Mischief, Tales of a King by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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I’m Amelia of Willshire over Mount Windsor

heading towards the North.            

As a young girl, I lost my Mother to disease. My

Father King Adam of Willshire was left with 3

young children, my 2 brothers, Paul and Michael

and I. Even though he tried his hardest, it became

difficult to raise a young girl without her Mother.

Also struck with the same disease that took my

Mother, my Father, the strongest man in my eyes,

became very ill.                        

Not really having a choice, my Father contacted his

friend King Emmanuel of Landford for help. King

Emmanuel knowing how ill my father was, he

obliged. He suggested bringing me to his Kingdom

and raising me to be bequeathed to his eldest son

David. With a broken heart, my Father agreed and

soon after died. I think he did not want to leave

this world without knowing I would be taken care


As a young girl, I really did not know what it really

meant to become another’s wife, but for me it was

years away. Plus what better than to know I would

be marrying a Prince one day. The only thing was

the moment I met them, my heart chose Thomas,

David’s younger brother.


I came to live at Landford at around 13 years of


It was strange for me.              

Most my life I lived with my Father and brothers

but now I had an entire family and my future

already created for me. Queen Catherine was so

happy to have me; she never had the opportunity

to have a daughter. She immediately connected

with me and I with her. I was very appreciative of

my new family but I missed my birth family and

our Kingdom immensely.             

When my Father passed, my brother Michael

became King of Willshire. He was the youngest

King and unfortunately very unprepared. In a

matter of a year, Willshire would succumb to wide

spread disease and mismanagement by the King

and his court. I really could not do anything but

watch my Father's Kingdom crumble in front of

me. Queen Catherine had explained to me that

what was happening to Willshire was not my fault

and I should live on with my new life, and so I did.


David, Thomas and I became great friends

instantly. King Emmanuel, their Father, treated us

equally. Whatever his boys did and had, I also had

and was allowed to do, even weapons training.

This was totally unacceptable for women to do.

Father believed it would be better if I knew how to

protect myself.                 

David and Thomas were total opposites.          

David was tall, dark hair and eyes, goal oriented,


Thomas was also tall, but with light hair and eyes,

more spur of the moment, spontaneous and

definitely of strong will.              

That was what I loved about him and thinking

back I knew I loved him from the very first day I

met him. His emerald green eyes became a part of

me instantly. His look was intense, piercing. They

seemed to have a magical power or maybe that

was all in my head because I was hypnotized by

them. And that smile, that beautiful smile, it could

melt the largest iceberg.                   

David and I knew about the arrangement but as

we grew older, we knew it was not going to be. His

heart belonged to Elizabeth, a peasant girl in town

and mine belonged to Thomas. Even though,

Thomas was not interest in me at this time. He

had many “female suitors” if I may say. He was so

handsome. But he wasn’t really interested in

anyone or anything; he was just interested in

becoming King. Even though, he was not next in

line to be King, he trained and studied as if he



Throughout the years, my friendship with David

became more of a brother/sister relationship. We

did everything siblings would do together. After a

while, everyone thought we were actual siblings

and Thomas was the adopted one. He was always

a bit distant from us, in his own world.       

My friendship with Thomas also changed.       

He had given me my first kiss and seemed to be

showing interest in me as I did him as a child.


David had mentioned I grew out of my weird little

girl stage to an attractive sensual woman, which

Thomas could not help become charmed with.    

Of course, I was not upset about this because it

was my life's dream to be his wife.


We were not the perfect juveniles. We got in as

much trouble together as we did separately. We

did so many things to upset Father and Mother.

Punishment from Father was extreme but Mother

was always there to console us.


I remember escaping with David and Thomas into

town in the evenings so David could meet with

Elizabeth. We were prohibited to do this but we

knew exactly when Father napped and how long.

So we were never really caught.            

As David visited with Elizabeth, Thomas and I rode

around town. Since as children, Father and Mother

did not introduce us to the townspeople, no one

really knew who we were. I really enjoy being

around Landfords people. Everything was so

simple. Thomas on the other hand, had a bit of

arrogance to him, but was never disrespectful. As I

would always joke to him, he should get to know

his people before he became King. He always

answered with “Ha Ha, Amelia, you should teach

them to kneel before their future King” and would

try to force me to kneel to him.          

