McMurtry's Typewriter by Alan Nafzger - HTML preview

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Okay, let’s cut the bullshit. I know that there are certain people who may think they see themselves, or someone they shoot dope with, in this manuscript, and will probably get pretty ill-tempered over it, or may decide to give me a hard time just because they went to school for that sort of thing (coz you know, a Wichitan getting famous from writing about other Wichitans, it’s capitalistic, backstabbing and just not cool anymore). So I could say that this book is a work of fiction and that no resemblance to actual events, locales, entities or persons, living or dead, should be inferred at all, but you’ll probably throw a fit over it anyway.


At the same time, I can’t exactly call it based on a true story, since any and all items with a factual basis have either been changed, (re-) invented, altered or included for expressive use (and as a necessary component of a relevant story). Please keep in mind that if I really wanted to be an ass about it, I would have named you directly or said something really bad (and trust me, this version is a lot better than my original unedited profanities. 


Believe it or not, I do believe a man’s character is best judged, not by his friends, but by his enemies. I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made writing this.


I have tried as much as I could to spare you the embarrassment accorded to the victim’s code of fiction writing, but as such there is a limit and any jokes or references you find here, with a factual basis or not, are meant as harmless fun (and yes, it is harmless, because if most of you can dance to lyrics about “big city strippers,” “taking pills” and “outlaw shit”, you can chill out about the local fare). It’s the price you pay for living here. 


Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, in or out of public office, is entirely coincidental. So be cool, okay?’


Amazon Edition


Library of Congress has catalogued the hardcover edition as follows:


Nafzger, Alan

McMurtry’s Typewriter / by Alan Nafzger. – 1st ed.  p. cm.

1. Wichita Falls, Texas. 2. Crime. 3. Texas, crime. 4. Title. I. Title. II. Title; McMurtry’s Typewriter.


ISBN: 978109894615