Like Raindrops on Water: A Love Letter to the World by Jann DiPaolo - HTML preview

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“It had seemed like an overwhelming, impossible task. Some thought it would just fix itself. Some thought it was already too late. Many people found it hard to imagine how things could change, really change in the way that, deep down, we knew it had to. It was easier to get on with our lives and leave it to our leaders, although they seemed to be a big part of the problem. Many of those who could make the changes did nothing, or worse still, took actions out of fear and self-interest. I guess we will never know the full story behind it all, but at the time, it certainly seemed that many solutions were being ignored.

“But something happened. There could have been many reasons. We were obsessed those days with looking for reasons, or better still, THE reason.

“Humankind had been set on destruction. We resisted making the changes for too long, so it was forced on us. It was a turning point that could have gone either way. Thankfully we evolved in a constructive way. The mystical laws of the universe, as always, were in charge.

“Maybe enough people came to believe in the possibility of a better world, creating a critical mass that made the shifts happen. Maybe it was the new generation, or intervention from beings from other galaxies, something in the drinking water or music in the air. Who knows?

“It seems so difficult to explain. But it’s because there are no words to describe it. It came from something that has no words. We had been looking and waiting for a dimensional shift, an enlightenment. We thought it would feel like an awakening. But it was different, and none of our words can describe it. The moment we tried to explain or understand it, it disappeared. We had to hold onto something completely new and inexplicable to retain it. All we knew was that it felt right. Comfortable.

“And it happened quietly, within people. More and more of us started to see that everything in the world was connected. We changed our own small worlds, little by little. It was subtle and in some ways we hardly noticed it, but we saw the effects. Outwardly things seemed much the same as before. But slowly, people seemed to gain a new perspective both of themselves and the world. We started to understand what was behind energy and vibrations.

“It started with a few, and spread, like raindrops on water that ripple out gently. And it was a fire that soared high and strong, like an eagle lighting up the sky.” Quietly Molly started singing.

They both gazed out over the park.

A grand old tree just inside the gates of the park caught Molly’s attention. She had been watching it over the last few weeks and couldn’t understand why it was dying, and why it was dying so quickly.

“Let’s go outside for a walk. I want to have a look at that tree over there,” she said. “And I’m going to introduce you to the Professor. He’s bound to be in the park at this time. He can tell you more about all sorts of things!” said Molly, rising gracefully.

Jonathan followed and, on the way out, picked up both his own electropack and hers, in case they decided to glide round the park.