All fun and games.


Our trips to town became more frequent. David

was becoming very serious about his lady and was

planning on telling Father and Mother. Even if it

meant he'd be banished, he was willing to lose the

crown for love. How romantic!


On these trips, Thomas and I had a lot of time to

ourselves which we used to get more acquainted

as young adults. A young woman should not flaunt

but I gave myself completely to Thomas one

evening. It was not planned, it was written in the

stars like Thomas said. Thomas was always so

poetic. As we left David, we rode upon to an

abandoned farm house, it was a chilled night,

many stars in the sky and the moon was very



“Let’s rest here for a bit Amelia” Said Thomas                           

“What if someone is here?” I responded.                               


“It looks empty, come” He replied.                                  

I followed Thomas into the barn and leaned upon a

bale of hay.                           

He smiled and whispered, “What shall we do while

we await David? He is going to be a while.” As he

walked around the barn, to make sure no one was


I smiled and said “Tell me a story or recite some

poetry, you do that so well.” I answered as I

walked in the opposite direction, looking around.                                 

Thomas had a wonderful imagination. His stories

were full of excitement. And not enough could be

said about his poetry, so full of love, any maiden

would fall to her knees upon listening to him. He

had a different tone of voice, very soothing and

gentle. I always told him he should be a storyteller.

Which he often disagreed.                                             

He smiled as he walked towards me “All right, all

right, hmmm?” he said as he rubbed his chin.    

“Once upon a time, there was this beautiful young

maiden who had stolen the heart of a sad lonely


I laughed and replied “Thomas, please.”                                

He came up behind me and whispered “May I have

a kiss?”                          

His warm breath on my earlobe gave me shivers.

I giggled, pushed against him and said “No you

may not”                      

He grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and replied

“Then I shall just take it.”                                                                  

I could not help but tremble as his cold soft lips

gently touched mine.               

His kisses were so intense. Very experienced.              

I felt them deep inside me.            

He looked around and pointed towards an upper

loft. He grabbed my hand and led me there. He

had grabbed a blanket off his horse and placed it

on the floor so we had an area to sit and relax. I

lied down and look at the beautiful sky.                 

“Look at how lovely, Thomas” I said as I pointed

upwards. The barn was missing part of its roof.                 

“Nothing more beautiful than you in this light” He


He lay next to me and smiled as he looked at the

night sky.                    

His profile was perfect, his eyes looked clear green

as the starlight shown on him.            

I thought to myself “Nothing more beautiful than

you in this light, Thomas”.             

He gently caressed my cheek as he approached me

for another kiss. This kiss was different.       

More wanting. It created a feeling in me I had

never felt before.                      

As he lies upon me, he whispered, “Amelia, I want

to be the only man                       

that beds you. Give yourself to me and I will

forever be true to you. We have come this far

together and I love you as much as you love me”.                                 

I shyly smiled and said “I’d give anything to be with

you, Thomas. You are all I have ever hoped for and


He smiled and kissed me deeply.           

His eyes penetrate my soul as did he.        

We stared in each other’s eyes the whole time.    

Our souls have become intertwined and we were

now one. One heart, one breath, one love.                    

It was magical.


As we rode back to the Castle, he would glance at

me and smile.                    

“Could this be heaven?” I asked myself.                             

I could not believe Thomas and I had shared such

an intimate moment. I rode in a daze the entire

time. David seemed to suspect something was

different between us but never questioned it.

Upon reaching my bedroom door, Thomas reached

for me and whispered “Sweet Dreams my angel,     

I love you”.                                      

I smiled, mouthed I love you and entered my room.


My lady in waiting, Shyanne was waiting for me

with her arms crossed as I floated across the floor.                                          

“Amelia my lady, where have you been?” She

asked sternly.                           

I shuttered and replied “I went out with David and

Thomas, as I do every week”.                        

“That I see, but you seem a bit strange, my lady”

she added.                             

