Legends of the Sith by Christopher Beasley - HTML preview

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Darth Malorum had changed much since being captured by the

Padawans on Jeneris. Not only had he realized his full potential of Force

powers, he had changed, due to his grievous wounds, physically as well.

His right arm, which had been severed just below the shoulder, had been

replaced with a cybernetic limb, much stronger than his flesh and blood

arm had been. His left hand had been replaced by a mechanical hand of

similar design. Malorum"s destroyed left eye had been extracted and

replaced by a photo-receptor orb, which could move independently of his

right eye and could detect not only various spectrums of light, but heat as

well. Where Malorum had lost teeth, he now wore sharpened durasteel

fangs. Yet it was not only these additions of necessity that had altered

Malorum"s appearance.

After healing from his many wounds Malorum had spiraling red and

black Sith tattoos placed over his entire body, from head to toe. He had

grown his hair out and dyed it black, contrasting with the reddish blond

beard that now covered his face. Malorum"s appearance was now as

fierce and demonic as his demeanor. Rhaine Panbreedle was dead,


forever. Darth Malorum wanted to make sure no one ever mistook him for

that man again.

Bronius Multar was proving to be an inconvenience, and being an

inconvenience to Darth Iratus, more often than not, meant a death

sentence. Ironically Multar was facing a death sentence already, wasting

away in Harnaidan"s Commerce Prison on Muunilist. It seemed Multar"s

dealings as a high ranking member of Day Sun had finally caught up with

him. Darth Iratus had no problem with Multar"s pending execution, other

than the process would undoubtedly take too long, being tied up in the

Muun courts for months or even years. Iratus couldn"t wait that long,

Multar was a knot that held too many loose ends together for the Sith


Iratus" plan of action was fairly direct. He and Malorum would go to

Muunilist, gain access to the prison, question and kill Multar before he

could share any compromising information with the Muunilist authorities.

Alive, Multar had become an unacceptable risk, in death he would be an

acceptable loss.

Iratus walked through his apartment in the center of Mos Eisley, to

the small chamber he had allotted for his apprentice. Without knocking,

Iratus opened the door and stepped into Malorum"s room. Iratus"

apprentice was kneeling in meditation on his cot, cybernetic hands upon


his knees. Malorum kept his eyes closed but addressed his Master as he

stepped into the room.

“What is thy bidding, my Master?”

“Lord Malorum, we are going to Muunilist, gather your effects and

meet me aboard the Soulless.”

“As you wish, Master.”

Malorum rose to his feet at once and began preparing for

departure. Iratus walked from the chamber without further comment and

headed for his ship.

The Soulless descended through the Muunilist atmosphere and

flew over the city of Harnaidan. Iratus guided the ship to the northwest

quadrant of the sprawling city and set it down on the large landing platform outside the Commerce Prison.

The Commerce Prison was actually a bit of a misnomer, as the

facility housed not only individuals found guilty of commercial crimes but

many other major crimes as well, and in addition the complex was home

to one of the Republic"s largest psychiatric treatment facilities. The Muun caste system seemed to prefer keeping all of it"s failures under one roof.

The access ramp hissed as it lowered to the platform. Iratus and

Malorum walked down the ramp and headed for the main entrance to the

complex. A gangly Muun security officer eyed the pair suspiciously as


they entered the facility and approached the visitor and information

station. The officer"s attention seemed particularly drawn to Malorum"s

sinister appearance. In a squeaky, nasally voice the officer asked the

Sith, “Urm…yes, can I help you gentlemen with something”

Iratus waved his hand and replied, “We are the Republic

representatives from the Judicial Investigations Committee, and we have a

scheduled meeting with one of your detainee"s, Bronius Multar.”

The security officer looked puzzled but nodded his head as he

spoke, “Urm…yes, of course, I just have to check with my supervisor,

urm…just a moment.”

It was Malorum who waved his hand now, “That won"t be

necessary; you just need to provide us with an escort to Multar"s cell.”

