NARKAL: IV by Emmanuel Eman Chikoti - HTML preview

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arrangements that employees go through. Can't tel as to what end though. Time wil tel . Hey, want to go for a drive? Real y need to get some new sneakers for the footbal game next week."

Jeremey had to get Claire to look at this whole thing for him without her being caught. He was worried that he was getting involved in a huge scandal and needed her connections. He was sure they had tapped his phone, so the drive was an opportunity to drive by the construction site whilst tel ing her about what he needed her to do.

"No! I want a hot bubble with you in it." A typical Claire response but Jeremy convinced her they could have one when they got back. He went on to let her know that a drive would be a good way to brainstorm too. Eventual y, after much wining and flattery, she agreed.

He had left his mother's car at home back in his home town and had managed to get a sweet deal on a saloon at his previous job. It wasn't fancy but it looked good and it ran like a brand new car.

Jeremy asked her to leave her phone because there was something he was needing to discuss

in privacy. Ofcourse, this shook her because Jeremy was very rarely shaken or frightened by anything but he assured her that it was best she trusted him. As soon as they got in the car, he started explaining.

"So I got on a pleasant but shady cal today at work with an anonymous guy who’s


something to do with a total y incognito company being built next door to my new workplace. Funny thing is, I can't find any information about it anywhere, and I mean anywhere. I need you to do me a favour, coz I'm pretty sure I'm being watched on my phone. Get my mum to meet with you in person, no phones…no tech, just you and her. Tel her to tel my dad that he should find out information about Olympus but he shouldn't put on his gum boots coz it's already sticky. You real y don't need to mention anything else but I need that message to get to my dad, as soon as possible…and babe," he waited for a response because he knew she was not comfortable with what was going on.

"Yes, Jay?" She said, ful y exposing her concern.

Claire only cal ed him Jay when she was worried or excited and he liked that because it showed him what was going on in her mind.

"Don't tel anyone else about this. They know who

I'am but I'm dealing with it. I just need a vantage point and you're the only one that can help me get this. If it's a good thing, we'l benefit and if it's bad …" he paused and placed his free hand on her thigh.

"We'l avoid it but I need you to trust me and do what I ask , can you do that for me?" He asked but they both knew he had already said enough.

"You know I have your back babe. I'l tel her but I want a box of scented candles and new lingerie…"

She always had a demand and it was always mutual. He loved her for that. He didn't even hesitate, after buying the boots they went to the store she bought her stuff from and got what she asked. On the way back Jeremy used an alternative route that al owed him to get a sneak peak at the construction site. It made sense why no one had spoken about it, there was a portable carbon fence that kept everything behind closed doors. He just realized then that it had been there for months. It became clear to him that this whole operation was very wel organized.

"You know, one of my friends had asked what was going on here. The space has been shielded for almost half a year hey. Is that what this is about?"

Asked Claire as they drove past his work place.

"Yeah but no one is talking about it, not the news, the mags, not even Kenny and you know Kenny, he loves to unravel any mystery."

Kenny was an underground reporter but his site was one of the best sources for scoops around the city. No one knew who Kenny real y was and for him to be just as silent, meant either he had been warned or he had enough information to know what was good for him. This was huge for Jeremy and he could feel the change coming.

"Yeah if Kenny's quiet then, there's something going on here. I wil cal your mum tomorrow and see if she can meet me during the week for lunch." She was happy for Jeremy to have the job but after this, she was concerned. He was her best friend and she couldn't imagine life without him and even if she could, she most definitely didn't want to.


"I don't know why the debate of good and evil continues but it just does. I think people want to feel good more than they want to do good. If it were any different the world of humans wouldn't

be constantly trying to make the world a better place. What are we trying to improve? Our own world or our own perception of the world.

Eventual y, one day our words wil not be enough and sometimes, it looks like we're almost already there…" A voice from the speakers woke Jeremy up half an hour early. Claire's favorite podcast was hosting an early edition and the topic was about the current state of the on-going pol ; a predicted paradigm shift in human life on earth as we knew it.

"You know that stuff wil wreck your brain right?"

Said Jeremy as he walked into the kitchen. She was having cereal at 5:30AM and she was glued to the screen as the discussion heated up.

"Shhhh. You know that some of this stuff is true."

He kissed her neck and held her.

"There's too much going on to be wrapped around al of it. You're too young." He said mockingly. She held up a spoon ful of cereal and milk to his mouth.

"Don't be such a big baby, this is what's going on."

She said as she smiled. He munched on the crunchy chocolate coated cereal and decided to watch a little. There was a heated debate of why nuclear fission was being used by private

companies on such a large scale. Some predicted that this would take its course and eventual y there could be nuclear leaks spreading across the globe.

". .we only have one atmosphere, do we not see how this can end?" Said one of the panelists.

"Why must we focus on the end so much? I believe harnessing the energy we have as humans is advancement. We sit here and delve in the luxuries we have at our disposal but question their means of appearance like they appeared out of thin air. I say, if the world is to perish, then it's better by our own human hands than anyone else's!" Said another. After his comment everyone seemed to have something to say and chaos broke out.

"You see, even they can't make sense of what they're talking about. You got up this early to watch an argument of deluded people with too much time and probably too much money."

Jeremy couldn't believe how nonsensical this al was. His mind was on Olympus and nothing was taking it away from it. Not the fear, nor the unknown and definitely not a group of il -mannered doomsday fanatics. Claire couldn't believe that just like that, a topic actual y warning people about how close they were to ending life

on earth, turned into a squabble that probably watered down the gravity of the situation. The network went offline when one of the panelists started using offensive language and threatening one of the other panelists with violence.

"Nah, this was al on purpose. There's too much money being made for such a conclusion to be the outcome. " Claire said with a hint of frustration.

"Wel of course there's money babe, and we're part of the whole process. Besides that is probably the best example of how things could turn out if the argument can depict any real outcome. The squabbles, the egos, the disputes and impatience amongst decision makers would end in man-kind’s reset button. Al of a sudden, some

of these sci-fi scoops don’t seem so far-fetched, hey. Look, you’ve got better things to do than worry about how to mend an already broken world."

"That wasn't why I was watching…but that doesn't matter now." She was irritated and Jeremy knew it. They both started preparing for the day and both were nervous. Not because the world was ending but because they're lives were changing at a rate that was more dynamic than they both predicted it would be when they moved

to the city. There was an awkward silence between them despite the morning music playing.

Every morning at six, Jeremy's music player would sync with his alarm, turn on and play an hour of random morning music. Usual y, they both loved waking up to seeing each other and saying good morning but this morning, everything was different. It wasn't just the podcast and its rants, it was waking up to the heavy thoughts of everything going on. Even without getting the ful story of what had happened, Claire knew that this Olympus company was bringing something new, something that scared her. The Fasceda Fuel Group compounded her worrying thoughts that morning when she found out that her other older brother was working for a competitor. Both companies were expanding their operations into nuclear energy too and though she wanted to tel Jeremy everything, she had to make that cal and get involved on his terms more than her own.

Jeremy looked at her deeply as he changed into his suit.

"You good?" He asked as he pul ed up his pants.

She started crying and slumped back into the beanie. He didn't need her answer to know what that meant and quickly rushed to her side and

held her. He let her cry and just stayed there by her side. She never was a negative person and when things were like that, he knew it always was for a good read reason, an important reason.

"I can't do this on my own, Jay. You're my strength not my weakness. I don't know what's going on but it won't make sense without you with me.

Don't go." She was stil crying as she spoke to him. He couldn't stop her from crying but she was right. If this was to go through, he needed to be with her.

"Okay. Let's cal mum together and then we see what we can do from there." She nodded and started to sober up. She got up and got her phone. After dialing his mother's line that she had come to easily memorize, the phone rang for a few seconds before she answered. Stil sleepy, she spoke;

"Claire honey, how are you? Is everything okay?"

It was 6:30 and the earliest she had ever cal ed Jeremy's mother.

"I don't know but I need to sit and talk to you and it has to be in person. I need your help. How soon can we meet?"

"Calm down honey, is Jeremy there?"

"Yes he is."

"Put him on please."

She put the phone on speaker and gave the phone to Jeremy.

"Mum, I'm here."

"What's going on sweetie?"

"Honestly mum, it's best you hear it from Claire in person. It's real y not an over the phone kind of thing."

"Wel I need to know. The city is a four hour drive away, honey. Now I'm not saying it's not important but you know better than to keep your old mother in suspense. Look, talk to your father, he's awake now."

"Boy, you're not a toddler anymore, speak up now." His father's voice boomed through the phone speaker. Meaning Jeremy had no choice but to either anger him and stick to what he knew or spil the beans, or at least part of it.

"Look dad, if you don't trust me on this one then it's not you I should've cal ed. I'l cover mum's lodging, easy, but we can't have this conversation over the phone. That's al I can say. What needs to

be said can only be said in person." His father kept quiet for a second realizing that this was indeed a serious situation.

"Do I need to put on my gum boots?" He asked.

That was the first time his mother heard that code being used. It was a guy thing in the family and they had agreed a while back to only use it when things were too tense to speak freely.

"No but it's already sticky."

"Then your mum is on the next flight to the city.

You pick her up and settle what needs to be settled. I'l wait for the update. And son. "

"Yes dad. "

"This better be worth it or you're buying me a new cabin for Christmas."

Jeremy smiled. Things were moving quickly and the way he needed them to.