I giggled and said “Tonight, my world has

changed. Thomas has made me woman”                              

She looked confused and said “What do you


I could not stop smiling. I was in a dream state.                                        

“Oh, OH MY! She added.                                      

“You and Thomas?” she asked.                                     

I shook my head in agreement. She ran towards

me and hugged me tight.                

“Amelia, oh my? How was it? No, do not answer.

I’m so happy for you. Oh my, when will you tell

your parents?” She asked.               

Right then I immediately snapped out of it.         

“Ahh, I do not know, I really did not think about

that.” I replied.                

Reality had just smacked me in the face. Father

was going to be furious. Mother not so much, she

would understand being a woman and all.               

She hugged me and walked me to my bed “Its late,

we will talk more tomorrow. I do not want Your

Majesty to hear us giggling and get upset”. She


She winked and made her way to her quarters.    

I could not sleep.                

The moment kept replaying in my mind. Thomas'

sweat shimmering body was etched in my mind


“If only this feeling could last forever” I thought.


I awoke startled to yells in the corridor. It was

David and Thomas play arguing as they fenced.

They did this often but today I was not having it.             

I opened my door and shouted “Do you know how

dangerous it is to play with sharp objects in such a

small corridor?”                                           

They both laughed.              

“How dangerous, my lady?” said David in a

teasing voice as he bowed.                     

“This dangerous” I replied as I grabbed Thomas’

sword and pinned David to the corner.               

“Touché”. David taunted.                                       

Thomas laughed and joked “Did you forget she has

the same weapons training as we do, brother”.      

Smiling he looks at me and winks.                  

David put his arms around my neck and said “Let

us go Mother awaits us”.                 

“I will be there shortly I must dress.” I answered.                        

As I walked back towards my room, Thomas

bumps me and says “Meet you later at the stalls?

We will go riding, yes?”                  

I shook my head in agreement and smiled.


Our meetings became more and more frequent. So

frequent that Thomas decided he would just sneak

into my room every night, instead of sharing our

moments with the horses. He said the horses; Toby

and Beauty watching us gave him the willies. I

think everyone knew about us but no one said a

word. We were inseparable.              

So inseparable that Mother began to question me

about us. As I returned from riding, Mother had

requested I visit her chambers.               

Thomas raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Don't

worry, you are not in any trouble, I hope”.       

I was not afraid of showing my love for Thomas. I

just did not want to disappoint my parents

especially when they expected me to marry David.                     

As I reached her door, I inhaled deeply and


“Come in my child.” Mother said.          

I walked towards her, she sat near the window

watching her sons practice their battle moves.        

“Sit here, Amelia” she added as she motioned next

to her.                      

“Is there something wrong, Mother?” I asked.            

She smiled and answered, “Of course not, my

child, I just want to spend a few moments with my


I felt relieved but a little uneasy.          

“So tell me,” she said.                           

I quickly interrupted her “Tell you?”           

She smiled and continued “Yes, we do not speak

much, how are classes with your new tutor? You

have not spoken of any suitors?”                

My heart completely stopped.          

“Oh sweet child, I know you are bequeathed to

David but there will be other suitors” she added.    

I could not lie so I decided to confide in her.

“Mother, I carry someone in my heart which may

disappoint you and Father.”            

She smiled and whispered “Thomas?”        

“Yes, how did you know? I asked. “I have noticed

you both, the glances, and the smiles.” She replied.

“Mother I do not know what to do?” I responded


She stood up and leaned towards me.     

“Amelia, you must not do anything, your heart has

chosen Thomas and I know his heart has chosen

you. This is not a disappointment, it brings joy to

me. It reminds me a lot of your Father and I.”                


I still felt tense.                 

“But Father? He will not be happy” I added.              

“Don't worry about your Father, I will tend to him.

If your love is meant to be, no one, not even your

Father can intervene.” She assured me.                 

She hugged me tightly and said “Just tread lightly

until the time is correct to tell your Father.”


Months had passed and our relationship was

stronger than ever. Since Mother knew, we had a

bit more freedom with it. Father was too busy

ruling our Kingdom, he barely had time to eat or

notice us.


David had begun preparing to bring Elizabeth to

the Castle to meet Mother and Father.        