The guard stood for a moment, silent and blinking. “Urm…ah…yes

of course, just a moment.” The Muun retrieved his comlink from the desk

and summoned another officer. “Alpha 723…urm…this is Alpha 720…we

need a security escort at the main entrance…urm…thank you.” A moment

later the comlink crackled with the reply. „Roger 720, en route."

Iratus and Malorum stood patiently, waiting for their escort to arrive.

The Sith did not have to wait long. Within a minute another security officer arrived at the desk. The original officer accessed Multar"s information and

instructed the newly arrived officer, “These are Republic representatives,


please, urm, escort them to detention block Tango, Hotel, X-ray, one, one,

three, eight. Cell sixty-six.”

The escort officer did not question the order. He turned to the Sith

Lords and motioned them to follow him, “Right this way, gentleman.”

Iratus and Malorum followed the Muun from the reception area. As

they walked down a long corridor Iratus turned to his apprentice and said

“This is going better than I expected.”

“Yes, Master.” was Malorum"s only reply.

After following the officer down several corridors and two different

elevators, the Sith were finally directed to a cell door at the end of a long hall. The Muun officer removed an access card from his belt and swiped

the proximity reader. A loud series of clicks announced the unlocking of

the door"s numerous locks. The Muun stepped to the side of the door and

said, “Prisoner sixty-six, I"ll be right out here if you have need of me.”

Bronius Multar looked up as the two men entered his cell, and then

sprang to his feet when he recognized Iratus. The Muun back peddled

across his small cell, nearly tripped over the room"s single table, and

planted himself against the wall. Multar raised his hands in front of him

and started mumbling incoherently. Iratus walked toward the center of the

cell and stood eyeing the frantic Muun. Malorum moved to stand in the


corner, arms crossed, silently regarding the whimpering Muun on the far

side of the room.

After a long moment, what likely seemed an eternity to Multar,

Iratus pointed to the cot and addressed Multar, “Sit.”

Multar complied at once, still muttering and mumbling. Iratus

continued, his voice dry and devoid of emotion, “You know why we have

come.” It was not a question, and Multar didn"t bother answering. Iratus

stepped closer to the quivering Muun; Multar shrank back from the Sith

Lord. Iratus stood over Multar, the tension in the air nearly tangible. “You hold too many loose ends in your greedy little hands, my friend. It would

be unwise to let you live.”

Multar, perhaps gaining some strength from the certainty of his

demise, shook his head, took a deep breath, and replied. “I understand

your concern. I know all too well how this game is played; if I had betrayed you, but I did not. I didn"t slip up, and I have told the authorities nothing of your affairs. I was arrested because I found out too much, know too much;

information that you would find very interesting, very profitable.”

Darth Malorum stepped forward, “He is lying, Master. He is just

trying to save his skin. Let"s kill him and be done with it. This place gives me a bad feeling.”


Iratus cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow to Multar.

“Is my apprentice correct, Multar; are you a pathetic, worthless sack of

organs, scrambling to preserve your meaningless existence?”

Multar, now starting to sweat, placed his head in his hands and

looked at the floor. Finally, looking up at Iratus once more, the Muun

spoke, “Please, I assure you, I may indeed be pathetic, but I am not

worthless! Have you heard of Project PsionPhair?”

Malorum crossed the room to stand next to his Master, anger

accenting his tone as he spoke, “That"s enough of your bantha fodder,

Multar. It"s long past time for your end, Muun.”

Malorum"s right hand went for his lightsaber, but was stopped as

Iratus raised his own open right hand. Malorum continued to glare at the

Muun, his cybernetic eye glowing intensely, but made no further

movement to end Multar"s life.

Multar took Iratus" intervention as a sign to continue his explanation

of Project PsionPhair. “The Trade Federation and the Techno Union have

formed a partnership, or are at least co-operating for the PsionPhair, or

P2, project. Some of the largest signatories are Haor Chall Engineering,

Corellian Engineering Corporation, Arakyd Industries, Colicoid Creation

Nest, and several others.”


Iratus looked over at his apprentice, then back to Multar. “This

information is valuable to me how? I think my apprentice is correct, you"re

scrambling and grasping for straws.”

Multar shook his head, “No, please, allow me to explain further. It

isn"t who"s involved that is valuable, it what they are doing.”