"It's worth it dad. You'l see. When is the next flight anyway?"

"Don't worry about that. You'l get a cal from Andy when she takes off. I'l talk to you soon, son."

Claire breathed heavily as she calmed down.

"What does the gum boots phrase mean?" She asked as she got up and got ready to shower.

"That's a story for another day my love."


Jeremy drove to work whilst Claire drove to the airport. She would wait for Jeremy's mother at a café right opposite the entrance. She sat at a table and ordered a coffee, two croissants and pul ed out her tablet to do some research on the Fasceda Fuel Group. Jeremy got the cal of his mother's take off from Andy, who was an airstrip owner. He had a total of six planes. Chartering people around the island from the smal town. He had two luxury VLJs and four farm planes. His mother was on a private flight with two other passengers. The cal came in just as Jeremy parked his vehicle in the underground parking space that was assigned to him. He cal ed Claire that she would arrive within the hour so she'd best be ready.

"I hope you remember what you're going to talk about."

"I do Jeremy, don't worry and when we're done we'l be waiting at home for you."

"That's good. I'l let you know if I can make it back early but make sure you're both okay. I don't know how long you'l need to be home for but I'l see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too Jay."

He hung up the cal and got into the elevator.

Having seen that carbon fiber screen was stil up on his way to the office, he managed to see the top of the two storey glass building. The glass windows had a blue tint and it looked very modern. It was only a matter of time before Olympus was on the news with a typical grand opening … or so he thought.

As the elevator reached the management floor, his phone rang, it was an anonymous number.

"Hel o,"said Jeremy after answering the cal .

"Hel o indeed." It was the same man from yesterday's cal








confidentiality and you've done wel to maintain its stature. You'l find an envelope on your desk. In it, is a single rectangular object, it’s a key. At lunch, you are to go to the office and place them on the front table. You wil be given a number that you wil then remember. You wil be taken to the third floor of the basement and meet with a man cal ed Floyd. He wil then show you what that key is for. If you trust us, Jeremy, everything wil go wel . If you don't, we can confirm that your girlfriend and mother's flight back home may not be successful. This is not a threat daddy-oh, but remember you made that cal , try not get your

entire world involved in a decision you made on your own." The line cut even before he could ask any questions. He knew he was taking the risk and for what it's worth he hoped with every ounce of strength he had, that Claire wouldn't slip. They were being watched but if they did what they had to, whoever was on the other end of that cal was not seeing the ful picture. He didn't bother to cal back. He walked down the short hal and into the office space where Florence sat, looking as pretty as ever.

"Good morning Mr. Akanje. A delivery was made to your office just over fifteen minutes ago. I took the liberty of placing the package on your desk."

"Thank you Florence, did you get the courier's company and name? I'd hate to have gotten the wrong package delivered, hey."

"Yes, I'l scan and forward the manifest to your computer shortly."

"Okay, it's important to not let them get too far."

He walked to his office, looking from side to side as he did to see which office Shea was in. As it turns out she was in the one right opposite his. He looked at her and she looked up just in time to see him looking at her and blew him a kiss. He was too tensed up to put effort in his reaction, so

he just shook his head and entered his office.

The package was a thick white envelope. No message was attached, no markings or creases.

Just a white envelope that was slightly raised thanks to the object inside. He thought whether he should go through with opening it but he figured he had time and anything could pop up from what Claire and his mother were doing at any moment. He sat down and started to think to himself. Maybe he had overreacted. Maybe this was just the same old, I do it my way kind of guy that took things a little too seriously. Maybe everything that he thought could be wrong was al in his head but he wasn't taking chances.

There was something about Olympus and he wasn't going to ignore his gut. He stood up again and looked down at the now ful y erected building. The entire building was transparent. He could literal y see down to the bottom of the ground floor. It was odd but it was quite intriguing that there were no desks. Just monitors. In every room, a set of monitors. He calmed down and realized that maybe he real y had overreacted.

"I couldn't stop looking at it from the fourth floor too. Do you know what they're cal ed?" For once, Shea's presence didn't feel so dominating. She final y had something he could relate to, to talk

about but he kept observing the office building and didn't turn around.

"I think it's a ful y robotic dealership of some kind.

Can't tel yet but, from what I can tel , it doesn't need much human interaction." Shea came close and stood next to him. He paused a second, remembering what the man told him. Was he not meant to talk about it up until it was open or was this a silence he was meant to keep for life? He didn't know but he also didn't real y care. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, or so he thought.

"You see, it's probably got some technological interaction system that al ows for a walk in to stil do what normal clients do without them actual y seeing real people. It's amazing! I wouldn’t be surprised if there were holograms involved too."

He continued.

"You know, I got an invitation to meet someone there at lunch…" She said. Jeremy was surprised because that was the exact same time he was supposed to go there too. He began to realize that maybe he let his thoughts turn from observation to hal ucination. Everything al of sudden seemed so normal.

"Real y?" He said, acting as subtly surprised as he could.

"Quit the act Jeremy, I know you've also been invited. You see the way this works is that we get what they're serving first and from what I can tel , it's some real y high end expensive stuff. I don't know what it is yet but I was given a key to something and from what I can tel , you did too.

Why are you so evasive?" Shea was always a strong character, even amongst her peers but she also never hid how she felt towards someone she worked with. She was upfront but almost always had it al under control.

"I just think whatever is happening could've been handled differently. There's too much secrecy and it doesn't make sense as to why. Why not just send an email or something?"

"Wel you see Jeremy, a lot has changed. I think you're too rigid and blunt to enjoy al of this but if I were you," she said as she stepped back from the window, "I'd find an outlet. Coz these perks, they're only just getting started and if robotic dealerships are scaring you…I don't know how you're going to get through this. Lighten up daddy-oh you're just at the front seat of the best rol er coaster ride you'l ever be on. Enjoy it."

If the picture could be painted any clearer, then the observer might as wel be blind. Jeremy paused for a moment. Had he become the kid

that fel for a prank? He was so sure that whatever was going on, was meant with no good intentions but after what Shea said, he was confused. He never got himself twisted the way he did that morning and now he may have just spun his own web and got his and Claire's family involved. He slumped into his office chair thinking of what and where he had gone wrong. He col ected himself and convinced himself that it would make sense after the trip to the Olympus office block. By the time his father got the news of why Jeremy was adamant on being so secretive, he needed a good explanation as to why.

He got working, going through the various reports and complaints that had been registered in the weeks leading to his arrival. The manifest Florence had sent arrived, confirming the drop was made by a Rick Blurry [which was probably an alias] from a company cal ed Kingsmen Services. He had used them in the past to deliver a parcel to his parents on their previous anniversary and they were excel ent. He noted that down in his tablet making sure to see if his dad stil had the alias of the one that delivered it, just in case that meant anything too. He got on the phone to enquire from a manufacturer about a shipping report of goods that didn't arrive at the

intended destination the previous month. They said it was recorded but the goods were stil nowhere to be found despite delivery being restored to normal. He went through the manifest and enquired a ful spec report of clients that also were shipping goods on that ship.

"We already got a cal from Forge sir, and we told them the same thing, we do not disclose that information. We've already handed the report to customs and that is no longer in our hands.

Please fol ow this up with the relevant authorities.

Thank you, have yourself a good day." The lady from the shipping service was annoying but she was just doing her job. So he added that to the list of notes to see if he could track the event down.

He browsed the network and found an article on the Forge database. He also browsed the internet and was fortunate to find some vague articles there too but there was only mention of Forge’s missing cargo. Surely Forge didn't hire an entire cargo ship to deliver parts, he thought to himself.

Jeremy already knew that even if he got the ful report back, there were parts that mysteriously linked Olympus to it al .

He sat back, realizing it was wal connected. His muscles tensed up, so he got up and went to the rooftop. His blood was rushing and he didn't want

to forget any detail. Making sure he logged out before he left, he entered the elevator and got on the top deck. It was a botanical garden with a smal stream. Most of the employees would go up there to smoke a cigarette or two but he wasn't a smoker so he just got up there and sat. In truth, the Forge building was six storeys high, with the sixth floor being an engineering room where the cooling system ran and the pumps that kept the stream and fountain flowing, operated. He was alone as most would go up there during lunch or later on when the work stress got to them. They probably al come up here to hide the truths they discover, he thought to himself. After a good twenty minutes of the most peaceful time he had since starting work at the Forge, his watch vibrated, it was linked to his phone that he had left in his office. It was Claire.

"Hey Jay," said Claire as soon as he answered. The watch was linked to a Bluetooth headset that he rarely ever took off.

"Yeah what's up."

"We've decided to cal in your dad. He'l be in later today and we'l discuss a few things. How are things looking on your end?" She sounded worried but he was confident that if she had said what she was supposed to then his mother had

made sense out of it and figured his dad needed to be there too.

"Wel , I have a meeting at lunch…Going to meet a guy, then I'l see if I can leave early. Might just be out by four o'clock."

"Okay, we'l wait for you. And Jay?"

"Yes honey?"

"We're gonna be okay. You just do you and everything wil be alright. I love you."

"I love you too." He hung up and dialed his dad but he cut the cal and responded with a text; already on my way, next flight is within the next four hours. Take your time. His dad was the master of code work. By saying that it either meant he was driving or that the plane was taking off soon.

Jeremy loved him for that. Everytime they communicated his dad always made feel like he could handle whatever life could throw at him. He was his mentor but also his backup. In many accounts, his father was his best friend. Jeremy returned to his office and continued to work until it was noon, which meant lunch break.

