Messiah Clone by Tim Ayers - HTML preview

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Chapter 15




Russo didn’t have the only reaction to the news. The greatest thing about the modern communication system was that I could watch United States news anytime I wanted it. I flipped on the TV that day and channel surfed until I came across the following report. I pressed the DVR button and recorded it. Later, I had my secretary transcribe it. I’m not sure why. I guess I was keeping different things in my scrapbook and I thought it would be a nice addition. I’m attaching it here.

NEWSCASTER: “The news of the Catholic church’s delay in their election of a new Pope brought strong reaction in our country today. Wall Street saw a plummet of over three thousand points and religious groups went to battle.”

INTERVIEW WITH PRIEST: “I’m not sure if they did the right thing at all. Once again we see our church leaders ignoring the will of the people and assuming that they know everything. If Jesus said that Bishop Russo should be Pope then that is exactly how it should be. It is time for the Cardinals to make some changes in how things are done. The Pope is in a coma and is not coming out. Let's move on. ”

NEWSCASTER: “And in the same church, the monsignor cautioned us on criticizing the Cardinals.”

MONSIGNOR: “They are following the path that has church tradition and the church fathers behind it. They chose to do it this way in order to protect the office of the Pope and the church. I personally believe that Jesus is the real Christ but I need to follow along with my spiritual overseers.”

CHRISTIAN: “I’m a Christian and I don't see how this would affect my life. We don’t follow the Pope and I certainly don’t want to get involved with their problems.”

NEWSCASTER: “But the far right pastor of that woman’s church preaches a different message from the doorway of his small building.”

PASTOR: “Calvary is an independent and fundamental church. We don’t recognize the leadership of the Pope but we do recognize that Christ is the head of the church: the real Christ- not this cloned one. Instead of recognizing a new Pope, Catholics need to recognize that they need a Savior and accept Jesus into their hearts, today.”

NEWSCASTER: “In Colorado, a group from the Universal Way, an all inclusive church had a saner and more Christlike view.”

CHURCH LEADER: “Jesus is one of our Ascended Masters. Now, in his current manifestation, we find true comfort in what he says and does. If Bishop Russo becomes the leader of the Holy Catholic Church then I believe there will be tremendous harmony amongst the spiritual energies of people across the universe. That harmony will bring all religions together under one leader, Jesus the Messiah.”

NEWSCASTER: “But the most frightening reaction comes from a militia styled group in California. Their spokesperson, Clint Cole, said in an official statement that their 'followers view the clone as a dangerous tool being used by the world governments to take away people’s freedoms.' Cole further stated, 'They plan to move to their well concealed camps and wait for the coming world war.' Even something as good and peaceful as a messiah can bring out the worst in people.”

The newscast switched to another topic and I leaned back in the easy chair of my den. At that point I wasn’t sure what was happening. Jesus was the last one to be with the Pope. He had a reported stroke that night that appeared not to be a stroke to those who were eye witnesses. I had my suspicions at the time but there was no proof.

When the clone asked for Russo to be elected Pope, I thought I saw the purpose in it. If Russo controlled the world’s largest religious group and with Thompson’s tremendous sway in the U.S. Protestant community, they could easily milk more cash out of the church groups and world governments. At least, that’s what I thought was behind the whole mess. I never imagined that the clone was truly behind the decision to eliminate the Pope.

With all the religious upheaval and strife in the North American churches, Russo and Thompson convinced Jesus that he needed to make a peace trip. He was scheduled to meet with the heads of every major denomination and religious group. I got a call from Thompson a few days before the trip.

Matty, old boy, This is Reverend T. N. T. How ya doin’,” his voice boomed through my phone. Preachers never got off the podium. His joviality took me by surprise. The Prophet often talked down-home with me but rarely was that friendly.

Prophet Thompson, what can I do for you?” I responded hoping not to show my surprise.

How many times do I have to tell you, call me Tom. Anyway, Johnny and I were thinking that it has got to be time that you took that pretty wife of yours on a vacation,” he said.

Actually, that was exactly what she told me just a few weeks ago,” I answered in amazement.

They don’t call me the Prophet for nothin’,” he laughed.

What do you have in mind?” I asked.

