Like Raindrops on Water: A Love Letter to the World by Jann DiPaolo - HTML preview

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Molly and Jonathan made their way home through the section of the park planted with trees from around the world. By a group of magnificent cabbage tree palms was an elegant, wiry man in a light suit and the Panama hat he always wore. He looked completely at home amongst the tropical trees. Molly waved.

“Jonathan. Over there. That’s the Professor. I knew we’d see him”

“Professor! How are you? I knew we’d bump into you here.”

“Milly, Molly, Mandy my dear, how are you this fine day?” he chimed. She blushed slightly at the reference to the 1930’s children’s books.

“Good, thank you, and how are you, Professor?”

“Very well indeed, thank you very much for asking. How simply stupendous to cross paths this splendid morning.” He winked quickly, tipped the cream hat, nodded his head and smiled broadly. Jonathan found himself making the same courteous and infectious nod of the head.

“And who is this fine young man by your side, Molly dear? What a wonderfully shiny example of the human species. Hahahaha!” said the Professor, as he shook Jonathan’s hands between both of his own. Jonathan was a little taken aback by how this eccentric but graceful man spoke.

“Professor, this is my dear Jonathan. At long last you’ve met. You two should get together. Jonathan is teaching robotics at Sean’s Academy. And you can tell all your wonderful stories. Jonathan has an unquenchable thirst for hearing about how things used to be.”

“Yes indeed, my dear fellow. Molly has told me so much about you. Any friend of this scrumptious vixen Molly is indeed a friend of mine. Hahahaha! Here are my details,” he said as he touched his wrist-cell against Jonathan’s and pushed the button to exchange contact information.

“Any day except Mondays.” He glanced over at Molly briefly and Jonathan noticed her blush again. It occurred to him that Molly always said “Any day except Mondays” as well and decided to leave it as one of those mysterious things about Molly that he knew nothing about.

“We heard some strange and sad news today,” Molly told him. “Linorio has disappeared, three weeks ago. There’s no sign of him.”

“He’s escaping that award,” said the Professor without hesitation. “I remember you told me about it, Molly. All these silly awards that are being created. Remember the award you were going to honor me with, hahahaha! But not for young ears, eh? So where has Linorio gone?”

“Nobody knows. He’s obviously organized it, so there’s nothing suspicious. We are going to spread the word and see if we can get a message to him. Check the Notice Space later.”

“Will do, my dear. But knowing Linorio, there is more to this than meets the eye. I’ll have to put the thinking cap on for this one. But must away. Lunch in the city, you know. Off to a monthly chin wag. We call it the ‘Wise Elders circle’, hahahaha! Love them all dearly. See you soon young man, see you soon. How about tomorrow, a bite of Sunday lunch, dear chap? Meet you at the Bamboozle Bar at 12.”

Jonathan realized he had been completely silent.

“I’d like that very much, yes, thank you.” was all he could say before the Professor strode off. Jonathan saw that Molly looked delighted at having met him, and she had certainly cheered up.

“He’s such an eccentric and colorful character,” she said.