"You tagging along or what?" Asked Shea who was also going to the Olympus building like him.

She was excited and was eager to get going.

"I don't understand how you're so excited. You don't even know what's going on over there." He said as he continued to browse through some more reports.

"I don't either but damnit Jeremy, if I can't find the good things in life worth being excited about, what am I supposed to be excited about?" She was oozing excitement and he could barely believe it.

"How about building on what you already have.

Look I'm not going there until I have a clue of what's going on. Cal me scared, I'm okay with that but I'd rather be labeled as a living human that feels things than a corpse that can't.

Honestly, lunch hour is an hour long, I'l be there."

"Jeeeeeez. If ever Forge had a grim in its ranks.

It's just a perk you twit. You're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist."

"They're human too."

"You know what, whatever! I'm sure there's someone else in this building going."

"And if there isn't? And if you're being a lab rat in a corporate experiment? What then, when the tweaks don't add up.?"

"We're al lab rats Jeremy. Even the owners of this

whole establishment are victims to trials and errors. You got the job man, stop turning it into your prison."

She left the fifth floor eager and excited. Jeremy wanted to join her but he knew that whatever the reason his heart raced when he thought of Olympus was, it wasn't just his nerves being natural y twitchy. He continued to do some more browsing until he saw an article on Kenny's blog.

The title caught his eye, CARGO SHIPS : THE


"It's come to my attention that there have been an increased number of reports of huge firms

[the kind of huge that can tip your entire country's economy] not fulfil ing their shipments. It got me wondering, are pirates back at their looting and robbery at the high seas or are their stories the facade of corporate espionage? Not the espionage that we al know about but the kind that enables large quantities of goods to be ferried to unmarked territories for profit maximization. I mean we al know that the corporate world is probably just as or even more shady than black markets and il egal trade routes.

Posing clean and ultra modern office buildings but one peek behind the scenes and you might as wel have opened Pandora's Box. These missing

manifests are always being taken to courts but once a cargo hits international waters, it's al a blur. Talk about the reenacting of the Bermuda Triangle. Funny [but not so funny], that these entities missing large shipping deliveries are neither getting hit on the stock market but are actual y booming. I say, there's more to this plot but I'm way too arrogant to investigate them, let alone bothered. However, some unnamed firms recently acquired some sketchy bookies to sort out their ledgers…what's a gambler’s accountant doing in the corporate financial sector? Do you know what the verdict was? After they got indicted, they were charged with petty fines. For inappropriate labor law enforcement. Saying that the bookies were underpaid and employed unlawful y. A total of 500,000 was charged.

Though that may seem like a lot to the SME

round the corner, to these firms, they can stil make ten times that much every quarter.

Okay fine, I sound a bit of a sceptic but these are just examples but I may raise that one of these corporations landed a deal the very next financial year to supply rocket fuel to another unnamed private space travel entity. Like come on, it's obvious that someone here is bootlegging resources to ensure the profit margins remain ridiculous. It's things like this that start wars and

with al these out of earth explorations being partnered with nuclear-fission and experiments to make sustainable spaceship cores, I think the law as a whole just took a few hundred steps back and stopped caring. Mark my words people, we're living in dangerous times. And those fancy techy gizmos we're al drooling over, they're toxic and ensuring that sooner or later, Earth WILL PAY!”

It went on highlighting rumors of another planet being built on but Kenny thought of this as crazy talk. Despite the page releasing images of company representatives meeting some truly shady character, the podcast rants from earlier that morning didn't seem so wrong to Jeremy after al . What if Kenny was right? What if this was al just business being business in disregard to the ethics of how it apparently should be orchestrated. But when did good business fol ow the rules?

Somehow, Jeremy was relieved. His assumptions weren't as crazy as he thought but Shea was right too. He was looking for a way out of something that wasn't holding him in. Fifteen minutes into lunch hour and he stil didn't know whether he was going to the Olympus building or not but he was hungry for a quick bite. He got the key and his phone and his car keys. As he walked down to

the elevator, Florence was getting off it. She was with her takeaway, or at least what was left of it.

"Hel o sir," she said as she smiled politely.

"Hi Florence." He real y didn't know what to say to her. She was pretty but there was something mysterious about her that made him second guess being the friend that she may or may not have wanted him to be.

"You know, the Olympus building is open to the public now, it's real y nice." She said as she put her packaging on the hidden side of the reception desk.

"Real y? I'l be sure to check it out sometime. Do you know what they're trading in?"

"Yeah, hybrid cars. You know what's strange, the entire two floors had no one there. Just a bunch of screens and holograms. It's real y strange. I didn't even think of going down to the lower levels, not that anyone was al owed to." And just like that Florence and Jeremy shared the longest conversation they may have ever had together.

He thanked her and walked into the hal way that led to the elevator. The long but short talk with the beautiful Florence, had him feeling good about going to Olympus al of a sudden. So much so, that he forgot that his father, mother and

girlfriend were waiting at home, thinking there was a world ending threat happening. One that he had already started to think was partly of his own making.

He made his way down to the 1st floor and decided that he would make the trip to the Olympus building. Mixed emotions swarmed him and though it was only 19°C he could feel the pores of his skin begin to give in. It had been a while since he felt so much tension.

The last time he felt so much pressure to go through with anything was the day he asked Claire if she wanted to be with him as his girlfriend. They had been constantly spending time together and even though they always got along, he found it hard to make the move he knew he had to; to make it official.

Though his job was going wel , and living with his parents felt like it wasn't so bad, it was always hard thinking of how best to ask her the question.

It felt strange every time he thought about it, she was always so wrapped up in her own little social media bubble. Making trips around the island and even to other places too. Despite being so busy, she always found time to stay in touch. The late night cal s were always their favorite part. He would always sneak away from the family dinner,

acting like he had some work to do or that he was a bit too tired to stay around and have family talks, do the chores or even game nights. He would go straight to his room, lay back and make the cal . It was always him but he didn't mind, it was Claire that made everything seem okay and he loved that about talking to her. Soon their rhythm got tedious and they started meeting up at hidden spots but her online pul always left the owners of the place sceptical, especial y when they knew it was her that was showing up.

Eventual y they found cozy spots that were not against her presence. One day, after visiting the beach, they decided to stop at the carnival and take a ride on the ferris wheel. They were having ice-cream





real y

uncomfortable, not just with the height but with just being there, he told her she wouldn't regret it.

As the wheel slowed down, al owing the passengers on top to enjoy a breathtaking sunset over the ocean. Jeremy gathered his courage and began the speech he had not prepared at al but was ready to give anyway.

"There’s never a perfect time to say something like this but for some reason, you make it feel alright. You always make things feel that way. You know, you're like the drug I need but with al the tweaks that make it just right. I see the ocean and

I think, there's an entire world out there. I may never get to exploring al of it but what little I may get to know, I need you to be there with me.

You're the sunshine in my dark corners, the warmth on those cold but not so cold winter nights we spend talking or hanging and of course the friend I always need when I'm low or lonely. I love being with you Claire, but more than that, I want to be with you in a more intimate way. You're my friend, but I want you … I want us to be more than that."

"This isn't a marriage proposal, is it Jay coz of it is, you better be whipping out at a rock the size of the moon to pul this one off." She interrupted.

Good thing it wasn't.

"What? No…I want you to be my girlfriend…I want to make this infatuation phase exclusive. Just you n me and al the baggage we have. I'm ready to carry yours if you're ready to help me sort out the little I have. Let's make a life together. Let's start it right here, right now. A life where we both own our space but stil share it. I want you and I don't have a mansion but I'm planning to move soon, into a house I can afford. A house of my own."

"You're real y getting good money huh? Alright cowboy, I'l be your lassie but do me one favor


"I'm listening."

"Listen and listen good baby, don't change. Coz you want me and I want you but I want al of you.

Not just your romance, I want your devotion too."

"Oh, you had that the day we first drank wine together. Acting like a bunch of horny snobs. "

They laughed at the moment and final y the pressure he had felt was consumed by the warmth of knowing that Claire was his official girlfriend. The breeze from the ocean crept in, and al of a sudden the pressure he felt vanished.

He always thought the day he would ask her to be his girlfriend would be a grander day but it was not. Life seems to have that effect. Being so involved with something you envisioned that on the day it actual y happens, the excitement, the tension and suspension is washed down so easily that it almost becomes bland. The unplanned and unpredicted events of the way things had happened right til Jeremy stepped out of the office building was nothing like that day he asked Claire to be his girlfriend. Only the pressure felt familiar but only the pressure kept him on his feet. He walked to the building entrance and was overcome with a spike in his senses. It was no

longer as mysterious because he felt so though a large chunk of it was now wel within his knowledge grasp but stil , he had got enough of the bigger picture to not just let go and rol with the times. His curiosity forced him to look up and he was able to see everything that was going on, right through the building, al the way to the sky.

He could see the cabling and even the bottoms of people's shoes. He dared not stare at the two ladies wearing skirts as obviously that was a little obscene. He fol owed the instructions the man on the other side of the cal left him and was escorted to the not so transparent basement.

The change in scenery brought him back to the normal enclosed-by-solid-wal s he was used to.

Yet stil , he preferred to be above ground where, as it seemed, everything was out in the open. He took deep breaths in and out but kept the sound low enough for the man who rode the elevator with Jeremy to not hear.