As always Mother knew, she was our biggest

advocate. But she was a bit uncomfortable with

this. Father was not going to approve but David

had his mind made up.                

As every week, we would meet at the stables

before leaving for town. David seemed nervous.

Revealing his true love for Elizabeth would also

disclose our visits to town, disrespecting our

parents and that was a cause for punishment.

Thomas nervously paced back and forth as David

brushed his beloved horse, Hemi.                   

“David, are you sure you want to do this?” Thomas


“She is my true love and Father needs to know, she

will be my wife.” David replied.         

“That will put Amelia and I there and Father will

not hesitate punishing us also. Do you not care

about our fate?” Thomas exclaimed.                   

“Brother, I will not tell Father about you or Amelia

accompanying me. If there is to be punishment I

will receive it solely.” David answered.       

I just stood there quiet.               

“You both stay home tonight; I will go on my own

as not to implicate you.” David continued.      

I looked at Thomas concerned.            

“You cannot go into town unaccompanied Brother

that is out of the question.” Thomas said.      

“We can follow far behind as if we were going to

market.” I suggested.              

“Yes, that is what we will do”. David agreed.       

I was so excited for David, even though we all

knew this would not end well.          

Thomas pulled me aside and said “I cannot believe

you suggested that, are you mad? Father will have

our heads for this.”                

He began to pace again.                   

“What was I supposed to do, either way he was

going to go.” I replied.              

“We are putting our love and happiness in

jeopardy for his, which is unconventional and will

be unaccepted. It is not fair!” Thomas continued.          

I had never seen Thomas that angry. He walked

away towards the Kings Men stables. As he

entered the stables Thomas saw the men

congregating. He walked over to them and said “I

was just told something unbelievable, wait until

you hear.” He stood in the middle and began

whispering to them.


As David continued preparing his horse for this

trip, I just sat near a tree watching him.        

He was such an elegant man; any woman would

be honored to have him as a husband. He was

strong, extremely handsome and very funny.         

As I stared at him, he threw a branch towards me.


“What are you looking at? Shouldn’t you be

preparing Toby for our travels.” He said.            

David had given me Toby as a gift. Toby was the

offspring of his mare, Hemi. She was recognized

and prized in our kingdom, so that made my Toby

super special.                    

I just smiled, made a joking face and ignored him.

He continued on.


Time quickly passed.               

It was time to leave for our outing to town with

David; Thomas seemed different, quiet, and


As we rode, I felt strange.             

The look in Thomas' eyes was not the same. It

seemed cold, angry. As we reached the town, we

went our different ways. David excitedly rode

toward Elizabeth's home and we went in the

opposite direction as usual.             

I rode up to Thomas “Are you well? You seem

angry.” I asked.                  

He smiled and replied, “Of course all is well and I

am not angry, let us explore our South Landford


It seemed like he was avoiding the subject so I let

it be.                       

He pointed and replied “In that direction there is a

small chapel, I saw it the last time we were here, it

looks interesting.”                

His mood seemed to have changed. We rode a bit

and there in the distance it was. Tall, white and

surrounded by colorful flowers.


It was so beautiful! Upon entering I felt a bit

awkward, I had never visited a chapel before and

it was quite overwhelming. As every girl, you

imagine your wedding day and dream of the

beautiful church it will be held at. This one was

simple but exquisite.                    

I smiled at Thomas and said “When I marry I want

to do it here. It is so lovely”                     

He looked around and replied “Really? You know

you will wed at the Castle, it is tradition”                             

“Yes really, look at how beautiful this place is, so

tranquil. The Castle is lovely but maybe Father can

change that tradition for me” I responded as I

walked across the room.                         

“I think not. If you like it so much let us marry

now” Thomas said loudly.                               

“What?” I replied in shock.                                       

He smiled and said “Sure, why should we not, do

you love me?”                              

“Of course I do but Father” I replied.            

“Father is going to have our heads for this trip

anyway, might as well make the most of it. Let us

do it, these people do not know us, and it can

remain between us as everything else and this way

we are not living in sin anymore Amelia because

you will be my beloved wife.           

“How about it?” He announced.                     

As he walked towards me