My Big Girl Dream by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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After doing that obnoxious act, somehow, John was able to convey Bella’s body in her unconscious state from the hotel room into his car, and he drove to her house and dropped her body in front of the house where she lived with her fellow roommates. Returning from an outing, two of her roommates saw her lying unconsciously on the floor, having stains of blood on her. She actually bled from the wound she got when struck with the key on her neck. They tried to convey her body into the room, and they summoned the appearance of a medical practitioner to check on her and administer treatment on her. After some measures had been exerted over making her recuperate from her injurious state, Bella recounted her experience with John to her roommates. One suggested that she should report him to the Police. Another suggested that they should report his case to some “boys”, so they can avenge for Bella and deal with him, but Bella didn’t subscribe to their suggestions. Anyways, Bella opted for reporting him to the Director in anticipation that he would take action against him and possibly fire him.

“Hello sir, good evening.” (This was on Sunday evening and the conversation was on phone.)

“Hello Bella, how are you doing? (Remember they had discussed some details about their personal lives with each other, in case you are wondering how he knew that she was called Bella). Why do you sound like this, hope no problem?”

“I’m not feeling too well. I just thank God that I am alive. Actually, I want to see you sir and my state and what happened to me constitutes what I want to discuss with you, and it is important. I don’t know if you can call the management at our quarters to relieve me of my duties tomorrow so our meeting can hold. Although, I’m not feeling too well, but I will still try to come.” said Bella.

“Okay, since it’s important, I will do that. I will put a call through to John to notify him of the development. But, do you think you will be able to make it?”

“I will try sir. Thank you so much sir. Good bye.”

(The next day)

“What! Are u sure about what you say?”

“Yes sir. It happened on Saturday.” Bella asserted.

“How could John have been so ruthless? Come on; look at the way you look, look at your neck. And I’ve been regarding him as a responsible man. It is just so astonishing that he could do this to you. Anyways, I’ll investigate the matter, and if I confirm that he did that to you, I’ll definitely use my influence to take actions against him. He will regret ever doing such to you.

And as for you Bella, you look like you need to take more care of yourself. I will call the management at that your quarters to extend your leave till whenever you become okay to work. And I will also give you some money to take care of yourself. Please, ensure you take good care of yourself.” Mark said.

“Yes sir, thank you so much sir. I appreciate the efforts and actions you’ve exerted over me.

God bless you sir.”

Bella left the office and went back home. She could walk and carry herself anyways, but she hasn’t fully recuperated from the pains she felt as a result of her experience with John.

One of those days when Bella was at home having her rest and taking care of herself, she answered a call. She was feeling much better at that time and her pains have mitigated. It was on a Saturday morning.

“Hello sir, good evening.”

“Hello Bella, how are you feeling now?”

“I’m feeling much better now, and I’m thinking I should resume work on Monday.” Bella replied.

“Bella, please ensure that you become really okay to work before you resume work. No one is putting pressure on you. Remember that the period in which you were relieved of your duties is not definite, and it rather extends to whenever you become okay to work. So ensure you are really okay before you resume your office, okay?” Mark stated.

“Okay Sir”

“Now I have some information for you. Concerning the story you related to me about your experience with John, I’ve done some investigation on the matter, and I’ve contrived some plans. However, I would like us to meet so we could discuss some issues and I could ask you some questions. Our discussions will actually be directed towards how to do justice on the matter. So I really think your attention will be needed. And I wouldn’t want to us to meet at the office, as I may be busy with work and that setting may turn out inappropriate for the meeting. So I don’t know if you will not mind coming to my house.”

“I don’t mind sir, I’ll come. But sir, what about your wife and your kids, hope their presence in your house wouldn’t pose a problem for our meeting? asked Bella.

“My wife and kids are not around. They are presently not in the country. I and my fellow house workers are the only ones in the house” replied Mark.

“Okay sir. So how can I get to your domicile sir?” asked Bella.

“Actually, I’ve arranged something for you to mitigate your stress. You send me your address, and I will send a car to pick you up and when we are done and you want to leave, the car will also drop you off. I hope that is fine?”

“Yes, it is. Thank you very much sir. I will send my house address to you shortly.” “Alright, I’ll be expecting” and Mark hung up the phone.

After sending her house address, moments later, a car came to pick her up and conveyed her to the Director’s house. Bella was welcomed by Mark and he offered her refreshments. She said she preferred water. (Whether water or no water, there are various things that could go and water is not an exception. What this means, you find out as you read along Allaah willing). Bella was offered water to drink as she requested, and she drank the water. Awhile after she drank the water, Mark started talking.

“So Bella, like I said, I summoned you here so I can discuss with you and ask you questions concerning your experience with John. So are you ready?” Mark said.

“Hmmn… Hmmn… Hmmn…”

“What did you say?” asked Mark.

“I… I… I am… “ Bella tried to reply.

“Okay, so can you recount the story to me?” asked Mark.

(No response)

“Bella, did you hear what I said? Bella, are you okay? Bella!”

Anyways, Bella was drugged to sleep. So the water proved not to be an exception. And as for how drugging Bella came into the purpose of the meeting, Mark was a rich and posh figure in the society, so he didn’t like to stress himself or exert rigorous efforts or have it the hard way – like John did. I hope you understand. So Mark wanted it the easy way. And he eventually had it the easy way. I just hope that you will understand, as I’m not going into much detail.


“Woman is awrah, and if she goes out, the shaytaan raises his hopes (of misguiding her). She is never closer to Allaah than when she stays in her house” – Prophet Muhammad (peace and

blessings of Allaah be upon him)

“I have not left behind me any fitnah (temptation) more harmful to men than women” – Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)


After that experience, Bella’s body was conveyed and dropped off at the front of her house, on a Saturday night again. No bleeding this time anyway and she laid there in a state of sleep. And again, some of her roommates met her in that state on returning from their outing and she was moved into the room. That night, Bella eventually woke up and was just looking like “What happened?” Some thoughts occurred to her and Bella rushed into the bathroom to check herself. Moments later, she had an idea about what had happened to her. She felt so sad. At that moment, Bella contemplated on her life so far. The life she lived before her university days, the university days and her experiences after she left home for school, her life after her graduation. She thought about the feminism, her former roommates and her present roommates. She thought about the decisions she made and the dreams she wanted to accomplish. She thought about her experiences with John and Mark. Why did they do all that to her? What were they up to in that office? How did her official relations with them turn out that way? What exactly was the purpose for what they made her go through? What had she achieved so far? What had her former roommates achieved? Why was her life being led in that manner? Bella also thought about what she wanted to do next. She had not been thrown out of the company yet, she wondered how she was going to relate with John and Mark, if she continued to work there. However, she wanted to ask either or both of them some questions because she never expected such from them from the beginning of her relations with both of them and she could not perceive such coming. She however, decided she was going to see Mark the next day.