Iratus crossed his arms over his chest, “This had better be good,

your life depends on it.”

Multar nodded, and then quickly continued, “In the asteroid field

above Dubrillion, they are building a prototype, a huge and powerful

device. A pair of scientists, Youlan Psion and Nednarb Phair, Nemoidian, I

think, developed a theory for an extremely powerful elemental detection


Multar noticed the apparent lack of interest growing on Iratus" face.

The Muun wiped the sweat from his brow and hurried to continue, “It is to

be used for mining, locating rare minerals and such. Basically, a

hypermatter pulse is emitted, out to a thousand light years or more, the

pulse is tuned in to the specific elemental frequency of the mineral being

sought. It can detect and pinpoint to within a few meters, the location of

any quantity of the desired element, in concentrations as low as the

molecular level. It is intended for valuable minerals and elements, but of


course could be tuned to locate concentrations of any type of molecule;

water; carbon based life forms, nitrogen…midi-chlorians.”

Malorum looked at his Master, tilted his head and asked, “Master, is

that even possible?”

Iratus paced his hand to his chin in thought, then replied, “It is

plausible, but if such a device were to exist, surely The Republic and the

Jedi would have taken an interest in it.”

Multar smiled and waggled his index finger toward the Sith Lord.

“Ah, my friend, you are right, and the Jedi have taken an interest in the

project. As we speak the Trade Federation, Techno Union, and

representatives of the Jedi Order are in negotiation on board the Republic

consular ship, Missionary. It seems like the Federation and Union types

want to keep the project a secret, the Jedi too. The only disagreement

seems to be who owns the technology and who gets to play with the toy.”

Iratus starred at Multar in silence for long moments, as if deciding

whether or not Muun"s story was worthy of his life. As Multar began to

sweat more profusely it was Malorum, who broke the silence, “Master, if

what the Muun says is true, I sense an opportunity here.”

Iratus nodded and looked to his apprentice, “Yes, I believe your

right, Lord Malorum.” Iratus motioned to Multar to rise, “Come on Bronius,

you"re coming with us.”


Bronius Multar hopped to his feet, “What? You"re not going to kill


Iratus smiled, “I"ll probably still kill you, just not yet.”

Iratus and Malorum walked out of the cell with Multar in tow. The

Muun security officer, who had remained waiting outside the cell as

promised, approached the trio, a wary look in his eyes. The Muun raised

his hands, indicating the three should halt, and then addressed Iratus, “Sir, why have you removed this prisoner from his cell? Are you authorized?”

Iratus never slowed, walking past the guard and giving a slight

wave of his hand, “Of course I am authorized. I am taking this prisoner

back to Coruscant for further interrogation. Now, lead us to the exit


The Muun looked as if he had suddenly remembered something.

“Oh, yes, of course, my apologies.” He turned at once and walked back

down the corridor he had led Iratus and Malorum down earlier.

The trip to the exit remained uneventful until, as the party passed

an intersecting corridor, Iratus suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. The Sith Lord had detected a massive use of the Force somewhere close by.

The Sith stopped in his tracks and looked down the corridor the group had

just passed.


Darth Malorum stepped up to stand by his Master and whispered “I

sensed it too Master, like a convergence of The Force.”

The Muun security officer, noticing the two men had stopped,

turned back to face them. “May I help you gentlemen with something?”

Iratus pointed down the corridor, “Where does this hall lead?”

An uncertain look flashed across the officer"s face as he replied,

“That hall? That leads to the psychological ward. Why?”

“You would like to take us there,” said Iratus. The Sith"s power of

suggestion was more than enough to get the security officer to comply.

The officer shrugged and changed his course, leading the Sith and Muun

prisoner toward the psych ward. They had traveled only a short distance

when Iratus suddenly stopped in front of a cell door. The Sith Lord looked

at his apprentice. Malorum nodded but remained silent.

“Who is housed in this cell?” Iratus asked the guard, while pointing

toward the door.

The guard halted his progress, turned and looked at Iratus, a

confused expression on his face. “This cell? The patient"s name is Thaen

Zull, a strange kid really.”