"I've been expecting you sir. That'l be al Sam."

Sam was Jeremy's companion as the elevator descended what seemed, were a few floors to the basement. He nodded and turned to the surface without a word.

"Wel , let's get on with it shal we?" asked Jeremy, trying to not expose how nervous he was. Floyd

was much smal er than him in build, which made it easy to be intimidated by Jeremy as they were the only two on that floor but, with everything that was going on, who knew what was waiting at the next turn? Intimidation was the last thing on either of their thoughts. They walked down a wel lit aisle that led to a white door. There were no windows, just a corridor of overhead lights and some kind of beige padding that matched the wal s. Floyd opened the door and though Jeremy wanted to know what awaited him the whole time, he was stil very surprised by what he saw.


“If the world were flat what would its underbel y be like?” Asked a young Jeremy in a geography secondary school class.

“Wel , that’s a question that real y cannot be answered without other factors being introduced.

Such factors wil include, the earth’s rotation, the atmosphere and even how the water is generated but before I ask you what you think, do tel me Jeremy, what inspired your question?” Jeremy was never real y an inquisitive person, at least not publical y, but he always found a way to ask the chal enging questions.

“I believe that the obvious is a product of mysteriousness.”

“Meaning you believe one is superior?” Asked another student. The usual y boring geo class had final y sparked into life.

“It’s never about hierarchy, Carlos. I believe what Jeremy is stating is, for a man to believe the world is/was flat, there is/was an element of mystery, other than time and location that is worth exploring. In order to make sense of a perspective that if not none before then very few have had the privilege of delving into.” The teacher noted that Jeremy nodded as he tried to extrapolate the confusion that could’ve been

lingering amongst the other students.

“Continue Jeremy,” said the teacher, making it obvious that this rather abstract notion had caught his attention.

“Thank you, sir. As I was saying I believe that the obvious is a product of mysteriousness and with that comes the reason to as often as possible, find a mystery to expand on. What inspired the question is simple; at some point in the timeline of man’s existence, there were people that believed the world was flat and not round or spherical. Whether they were passing on knowledge from a time when the tectonic plates we cal continents were cramped together or by an observer that mistakenly cal ed the planet we live on flat other than round, the assumption was not forgotten about easily. Whether its fame came from the sheer stupidity it brought forth or because there was a reason worth exploring, is not known. So I guess I was asking to find an answer that pieces everything I have generated from that theory together.

“So you’re looking for a consolidated amount of information that validates the authenticity of an ancient, abstract theory’s acclaim that the shape of the earth to be something despite both theory and action proving it both wrong and redundant?”

The teacher asked, looking at Jeremy very sternly.

Jeremy nodded.

“Pretty much.”

“Okay, why?” The teacher was stil showing interest despite the class being silent.

“Because sir, the mystery of abstract theories is an intel igence that taps into factors of life that science






“Don’t you think that is a bit rebel ious?” Asked the teacher after taking a seat behind his smal desk that when compared to the students’ desks was actual y quite large.

Jeremy was always a quiet student, until he asked his rare and random but extremely provocative questions.

“No sir. The fact that I ask rather than I assume is a clear indication of absolute compliance.” The class was silent and by the time the teacher responded, there was little he could do to hide the awkwardness Jeremy and his question had brought into the room. This was his last year in high school as they were graduating. He was expecting alot to happen after graduating but his father had told him that the best thing to do is

take a year off before heading into tertiary education. Though the answer was answered with an inconclusive answer from the teacher, the question was a good diversion from the monotonous geo class.

After graduation Jeremy was usual y home helping out with chores and occasional y going out with his friends. He was excited to be done with that phase of school and though he was encouraged to take on sixth form, he was sure that university was the better option.

On the eve of a holiday, his friends gave him a cal and told him that it was time to repay a debt he had gotten himself in with the group.

“We’l explain what we need from you when you arrive.” Said Clive after Jeremy asked what he was to do to repay. The debt wasn’t financial as he had asked them to do him a favor to get out of trouble in his fourth year of secondary school.

A student rebel ion was the beginning of the debt accumulation when the school introduced a new policy that Jeremy disagreed with. He was part of the organizing committee that orchestrated it and when it was taken to the authorities after there was some vandalism, charges were pressed. His friends fabricated a story that placed

him away from the scene despite being in the forefront of it al . He was the only one from the committee that didn’t get implicated and though he was cleared, the committee knew from that point that he was someone to not mess with. He got away with it and that was al that mattered.

The committee had even gone further and asked him to be the head of the group that cal ed themselves “The Al egiants.” However he turned down the offer, making it clear that he was ready to let it al go and complete his diploma. They parted ways and his friends had told him that they would let him know what he would do to make it up to them. When the cal came he had already forgotten about it but had little dispute as the debt was indeed to be paid.

Jeremy left home and told his parents that he was going to hang out with the boys and that he would be back later. To them, it seemed like just another day but in truth, this was the beginning of Jeremy’s involvement in something that was to pave his way into the life that he had dreamt of.

The life that he knew, he deserved.

The meeting place was at a skatepark. The venues where he and his friends met were always teen hotspots and places the group knew they would be unbothered and not the center of

attention. He didn’t take his mother’s car but had taken his scooter instead. He was anxious because for the first time since meeting the boys, they had left out the reason for meeting up. He walked up to them as they huddled in the skate shop at a table. The skate shop also happened to be a fast-food eating place. He sat in the empty slot of the long circular chair that was in the far corner.

“So what’s up?” Asked Jeremy, feeling awkward about not knowing who to ask.

“We’re not going to waste time as today is the last opportunity we have to prepare and though we have a plan, we need that brain of yours to proofread it…If you would like to be a part of the whole gig, we wil fil you in but we need you to make sure that it wil be a success. If we get it done, your debt is paid and we al walk away happy and without a worry in the world.” Said Clive, who had been given the responsibility of talking to Jeremy and briefing him about the whole plan.

“Fine. I’l hear what you have to say and see what I can do.” Jeremy was calm despite being nervous and a little scared of how grave everything felt.

“There’s a new car dealership that opens up the

day after tech day. We have a ful scope of the surveil ance they have put up and we have someone inside. The cameras are to be taken out and you are to plan our route. You know this town more than anyone else. We can get the cars out of the parking space but you are the one that wil plot out the routes that wil drive us free. In fact if you’re up for it, you can grab one for yourself.

They are not registered which makes them easy targets but we’re driving them to the city and placing them on the market. If you’re in on getting one for yourself we can sel yours for you and pay you your cut for it in advance but only after they are al clear of the heat. We aren’t pul ing out so if you have any reservations, then it’s best you just do what we require and look away. We’re okay with that. The only condition is that you stay silent about it for the rest of your life. Once we have solved this mate, we don’t see hanging out for the thril s as a possibility, as we are going to be fugitives and we al know that jail wil be cal ing.

This is our parting strategy as we’ve al graduated from high school and are more than ready to get into adult society on our own terms. So? Are you in or are you out?” Clive wasn’t smiling this time and though he always was a smiling guy, the situation had taken a serious direction and the reason was always bigger than his smile, at least

that was how it currently felt.

Jeremy paused for a brief moment, deciding the routes and also brainstorming how much his cut would be if he got in on it. He thought about whether the heat was worth it.

“I’m okay with planning the routes for you but if I’m in to get one out with you guys then I need to know what my cut wil be and how far I have to drive.”

“Al you have to do is get it to the warehouse, we’l show you the address once we go to the hub.

We’re wil ing to give you two hundred thousand cash. The car value is eight hundred grand but you’re not part of the process after the getaway and frankly I think if we do get away with it then two






compensating enough bro. Don’t you?”

Jeremy had been looking at fifty thousand at most. Two hundred had completely swept him off his feet. The stakes were high and everyone wore a face that reflected just how big the stakes were.

There were six people at the table [the most the table could accommodate], four boys and two girls. Jeremy looked aside and into the restaurant area. His friends had always been there for him but it had always been fun and games. The high







involvement, but Jeremy always thought that was the end of that kind of life. He was wrong, as it turns out, it was only the beginning.

A waiter came to the table, and they al ordered some food. Most were al having burgers and a beverage of their choice.

As the orders were taken to the kitchen, the conversation continued.

“It’s alright but what’s the catch? You say it’s a parting act but al of you are in on it and I have a feeling no matter what I decide, you wil always keep looking over your shoulder. I think at some point, you wil need to prove my innocence …

should life decide to take you through a hardship.

Worse if that hardship is a mistake you make during the op that gets you caught in the future.

How do I know your looking-over-the-shoulder won’t eventual y become a U-Turn for my neck?”

“You don’t know, in fact we don’t know either but understand this. You owe the group and we’ve been scoping this place for over a year.

Remember those times we’d cal you and ask if you were interested in a stakeout? Wel , if you didn’t think we were talking about a frat house or some girls club, you wouldn’t have been saying

that. Look Jay, nobody is trying to force you because we believe you are civil enough to pay your debt on our terms as we bailed you out on yours. We’re not against you and if we do get caught, we trust you to be there for whoever is implicated as best you can. The risk isn’t getting caught man, the risk is getting each one sold. You know what we’re al going through, and you know that decisions are to be made. You have yours to make just like we al did. State your affiliation and let’s get on with the actual operation. Time is of the essence man.” Clive was speaking like a true king pin. No weakness, no doubt, not even a stutter. This was big game, and it wasn’t for the faint of heart.

