Like Raindrops on Water: A Love Letter to the World by Jann DiPaolo - HTML preview

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Jonathan woke up the next day full of ideas from the last 24 hours. He had spent most of the ballet thinking about Linorio, and as soon as he got home he started his research. He had been up most of the night searching and looking for clues.

In an obscure part of the Notice Space, he had stumbled across an interview Linorio had done a few months ago. He’d spoken then about the award and his concern for the praise he received. He said he was just a part of the great plan, just one of many who had made changes.

But he’d also mentioned the name of a small port town that he’d spent time in. It was in the north-east of Peru, in the Amazon jungle. Although it was in the same area as the community he had first started, it was nowhere near that village. Jonathan had searched through the long lists of places Linorio had visited or spoken of over many years. He could find no other mention of this town, or of anywhere near it. He decided he would start there with his search for Linorio.

Jonathan had been longing for something like this. A mystery to solve. His life seemed too perfect. People around him were content, healthy and living well. Belle was so beautiful, so perfect, but he didn’t know why he was reluctant to move the relationship to the next level. A part of him had felt flat and without direction for so long. He longed for the unexpected, a sense of the unknown, and a sense of purpose. He felt a yearning for the life that his parents would have known.

His decision to look for Linorio, and this clue to where he may be, had sparked something in Jonathan.

He put it out of his mind and got ready to meet the Professor. Molly had told him to have a bite to eat before. She had laughed as she told him that lunch in the Bamboozle Bar for the Professor was usually “a few glasses of beer and a bowl of something snacky to nibble on”. He took her advice and had a sandwich before he left.