Lethal Discoveries by Erica Pensini - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Brad and I were standing in a corner talking on our pizza slices when Mc Murrich approached us.

“How are you guys doing here?”, she asked, “You seem to be having a pretty intense conversation”.

Brad and I looked at each other.

“Well, one of the polymers we synthesized the other day seems to work well”, I began, “Very well in fact. The volume of the pudding increased by about ten times”.

Mc Murrich arched her brows.

“Ten times?”, she asked, looking vaguely skeptical.

“Yes”, Brad confirmed, “we were surprised too, but that’s what we got. We can’t understand what happened though”.

Mc Murrich was intrigued, I could tell she was even if she never conveyed too many emotions.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?”, she asked frowning.

Then she smiled her professional smile, “You should have, this is great news”.

“So you are trying to understand what happened?” she asked after a pause, and then, without waiting for an answer, “Come see me in the next days and tell me what you find”.

We finished the pizza and went straight to Mike’s office. His friend at the cancer research center offered to see us that same afternoon.

“Sandeep is a great guy, you are in good hands with him”, Mike told us, “I hope you’ll find your answers. This case is fascinating”.

Mike’s face had brightened as he spoke, but it abruptly turned gruff like it had been when we knocked on his door in the morning.

“I need to work on the review now, I am swamped with this nonsense”, he complained shaking his head.

Brad and I thanked him and promised to come back with whichever new discoveries we would have.