“Two hundred grand sounds like a nice round figure, let’s eat and let’s get going.”

The group settled the matter and discussed how they would leave the park. Jeremy cal ed his brother and told him that he was gonna be back late and that he won’t be back for dinner. The group met at Linda’s home. They were to plot out the routes in the basement as they worked around the specifics of getting things done. They spent the whole night getting their nerves settled and routes planned out. Jeremy was to drive out with the group, pick up his cut and return home.

He found out later that the heist was part of a group that was looking for high end cars to cater half to high end clients and the other half to a single anonymous guy who didn’t say why he wanted so many classic luxury cars al at once.

Jeremy and co were the source and from where Jeremy stood, he could tel that this was not a one-time thing. He was pressed for closure as to what the decision would lead to. He knew that jail was the place he would end up if he ever got caught and though they had shown him how to disable the tracker on any of the cars on the market, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he would be looking over his shoulder for a long time to come. However, he needed the money and the plan was to simply get the cars out and not hurt anyone along the way. They had no weapons which made it less intense but for a heist of this magnitude, they were bound to encounter some resistance.

After finalizing the routes they would use to leave the town, there was only one road to the city; The highway. The idea was to get out of the town unnoticed and without a tail fol owing them into the city.

“It’s easy to get out of here but if we can make it to the city before we are made out, then that

would be the perfect result. Once word gets out, then that’s us made. The HQ is in the city and they wil obviously use the surveil ance structure to ping any vehicle identical to the ones missing.

Otherwise we have everything in place.” Linda was the techy one in the group. She was the one that had shown everyone how to disable the tracking beacon on each of the vehicles that were to be taken. After the final briefing. The group had a silent moment to prepare and reflect. It was their first move and it was their largest one yet. If this was the final parting act, each was aware of how much they would miss each other. Each of them had met online and were al from different schools. Clive had graduated in the same town as Jeremy and was looking to go to a university abroad…The money he was making from the heist was enough for him to go on a holiday with his girlfriend. He was especial y motivated because he knew that once he took her on that trip, he was al but certain that he would marry her. Linda was from the city, and she had graduated with honors in her bio-tech course.

She had already been handed a scholarship to the best institution in the school. She had a headstrong habit to test herself and though she almost always got away with it, this one was her biggest test yet. She wasn’t doing it for the

money, she already had plenty of that. Hers was more of a sport than anything.

There was no sleep that night but they were al pumped up and ready for whatever lay ahead. Six drivers, six vehicles and over three hundred kilometers between heist and home. The clock struck 2am and the group geared up in dark apparel that Dora had managed to gather. Linda’s family was fast asleep when the group left the house. They got in the SUV they had been leaving in a car park at night for over a month now, so that it didn’t raise any suspicion on the day of the heist. The SUV belonged to the group that had hired them to supply the high end clients and didn’t trace back to anyone. The fake number plates could be tracking back to a person that was created on various databases that made it look like they were legitimate. The parking space was behind a bar that was right opposite the dealership.

Their inside man was already on site and was ready to disable the cameras that would have given away the escape routes upon the first car being driven out of the dealership’s parking lot.

The blank window was enough for each of the drivers to dissect into different streets, enabling the group of cars to leave the town without

raising any alarm, simultaneously.

The group walked in through the front gates after they got the signal that the cameras were off. Al of them in dark, thick apparel [to disguise their body build] and with caps, [to hide their faces and hair]. Each already had their designated vehicle assigned. The inside man gave them each a set of number plates to attach to the vehicle they were taking out. No words were exchanged between them, and the silence was eerie, but everyone knew what they were doing. The inside man went to the cabin that stored the keys and the switches for the cameras. Although he was only authorized to access the camera switchboard, he had managed to get access to the key cabinet’s security code. He stayed watching as each of the six attached the number plates to the vehicle they would drive out. A frightening thirty minutes passed but they were al done. Each stood by his and her car waiting for the others to finish before al six walked to the cabin and col ected the keys

[which conveniently hung with a tag of the car model above]. The window was stil open and now it was a matter of trying to drive the large-engined vehicles through some very silent streets. The cars had only been delivered that

same day which had played out to be the perfect time to nick a few. Each got into their car and turned on the purring engine. Though most of the vehicles on the market were now running on hybrid fuels, this lot were classics. Running on normal diesel; their v8 and v12 engines could not be turned on in silence. With each key turn the car dealership felt as though it had given way to a thunderous orchestra of automotive symphony.

Jeremy breathed in as he turned his two-seater on. It was a classic sports car but not convertible.

It was a v8 and he couldn’t believe how loud turning it on felt. He breathed in and out slowly as they al waited for the lead car to turn the lights on and drive out. There were no comms, no communication devices, only exit street names and one destination. Each had their phones on but had agreed to keep them on silent and to not answer any phone cal s or respond to any texts.

This was until they had parked the cars in the warehouse and were no longer part of the operation. It was 2:50am and Clive, who was driving the leading car, turned the lights on. He pressed on the acceleration pedal slightly and the v12 purred brutal y. Each had disabled the tracking beacon that was lodged in the same place in each vehicle. The energy felt frightening but total y different. None of them had

experience in grand theft auto at this scale and each were probably the most unsusceptible people to carry out such an operation. However, the what ifs and the maybes were no longer what to focus on as each turned in a unique direction.

The inside man locked up and turned the surveil ance on five minutes after the cars had al disappeared [as instructed]. He locked up and paid the security guard that was sitting at a bus stop bench close by. Upon making the confirmation cal he was wired a ful fifty thousand and relieved of his duties. He was to never be seen in that country ever again.

As each of the other five drivers, Jeremy weaved through his plotted route. Each had been assigned a unique exit route to not raise any suspicion as they al drew to the same exit point.

He drove past a nightclub that was stil open. His black colored vehicle did not look out of place at al . Though a few heads turned, he kept his nerve driving at a slow enough speed to not look in a hurry but fast enough to not al ow any onlooker to get al the information in at once. No alarms and no sirens. Everything was going as planned.

As he drove his way, he passed the local police post … his heart raced dangerously but he smiled as it disappeared when he looked in the side mirror. Al it took was for him to press a little to

hard on the accelerator and anything could go wrong. He figured by being the one that passes the police post the group would be okay with him taking the early exit upon reaching the warehouse. It was a three-hour drive between his hometown and the city and that would mean the regular opening time was just an hour after the supposed arrival time. Jeremy had to be back in his hometown without raising too much suspicion, in time for breakfast, which he usual y had at around 10am on his lazy days. The car pushed on. Though none of them had ful tanks they were assured there was enough fuel to reach them to the city but if they could risk it, they could fil up on fuel along the way. They each agreed to drive none stop al the way to the city.

The trickiest part of the drive between his hometown and the city was maneuvering the tol booths without them thinking too suspiciously of the multiple super-classic cars al driving through at such strange times but that was the risk they had to take. The government ran these booths and as far as Jeremy and co could tel , the interested parties were only wil ing to get their hands dirty in the private business sector and non-state affairs. Exiting would probably raise the alarm of impression rather than anything else but if they raise the alarm loud enough the entry

booth could stop them al . The time to turn back was now long gone for each but no one even considered that with each of Jeremy’s friends being guaranteed half a mil ion each if they saw the remainder of the operation through.

As he picked up speed, Jeremy was driving past some farmland that eventual y led to the main highway. He had no idea if he would see any of his friends before the warehouse but that would have been nice to experience. He prepared for a long, lonely drive and focused on driving as careful y and quickly as he could. As the car hit the open road, he felt less fear, the rush of the engine’s power took over.

The road weaved and weaved but eventual y he reached the highway turn. He could see the tol booth in the near distance as he drove on to two hundred





credentials in case they asked him [which was rare and a very bad sign] and got out the money for the charge a vehicle like his was worth. As he pul ed into the tol booth another vehicle pul ed in behind him. He looked in his rear view mirror hoping to see one of his friends, but it looked like a convertible and none of them that they took that night looked anything like it. The couple in it were wearing shades and laughing as they drove

in slowly. They must’ve been city dwel ers heading back after a night out on the smal town near the great seaside caves.

“That’s a great looking car.” Said the attendant as she processed the payment. Each of the cars’

plates were made by a car rental service that had posted a supercar event that very same night as a means to cloak the heist as best as possible. Of course none of the drivers were told to talk about this unless required to.

“Thanks.” Said Jeremy as his heart practical y tore through his chests, he started to think the lady could hear the thuds.

“Wel you drive safe sir, and enjoy the ride.”

Jeremy exhaled profusely as he rol ed up the window and stepped on the gas. If he had any reservations of how critical this al was, they were al useless now, the truth was al a blur and al he could do now is drive until whatever was supposed to happen, happened. The camera that captured the vehicle was clear enough to capture his face too. He only wore a cap, some slightly tinted shades and a polo neck jumper. If his face was spotted, he was going to get caught one day.

He looked in his rearview mirror as he drove off but couldn’t make out what the two flashes that

appeared right next to the booth, were in the convertible were. He drove on, knowing that there was a lot he could no longer tel about his future…al he had was the road, a warehouse and the promise of a two hundred thousand pay off.


