Lethal Discoveries by Erica Pensini - HTML preview

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Chapter 72

As soon as we lay on the bed we fell asleep and slept a dreamless sleep. When the alarm rang at 7 I snoozed it off, and closed my eyes with the delusional resolution to get up in no more than five minutes. Of course I feel asleep again.

“Hey Iris…hey”

“Ehm…”, I moaned

“Come on, we have to get up”, Jack insisted

I sat on the bed, still so tired it was as if the night hadn’t happened at all.

“So are we going to see Mori?”, I asked

“Of course”, Jack said

“But we don’t have the polymer anymore”, I said with an odd sense of incredulity, as if I was trapped on the stage of a surrealist play

“We do”, Jack said with a smile

“They didn’t take them from your luggage?!”, I exclaimed

“I placed the polymer that was in my luggage in the safe box with our passports”, he smiled

“Really? Ah, you are so awesome, boy!”, I said with transport, pressing my lips hard against his and smiling back, fully awake now.

But then I thought about the dead body the night before

“What if the police comes to ask questions?”

“We are allowed to go outside, they didn’t tell us to wait in the room indefinitely”

“Do you think Ronny is the killer?”

“No”, Jack replied without any hesitation

“Why are you so sure?”

“Because he was with us and we came straight to the hotel after he left. He couldn’t have killed the cleaning lady or whoever she was, he would have not had the time”

“Yeah, this makes sense…but then who did it?”

“I don’t know. But don’t you find that the situation was very odd yesterday?”

“Yeah, there was a dead body lying on the floor”

“No, I mean, why was the guy who first met us in the hallway so hesitant to call the security guard? And who called the police anyways?”

“Maybe the hotel staff was alerted by odd noises and thought that something suspicious was happening in our room…”

“But when we asked for our room keys they let us go upstairs without warning us to stay away from our room until the situation was cleared. Why so?”

“Maybe some other guest called the police…”, I suggested

“Sure, but then don’t you think a guest would have called the hotel staff for assistance or at least to let them know that there was something wrong? Wouldn’t this be the first thing you would do if you felt something was not quite right?”

“I suppose so, yes”, I admitted

“And why did the police let us take our suitcases if they had been rummaged through? Don’t you think they should have kept them to try and find traces and clues about the killer?”

“Yeah, you’re right…but what do you think is happening then? Do you believe the police is involved in this in some way?”

“Apart from noticing that what is happening is strange, I don’t understand a single bit about it. Anyways, what about heading to meet Mori and having some breakfast on the go?

I nodded.

“Thank you for being here, Jack”, I said looking at him

I would have crashed if he hadn’t been there, that’s certain

He took the tip of my nose between his fingers and tugged it playfully, shaking his head and smiling.

“Come on, let’s get ready”, he said.