Lethal Discoveries by Erica Pensini - HTML preview

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Chapter 88

When I phoned Avery I felt there was anxiousness beneath the coolness of her tone, and she didn’t sound happy when I asked if someone could come for me in about an hour. Couldn’t I tell her before I wanted to leave early, she asked, that way she would have let her colleague know. But then she agreed to pass by herself, and I thanked her saying I would have news to share during the ride. Bad or good, she wanted to know. “Let’s talk later”, I said, and we hang up.

I began listlessly reading some science papers, more to use up the time than because I thought I had some use for what I was reading. I couldn’t focus. I felt lethargic, not really sick but uncomfortable, the same way I had in the cafeteria. The beat of my heart seemed irregular. Relax, I told myself, and tried to breath in, breath out slowly, deeply. I checked the time, minutes stretched in an unbearable way. Finally it was ten to four.

“Brad, I’m going”, I said without turning around

“Sure, let’s go”, he replied

But when I got up from the chair the room began spinning and my heart racing hard, so hard it hurt me. I gripped the desk, trying to make myself stable.

“Hey Iris, are you ok?”, I heard Brad say, but I couldn’t see him, black patches covering my vision

I shook my head no

“Sit down”, he said, holding my arm

I stood instead, immobile, and after a moment my vision cleared

“I don’t feel too hot”, I said

“I see that”, Brad frowned

“Ok, let’s try to go downstairs, I’ll be fine once I get home”

“Well, if you say so…I’m glad the detective is coming to get you”, he said with a worried note in his tone

I nodded and walked with Brad downstairs as steadily as I could, wondering if stress alone could be doing this to me.

Avery was in a regular car, waiting at the entrance of the building. I slipped in the car, waving Brad goodbye.

“Let me know how you feel, ok?”, he said before I closed the door

“I’ll be all right, I’ll call”, I said.

It was at the moment I fully realized that soon, very soon, I would lose my best colleague. I’ll miss you buddy, I told him silently, leaning back on the car seat, eyes closed and too battered to react with anger to the mounting sadness.