No radio, just the faint mumble of the engine was al he had to get him through the darkness and into the light of the dawn. It was a new day but he was going through the same thing that he had embarked on the day before. He saw his phone flicker as messages rol ed in. A missed cal from one of his schoolmates at 5am was enough to know that he had to wrap things up as soon as possible. Jeremy was always a very observant and careful person, which was why he was the guy for the route plotting but when he was in a grey area like he was on the way to the city, he became restless and there was a high element of doubt creeping in as to whether the entry into the city he rarely visited was going to be as smooth as he hoped. He turned on the radio just incase there were any alerts about the missing vehicles, but it was al normal stuff on every station. Nothing but regular early morning chit chat.

He started to feel hope and the rush made him somewhat rampant. Driving at 160 km/h was not a speed to get jittery, any slight jerk and he would end up with a damaged vehicle or worse, dead.

He kept his hands firmly on the steering wheel as he played the radio station everyone listened to back home. They had kicked off the early bel s music show that played mixes of house and indie to get people into the mood. Even though he

always missed the show as he was usual y asleep, the morning drive was the exception when he realized how much he was missing out on. The mix helped him not overthink the magnitude of what he had done and there was little he could do but continue at that point. The distance he had already covered was by far too large for him to just get out and turn back. The convertible that was behind him at the tol hadn’t overtaken him, which had him thinking, maybe those flashes were pictures being taken but what a coincidence that it should happen right as he had gotten involved in a heist worth mil ions, at the tol booth as he drove passed for the first time in months or maybe even years. The more he thought about it the harder it was for him to just stop and get out of the car. It was too risky and to leave a car like that in the middle of nowhere with no means of getting back home in an unsuspecting manner was an obvious way of not getting away with it.

He drove on. The view on his right was breathtaking as the sun peeped over an ocean he had never crossed. It was the perfect backdrop, if only the car was his and if only, he had a beautiful girl to complete the moment. He was alone and that was how it was. The city was right by the coast, which made it quite attractive to the various people that visited it. He could already

see it in the distance and once again his heart raced with anticipation. Just the tol booth, absolute silence on the radios, some weaving to the warehouse and everything was going to be alright. The thought cooled his body core but never comforted his suspicions. He was a criminal now but he had gotten away with it…so far.

He couldn’t believe that despite driving at such a speed he hadn’t yet met or overtaken any of his friends. He had passed some other vehicles along the way. Each he overtook with a suspecting glare but none of them were his friends or the authorities so he just continued. Eventual y the city grew close enough for him to make out some of the buildings that were positioned at a higher sea level than others. The faint sunshine painted some of the most breathtaking scenes he had ever seen of the city. Should’ve taken some pictures, he thought to himself. The thought lingered and eventual y he gave in to the temptation. He slowed the car down and took a panorama picture of the entire scene [which included the fancy-gril ed sports car]. As he got back in the car he could hear a v12 engine ripping through the road. He could see it approaching with its lights on. Surely it had to be one of his friends. It was Clive. He was driving the metal ic candy-coated two-seater roadster.

As Clive approached Jeremy, the car slowed down until he reached a halt, a few meters in front of Jeremy. He opened the car door and for the first time since arriving at the car dealership, there was an exchange of words between members of the group.

“Did you run out of gas or something?” Shouted Clive.

“No man. I was just taking a few pics….I couldn’t resist it.”

“Wel then I might as wel too, if you go down you need a backup.” They both smiled and parked their cars next to each other as they took a few quick selfies and some quick videos too. Before they left Linda and Boris who fol owed each other also pul ed up next to them and before half an hour had passed, al six cars were parked next to each other and there was a group photo with al six cars in the picture. They were happy to al be together.

“Why does this feel like the bad luck sneak peek before a wedding?” Asked Linda as the group posed for the final selfie Boris was taking.

“Coz it might just be, let’s go guys. We’re almost there.” Clive rushed out of the frame right after Boris took his picture and drove on, pressing a

little too hard on the accelerator as he did so.

Everyone else fol owed through, each driving at the speed they had already grown comfortable with. Jeremy ended up in front again as he was driving a good 20km/h faster than everyone else.

The meeting made them forget about the danger they may have to face, and it was a wel -deserved break. The group hadn’t expanded too far apart but soon Jeremy couldn’t see Dora who was the slowest of the drivers at 120km/h. The road felt empty again but there was now more traffic which made the free flowing overtaking a lot less consistent but eventual y Jeremy arrived at the tol that welcomed motorists into the city. There was another brief halt as he paid again. Again, no questions asked just smooth and with no problems.

Had they gotten away with it? Had they just made the heist the town would forever be talking about if the perpetrators were to never get caught? The questions flooded in as the car weaved through the city roads. They were in the city. The place with al the surveil ance in the world but despite that, he had never felt so close to getting away with it.

The drive continued. Paying attention to the roads as he made the turns to the warehouse, his

heart raced and the reality slowly started to sink in. The journey was almost done. He turned into the road where the warehouse entrance was said to be, the road was empty and without a single sign of disruption. The heist was almost done for Jeremy. He pul ed in and honked twice as they had told him to. He waited but nothing happened.

He was about to honk again before he remembered what was discussed; no matter what you do, do not honk again. He waited. After two minutes of waiting, the warehouse door lifted slowly. Jeremy’s heart raced. This was the stuff he saw in movies but now he was living it. He never realized just how intense it real y was until now but it was worth it.

He drove in and the doors closed behind him. The warehouse was wel -lit and three floors tal .

Though there was nothing between the ground and the roof, it was stil a very enclosing space. He circled the car and parked it in the middle of the room. He didn’t get out because he wasn’t sure what to do. He waited, and a few minutes later Clive drove in with Linda and Boris close behind.

Soon al six of them were in the warehouse. Al cars in good shape and not a single alarm raised, at least none that they knew about. They al stepped out of the cars, having stayed seated until everyone had arrived, as though they had

rehearsed it.

Clive was smiling from ear to ear as they al walked to each other. Linda wore a smirk whilst Jeremy and Boris remained unstirred [or at least that’s what their facial expressions exposed].

Dora and Owen were already walking together to the supposed central meeting point that had spontaneously appeared out of nowhere. The group was happy to have made it this far without raising the alarm bel s that would’ve tainted the whole gig. They al met and huddled together as though having that al important team pep talk before a footbal game. Just as Owen was about to make the success speech no one else knew how to conjure, a door opened in the back of the warehouse and the huddle scattered to face the figure that approached them. A man walked in with a black bag. He was wearing a suite and was on the phone as he walked towards them. The large rear doors split open giving way to three long trucks with containers as they reversed in.

He hung up and approached the group.

“My champions. Regards from the rest of my col eagues. What you have achieved here is wonderful. I was only expecting five vehicles.

What changed?”

“There was an extra but the driver wil not be with us after this point. He is the one the cash is for.”

Spoke Owen.

“And who might that be?” The man looked extremely posh and wel presented. If they never knew any better, the man could’ve been a model.

Clive stepped forward.

“I can receive the bag, is it al there?”

“Come on kid, you’re the rookies in al of this. We don’t need al of that. Not now! Don’t tip the scale in your failure.” The trucks parked and the ramps were

pul ed






uninterested in Clive’s theatrics. He handed him the bag but didn’t let go when Clive tried to take it.

“We’re barely halfway, don't be the one to blow up something good son. You take this money and forget everything you achieved.” The man looked him in the eye as he spoke. His glare was stern and unshaken.

“It’s me!” Said Jeremy. He stepped up and took the bag.

“I’m okay with you having your boy’s back but at this stage, and this goes to al of you…set your stage right and your people wil be alright. Now

let’s have those keys. Time waits for no one.”

“Thank you.” Jeremy nodded and stepped back.

Though the hard part was done, he suddenly felt the weight of the trip back home. He looked at his watch and it was already 7am, there’s no way he was going to make breakfast now. A bus ride worth two hundred thousand and an entire army of suspicious authorities. The easy part was starting to look a lot less simple as he stood there and watched the cars get loaded. The car Jeremy was the last one to be loaded and for a moment he wished his next move wasn’t the loneliest and scariest U-turn he had ever made but it was no time to fantasize. He said his farewel s to the group as their SUV arrived to transport them to the private air strip at the edge of the city.

“Not bad for a couple of high school weirdos huh?” Said Clive as he tried to hold back the emotions.

“Nah, this is great for a couple of high school anybodys. I’m gonna miss you man. Thanks for everything.” Jeremy leaned in for a hug.

“You be safe bro. I’l see you again and whatever you do … always remember that you are loved …”

Whispered Clive. Jeremy nodded and the moment’s emotions flooded the space.

“Oh, for crying out loud you two, we’re gonna be rich. You can kiss up on some beach somewhere, but we must go now and Jay?”


“Don’t change your name … you’re the anchoring rudder now.” Said Linda as coyly as she always did when she was trying to hide her emotions. Again, Jeremy nodded. The group turned round and walked towards the SUV. Jeremy turned and took the door that led to an al ey that evaded the cameras down the street. The intercity bus terminal was just a couple of roads down and as much he wanted to take a cab and run; something compel ed him to just take a walk. After slipping out of the black top he wore, revealing a grey T-shirt, he felt like he was ready to run home and just col apse. The walk to the station was never something he had adequately planned for and if ever there was a moment where he could have been caught that was it. His heart raced as he took the slowest quick steps he had ever taken his life. Carrying an entire two hundred thousand as he tried to walk as ordinarily as possible. He never thought much as he walked but for the first time, he was trying to walk as normal y as he could. It didn’t help much so he just walked and realized that getting caught was as inevitable as

getting away.

