Lethal Discoveries by Erica Pensini - HTML preview

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Chapter 80

Gill was sitting at the table facing the glass, his hands were laced in front of him, he was pale and looked tense. I have a strangely acute memory of that moment, and closing my eyes I can recreate it as if the scene were evolving in front of me at this very instant…

Avery: Good morning Mr. Gill

Gill nods and says, “Good morning”

Avery: I am here to ask you few questions regarding the death of Janna McMurrich

Gill does not move, he just sits there waiting for the question.

Avery: On Wednesday night Janna McMurrich was found dead by her neighbours. One of them was awake and she heard some voices in the middle of the night. When she looked out the window she saw a car driving away quickly, she could not fully identify it because of the dark. But we could. There were marks on the ground, the marks coincide with those of your tires.

Gill: If I were the only one using a certain make of tires the company that sells them would have to shut down.

Avery nods, ignoring the irony of the comment.

Avery: What is the make of your tires Mr. Gill?

Gill shrugs

Gill: Pirelli

Avery: Pirelli, that’s a good brand. You weren’t happy with your Goodyear tires?

Gill: What do you mean?

Avery: You recently got new tires although yours were fairly new, and I wonder why

Gill is silent for a moment, then he says, “Why do you say I changed my tires? I never did”

Avery: Mr. Gill, I think you are an intelligent man. You must understand that if you don’t cooperate things will be much harder for you.

Gill: I did change my tires because I wasn’t happy with the other ones. Since when changing tires is a crime?

Avery: It isn’t. Why did you lie about your tires a moment ago?

Gill: Why were you asking about my tires?

Avery: Where were you between Wednesday, 7 pm and 3 am of the next day?

Gill: I don’t remember, this is a very busy time for me. Things slip my mind unless I write them on my calendar

Avery: Let me help you. Did you go visit Janna McMurrich on Wednesday?

Gill: I don’t think so

Avery: You don’t think so or you’re sure you didn’t go?

Gill: Wednesday you said?

Avery: That’s what I said

Gill: Yes, now that I think about it I went to see Janna

Avery: How long did you stay there?

Gill: A couple of hours I would say. We chatted, had few drinks and then I left. As I said this is a busy time, I didn’t want to be home too late

Avery: What was the nature of your relationship with Janna McMurrich?

Gill: We were friends

Avery: Did your relationship with Janna McMurrich go beyond friendship at any moment in time?

Gill: This is a personal question

Avery: You can choose not to answer my questions and wait for your lawyer, but I want to make you aware that cooperating will make your life easier. You help me, I help you

Gill sits and does not reply

Avery: Mr. Gill, can you tell me more about your relationship with Janna McMurrich? You met her at night at her place, was this a habit of yours?

Gill: We would sometime see each other at her place

Avery: Mr. Gill, was Janna McMurrich your lover?

Gill lowers his head and does not answer

Avery: Mr. Gill…

Gill: Our relationship went beyond friendship, but it was more of an occasional relationship than a full time one

Avery: Thank you for clarifying, Mr. Gill

Avery: Did you have any work related interactions with Janna McMurrich?

Gill: We had some exchange of opinions every now and then

Avery: Can you be more specific?

Gill: I am a scientist and so was she, we exchanged opinions regarding scientific facts

Avery: Did Janna McMurrich ever discuss with you a polymer they were synthesizing at FoodTech labs?

Gill: they synthesize many compounds, she might have

Avery: What did she tell you about the polymer?

Gill: I don’t recall any recent conversation about a polymer

Avery: Mr. Gill, do you recall running some tests on a polymer synthesized at FoodTech labs?

Gill: I have run some tests for FoodTech labs in the past, it is not impossible that I have tested a polymer for them

Avery: Would you have this information in your records?

Gill: I certainly would

Avery: I can drive you to your office and verify it with you

Gill: I can verify it and let you know about it

Avery: I have no objection to this. I have few more questions for you.

Gill: ok

Avery: At which time did you visit Janna McMurrich on Wednesday night?

Gill shrugs

Gill: It could have been 8, I don’t know for sure

Avery: And at which time did you leave?

Gill: A couple of hour later I would say

Avery: So you left around 10 pm

Gill: Something like that, yes

Avery: Not around 2 am?

Gill: No, that would have been way too late

Avery: Sure. And what did you do after you left?

Gill: I went home

Avery: Do you have any witnesses?

Gill: No

Avery: I have one last question for you Mr. Gill

Gill: Yes

Avery: Why was your car speeding on highway 102 at 2.15 am on Thursday?

Gill’s face goes pale. “I want a lawyer”, he says.