance. I have to get my Sarah back. I drove her away. No one else matters. I cannot live without her."


The world shifted forward ever so slightly to reveal a tattered and bruised Robert wandering through the forest.


"Where was I going? I don't know where I am? I was supposed to remember something." He looked at five strips of cloth tied to his fingers, each digit looking more and more purple than the last. "What was I supposed to remember? Oh yes! Dresses for Karen… shoes…jewels…a bigger house… no brats…." He stumbled through the snow chuckling mirthlessly to himself.


The scene shifted forward again. This time her father was slumped beside a tree half buried in snow. "No use… never going to get what that stupid cow wants. Failed my loves… failed my babes… I deserve this terror… Come back ye foul beast… come back and kill me this time!" He swiped away the layer of snow to reveal bloody stumps where his legs had been. "Come and get me, I can't run from you!"


Sarah gasped and jerked her hands free to cover her mouth.

The crystal shattered in her hands and she was flung backward against the wall away from the Goblin King by the force. He watched in horror as she slipped from consciousness, blood trickling down her temple. "Killik! Beatrice!"

The King's frightened bellow tore through the near silent castle like a death knell. He moved shakily to her prone side gingerly touching the bloody temple as his two most trusted servants and advisors appeared in her rooms. "I don't know what to do. She pulled away too soon… too soon. I fear I have killed her!" He fell to sobbing.

The two looked at each other then at the King. "Sire…" The Steward put a hand on his shoulder. "Let Mistress Bea in to look at the lady."

Beatrice laid her hands on Sarah and tried hard not to jerk back. She was very cold to the touch and cooling further. Clucking her tongue and shaking her head, she sighed. "I'm afraid we don't have much time. I can do what I may to heal her, but I don't know how much good it will really do, Sire."

"Do what you can, Bea… please? I cannot lose her!"

"Sire, there will be other girls…"

He shot Killik a fulminating glare. "There will never be another, Killik. I love Sarah. She is my mate… I am bonded to her forever."

This took both Fae turned goblin by surprise and they glanced at each other. It was Killik who spoke. "That should break the curse then…"

"It isn't enough. She must love me in return. I fear that it is too late for such to happen. Forgive me…" The King rose. "I will return."

"Jareth Kinwellen, you will sit your royal arse down in that chair and not move!"

Surprise flitted over the tortured regal face as his old nursemaid spoke so sharply. "But Beatrice, I will only be gone…"

"You will not! This girl does not have a minute! You will spend her last moments in this world with the woman you love, or by gods I will box your selfish ears!"

"Selfish! Selfish am I? Fine!" Snapping his fingers, he healed her head and placed the enchanted rose in her hands, as he laid her gently on the bed. Collapsing beside the bed, she clasped her hands in his, the thorns biting into their flesh together as he bowed his head to pray. The tears running unchecked down his cheeks did not go unnoticed by the two as they held each other and watched their King grieve. "Oh, my beautiful Sarah, my precious angel… Too late I realized what love is and just how deeply one could fall for another." His throat seemed to close up for a moment. "I love you so much. I am yours forever. Please come back to me."

Her fingers tightened briefly around his as her eyes slid open for a moment. "Jareth? Forgive me, my love. I will wait for you…" Her fingers touched his lips. "I love you forever, my King."

Tears streamed down his face as her hand fell limp on the bed and a keening wail slipped from his lips. "Noooooo! Gods, noooo!" Gathering her into his arms, he held Sarah's lifeless body to his chest and sobbed. "Please… please come back to me? You can't be dead! I love you… please… please…"

Suddenly the balcony doors flew open and a warm wind blew in.

Gathering her limp body closer, Jareth hovered over the form of his beloved, protectively.

"Rise up oh Mighty Goblin King, for you have been found worthy. Heed well my words. The curse is lifted. You and your people are free to life your lives again… free to rejoice in your restored humanity."

Jareth's eyes rose, blazing with anger and pain. "Wait! I want to make a counter offer!"

The Enchantress smiled. "I am listening."

"I love this young woman with all my heart and soul… she is my mate." He held up a finger. "Here are my stipulations. Firstly… My subjects regain their fae forms as agreed. Second… the Labyrinth remains… Third…I remain the Goblin King… I have a soft spot for the little creatures. Fourth… This young woman is returned to me. She will be a fabulous Goblin Queen… and lastly… I will continue to take care of the wished away… they need a champion… a protector… who better than an immortal fae king and his immortal fae queen and their immortal kingdom?"

The Enchantress chuckled at first then laughed outright. "My young Fae King you have learned your lessons well. I will grant your wish. May you and your Kingdom prosper forever."

He bowed. "My Lady you are always welcome in my Kingdom. Fair flying." He watched in silence as she became a swirl of glitter and disappeared.


Turning back to the bed, he saw his raven-haired beauty sitting up and looking at the beautiful rose in her hand in confusion. "My love!" Swooping in, he took her lips in a tender kiss that immediately drove away any questions and prying eyes.

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