The walk to the station was the grey line that partitioned getting away and getting caught. The truth was, up until he got caught or died, he would be walking that line.

He reached the terminal without a single provocation, like nothing had even happened.

Getting away with it had never felt so good but the grey line feeling remained like a kryptonic fragment lodged in his thoughts. Constantly reminding him that he had only gotten as far away with it as he hadn’t been named or caught. He paid the ticket fare back to his hometown and sat in one of the rear seats of the coach. It was an entire thirty minutes before the bus started off.

His phone was stil on silent, but the notifications were a handful. He opened the messages, and the texts worried him. The heist had been caught and the headlines were already buzzing. .He had been silent for long enough. It was 8am and as the bus drove out of the station, he started to wonder if going back home was the right decision. His head swirled as he read through the messages from his family.

Bro, mum n dad are PISSED! Just stay with your mates til they calm down.

Read a message from Tory. Jeremy told him he would be back before nightfal . He told him to tel his parents that he and his friends had been up late hanging out and if anyone else asked him, he should tel them the same thing. He didn’t respond to his father’s texts and cal s because he was going to demand a ful briefing upon his response. He browsed through some of the group chats, and most were talking about the heist and who could be responsible. Everyone had some crazy theories about drug lords and king pins from different countries or thugs that had probably bribed some locals too. The girl that sat next to him was listening to something in her headphones but noticed that Jeremy had remained fixated on his phone the whole time.

Not even bothering to look up when the bus passed the first tol booth.

“Did you hear about the twenty mil ion motor heist?” She asked as she turned and faced him, taking off her headphones whilst doing so.

“Yeah, reading about it right now, it's crazy how it was even possible.” He said, trying not to look too evasive.

“I think the criminals are stil in town and are probably laying low.” She said, hoping to get some tabloid-like response from him based on nothing

but speculation.

“I don’t know. The authorities are probably gathering intel. I think the cars are trackable so, they’l probably find them anyway.” Jeremy hated that he had to keep the conversation going. He was afraid to give out information that could put him on the wrong side of the grey line. They continued to chat about what they would do with that kind of money. She said she would go on a holiday with her friends, he said he would build a business.






speculating, the conversation took a direction that






continuing to talk. After what felt like ages, the bus entered the town. They had to pass through several roadblocks as the authorities were monitoring traffic. They had no idea that the cars they were looking for were long gone and that one of the perpetrators was returning into the town, carrying two hundred thousand cash whilst doing so. Though Jeremy was practical y petrified by this, he also felt like a king. Weaving the roads that were laden with cops who al had no clue he was about to get away with the heist of his life.

The bus turned into the terminal and Jeremy and his travel buddy both left the bus. He got her number and told her that he would cal her for dinner later. Though real y, it was just the

formality he felt he had to orchestrate to keep his guilt suppressed, deep down he did want to take her out. Besides, he had al the money to do that.

He ordered a taxi and rode it directly home, avoiding the temptation to buy any snacks along the way. He got home and his dad and mum were already away working. Everything was almost al done and dusted, the heist was done and Jeremy was back home, wondering what to do with the two hundred thousand cash that was now al his to spend. His brother welcomed him back and asked him what was in the bag.

“Clothes and stuff man but just keep it to yourself hey … it’s not like they need to know anyway.”

“You know, there were like ten cars stolen from my friends’ parents’ car dealership last night.

They think it was done by someone they know…”

“What are you saying Tory?”

“I think the guys that did it are the guys I was tel ing mum and dad about last year. The motor cyclists that rode through town for a week without anyone knowing anything coz they were so wel behaved. The only noise that they made was with their bikes.”

“Don’t open your mouth too loud, kid. This is serious stuff. Don’t put ideas in their heads man,

even if it was those guys, if they don’t get caught and they find out who snitched, they’l be trouble.

The hurtful kind. Just focus on school, man.”

Though it was nice to know his family wasn’t suspecting him, Jeremy was worried by Tory’s ideas. Though the bike gang were the perfect suspects, it wasn’t something to toy with because as far as Jeremy knew, they had nothing to do with it. But then again what did he real y know anyway.


The moment of the heist flashed through his memory as the hidden doors parted ways. Behind them was a low lit space and a series of metal bars that were the arms of an underground garage. The gears turned as the car selected made its way to the front and as it did so a man walked in from behind the wal and into the doorway. His face was familiar and that sent Jeremy into hysteria as he failed to believe who he saw.

It was Clive. After al these years, he had final y shown his face. Seeing him took Jeremy away from the suspense of the car Olympus had

in-store for him. Clive had stolen the show. The car was brought forward and was lowered into the viewing space.

“Mr. Akanje, meet Flamet Grei. He’s the handler for your car driving test and your go to guy.” Said Floyd as Jeremy couldn’t hold back the smile.

Though Floyd thought the smile was because of the car’s appearance, which pleased him very much, the truth behind the smile was the reunion Jeremy had been looking out for. It had been a decade and what a wait it had turned out to be.

“Hel o Mr. Akanje, I see you like the vehicle. Shal we take it for a spin? There’s a lot of catching up for you and I’m glad that I have the opportunity to walk you through it.” Clive [who had changed his name to Flamet Grei] was smiling too. The reunion was complete. Jeremy didn’t know what to expect after the day of the heist, but this was far from anything he had dreamt of. There was a space between the garage and the wal that al owed for the car to be driven out of the Olympus office and into the street.

Clive showed Jeremy how to get around the car right there in the garage. Floyd had already left the room and left Clive and Jeremy to it. After a few minutes of orientation they decided to take it for a drive.

“Everything in the car is monitored, so I warn you before you decide to throw any parties, consider that fact.” Said Clive as Jeremy smiled in anticipation to talk about the past. He withheld his comments and realized that maybe this wasn’t the time or place to discuss.

“You know Flamet, I would love to know al about the car and the company I’l be driving. Are you free for a few drinks after office hours? I know a bar that could be perfect for that.” Jeremy wasn’t going to let the snoopy people behind the potential in-car recording get in the way of meeting up with his dear old friend.

“I wouldn’t mind that. In fact, tonight is the only night I have. I have some friends to meet up with tomorrow. I can make time but first let’s get you oriented.” Jeremy turned the car on and the quiet whistling like purr of the car’s engine was because of its anti-gravitational setup. It always hovered but when not on, the drive hummed very, very quietly. They drove out of the garage and into the street. There were very few cars that looked like it and as a result, heads were turned at every sighting. The first hover car and it was a success. Jeremy couldn’t stop smiling at the reunion he had with his friend. He wished with everything he had that they could al meet again.

Though just Clive was enough to take his mind off everything, having the crew back together would’ve been the icing on the cake. Despite his wantings, if Clive was al he got, he was going to take it.

Driving the hover car around was easy and surprisingly comfortable. The hover effect made the road travel less bumpy and though the car was not yet programmed to stay within the boundaries of the city road where Jeremy lived, the roads in other cities already had sensors instal ed to guide the cars. They were soon to be instal ed in the city he was in too. He couldn’t wait.

“Of course, you as a certified driver can handle the awkwardness but soon these wil be everywhere and at that point the cars wil need censors to help with the common human traits of destruction. We’re a reckless species Mr. Akanje and technology is a gift that we have to teach to help us stay within the confines that keep our societies habitable.” Clive was holding back a smile as they drove around speaking like they didn’t already know each other. It made the reunion that much more fun. After taking the car for a drive around the city, they returned to Olympus and parked in the outdoor parking space. They both went into the glass building and

signed the contract that was to last five years.

Even if Jeremy left Forge within the signed period he was stil permitted to drive the vehicle with the option of renewing or exchanging the car for another. Every five years the contract stated that he had to bring the vehicle in for renewal of terms and conditions. The contract also meant that he agreed for quarterly inspections and was offered five free repairs and ten free services. Of course, if there were any repairs to be made he needed proof of deniability as his recklessness could not be paid for by Olympus itself. He signed it and he was given a key and a bag ful of cleaning gear and a few gadgets to help him enjoy being a part-time owner of the vehicle. The best part of the contract stated that there was to be the condition of ful ownership but only after a ten year window of maintaining a credible routine check-up. Off the shelf purchases were stil not in talks and though many found the cars extremely attractive, that one fact kept many away from wanting to drive one. Many preferred to wait for the cars to be available for mass production and purchase. Clive and Jeremy exchanged numbers and agreed to meet at 6:30pm at Haven’s Corner

[the bar he was talking about earlier].

After returning to work, Jeremy cal ed his family back home and showed them images of the car

he had been granted. Claire offered to come to the office space to pick up the other car.

“We look forward to seeing you after your meeting with your friend. Your brother is also arriving soon, so we’l al be together.” Said Jeremy’s father. Jeremy’s brother didn’t enjoy traveling much but he was always up for a flight because they didn’t last so long. However, something told Jeremy that the hover car was going to change his brother’s mind. Nothing sways someone’s beliefs and opinions like something that combines what you dislike about something with what you’re wil ing to tolerate.

After the cal , Jeremy continued to go about his work. He took into account to go through the ship’s manifest as soon as he had settled down for the night back home.

Claire came to pick up the car at 4pm and he showed her how his new hover car looked.

“Wow, this is some futuristic stuff hey. I would love to drive around in this. Maybe this is the one I should be taking back home.” She said with a giggle.

“No, I real y think that would be a little risky, you can drive as you’re my partner but I stil need to get a kick out of this beauty before trusting it to

drive anyone else.”