Malorum snorted, “A strange kid, in a psych ward, I can"t imagine

such a thing. What makes this Thaen Zull so strange?”


The Muun guard shook his head, and shrugged. “It"s hard to say,

but I don"t really think I should talk about it.”

Iratus placed a reassuring hand upon the Muun"s shoulder. “Relax.

You can trust us, tell us whatever you want.”

The Muun hesitated just a moment, and then began to elaborate on

Thaen Zull. “Thaen arrived here about five years ago; he had passed the

entrance exams for the Harnaidan University of Medical Science, but was

caught forging identification papers.”

Iratus cocked an eyebrow, “That is enough to be committed in

Muun society?”

The guard shook his head, “Well, no, except Thaen was five years

old at the time.”

Iratus and Malorum shared an intrigued glance. Passing a medical

science exam at five years of age was impressive, even for a member of

the highly intelligent Muun race.

The guard paused, as if to let Thaen"s age sink in, then continued,

“Because of Thaen"s age, a further investigation was conducted.

Authorities found the boy"s parent"s in their estate house, dead, apparently for some time. The cause of death was unclear, as neither seemed

injured. When asked, Thaen said only that his parents had disapproved of

his interest in medicine, then something about thousands of voices. He is


always talking about voices, and sometimes, well sometimes… I swear it

seems like he can get inside your head.” The Muun, suddenly seeming

very tired, wiped a hand across his face and leaned back against the

corridor wall.

Iratus retrieved the access badge from the guard"s belt, and smiled

pleasantly at the Muun. “Relax friend, you are tired, we will just be a

moment, rest here until we are done.”

The Muun nodded in acceptance of Iratus"s offer. Meanwhile

Multar, silent since leaving his cell, mumbled almost inaudibly, “What are

you doing? We have to get out of here.”

Iratus cast Multar a glance that silenced the Muun"s protests

instantly. The Sith Lord then proceeded to swipe the access badge and

pull open the cell door. Iratus and Malorum stepped inside, leaving a very

anxious Multar in the hall with the exhausted guard.

Sitting at the table in the center of the cell was a young Muun,

hands folded atop the table. He looked up and smiled pleasantly as the

two Sith entered the cell. “Hello there. Have you come to visit me? I get

very lonely, and no one understands me.”

Iratus stood at the table, looking down at the young Muun, “Thaen

Zull, we have come to ask you about your parents.”


Thaen nodded, his smile only lessened slightly as he replied. “Oh,

yes, most people that visit me want to talk about my parents. I did love

them, but they wanted to keep me from studying what I really enjoy,

medicine. I want to understand the secrets of life and death.”

Malorum, seemingly intrigued, asked the Muun child, “Your parents

were opposed to your study of medicine? Why? What happened?”

Thaen looked toward Malorum, an expression resembling pity upon

his face. “Muuns strive ever upward, not down. Those were my father"s

words. He recognized the potential in me to achieve great things and rise

high in the caste system. Studying medical science was far beneath my

family. Yet it was what I wanted, so I had to kill my parents.”

Iratus narrowed his eyes and leaned in closer to the young Muun,

“How did you kill your parents?”

Thaen Zull replied as calmly as if he were announcing a change in

weather, “I killed them with my mind.” Thaen paused and shrugged, “I am

not sure how, I just willed them dead. I have always heard…voices?

Sometimes they tell me what is about to happen… or how to do things

with my mind.”

Iratus shared a knowing look with Malorum. He then turn back to

address the Muun boy, “Thaen, you were brought here for help, but I don"t

believe they know how to help you. Only I know what you need, I can help


you understand what the voices are telling you, I can even help you

achieve your deepest desires. Would you like to come with me?”

The smile suddenly disappeared from Thaen"s face. “I will come

with you, being trapped here has kept me from what I want, what I am

meant for. I will go with you, but I think you want to use me, use my

abilities. The voices can hear your thoughts, and your thoughts betray

you. “

Iratus cocked his head to the side in contemplation of the young

Muun"s acuity of mind. He looked over at Malorum, and found his

apprentice staring at him, an indecipherable expression on his face. A

flicker of anger arose in Iratus, although the Sith was unsure of its origin.