How about Disney World?”

I haven’t been there in years. Not since Cari was still at home. I’ll bet Beth would like that but what’s the occasion?” I inquired.

There’s a lot of ballyhoo over here with the churches and different religious groups. So, Johnny’s bringin’ your little creation to America to have a pow-wow with them. I guess he doesn’t believe that I’ve got the sway with the religious community that my TV ratings say I do.” He paused to take a silent dissenting breath and then continued. “But that’s not the important part. We want you to join us and maybe while you’re there you can do a little check-up on Jesus,” Thompson told me.

Is there something wrong with him?” I asked with deep concern.

He’s had a lot of strain and stress on him after his dearest and closest friend, the Pope, fell serioiusly ill.” I laughed to myself. Did he think that I still had hayseed on my shoulders? He wasn’t talking to one of his back road farm congregants. I hardly caught the next part. The Prophet spoke so fast. “I think that the rejection, or delay rather, of his request for John to be elected to the position took its toll on him. Come on down to Florida and relax for a bit. You can stay here at my house. I’ll have Laura get things ready,” the Prophet offered.

Sounds great. I’ll talk to Beth and then give you a call back. Hey, and tell Laura that Beth and I send our love.” We hung up. I had hoped that I didn’t give away how I really felt during the conversation. I thought quickly through all that had happened since Russo came to see me and had dropped his diary. Thompson and the Bishop had wanted me to examine the clone and had figured a way to get me to do it. Actually, I was anxious to examine him and anxious to discover a little more information.

A few days later, Beth and I found ourselves laying in the hot Florida sun next to Thompson’s pool. He had it built in the shape of a cross. It was tacky but he held baptisms in it for his TV show. The Prophet was very creative in his ways to make a profit and stave off taxes. Every luxury became a write-off. He always said that the less Uncle Sam got; the more the Lord got. I guess the Lord was letting Thompson hold it all in escrow for a time. I was often reminded of his favorite joke. “I throw the offering in the air and tell the Lord to take what He wants.”

A voice called to me and I popped my eyes open to see Laura, Thompson’s personal assistant and full-time lover. “Matt, I had one of the servants pull a car around to the front for you. He left the keys in it. Don’t forget that Bishop Russo and Jesus the Messiah will be here for dinner around six,” Laura reminded me.

Beth joined the conversation. “How did their meetings go?”

Tom was very pleased. Most of the bishops were very receptive to Jesus and groups like the Universal Way embraced him as their spiritual leader while encouraging their brothers and sisters of every faith to do the same. I’m pretty sure that Jesus has turned the tide except for those religious extremists. I always thought we were supposed to be one in Christ,” she sneered as she told Beth before walking back into the house to make preparations for dinner. I was close behind her and heading to my room to change clothes before leaving.

I pulled out of the Prophet’s complex and headed down Tangerine Drive towards Orlando. The road was lined with tall majestic, royal palms. I liked the royals the most out of the selection of palm trees in Florida because of their massive trunk and height. I was sure that the original Jesus rode between trees like them when the crowds cried out, “Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Of course, one week later they yelled in bloodthirsty voices, “Crucify him!”

Right after I turned onto Ocean Boulevard a car pulled from the side of the road and slid in behind me. I went several blocks with my eyes glancing up at the mirror every few seconds. On one of my looks at the road, I noticed that the traffic signal up ahead was yellow. I hoped that I could make it through before the thing turned red. If I made it, I could shake the car trailing me.

I blasted into the intersection as the light turned and gunned the car down Ocean Boulevard. The black car with tinted windows whipped through behind me. I heard horns blaring at the car followed by the sound of screeching tires. I looked up. The vehicle was bearing down on me again. I slid around the next corner and punched the gas. My borrowed car left long, black strips of rubber on the pavement.

I made it to the next corner but couldn’t maneuver the bend and I slid against the curb. I heard a loud pop and the car started limping along. I knew I had blown a tire and slammed on the brakes. By the time I came to a stop my pursuer was already next to me. The doors of the car flew open and two men in suits yanked my door open. Large hands grabbed me and my body followed them into the bright Orlando sun. The next thing I knew, I was in the back seat of the large black car with tinted windows.