“Said with the utmost professional courtesy.” She said with a slight hint of humour.

“I’l just hang onto these for now but babe, try to come home as soon as possible please. There’s a lot about today that hasn’t been resolved and though no one is trying to rush things…this was a real y serious day, we al felt that…okay?” Claire kissed Jay’s cheek as she reminded him that though the mystery made sense to him or at least seemed to, he stil had a lot to answer for, having cal ed his family al the way from home.

“Believe me, I have not forgotten…” He said as he walked her into the black sedan he drove to work in. She drove off and for the first time that day Jeremy felt as though things were not so misconstruing.

It was 5:30pm and everyone was leaving the office. Jeremy was on his way out when Shea cal ed to him.

“Loving the hot wheels lover boy?”

“You need to work on that notation you have of me, Shea. It’s bound to raise al kinds of hel . ”

“Oh but hel is nowhere close to you baby boy, your wheels don’t even touch the ground

anymore…” She said as she walked up to him.

“I’m serious Shea…I’d appreciate it if you kept our interactions here professional. However, to answer you, yeah the car is alright…stil need to see what it’s capable of. Look, I need to go, I have to be somewhere.” He was waiting for the elevator to come up and she stood next to him.

“Can I tag along?”

“No. Don’t you have an event to attend to? It’s a big city, ladies like you have somewhere to go al the time.” He said as the elevator doors opened.

They stepped in and the lift started to descend.

“Funny enough, tonight’s free for me but hey, you’re right, it’s a big city there’s a mil ion things to do other than start a car club right?” Her stare was as provocative as always.

“Wel , the truth is … if a car club is what you were real y looking for . you might as wel start at the dealership than with the fel ow workmate you always seem to scare off.”

She laughed. The doors opened and they walked out.

“Wel , where’s the fun in playing cat n mouse if there’s no chase? I’l see you around lover boy.

Drive safe!.” She said as they parted ways.

Jeremy got into his brand-new car that had an AI to help him switch between manual and auto driving. Though auto driving was best advised for roads with sensors, he wasn’t interested in letting go of the control. He hovered his way to Haven’s Corner and cal ed Clive along the way.

“Hel o Sir, am I to assume that you wil be arriving as scheduled?” Asked Jeremy as he smiled to himself, imagining Clive doing the same.

“Yes indeed my dear sir, I shal indeed be in attendance. As a matter of fact … I’m just two shops away. I look forward to our convergence.”

His words made it obvious that he too was stil having a good time.

After the cal , Jeremy passed by a winery to pick up a wine for his family back home and also got one that the bar never had in store [hoping that they wouldn’t refuse entry of a foreign beverage]

and continued to the rendezvous.

It was al smiles when they met. The mood was light and it was right. They both had a heap of tales to tel each other but they had such little time that for the first few minutes al they did was just ask each other questions about al kinds of stuff.

“The entire gang has stayed together man. We’ve

been weaving through jobs but we’ve landed the biggest score of the century with this company.

We’re contractors now Jay… we’re rich, man.”

They both laughed whilst drinking the wine that the bar graciously al owed him to bring in.

“So before you tel me about the whole charade, where is everyone else in the gang?”

“We’re al stationed at a location we can’t disclose. This is because we’re stil the same kind of gang we were the day we split. We’re not takers anymore but we’re not exactly white col ar either. Look Jay, I have to be straight with you.

You’re in the big leagues now and we’re the smal cogs that keep it running. What you’ve embarked on is global, man…like you’re literal y closing in on decision making positions that can and likely wil change the course of humanity and that’s not me being nerdy n whatnot. You’re at the top of the food chain now daddy-oh. Whilst you sit here and enjoy that wine, that hover car you’re driving is the product of an initiative to close some major energy deals. I wanted to see you the second I saw your name pop up in the clientele list one of our sources showed us. It was al a lucky grab man. I’m placing neck and limb on the line here Jay. Forge is tying bonds with companies that are looking to just dominate completely. I’m not

talking about business only either. I’m talking interplanetary travel and even with some rumors of life being found on other planets, like for real for real, you can imagine the kind of stuff people are imagining their companies should be able to achieve. It’s crazy and the company you’re working for just made some serious moves that are edging its competitors to some real y desperate reactions.” As Clive spoke. Jeremy’s stomach sank. He knew things were serious but he had no idea that he was so close to being a part of it al .

“What are you talking about man?”

“Mr. Akanje, you’ve bought a V.I.P ticket to a corporate war and the worst part is, you’re most likely cal ing the shots. Fine, you’re just doing your job and to be honest, this is the part I should stand up and leave because from this point on, you are getting intel that any normal employee wouldn’t get unless they were involved in the real behind the scenes stuff … which both you and I know far too much about to act like it’s just casual talk. So what shal it be my old friend … are we continuing this conversation or is this where the parental control curtain comes down on our little show?”

“You know me better than that … I don’t know

why you’re even asking.”

“Wel , let's make it snappy. Forge recently had a shipment of parts leaked. To every employee, it was a missing delivery, some cal it the modern sunken ship of treasures. Real y, it was a deal that went wel to perfection. The crew? You can already guess, it has a reputation of making clean heists and it seems there are never any casualties. They were hired for this one job, it was going wel until … there was a mix up. A fuel/energy company that also had goods to ferry on that same shipment … fel victim to an agreement they were not directly involved in. The shipment had 30% of its foreign profit resting on the waters and it al went missing. This in turn created an anomaly that has had them trying to understand what the other companies that lost goods on that shipment have suffered. What they don’t know is, for those that knew what was going on, this wasn’t just a profit, it was an al iance. One that means military maneuvers are now looking for new automotive resolutions and as soon as the energy sourcing company is an al egiant…a complete redirection in mobility for mankind. Now this is where you come in. The decision is to be made by representatives from each of the companies but you see the dealership that






decision…because it's stil too closely tied to some shady areas. Which leaves one of two options, the new recruit to decide or the initial

“board seater” to push the button right?” Clive paused a moment. Jeremy nodded.

“Wrong! There are no new-seaters at the round table. Late comers eat bones my friend.

Whichever energy company wil be jumping on board…wil be walking the plank the entire time …

why? Because energy is useless without a vessel.

You’re the employee of the month kind of guy Jay but soon … you’l be the shot-cal er and I bet you, that al -hel -broke-loose decision … it’s going to be presented as a series of companies that the company you represent wil chose to “partner”

with but when you read the intel and scratch the numbers, you’l find it's actual y an acquisition, an enslavement and by the time you get to the details of the persons of interest…it’s a monopoly and the energy company you may chose, is the scapegoat. In truth, it is actual y the ammunition.``

“So who am I fighting in this so-cal ed corporate war?”

“Every single business that is trying to pul off the exact same thing. You’re walking a bridge of dotted lines now my friend and each dot is a stepping stone that could lead you on or destroy

you. I wish you came with us that day but the second you made that U-turn your role in al of this changed. This is as close as we can ever come to hanging out now.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s the burden we chose to carry. We al wanted the riches.” Jeremy tried to keep the mood light but it was obvious his path was taking turns that his friends were not in need of maneuvering. Clive was always the closest to Jeremy and he never at any point doubted that Jeremy was capable of pul ing off magic.

“Just don’t forget that even Superman needed a job to be superhuman. You’re only human bro, don’t forget the things that make you human. Coz someday, those dotted lines wil blurr, the paper cuts won’t heal and you know what wil remain constant?”

“Do tel …”

“That’s up to you. I cherish your friendship Jay…if that day comes for me…I’d want you there as my constant.” Clive took a sip from his glass. The bottle of wine they had brought in was almost done but they had ordered a pitcher and some snacks, both of which they had not touched.

“You know, no one knows about that day. I stil have the pics stored away. I want to show my

grandchildren one day but I’m scared that, whilst I thought I would be showing them how sil y I had been and the days of my super mischievous youth days … I’m starting to think showing them wil just be about the faces and the cars … not the truth. That scares me.”

“You’re a rich man Mr. Akanje and you’re about to get richer … your world is built on confusion and fear.”

“Wel , cheers to the people that help us forget about it al and focus on what we need to do to find a way through.”

They toasted to the goodness of meeting up and even within the hour they had sat and talked, it felt that they had exchanged enough to feel good about never stopping to see the good in each other. They had a few snacks but the time was up for Clive who was on the clock to get back to his secret location where al the friends from the heist were al hidden.

“I’d love you to come and see us al one of these days. Before we al get too old. I don’t real y care how but it has to happen. If clean bandits had a mascot … you’d probably be its most righteous epitome. ” Clive said as he stood up.

“And richest … “Joked Jeremy as he stood and bro

hugged Clive. The pair both laughed heartily but they both felt the emptiness of not being together with their friends as a group and the weight of the decisions they both had already made and were to make. As Clive walked out of the bar, Jeremy sat back in his seat and held back the tears that had watered his eyes. It was a reunion worth bil ions but the money was the last thing he thought about. He sighed and leaned back in the thick leather seat. He drifted off for a few seconds before the waitress came in.

“Is everything okay sir?”

He propped his head back up quickly.

“Yeah, I think the alcohol is just kicking in.”

She smiled.

“Are you driving sir? We can hire you a chauffeur that can get you home.”

“I’m okay. If you can just bring me the bil and put the snacks in a doggy bag."

“Okay sir. I’l be back in a moment.” She cleared the table and left.

… to be continued …

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