He turned his attention back to Thaen Zull. “Then it is decided, you will

come with me. One day, with the proper training, you will discover that

your focus determines your reality, a reality that only you can control.”

Iratus spoke no more as he turned to exit the cell. Malorum and

Thaen followed Iratus from the cell where they rejoined Bronius Multar and

the security officer. Bronius cast the trio a suspicious glance, but said

nothing. The security officer, seemingly suddenly aware of the unusual

nature of the situation narrowed his eyes and asked, “What is going on

here? You plan on removing one, now two prisoners?”


Iratus addressed the Muun security officer, “This is Republic

business, see only to your duties and return us to the main entrance.”

The Muun shook his head, “No, I don"t know, this all seems a little

off to me, I"d better check with my superior.” The officer retrieved the

comlink from his belt.

Iratus stepped in close to the man, speaking low and precisely,

“You don"t need to check with your superior, you will take us where we

want to go.”

The officer paused, his thumb on the activation switch of the

comlink. “I want to, but something seems-ACK!”

The Muun was cut off midsentence as Darth Malorum extended his

cybernetic right hand and forcefully grasped the Muun about the neck,

crushing his vertebrae. Malorum held the dead Muun, suspended a foot

off the floor, for a moment before he released the guard, sending the

corpse sprawling to the ground. Malorum noticed Iratus staring at him,

brows furrowed. Malorum shrugged and commented, “Boring conversation

anyway, let"s get out of here.”

Bronius Multar gasped at the sudden violence, mumbling

incoherently. Thaen Zull seemed little affected, the young Munn just

stared at the corpse, as if contemplating some great mystery. Iratus shook

his head and spoke to no one in particular, “Always something.”


The odd group of Sith and Muuns made their way quickly back to

the main desk. As they approached the security desk they noted not only

the officer whom they had dealt with upon arrival, but three other security

officers as well, all armed with blasters. As the group neared the desk, the original officer looked up and spotted them. He motioned to his

counterparts, saying, “Them, there they are, those two there.”

The apparent leader of the new group of security officers took a

step toward the Sith. “I don"t know who you are, but there is no scheduled

Republic interrogation of prisoners today.”

Iratus looked over his shoulder to the rest of his entourage, “Keep

moving toward the exit.” The two Sith and the Muuns moved past the

security officer as if oblivious to his presence. The remaining officers

fanned out, attempting to surround the odd group.

The Muuns leveled their blasters toward Iratus and Malorum. The

leader, in a voice more firm and authoritative than before, ordered “Halt!

Don"t move, Jedi!”

Malorum looked over at Iratus, “Master, I feel insulted.”

Iratus smiled, “Me too.”

The Sith sprang into action in a flurry of movement. In a few heart

beats lightsabers ignited, twirling all around, blaster fire ricocheted all

about the security console, as the Sith deflected numerous bolts, and


quickly closed on the Muun guards. In a few seconds it was all over, all of

the security force lay dead or dying. The room filled with smoke from the

violent exchange, setting off fire detection horns and strobes.

Iratus replaced his sabers on his belt and addressed his apprentice,

“Malorum, secure the surveillance holocrons.”

Malorum replied, as he sprang over the security desk, “Already on

it, Master.”

Thaen Zull stood over the body of the Security leader, studying the

slain Muun closely. “Death is so…final.”

Iratus, quickly looking around the console, spotted Multar cringing

by the desk. “Come on Bronius, time for us to leave.” Multar, Iratus, and

Thaen all headed toward the door, soon joined by Malorum and the

acquired surveillance holocrons. The four quickly made their way across

the platform and boarded the Soulless. No one spoke again until the

Soulless had made the jump to hyperspace, leaving Muunilist, and yet

another mystery, far behind.

The Soulless drifted through space, not far from the Dantooine

system. On board Darth Malorum sat in the crew quarters across from his

Master. The Sith apprentice had asked to speak with Iratus after their

departure from Muunilist, concerning his feeling that something significant

had been set in motion.


Malorum placed his cybernetic fingertips under his chin. “Master, I

feel as i

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